Eph 221, 2/23/86; PPG 176; 1 Jn 102, 108, 116, 151; Rev 171




A.  The Principle of Momentum Testing.

            1. Momentum testing is designed for two reasons.

                        a. To provide the believer with the opportunity to apply doctrine he has learned at gate #4. You apply different doctrines to different situations, and some doctrines have a quite different application in our unseen worship with God.

                        b. To accelerate the believer’s momentum.

            2. No believer attains maturity apart from momentum testing.

            3. Spiritual growth results from perception of Bible doctrine. But spiritual growth is accelerated from the application of Bible doctrine to the categories of testing.

            4. All suffering is divided into two categories:  suffering for testing and blessing, and suffering for discipline and punishment.

            5. No believer can fulfill the plan of God and glorify the Lord apart from momentum testing.

            6. Therefore, some of the testing in the divine dynasphere is suffering, and some of it is prosperity. There are eight general categories of testing, four of which are for the purpose of application and acceleration of spiritual growth for the believer in spiritual autonomy.

            7. All categories of testing in the divine dynasphere are designed for blessing. Therefore, whether adversity or prosperity, the divine dynasphere is for your good.

            8. Human volition plays an important part in testing. For the believer must make the right decision based on his application of Bible doctrine, and his residence in the divine dynasphere.


B.  Categories of Testing. The first three tests listed are not specifically categorized as momentum tests as given to the believer in spiritual autonomy advancing to spiritual maturity. They are general categories of testing which occur in all stages of spiritual growth.

            1. The Old Sin Nature Test

                        a. The old sin nature originated from human volition. Man with his own volition invented the old sin nature. Adam’s old sin nature is the basis for perpetuating the old sin nature because he was not deceived, but knew what he was doing when he sinned. The woman first created the old sin nature when she sinned, but hers was a sin of ignorance.

                        b. So Adam’s original sin is imputed to mankind at birth. This results in immediate spiritual death. At the same time God imputes human life to the soul. In this way, God is able to save those who never reach the age of accountability.

                        c. Our personal sins are not imputed to us, but to Christ.

                        d. Man’s twenty-three contaminated chromosomes which fertilize the female ovum, which is uncontaminated by the old sin nature, pass on the old sin nature to each member of the human race. The exception is Christ, who received the twenty-three male chromosomes from the Holy Spirit, so that He was born without a sin nature, and no original sin could be imputed to Him.

                        e. The old sin nature is the inside source of temptation. No one ever sins apart from human consent. Volition is your authority in your soul.

                        f. Volition is the guardian of the soul from the temptations thrown up by the old sin nature. If the volition says yes to the temptation, then the momentum testing old sin nature controls the soul rather than the Holy Spirit. Gal 5 teaches this inner struggle. Human volition then is the source of all sin regardless of how the temptation came about.

                        g. Neither ignorance or inanity is an excuse for either sin or crime. You still wanted to do it and you did it, so you are liable for judgment.

                        h. There are two results of sinning.

                                    (1) The old sin nature controls the soul.

                                    (2) The believer enters the cosmic system.

                        i. Therefore, the believer is either spiritual, living inside the divine dynasphere, or carnal, living inside the cosmic system.

                        j. Most temptations come from within, from the old sin nature, but some come from without, from someone else’s old sin nature.

                        k. For the believer living in the divine dynasphere, all suffering is designed for blessing.

                        l. Therefore, suffering for blessing becomes momentum test.

                        m. For the believer living in the cosmic system, all suffering is punitive.

                        n. Suffering in the cosmic system is designed the give the believer enough objectivity to rebound. The first self-sustaining function of your priesthood is rebound; the second is operation Z at gate 4 of the divine dynasphere.

                        o. The believer uses the recovery drill, rebound, to get out of the cosmic system; then he uses the application drill to endure suffering for blessing.







Grace Function


Self-induced Misery

Suffering for blessing

Status Quo





3 stages/ faith-rest drill



                        p. 1 John 3:4-9, “Every believer who commits sin also commits lawlessness [enters the cosmic system]; in fact, sin is lawlessness [life in cosmic system]. Indeed, you know that He was revealed in order that He might carry away our sins; in fact, sin is not in Him. When anyone resides in it, he is not sinning; when anyone sins, he has not seen Him [through perception of doctrine] nor come to know Him [motivational virtue of personal love for God plus spiritual self-esteem]. My dear children, let no one deceive you, when anyone performs righteousness [the priority of virtue first] he is honorable, just as He is honorable. When anyone commits sin, he has become the agent of the devil, because the devil has sinned from the beginning. For this reason, the Son of Man was revealed, that He might destroy the works of the devil. At the moment when anyone is born from God, he is not sinning, because His seed [Holy Spirit] keeps residing in it [the divine dynasphere]; furthermore, he is not able to sin, because he has been born from God.”

                                    (1) No believer can sin when he is residing inside the divine dynasphere.

                                    (2) When human volition decides to sin, the believer ejects from the divine dynasphere, commits the sin and becomes involved in the cosmic system. Inside the divine dynasphere the believer can resist temptation through the application of doctrine.

                                    (3) In the cosmic system the believer only has one option, to escape through the use of rebound.

                                    (4) No believer ever sins apart from the use of his own free will.

                                    (5) In cosmic one the believer grieves the Holy Spirit; in cosmic two the believer quenches the Holy Spirit.

                                    (6) Only volition as the guardian of the soul can protect the believer from the pressure of temptation.

                                    (7) There are two applications of Bible doctrine in this gate: resistance of temptation and recovery from sinfulness.

            2. Cosmic #1 Test.

                        a. 1 Jn 2:15-16 “Stop loving the cosmic system, or anything in the cosmic system. If anyone keeps loving the cosmic system, the love for the Father [personal love for God] is not in him. Because all that is in the cosmic system, the lust of the flesh [old sin nature testing], and the lust of the eyes [motivational evil, gate 1, cosmic one], and the arrogant pattern of life [the function of evil throughout cosmic one] is not from the Father, but is from the cosmic system.”


Cosmic One

Cosmic Two

Grieving the Holy Spirit.

Quenching the Holy Spirit.

Emphasizes arrogance; self

Emphasizes antagonism of the in contrast to God.

Target: self.

Bible doctrine, Jesus Christ.

Emphasizes Satan’s attitude at the time of his fall.

Satan’s attitude at the time of man’s fall.

Satan’s philosophy in the prehistoric angelic conflict.

Satan’s philosophy during human history as the extension of the angelic conflict.

In cosmic one man is inculcated with the attitude of Satan before man was created: arrogance.

In cosmic two the believer is inculcated with the attitude of Satan as the ruler of this world after the fall of man.

Satan’s attitude as the ruler of fallen angels

Satan’s policy as the ruler of this world

Man becomes a slave to self

Man becomes a slave to Satan



                        b. Gate 1 cosmic one:  motivational evil includes all the mental attitude sins. Arrogance includes pride, jealousy, bitterness, hatred, anger, guilt, revenge, vindictiveness, implacability, self-pity, operation overthink.

                                    (1) Arrogant people are always satisfied with themselves.

                                    (2) Pride is a preoccupation with self which divorces the believer from the realities of life.

                                    (3) Arrogance is a real or imagined sense of superiority, which distorts life and the true perspective of human frailty, resulting in presumptuous self-righteousness and a false sense of destiny.

                                    (4) Prov 16:18, “Pride precedes destruction, and before a fall arrogance of life.” Ps 25, “Good and honorable is the Lord, therefore, He instructs the sinner in the way; in justice He guides the humble, consequently He teaches the humble His way.”

                                    (5) Jas 4:6, “God makes war against the arrogant, but He gives grace to the humble.” Cf 1 Pet 5:5-6.

