1 Jn 172, 9/7/81




A.  Objective reality is the function of the believer inside the divine dynasphere, in contrast to subjective reality, which is the believer living in the cosmic system.


B.  Objective reality is permanently associated with God’s game plan for the Church Age, which is residence and function inside the divine dynasphere.


C.  Objective reality begins with the believer placing Bible doctrine in the #1 spot in his scale of values.


D.  The ascendancy of doctrine in the believer’s system of values is the beginning of objective reality.


E.  Categorical doctrine is objective reality, while the Satanic system of thought, as found in the cosmic system, is subjective reality, the arrogance of preoccupation with self.


F.  Objective reality advances to the modus vivendi of the various gates of the divine dynasphere.


G.  Objective reality is found in the production of the divine dynasphere, i.e., virtue, happiness, spiritual growth, the attainment of spiritual maturity, and the glorification of the Lord. Without objective reality, you are your own worst enemy.


H.  Subjective reality is the result of the believer living in the cosmic system and becoming involved in the various stages of reversionism.


I.  Objective reality is the result of the believer living in the divine dynasphere and advancing to maturity status at gate 8 of the divine dynasphere.


J.  Subjective reality involves both cosmic function and the eight stages of reversionism.


K.  Virtue Versus Ethics.

            a. In the Church Age, God has provided a standard for virtue, which is Bible doctrine, plus the environment for the development of virtue inside the divine dynasphere. Ethics is a relative system from cosmic two.

            b. The divine dynasphere accomplishes what ethics can never achieve:  both an environment and a manufacturing machine for virtue.

            c. Relative standards applied to interaction result in human conflict between two people or two organizations, in which one category calls it right and the other category calls it wrong.

            d. Obviously, the validity of ethics depends upon establishing an absolute standard from infinite and eternal God, the supreme court of heaven.

            e. In ethics, an individual’s norms and standards function in the human conscience to approve or disapprove, and he assumes that such individual function is objective reality.

            f. Divergence of ethical opinion in the human race implies variation in standards, norms, ethics, and a system of relativity in standards which results in subjective reality.

            g. Subjective reality is the hypocrisy of the cosmic system, establishing under the title of ethics its false virtues in the field of altruism and human good, resulting in the justification of sin, human good, and evil.




R. B. Thieme, Jr., Bible Ministries 5139 West Alabama, Houston, Texas 77056 (713) 621-3740

© 1994, by R. B. Thieme, Jr.                All rights reserved.
