David, #93




A.  Definition

.           1. Necromancy is a system of divination or a device for providing information, generally, future information.

            2. Necromancy is that system of divination that allegedly contacts the dead for information. The word is formed by combining the two Greek words, NEKROS meaning dead, and MANTEIA meaning divination, to mean divination by contacting the dead, or seeking information from the spirits of dead persons.

            3. In necromancy, two systems of fakery are used.

                        a. The function of a ventriloquist demon in a medium.

                        b. The use of mechanical devices to represent the presence of the dead.


B.  Necromancy is prohibited by the Word of God, Lev 19:31; 20:6, 27; Deut 18:10-11.


C.  All forms of divination are prohibited, since all are related either to Satan and demons or to some mechanical or chemical fakery.

            1. Astromancy is synonymous with astrology, in which one uses the stars for information. Astrology is sometimes psychological. It merely uses predictive, psychological factors which are bound to occur in the life of an individual. But it can also be involved with demon possession as in the case of Hitler and many other world rulers of history. Their success is related, not to the fact that they dabble in astrology, but because astrology brings them in contact with super demons called KOSMOKRATOR demons.

            2. Hepatoscopy is no longer practiced very widely except in Indonesia, certain areas of China, the Orient, and Burma. There has been some attempt to copy hepatoscopy in this country, but it hasn’t been too successful. Hepatoscopy is killing a person or an animal and then taking their hot liver out while they are dying and separating the parts of the liver in order to tell the future. Nebuchadnezzar was a believer in this method of telling the future, and made his decision to turn towards Jerusalem in Ezek 21:21 on the basis of belemancy (throwing arrows up in the air) and hepatoscopy.

            3. Robdamancy means to use a piece of wood or a stick to determine the future, Hos 4:12. We don’t know exactly how the rods were used.

            4. Teraphim are simply figurines of your ancestors or figurines of what you think your ancestors were. These are household gods and were always related to demonism, 1 Sam 15:23. Nebuchadnezzar finally consulted his teraphim after practicing hepatoscopy and belemancy, and they said, “Go to Jerusalem,” which he did.

            5. Human sacrifice was combined with all these other things in the ancient world. It still occurs today. Human sacrifice means to sacrifice both women and children. Men are never sacrificed unless it is to practice something like hepatoscopy. Child sacrifice is one of the most famous systems of divination. It was specifically forbidden by Deut 18:10. We have some very famous illustrations in history. The most famous was Agamemnon who sacrificed his daughter, Iphigenia, to get a good wind to Troy. It was practiced by the Canaanites, the Phoenicians, and the Carthaginians.

            6. Sortilogy means divination by lot. This is very close to the use of tea leaves to tell the future, Lev 16:7-10; Num 26:56f; 1 Chron 6:54, 24:5f, 25:8f. All of these can be related to demonism. They can be related to emotional revolt and to hypersensitive imagination.


D.  Four Questions regarding Necromancy.

            1. Is communication with the dead possible? The Bible says, “No.” The souls and spirits of those who are dead cannot communicate or return from the dead, 2 Sam 12:23; Lk 16:27-31. The only exception in history is   1 Sam 28:12-20, where Samuel came back from the dead. This was divine intervention because of a specific case of reversionism. Saul refused to hear Samuel, his very own Bible teacher, on a face-to-face basis while he was alive, so he got to hear him on a face-to-face basis after Samuel’s death.

            2. Is communication with the dead necessary? The answer again is no. If it were not for the teaching of the Word of God, there would be a strong desire to know about departed loved ones and to know about things in eternity, but since the Bible gives a compete and categorical account of phase three of God’s plan, no communication with the dead is necessary. This was Abraham’s answer to the rich man in Lk 16:29. The dead loved ones in heaven are not watching you either. They have no idea what you’re doing. In heaven they no longer have contact with the earth visually or otherwise.

            3. Is communication with the dead permitted? The answer is no. God does not condone the seance nor the function of necromancy. The Bible specifically forbids it.

            4. With whom do people communicate under the operation of necromancy? Contact is made through a medium with a ventriloquist demon. The ventriloquist demon impersonates the dead, as in the case of the witch of Endor.


E.  Any believer involved in necromancy is in reversionism. This includes any of the practices mentioned as other forms of divination. Ahaz was ruined because of necromancy, Isa 8:19. Manasseh, one of the most evil kings in all of Jewish history, was ruined because of necromancy, 2 Kgs 21:6; 2 Chron 33:6.



 © 1989, by R. B. Thieme, Jr.  All rights reserved.