                                    (6) Arrogance of achievement occurs to those who are promoted beyond their capacity from Bible doctrine in the soul. Achievement belongs to God; capacity and happiness belongs to the believer with spiritual self-esteem.

                                    (7) Arrogance motivates the believer to strive for success inordinately, to compete with his friends, to use people, to control people, and to accept approbation. The believer’s arrogant lust for ascendancy and success destroys his true scale of values. He destroys his personal sense of destiny and spiritual self-esteem.

                                    (8) Prov 11:2 says you are only teachable as long as you are humble. Arrogance always produces an authority problem, so that you cannot learn. Prov 29:23, “A person’s arrogance will bring him low, but a spirit of humility will attain honor.”

                                    (9) Job 33:16-17, “Then He opens the ears of men, and seals their instruction, that He may turn aside from His discipline and protect man from arrogance.”

                            (10) Isa 13:11, “I will put an end to the arrogance of the proud, I will humble the pride of tyranny.”

                            (11) 1 Tim 6:3-4, “If anyone teaches a different doctrine and does not concur with sound doctrine, those doctrines from our Lord Jesus Christ, even doctrine pertaining to godliness, he has received arrogance, understanding nothing; furthermore, he has morbid obsessions about controversies and verbal conflicts, from which originate jealousy, discord, evil speculations.”

                            (12) Jas 3:14-16, “But if you have bitter jealousy and selfish ambition in your right lobe, do not be arrogant and lie against the truth. This wisdom [from the cosmic system] is not that which comes down from above, but is earthly, natural, demonic. For where jealousy and selfish ambition exist, there is disorder and every evil thing.”

                                                (a) Achievement belongs to God; selfish ambition belongs to Satan’s cosmic system.

                                                (b) Achievement arrogance is the blasphemy of taking achievement away from God and placing it in your own hands.

                                                © When you achieve without spiritual self-esteem, your achievement is empty.

                                                (d) Achievement arrogance destroys happiness and replaces it with goading ambition.

                                                (e) Arrogance motivates to strive for success, to play the game, to compete from inordinate ambition, so that the success that is achieved is false and characterized by great unhappiness.

                                                (f) Doctrine is ignored as you climb the ladder of “success.”

                                                (g) God provides achievement with happiness inside the divine dynasphere, because you have spiritual self-esteem. You don’t depend on anything or anyone else except doctrine for your happiness.

                            (13) Blind arrogance comes from having no doctrine in your soul, so that you have nothing to apply to the problems of life. Therefore, you have blind arrogance or soul blindness. Blind souls are always looking for alleviation from their own self-induced misery. They are pleasure seekers. Believers without Bible doctrine are walking in the dark. Satan himself was blinded by his arrogance.

                            (14) Arrogance leads to irrationality. For arrogance destroys personal capabilities and resents those same abilities in others. What you destroy in your own soul through arrogance, you will be jealous of others, when you see those characteristics in them. You see yourself and resent the other person. A zero soul (no doctrine) converts morality into arrogant self-righteousness. Arrogant self-righteousness leads to crusader arrogance, because you have to feed your nothing-soul. When you get some converts to your arrogance, then you organize them and find something to attack. Arrogance builds up a whole system of zeros.

                            (15) Flaws in people are generally divided into real flaws from lack of virtue, or pseudo-flaws, in which a person’s flair is mistaken for a flaw in the character.

                            (16) Hang-ups are obstacles in the normal function of life related to involvement at gate one cosmic one. People who are arrogant become snagged in some form of subjectivity or abnormality. Hang-ups are pressure manifestations of cosmic involvement. There are two kinds of hang-ups: blind hang-ups which come from blind arrogance, the expression of arrogance without personality identity, and known hang-ups come from self- consciousness related to pride.

                            (17) Syndromes are the symptoms of arrogant hang-ups. These are symptoms typical of a condition, the condition being arrogance. The great enemy of momentum is the various syndromes.

                                                (a) The legalistic syndrome.

                                                (b) The guilt syndrome.

                                                © The emotional syndrome.

                                                (d) The fear syndrome.

                                                (e) The inadequacy syndrome.

                                                (f) The socialist syndrome.

                                                (g) The liberalist syndrome.

                                                (h) Anti-establishment syndrome.

                                                (i) Anti-semitism/prejudice syndrome.

                            (18) Mt 19:16-28 describes a flaw becoming a hang-up, and a hang-up becoming a syndrome, the legalistic syndrome. Morality minus virtue equals self-righteous arrogance. Morality plus virtue equals a problem solving device of the protocol plan of God. Morality is not an issue in religion, but in society. Morality is for the entire human race. Morality is designed to stabilize society. You cannot solve the problems of life with morality, only with virtue. Moral people do not solve their personal problems; they can’t, unless they have virtue. Morality is not a problem solving device. The resources for salvation are never found in morality. When you add virtue to morality, you eliminate the arrogance.

                            (19) The other eleven gates of cosmic one are all functional evil.

                        c. Gate 2, negative volition arrogance, is preoccupation with self, loss of self-values, loss of personality identity, loss of spiritual self-esteem, all lost due to apathy.                      d. Gate 3, authority arrogance, produces unteachable people.

                        e. Gate 4, self-righteous arrogance, includes crusader arrogance.

                        f. Gate 5, sexual arrogance.

                        g. Gate 6, criminal arrogance.

                        h. Gate 7, psychopathic arrogance, is usually induced through a life in cosmic one.

                        i. Gate 8, the arrogance of unhappiness, is subjective preoccupation with self.

                        j. Gate 9, iconoclastic arrogance, is subjective preoccupation with others.

                        k. Gate 10, intellectual and emotional arrogance, is also known as rational and irrational arrogance.

                        l. Gate 11, achievement arrogance, includes the arrogance of Christian service.

                        m. Gate 12, client nation arrogance, includes Christian activism and civil disobedience.

                        n. These attacks occur at each gate of the divine dynasphere and throughout our Christian life.

            3. Cosmic #2 Test.

                        a. This is Satan’s interlocking system of antagonism toward the Christian way of life and toward our Lord.

                        b. The direct attack of cosmic two is to cause believers to become antagonistic to the Word of God, and consequently, toward the plan of God.

                        c. While cosmic one produces arrogant preoccupation with self as a distraction to the plan of God, cosmic two involves the means by which one becomes antagonistic toward spiritual things. There are nine gates.

                                    (1) The old sin nature gate.

                                    (2) The negative volition gate now involves an antagonistic negative volition.

                                    (3) Cosmic degeneration, moral and immoral.

                                    (4) The anti-establishment gate.

                                    (5) The demonism gate is where we are influenced by cosmic thinking.

                                    (6) The gate of cosmic panaceas is about how we are going to change the world by our own effort without the plan of God and without the pivot.

                                    (7) The religious gate, the Satanic counterfeit.

                                    (8) The anthropocentric academic speculation gate is about trying to reconcile some academic subject with Bible doctrine, and in so doing compromise the protocol plan of God, your own spiritual life, and the academic subject.

                                    (9) The gate of concentrated evil.

                        d. The cosmic system is the tactical trap for the enslavement of the human race to Satan; it is a factory for the manufacture of losers.

                        e. The next five tests are those to be faced by the believer who reaches spiritual autonomy. They are a direct contribution to his attainment of the goal of spiritual maturity.

            4. Disaster Testing.

                        a. Before the believer reaches maturity, there are one or two major disasters in the life. How the believer handles these determines whether he accelerates his spiritual growth or retreats and goes backward.

                        b. There are two categories of disaster testing.

                                    (1) Personal disaster testing is designed as suffering for blessing for acceleration of momentum, or warning of cosmic involvement, in which case divine discipline becomes involved.

                                    (2) Historical disaster, collective disaster, or national disaster testing is related to the bad decisions of others in which you are involved by association. For example, a lot of people suffer unfairly when the president decides to go to war.

                        c. There are at least six characteristics of disaster testing.

                                    (1) Pain, e.g., physical or mental pain and anguish.

                                    (2) Crime, where you are the victim.

                                    (3) Persecution (not paranoia).

                                    (4) Privation, meaning hunger, thirst, exposure, fatigue.

                                    (5) Loss of loved ones, property, success, money, etc.

                                    (6) Disease and handicaps.

                        d. There are four characteristics of national disaster.

                                    (1) Violence, crime, terrorism, dope, murder.

                                    (2) Warfare.

                                    (3) Weather includes heat, cold, storm, blizzards, hurricanes, tornadoes.

                                    (4) Cycles of discipline.

                        e. Disaster testing always tests our emotions. In emotionalism you may seek to sue someone who is negligent, which is only revenge, and you become a loser. You can lose by gaining, and gain by losing.

                        f. The only wealth worth having is the wealth that God provides in escrow blessing. In this momentum test, there is always the temptation to take the easy route of money, security, fame, and lose forever the conveyance of escrow blessing. There is always the disaster that will make you prosperous. This is a test. You lose the chance of receiving your escrow blessing.

                        g. Historical downtrend is a maximum number of people in a given area living in the cosmic system.

                        h. There must be maximum faith, maximum spiritual self-esteem, maximum spiritual maturity if you are going to have your escrow blessing and pass the disaster test. Illustration:  See the Doctrine of Economic Depression.

            5. People Testing. (See the Doctrine of Love for amplification on personal and impersonal love.)

                        a. People testing comes in two categories.

                                    (1) In personal love or admiration, the object of your love often controls your life or provides for you unhappiness, unless you have attained spiritual self-esteem, spiritual autonomy, or spiritual maturity. In wanting to please the object of your personal love, you find yourself being a different person and not following your normal function.

                                    (2) In personal hatred or animosity, the object of your antagonism or irritation often has control of your life or happiness, unless you have advanced to spiritual adulthood.

                        b. Under the protocol plan of God, God designed His plan so that your happiness will always reside in you, and you do not depend on people or things for your happiness. As a function of your royal priesthood it all comes from within. You are supposed to have personal control of your life, a personal sense of destiny, self-confidence from metabolized doctrine, and therefore, poise and command of self. Therefore, you bring your happiness to others, but do not lean on others or circumstances for your happiness.

                        c. People are easily led away from the protocol plan of God and doctrine by their friendships, love life, and even hatred.

                        d. So unless you attain spiritual adulthood, every time you fall in love or acquire a friend, the object controls your life and your happiness.

                        e. Without impersonal love from spiritual autonomy, you become a slave to people. When you fall in love, look how you act, how you change your modus operandi, how you begin to think in different terms relating everything you do to that person.

                        f. So when you make a friend or fall in love, when you become jealous, possessive, when hate anyone who has it over you; you’ve immediately become a slave. You’ve manufactured for yourself many problems, and they’re not all the fault of the object.

                        g. The solution to people testing is found in the combination of personal love for God and impersonal love for all mankind. The function of spiritual autonomy in the use of virtue love. Spiritual autonomy is the prerequisite for solving all problems of human relationship, i.e., of people testing, also accompanied by system and thought testing. This combination only exists in the three stages of spiritual adulthood.

                        h. Virtue-love as a problem solving device belongs primarily to the spiritual adult. Without it, you are constantly surrendering the control of your life to others. When you become jealous, angry, bitter, vindictive, or implacable; when you are dissatisfied, antagonistic toward someone else, friend or stranger, lover or enemy; you surrender the control of your life to that person. You become a slave to the object of your antagonism or love. At the same time, you have no control over your life, canceling all the characteristics of spiritual self-esteem and spiritual autonomy.

                        i. When someone else has control of your life through hatred or love, you enter into the law of volitional responsibility with its self-induced misery.

                        j. Virtue-love as a problem solving device is the secret of your relationship with God, mankind, and in personal love. There is no built-in virtue in personal love, which only requires that another meet your standards of beauty, attractiveness, and rapport. Therefore, to make a personal love relationship work, the believer must use a virtue base totally outside himself. Otherwise, people will make him miserable all his life.

                        k. Personal love is only a virtue when directed toward God. Impersonal love is only a virtue when directed toward all mankind.

                        l. This means that through impersonal love, the believer has control of his own life and he maintains control of his own happiness. Therefore, disappointment, disillusion, frustration, dissatisfaction with others cannot mar his happiness under the principle of misery derived from getting your eyes on people.

                        m. Furthermore, once you attain spiritual adulthood, and you begin to function under the three categories of suffering for blessing, God becomes the source of your happiness.

                        n. People can only become a distraction to the fulfillment of the God’s plan for your life when human relationship becomes more important to you than Bible doctrine.

                        o. False priorities exist when social life, business life, sexual life take precedence over your residence, function, and momentum inside the divine dynasphere. When personal ambition is stronger than Bible doctrine, then the believer has lost his scale of values, his priorities.

                        p. So whether it’s love or hatred, attraction or animosity, romance or disenchantment, friendship or disillusion, these can distract you from the fulfillment of the protocol plan of God and the glorification of our Lord Jesus Christ; unless you have passed momentum testing. Momentum testing is a fantastic blessing from God. As suffering for blessing, it is the only way to bring tranquility into your life to make your relationships wonderful and worthwhile.

                        q. The reaction factor in personality conflict becomes a source of great irritation and misery to most believers today. The reaction in personality conflict is generally expressed through the arrogance complex as hatred, bitterness, maligning, judging, revenge motivation and function, all a source of terrible unhappiness.

                        r. When you react to people in some form of antagonism, they immediately have control over your life, so that you resort to either mental or verbal hostility or even violence. To recover control you must have impersonal love. Most believers never get this far.

                        s. Therefore, you destroy the person who has control over your life, and at the same time you destroy your own happiness when you are frustrated and react from any phase of the arrogance complex. Response and reaction to people become a distraction to momentum in the plan of God. Response results in cosmic evangelism, whereas reaction leads to motivational and functional evil.

                        t. This means you must derive your happiness from God and from His plan. When that happens, then all the pieces of the puzzle fall in place and your relationships in life become wonderful.

                        u. To avoid reaction in personality conflict, you must reside in your very own palace, the divine dynasphere, under the enabling power of the Spirit, with momentum from metabolized doctrine. This will bring you to spiritual adulthood when you have great happiness even while suffering for blessing.

                        v. When you can utilize impersonal love as a problem solving device in these three stages, you have made the greatest stride in your spiritual life. Impersonal love is the most obscure and underrated factor in the spiritual life today.

                        w. Since happiness is the monopoly of God and His plan, you cannot depend upon people or circumstances for your happiness. So if you surrender your happiness to someone else, you will blame that person for everything that goes wrong in your life. In personal love or hatred, the object controls your life. When you become upset with someone, you surrender the custody of your happiness to that person. When you blame them for your unhappiness, which is produced by your own volition, you have intensified the suffering in your life under the law of volitional responsibility. Grace disappears and you try to mold the life of those around you. You can no longer deal with your problems from the strength of your own priesthood.

Ÿ         As the believer grows spiritually in the divine dynasphere, he becomes aware of this pattern, rebounds quickly, and any suffering left over he can scoop up for blessing, and he moves on!

                        y. The real solution is related to virtue-love as a problem solving device, which is for spiritual adulthood only. Believers in spiritual childhood do not have personal love for God or impersonal love for all mankind. With the attainment of spiritual autonomy through spiritual self-esteem plus providential preventative suffering, you begin to peak out in the use of virtue-love as a problem solving device.

                        z. Up until you reach spiritual adulthood, you become aware that you are a person with a relationship with God. You realize God intends for you to be blessed, and for you to be strong in every situation in life.

          aa. Without being sustained by impersonal love, all human relationships are vulnerable to the tragic flaw syndrome. The influence of those whom you love can be detrimental and distracting unless you advance to spiritual self-esteem and spiritual autonomy. There are very few people who actually have control of their own lives; yet that is normal Christianity. Their lives are controlled by the objects of their affection. So there are very few believers who are spiritually self-sustaining.

          bb. You make your own decisions in your choice of friends and loved ones. But thereafter, they begin to make all the decisions for you unless you have the function of impersonal love. A man may be in charge of a large corporation, but in most cases women control men through guilt. Ladies find devious ways to make a man feel guilty because of his neglect, his failure, or his fading love. The woman is not using impersonal love, nor is the man who succumbs to her.                  cc. 1 Cor 15:33, “Be not deceived, evil companions corrupt good morals.” We create evil companions, by being intimate with those who distract us from Bible doctrine, by allowing them to control our life and happiness. Prov 13:20, “He who walks with wise men will be wise, but the friends of fools will suffer evil.” 2 Thes 3:14, “If anyone does not obey our doctrine through this letter, take special note of that person and do not associate with them.”

          dd. Jer 17:5-8 teaches the importance of personal love for God and spiritual self-esteem in people testing. “Cursed is the man who puts his trust in mankind; And makes flesh his strength; And whose heart turns away from the Lord.” Prov 9:7-12 says that in spiritual self-esteem you mind your own business and yet are friendly and intimate with others. Prov 10:8, 12 says that you are not insulted by being under someone else’s authority; “virtue-love covers all wrongs” means you protect the privacy of others. Prov 10:22; 11:13, 17, 22, “A virtuous person keeps a secret; kindness is beneficial to self, while cruelty brings oneself harm.” Prov 12:1,15; 13:10-11; 15:17, 32; 15:32; 19:3; 21:19.

                ee. So impersonal love does not function effectively until the believer attains spiritual autonomy. No one really becomes spiritually mature until his relationships are all handled by impersonal love from spiritual autonomy. The sooner your friends reach spiritual autonomy, the more tranquil your life will be because they will tolerate you as you are. Impersonal love is the sum total of the believer’s honor, integrity, and objectivity first acquired in attainment of spiritual self-esteem, but becomes strong in spiritual autonomy.

                ff. People testing is a part of cosmic evangelism by those you either love or hate. Cosmic evangelistic appeal is generally based on some form of arrogance, which may be disguised in the form of flattery, intellectuality or affection or even passion.

                gg. The moral cosmic evangelist is affectionate without being passionate, and with affection lures you into the cosmic system. The immoral cosmic believer is passionate without being affectionate, and with passion lures you into the cosmic system. In either case, friendship or sex become more important than Bible doctrine. Cosmic evangelism never attracts you through capacity for love, or honor or integrity or virtue. The tool of the cosmic evangelist is always arrogance.

            6. System Testing.

                        a. A system is an organization composed of people under the command of other people functioning under a policy which is designed to fulfill a specific objective.

                        b. The characteristics of a system are three-fold.

                                    (1) Authority.

                                    (2) Policy.

                                    (3) Objective.

                        c. The personnel under the authority can face system testing. The policy of management can also cause system testing. The objective of the organization can cause system testing as well.

                        d. There are seven general categories of different systems.

                                    (1) Business organizations, large or small.

                                    (2) Military services.

                                    (3) Professional organizations, such as medical organizations, law firms, engineering companies, law enforcement.

                                    (4) Ecclesiastical organizations, such as local churches, denominations, cults, theological seminaries, Christian service organizations.

                                    (5) Athletic organizations, such as professional, college, high school teams.

                                    (6) Divine institutions, like marriage and family.

                                    (7) Government:  national, state, or local.

                        e. There are good and bad organizations, systems, leadership, policies, and objectives. Your system testing may be from either category, good or bad.

                        f. Therefore, there are many areas of system testing related to people, policy, and purpose of any organization.

                        g. Because no one is perfect and because everyone has an old sin nature, personality, policy, and purpose conflicts will inevitably exist.

                        h. Generally, there are three areas of system testing.

                                    (1) The authority may give unfair and unjust treatment, as from management, the boss, supervisor, senior officer, coach, professor, government bureaucrat, husband, parents, etc. Favoritism on the part of management can inevitably lead to personality conflict in an office.

                                    (2) The policy may be unreasonable, or may conflict with normal living or with your own personal norms and standards, or it may be a stupid though still enforceable policy.

                                    (3) The objectives may be unreasonable or even impossible because of lack of ability in the personnel trying to fulfill them. Or there may be a conflict between your personal life and the objectives.

                        i. The greatest enemy to any organization is arrogance in its personnel. Arrogance is the great enemy wherever there are people. A second enemy is incapability; a third is laziness. Other enemies include distraction from wrong priorities and ignorance.

                        j. Again, every system has three categories.

                                    (1) A system of authority, of management, leadership, a chain of command.

                                    (2) An objective for that system, derived from management or from whomever makes policy.

                                    (3) A policy for the execution of the objectives of the organization.

                        k. Again, there are three areas of system testing.

                                    (1) Personality conflict in the organization.

                                    (2) Policy pressure on the individual believer who has reached spiritual autonomy.

                                    (3) Objective or purpose pressure in the organization.

                        l. The motivation for the believer in spiritual autonomy is always his personal love for God, occupation with Christ in gate #5, and his impersonal love for all mankind.

                        m. Therefore, he does not do his job to please men, but he does his job as unto the Lord. A person who uses this gate #5 as a problem solving device, with the attitude of doing his job as unto the Lord, will do a good job regardless of any unfair treatment or injustice in the system. With the motivation of spiritual autonomy, he can do his job under an unfair policy regarding his hours or work, under unjust treatment from management, and under unfair bullying regarding the objectives.

                        n. Spiritual autonomy always does the best possible job regardless of unfair treatment, unjust criticism, or even any form of job discrimination.

                        o. Spiritual autonomy does not complain. Spiritual autonomy does not become involved in organizational conspiracy.

                        p. The impersonal love of spiritual autonomy can always deal with any form of personality conflict. When spiritual autonomy is the victim of unfair leadership or unjust management or a rotten system, he deals with all the personality conflicts from his impersonal love. Here we see system testing as an extension of people testing.

                        q. We must always remember, regardless of our stage of spiritual growth, that while God is always fair, it is inevitable that man will be unfair.

                        r. Through the function of the faith-rest drill plus the right application of metabolized doctrine, the believer in spiritual autonomy will not complain but will put the matter before the supreme court of heaven.

                        s. Quitting is never a solution to system testing. People who always quit when the pressure is too great spend all their lives flunking system testing. They become losers in both spiritual and temporal life. The person who hangs in there and does a good job will be vindicated by the Lord and promoted by the Lord.

                        t. Passages regarding system testing.

                                    (1) Prov 24:10, “If you falter in times of trouble, how small is your strength.” You build strength by accepting authority even though you receive unjust treatment. Spiritual autonomy is never threatened by authority. When you accept authority under all circumstances, that is where you develop your strength. Legitimate authority is only effective where accepted by human volition of those involved.

                                    (2) Col 3:12-4:1, “Therefore, as the elected ones of God, sanctified and having been loved, clothe yourself with [acquire] compassion, kindness, humility, gentleness, patience [attributes of spiritual autonomy], bear with [tolerate] one another, and forgive each other; if anyone has a complaint against someone else, even as the Lord forgave you, so also you should forgive. And over all these virtues put on virtue-love, which binds them all together in perfect unity. And let the peace of Christ [spiritual autonomy] act as an umpire in your right lobes, into which also you were elected into one body; furthermore, keep on becoming thankful. Let the doctrine of Christ indwell you richly with all wisdom [metabolized doctrine], teaching and warning yourselves by psalms, hymns and spiritual songs [singing doctrinal songs is an aid to remembering something you’ve learned, you are teaching yourself], singing by means of grace in your right lobes to God. Whatever you do, in word or in deed, do it all in the name of the Lord Jesus, giving thanks to Him through God the Father....”

                                                (a) Though lucid and simple in its explanation, this mandate is very difficult to execute until you arrive at spiritual adulthood.

                                                (b) The explanation begins with the simplest of all systems: marriage, and starts with those under authority.

                                    (3) “...Wives, submit to the authority of your husbands, as is fitting in the Lord. Husbands, love your wives, and stop being bitter against them.”     (a) Here is the first leadership principle in life. Leadership can never afford bitterness. To the extent that leadership becomes bitter, leadership fails. There are many illustrations of this in the military.

                                                (b) The second most basic organization of family is now addressed, and again the first mandate is to those under authority.

                                    (4) “...Children, obey your parents in everything, for this pleases the Lord.”

                                                (a) Everything really means everything! Children have no rights except as the parents give, commensurate with their sense of responsibility.

                                                (b) The idea that children should have their way is absolutely idiotic, and is the reason for two degenerate generations today that could destroy the USA as a client nation.

                                                © Of course, parents aren’t perfect, especially today with the radical change in values and standards. The parents today are irresponsible because they were irresponsible children.

                                                (d) So system testing for children is inevitable. Parents’ mistakes, if not too many, are often a very good thing.

                                    (5) “...Parents, do not be embittered with your children, or they will become discouraged.” Once again, the great enemy of leadership is bitterness, a part of arrogance. “Labor, obey management in everything, not with eye service as men-pleasers, but with virtue of right lobe, respecting the Lord.”

                                                (a) Why “in everything” again? Management often makes mistakes; leadership often fails. But management and leadership have the responsibility in a system.

                                                (b) “Men-pleasers” addresses our subject. Because one of the ways to flunk system testing is to butter up the boss, so that you receive preferential treatment. But this means the malfunction and inevitable destruction of the system.

                                                © “Virtue of right lobe” refers to gate #5 as motivational virtue of personal love for God and gate #6 as functional virtue of impersonal love for all mankind. So here is spiritual self-esteem under gate #5 and spiritual autonomy under gate #6 both brought together here.

                                                (d) “Respecting the Lord” is how you will pass system testing. You do it because you respect the Lord. You may not respect the leadership or the authority. But always we believers should respect the Lord in gate #5. Therefore, there is no excuse for our failure in system testing! Our love for the Lord and respect for God is the basic factor in solving the problem of system testing. If those in authority over you have poor judgment, that is not an issue to you! You respect the Lord, and you do your job to the best of your ability as unto the Lord. This is the simple requirement of you under authority.

                                    (6) “...Whatever you do, keep functioning from your own soul as to the Lord and not to man;”

                                                (a) This is the way you pass system testing. There is no other way. And you’ll always be the greater for it.

                                                (b) Children don’t always realize the importance of this. They never understand that whether they succeed or fail in life is often determined by their attitude toward their parents, their first authority in life.

                                                © This verse is spiritual autonomy solving the problem of system testing, and as a result moving on to spiritual maturity, as seen in the next verse.

                                    (7) “...since you know that you will receive the reward of your inheritance (escrow blessings]. You serve the Lord Christ!”

                                                (a) You remember, next time you’re under some unfair and unjust treatment, whom you serve!

                                                (b) “Jesus” is left out on purpose. Your authority is the Lord Christ. Jesus refers to His humanity and His humility. That’s not in view here.

                                    (8) “...Anyone who does wrong will receive the consequences of his wrong, and there is no partiality.”

                                                (a) Here is the law of volitional responsibility. Those who are unjust over you will sow what they reap. You don’t have to get even with them, straighten them out, quit, or be discouraged.

                                                (b) The supreme court of heaven will deal with them under the law of volitional responsibility.

                                                © You must understand how the law of volitional responsibility not only applies to you, but to others, so that you do not interfere in others’ lives. Once you focus only on serving the Lord Christ, the supreme court of heaven takes care of them.

                                    (9) “...Management, provide for your employees what is right and fair, because you too have an authority in heaven.” Management doesn’t get away with anything. Authority is responsible to heaven, to the Lord Christ.

                        u. When you are the victim of system testing, you must use spiritual autonomy and impersonal love motivated by personal love for God to meet and pass the test. To flunk system testing is a deterrent to momentum in the spiritual life. Man will always be unfair, but God is fair, and uses man’s unfairness to promote you. How you handle unfair situations determines whether you are ever going to get to maturity or not. Unfair situations frighten the believer who has no spiritual self-esteem or spiritual autonomy.

                        v. Flunking system testing often results in you becoming a part of motivational evil at gate 1 cosmic one, mental attitude sins.

                                    (1) You can’t feel sorry for yourself without becoming arrogant, bitter, seeking revenge. You cannot react to unjust situations. Reaction means taking the problem out of the Lord’s hands.

                                    (2) The supreme court of heaven is open twenty four hours a day. As soon as you react and go over your boss’ head, you lose your case in the supreme court of heaven. There never was a time when you didn’t put anything in the Lord’s hands that you did not come out ahead.

                                    (3) Example:  Joseph did a good job until he reacted and told the Egyptian aristocrat to remember him when he got out of prison. That caused Joseph to have to stay in jail for another two years. God used unjust situations to promote Joseph. He became a mature believer through system testing.

                                    (4) God will promote the person who passes system testing.

                        w. There is no such thing as an injustice that will not be rectified for your benefit provided you do not react.

Ÿ         Never run down those who have treated you unjustly in the past. With spiritual autonomy you do not feel threatened by past unjust treatment. If you have been bitter over unfair treatment recently, you have failed to pass this test. You are not allowed by the Word of God to have an unkind thought about any unjust treatment in the past. Separation with bitterness is flunking the test.

                        y. Spiritual autonomy has the power to accept authority in a system without becoming arrogant, bitter, disturbed, or upset. Spiritual autonomy has the power to handle unjust or unfair treatment or any authority problems. Spiritual autonomy carries out the policy of management without becoming discouraged, conspiratorial, or antagonistic. Spiritual autonomy fulfills the objectives of the organization, no matter how incompetent, insufficient, or unreasonable others in the organization may be.

                        z. System testing is a major source of peer pressure and ostracism.

                aa. Two courses are open under system testing.

                                    (1) The believer can quit or separate from the system. Very rarely is that the answer. You’ve missed the whole point of the test. You’ve become a loser by quitting.

                                    (2) The believer can cope with the system from the dynamics of spiritual autonomy. This is what is required.

                bb. Dealing with people requires spiritual autonomy and impersonal love. Dealing with policy and objectives of an organization requires flexibility or separation. If you stay in an organization you must be flexible.

                cc. Spiritual autonomy has the power to put the problems in the hands of the Lord Christ, and carry on without reaction of arrogance, bitterness, implacability, hatred, self-pity, revenge motivation and function.

                dd. Remember that what God does not remove, He means for you to bear.

                ee. Spiritual autonomy has the power to put the case before the supreme court of heaven and leave it there for a solution.

                ff. The system testing in any evil organization means separation would be in order. That is, if you’re a member of the communist party, quit! Your association with an evil organization means you will suffer its evils by association with it. Apostate churches fall into this category, whether it’s apostasy in a local church, a denomination, or a cult. Also included are criminal organizations, paramilitary organizations, or any other organization which seeks to undermine the authority of government through civil disobedience.

                gg. To avoid becoming a source of system testing to others, the believer should be familiar with the authority side and the requirement for a sense of responsibility. Here the distinction between management and leadership is important.

                                    (1) Leadership motivates. Management regulates.

                                    (b) Leadership establishes authority under virtue, integrity, and honor. That means fair treatment for all. Management uses enforcement of petty, bureaucratic regulations as a system of bullying and unjust treatment.

                                    (3) Leadership regulates authority. Management hordes its authority through bullying and unfair treatment of its subordinates, never delegating authority.

                                    (4) Leadership encourages efficiency and good ideas. Management resents good ideas and is really jealous of efficiency.

                                    (5) Leadership produces esprit de corps. Management creates frustrations, dissatisfaction, dishonesty, laziness, conspiracy.

                                    (6) Leadership creates integrity. Management creates inordinate ambition and destroys job integrity.

                                    (7) It’s important for a pastor to apply these principles to himself. A leader-pastor teaches doctrine faithfully, but in so doing, he does not personally interfere with the privacy of the priesthood of his congregation. By so doing, the pastor is a true leader, for he thus permits the Holy Spirit to make the point and to interfere into the lives of believers. On the other hand, the manager-pastor has inordinate ambition. He’s trying to gain the attention and attendance of many people. He’s full of lonely hearts gimmicks. He depends on programs and develops and promotes these, so that people don’t come to hear him, but to participate in all the activities. He uses these programs to attract and regulate the lives of those in his congregation.

                                    (8) The leader-pastor delegates authority to the members of his congregation. The manager-pastor retains all the authority for himself, and bullies or courts his congregation, depending upon his individual personality.

                                    (9) Leadership delegates authority. Management abuses authority. The leader-pastor establishes authority through Bible teaching. The manager-pastor establishes influence through programs, sharing, counseling, or through creating lonely hearts clubs and activities.

                            (10) Leadership produces legitimate response:  the ministry of the Holy Spirit in the perception, metabolization and application of doctrine. Management simply produces reaction.

                            (11) To fulfill the objective, leadership teaches; management bullies.

                            (12) Leadership gets attention. Management wants attention.

                            (13) Leadership improves government, military, law enforcement, business, academics, athletics, corporations. Management undermines the morale and the esprit de corps of the same.

                            (14) Leadership brings integrity into an organization. Management brings pettiness into an organization.

                            (15) Spiritual autonomy flourishes under leadership. Spiritual autonomy is tested under management.

                            (16) Leadership provides inspiration. Management provides system testing.

                hh. It is not your job to change an organization which is bad. Bad organizations are the subject of system testing, because they have bad systems and unjust authority. Fools often rise to the top in many organizations. A bad system always has its victims. Bad systems can destroy the honor and integrity of those who are in the system.

            7. Thought Testing.

                        a. Thought testing occurs at all stages of Christian experience, but its direct application as a part of suffering for blessing in momentum testing is the subject here. Thought testing occurs in all three stages of spiritual adulthood. In spiritual self-esteem, providential preventative suffering provides some preliminary thought testing, as noted in 2 Cor 12:10. In spiritual autonomy, momentum testing includes thought testing. In spiritual maturity, evidence testing provides definite thought testing.

                        b. To pass thought testing at any stage of the Christian life, the believer must have the following.

                                    (1) Pertinent metabolized doctrine to meet thought testing at a given stage.

                                    (2) The filling of the Spirit at the time of thought testing to make the correct application of metabolized doctrine.

                                    (3) This means the ability not to be distracted by false issues or to be misled by wrong priorities. These are a continual distraction in the Christian life. Actually, they accumulate a tremendous amount of self-induced misery under the law of volitional responsibility.

                        c. Mental attitude in the Christian life is the function of your thinking and the pressure of thought conflict in your soul. You will always have questions. If you’re patient, you’ll eventually receive the answers.

                        d. What you really are at any given time is what you think. All of us are constantly changing in our thinking. This can mean instability in life. You are not always what you appear to be on the surface. For mankind can hide his thoughts and become adept at the practice of hypocrisy.

                        e. Therefore, the real you is the thought content of your soul. Prov 23:7, “As he thinks within himself, so he is. He says to you, `Eat and drink,’ but in his right lobe [thinking] he is not with you.” This verse uses hypocrisy as an illustration of the fact that we are what we think, not what we do, and not necessarily what we say.

                        f. A thought can make or break you, depending on the nature of the thought. It’s either thinking derived from metabolized doctrine in your right lobe or thinking derived from the propaganda of Satan. One will improve you; one will break you apart.

                        g. Mental attitude is the function of thought in your own soul, not what someone else thinks. So as a person, your ability to cope with life, your happiness in life, and your attractiveness in life is based upon what you think. Many people lose the ability to think. In other words, you have to live your own life. You can’t borrow the thoughts of others; you have to do your own thinking, make your own decisions, handle your own problems.

                        h. Scriptural references to thinking.

                                    (1) Jesus explains failure in prayer as being based on wrong thinking. If your thinking is mixed up, your prayers will not be answered. Jesus said that when praying, don’t pray with meaningless repetition. This doesn’t refer to offering the same prayer repeatedly, but it means to keep asking for things that prayer is not designed to answer or provide. Prayer is not a general problem solving device. As Jesus said, “For they think that they will be heard for their many words.”

                                    (2) Mt 9:4, “Jesus, knowing their thoughts, said, `Why are you thinking evil in your right lobes?’”

                                    (3) The most important question in life has to do with thinking: “What think you of Christ?” as found in Mt 22:42 and 26:66.

                                    (4) Rom 12:3 addresses thinking in the Christian life. “For I say through the grace which has been given to me to everyone who is among you, stop thinking of self in terms of arrogance beyond what you ought to think, but think in terms of sanity for the purpose of being rational without illusion as God has assigned to each one a standard of thinking from doctrine.” All insanity and mental illness is related to arrogance of thinking. At some time in life you’ll be promoted to some area totally beyond your ability, and in arrogance you’ll accept this new position. This is a good way to allow life to crush you. To be “rational without illusion” means to have no illusions about yourself. Once you reach spiritual self- esteem, you begin to recognize your abilities, your capabilities, what you can handle and what you cannot.

                                    (5) Gal 6:3, “If anyone thinks he is something when he is nothing, he deceives himself.” Here is a thought breaking you.

                                    (6) 1 Cor 10:12, “Therefore, let him that thinks he stands take heed, lest he fall.”

                        i. Since thinking is such a crucial issue, there are mandates throughout the Bible with regard to thought testing.

                                    (1) Rom 12:2, “Stop being conformed to this world [age], but be transformed by the renovation of your thought, that you may prove what the will of God is, namely, the good [spiritual self-esteem], the well-pleasing [spiritual autonomy], the complete [spiritual maturity].” To be able to think, you must not only develop a vocabulary for life, but you must come to understand the technical vocabulary of the Word of God, the “renovation of your thought.” You can never prove to yourself what the “will of God” for your life is without renovation of thought.

                                    (2) Rom 12:3, “For I say through the grace which has been given to me to everyone who is among you, stop thinking of self in terms of arrogance beyond what you ought to think, but think in terms of sanity for the purpose of being rational without illusion as God has assigned to each one of us a standard of thinking from doctrine.”  You choose to be sane or insane.

                                    (3) The conflict of thought in the soul is brought out in Isa 55:6-9. Verse 6, “Seek the Lord [positive volition to Bible doctrine] while He may be found.”

                                                (a) This indicates that after failing to learn doctrine, there will come a time when you need that doctrine and won’t be able to get it. “While He may be found” means while doctrine is available.

                                                (b) For part of the punishment to a client nation is the withdrawal of Bible teaching.

                                                © When under divine discipline, a client nation has only two opposite forms of teaching:  those teaching the truth clearly, and those teaching false doctrine clearly. All the mish-mash in between is eliminated by the forth cycle of discipline.

                                                (d) So doctrine is only available up to a certain point. “Call on Him while He is near.” This means your prayers will not be answered if you fail to learn doctrine and its structured application for effective and dynamic prayer.

                                    (4) Verse 7, “Let the evil believer forsake his way, [negative volition toward doctrine must be reversed], and the unrighteous believer his thoughts. Consequently, let him return to the Lord. And He will have compassion on him; and to our God, for He will abundantly pardon.”

                                                (a) This is similar to what Paul says in Phil 2:2, “Make my happiness complete, that you may be thinking the same having the same love.” In other words, Paul said “Make my day! Come to Bible class and learn what I’m thinking.”     (b) He adds in Phil 2:5, “Keep on having this mental attitude which was in Christ Jesus.”     © Isaiah’s reference to the evil believer refers to those in both moral and immoral degeneracy. To forsake either evil way means you must learn divine viewpoint and doctrinal thinking.

                                                (d) You can’t forsake your way until you change your thinking: “the unrighteous his thoughts.” You develop a certain habit of thinking which makes the tracks of your life.

                                                (e) The last half of this verse means not only rebound, but the addition of doctrinal teaching.

                                    (5) Verse 8, “`My thoughts are not your thoughts, neither are My ways your ways,’ says the Lord.” Speaking during the forth cycle of discipline, Isaiah made it clear that the people did not have divine viewpoint.

                                    (6) Verse 9, “For as the heavens are higher than the earth, so are My ways higher than your ways and My thoughts higher than your thoughts.” So the whole issue is to learn the thoughts of God through Bible doctrine, the thoughts that are higher and greater, the thoughts that solve.

                        j. There are pseudo-solutions to life’s problems based on human viewpoint. Five are prominent today.

                                    (1) Rationalization is a pseudo-system for problem solving in thinking.

  It’s the function of the mentality of the soul in self- justification. This false solution blames everyone else for your failures and your sufferings.

                                    (2) Direct attack is the anger solution to the problems and frustrations of life. This is solving problems by temper tantrums, the total state of irresponsibility by refusing to take the responsibility for your own bad decisions. Direct attack has three objectives.

                                                (a) The satisfaction of approbation lust by focusing attention on self.

                                                (b) The satisfaction of power lust by controlling the people in your vicinity.

                                                © The gratification of inferior feelings by getting even under revenge modus operandi.

                                    (3) Defense mechanism is a system of mental attitude designed to divorce the believer from reality, and protect the mind against pressures which are too great for him to bear. This is the basis for sociopathic function, for drug addiction, for lasciviousness, etc.

                                    (4) Denial is the human viewpoint thinking of ignoring the problem in hopes that it will go away. This is the pseudo-miracle syndrome. This is illustrated by the classical attitude of the combat soldier who thinks there’s only one bullet with his name on it; therefore, all other bullets are not dangerous. Instead, the soldier should use Job 5:20-21.

                                    (5) Sublimation is the human viewpoint of finding a new outlet, a hobby, a new system of entertainment, a new drive for frustration. This is for the bored believer who seeks his happiness only in social life, sexual life, and pleasure. This believer has no capacity for life, love, or happiness, and therefore he sublimates by becoming a slave to some detail or details in life. These include such things as money, success, pleasure, social life, marriage; things not necessarily wrong, but distracting. Distracting things become wrong things when they take precedence over doctrine. This category can also include the system of trying to build your happiness on the envy of others; having and wanting things so that others will envy you. While most of the areas of sublimation are normal and moral in themselves, it is the mental attitude and priorities which cause the distraction to the protocol plan of God.

                        k. There’s a Biblical answer to pseudo-solutions related to thinking. 2 Cor 10:4-6, “For the equipment and the weapons of our warfare [spiritual] are not human attributes, but attributes of power by means of God [Father], against the destruction of fortifications [cosmic thinking], assaulting and demolishing [with Bible doctrine] speculations [cosmic thinking, human viewpoint thinking] and every obstacle of arrogance against the knowledge of God; even making a prisoner of every thought [contrary to the will of God] to the obedience of Christ; holding in readiness [metabolized doctrine as an instant reaction force] to punish all deviation when your obedience has been fulfilled.”

                                    (1) You can only capture erroneous thinking and supersede it with correct thinking by metabolizing Bible doctrine. This means that each stage of spiritual adulthood has the ability to destroy certain mental attitude deviations. The advance to spiritual maturity through residence, function, and momentum inside your divine dynasphere provides an instant reaction force, doctrinal viewpoint for the search and destroy missions in our spiritual warfare.

                                    (2) When spiritual self-esteem combines with providential preventative suffering to form spiritual autonomy, spiritual autonomy has dynamic force in this field of performing search and destroy missions, eliminating a new echelon of human viewpoint. So each advance in spiritual adulthood eliminates a certain amount of human viewpoint that is innate and resident in our thinking.

                                    (3) When spiritual autonomy combines with momentum testing to form spiritual maturity, spiritual maturity functions in a search and destroy mission to eliminate another echelon of human viewpoint. And when spiritual maturity faces evidence testing to glorify God in the historic extension of the angelic conflict, the last cobwebs of human viewpoint are removed from the thinking.

                                    (4) To the extent that we have human viewpoint, we have a permanent source of unhappiness! This is why believers so often oscillate between happiness and unhappiness, because there are too many areas of thinking that are strictly human viewpoint. When human viewpoint comes into conflict with divine viewpoint, instead of pushing aside divine viewpoint, there must be the search and destroy missions from your metabolized doctrine to eliminate human viewpoint from your life.

                                    (5) Each stage of the advance in spiritual adulthood destroys a battalion of human viewpoint which has infiltrated the mind, often since early childhood.                     l. Worship is a mental attitude. Perception and metabolization of doctrine is the major part of worship. This requires residence in the divine dynasphere. Jn 4:24 describes worship, “God is spirit. Those who worship Him must worship Him in Spirit and in doctrine.” “In Spirit” refers to the filling of the Spirit in the divine dynasphere. “Doctrine” refers to the perception of doctrine at gate #4.

                                    (1) The communion service is a part of worship, and is dependent upon memory, recalling who and what Christ is, concentration and application of doctrine to fulfill the mandate, “Keep on doing this in memory of Me.”

                                    (2) Even singing God’s praises is a part of worship. But without doctrine it is meaningless. With doctrine and divine viewpoint, singing God’s praises becomes meaningful. Too many reduce singing to a mere emotional response, which is not worship in itself. The significance of music in worship depends upon your doctrinal thinking. In its proper use, the lyrics provide the doctrinal thoughts and the music provides the emotional response; the two are balanced in the worship of God.

                                    (3) Giving is a part of worship. 2 Cor 9:7-8, “Each one just as he has determined in his right lobe; so let him give, not from mental pressure, or compulsion of emotion; for God loves a gracious giver.”

                                                (a) Giving is a system of thinking, from which you make decisions. But first there must be the proper attitude of grace generosity in the thinking of the soul.

                                                (b) Generous people habitually give because they already have a generous mental attitude; it’s simply a matter of deciding where to give and when. People without this generous mental attitude are calculated or stingy in their giving.

                                                © This passage even teaches that you can give with just your mental attitude even if you have no money.

                                                (d) A “gracious giver” is a person who has the divine viewpoint mental attitude of giving all the time. He may give money, a kind word, thoughtfulness, good manners, or of himself in many ways.

                                                (e) Giving is a mental attitude, not an overt act. Once you develop this mental attitude from metabolized doctrine, verse 8 applies:  “God is able to make all grace abound to you, that always having sufficiency in everything, you may have an abundance for every good deed.”

                                                (f) In other words, God in grace will provide the money or whatever other means and circumstances to match your mental attitude. God provides the right circumstances so that you can give your kindness, your thoughtfulness, yourself at a critical moment in another’s life.

                                                (g) God capitalizes your gracious mental attitude.

                        m. Inner beauty is a mental attitude, 1 Tim 2:9, 10, 15b. Inner beauty is an issue with the woman because the woman is a responder. Women have a special kind of beauty related to mental attitude. They have to have it because they’re responders, always under authority in every area of life.

                                    (1) Verse 9, “Likewise, I have made a command decision that women should make themselves beautiful by respectable, well-arranged clothing, associated with sanity of mind, not with emphasis on high fashion, hair styling, golden jewelry, pearls, or expensive clothing.”

                                                (a) Paul starts with overt beauty, defined by good taste in dress.

                                                (b) Note the corrected translation is “not with emphasis on.” There’s nothing wrong with these things, but they’re not the issue, and they’re no good unless you have the mental attitude of inner beauty. Women are not to emphasize these things to the point of distraction from doctrine.

                                    (2) Verse 10, “But what becomes fitting for women, being promised spiritual adulthood through intrinsic good accomplishments.” Inner beauty is a part of each stage of spiritual adulthood: spiritual self- esteem, spiritual autonomy, and spiritual maturity. Reaching these three stages are intrinsically good accomplishments as the three stages of the woman’s inner beauty.

                                    (3) Between verse 10 and 15b is a parenthesis which explains why the woman is under so many categories of authority in life:  she was the first sinner.

                                    (4) Verse 15b, “If they persist in doctrine and virtue-love [as a problem solving device], even experiential sanctification with stability of mind.”

                                    (5) In summary, while the woman has an exterior beauty from her dress, makeup, jewelry, and good taste, her real and greatest beauty is inner beauty from metabolized doctrine and its application. Inner beauty is a mental attitude that increases with each stage of spiritual growth. The real quality that makes a woman a lady is the inner beauty that comes from perception, metabolization, and application of doctrine.

                                    (6) Overt grooming complements inner beauty of the Christian lady who has attained spiritual adulthood. It is never spiritual to neglect grooming. It’s not a sign of sacrifice to God, but merely sloppy thinking from legalism. So Christianity emphasizes the inner beauty of the woman, but does not neglect her overt grooming. Overt beauty without inner beauty of doctrine is an empty dark house: beautiful on the outside but haunted on the inside.

                                    (7) The application:  a woman with inner beauty demands our respect and gets it. We’ve become a nation of peasants in our thinking and standards and actions. This is true of women today, who in self-righteous crusader arrogance, demand “equal rights” and “equal opportunity.”

                                    (8) However, every Christian woman has her very own portfolio of invisible assets, prepared for her by God the Father in eternity past, which provides her with God’s equal opportunity.

                                    (9) Furthermore, in the Celtic part of our Anglo-Saxon heritage, the woman is considered superior, not equal, to the man. Add to this the viewpoint of Christian doctrine, that the woman is loved, respected, appreciated, and the object of all chivalry and good manners.

                            (10) Today, the woman has two basic problems.

                                                (a) Her tendency from arrogance to try to control men through guilt, and to crusade for a greater role in society.

                                                (b) Her tendency to think of marriage as a problem solving device, and to try to continue to apply the doctrine of right man/right woman which no longer applies once married.

                            (11) The one who attains inner beauty, spiritual self-esteem, spiritual autonomy, and spiritual maturity has the complete admiration and respect of all. She is the jewel of society, great in every area of life.

                        n. Before reaching spiritual adulthood, thought distraction is primarily a result of cosmic involvement.

                                    (1) Thought distraction can be related to one’s arrogance in cosmic one. Hypersensitivity fails to pass thought testing because of the arrogance of the demand syndrome, in which the believer seeks to control his periphery. To do this he must distort or reject doctrine.

                                    (2) The most subtle and difficult test is thought distraction; preoccupation with self to the exclusion of Bible doctrine.

                                    (3) Thought distraction is also the result of one’s prejudice, inflexibility, unteachability, and inability to take objective criticism from the teaching of Bible doctrine. (The more prejudice we have, the less spiritual self-esteem we have; therefore, the easier to be distracted by prejudicial thoughts.)

                                    (4) Too often, doubts in thought testing result from neglect of the systematic teaching of Bible doctrine, setting up wrong priorities in your life, and lack of consistent living in the protocol system.

                                    (5) Too often, the believer tries to reconcile his favorite academic subject with the content of doctrine, e.g., philosophy, psychology, sociology, geology, anthropology, etc. If the Word doesn’t line up with one’s favorite academic subject, he rejects the doctrine.

                                    (6) Thought distraction occurs when the believer is not interested in the variety of subjects found in the Word. He is only motivated to listen and concentrate, when the subject interests him. The Bible is not your servant but your master. Sometimes you must wait for answers. All portions and subjects from the Bible are important to the believer.

                                    (8) The solution to thought distraction in spiritual childhood:

                                                (a) Rebound and consistency in taking in doctrine.

                                                (b) The three stages of the faith-rest drill:  claiming promises with our faith, applying doctrinal rationales, making doctrinal conclusions.

                                                © The metabolization of Bible doctrine.

            8. Prosperity Testing.

                        a. There are two categories of prosperity testing.

                                    (1) Individual prosperity testing, in which some form of success challenges the top priority of doctrine.

                                    (2) Collective prosperity testing, in which a city, state, nation, or group becomes very prosperous. The believer sharing in that prosperity becomes distracted from doctrine, lured away from the protocol plan of God.

                                                (a) Collective prosperity testing often results from combining the three categories of manifest destiny:  landed aristocracy, industrial complex, and the undeveloped frontier.

                                                (b) The entire society usually becomes very hedonistic, making pleasure the chief function in life. Hedonism is self-indulgence; the pursuit of pleasure to the exclusion of truth and doctrine. It contends that moral duty is fulfilled in the gratification of pleasure-seeking.

                                                © The pursuit of pleasure excludes the priorities of integrity both in establishment and in the Christian life. Collective prosperity testing challenges the society to choose between truth and hedonism.

                        b. Every believer must pass the prosperity test before he can achieve spiritual maturity.

                        c. Prosperity cannot bring happiness apart from the believer’s residence function and momentum inside the divine dynasphere.

                        d. Prosperity is the most subtle distraction to life in the divine dynasphere.

                        e. Our capacity must always precede our prosperity.

                        f. The only protection you have to pass this test is spiritual self-esteem. Prosperity cannot be accompanied by happiness unless the believer has spiritual self-esteem.

                        g. The cosmic system can offer you success, sex, fame, wealth, promotion, social and professional prosperity, but all these are without happiness and you make your own misery.

                        h. The prosperity test is vitally necessary before reaching spiritual maturity.

                        i. Passing this test consolidates the believer’s scale of values, making them consistent with the protocol plan of God, resulting in stabilizing the right priorities of life, and giving capacity to enjoy prosperity.

                        j. Passing this test means that the mature believer receives God’s greatest prosperity, the greater blessings of time and eternity.

                        k. If you are unhappy in the midst of prosperity, it means that you have flunked one of these tests.

                        l. When you have the same happiness in adversity as well as prosperity, it means you have passed the test. If you flunk any of these tests, you go backwards. If you pass any of these tests, you accelerate your spiritual growth.




 © 1989, by R. B. Thieme, Jr.  All rights reserved.
