Spir Dynamics 81-83 11/15/92




A.  Introductory Principles.

      1. There are two power options we can place on the FLOT line or defensive line of the soul: the filling of the Spirit and doctrinal orientation to life. Principles regarding the two power options are:

           a. The two power options on the FLOT line of the soul provide the basis for establishing solutions to all the problems of life.

           b. God is perfect; His solutions are perfect. Perfect God can only provide perfect solutions. In the ten problem solving devices, He has provided a basis for you in the privacy of your priesthood to handle every adverse circumstance in life, every problem that could ever come your way.

           c. The filling of the Holy Spirit combines with metabolized doctrine to increase our options for the execution of the protocol plan of God and to resolve the problems of life from the privacy of your priesthood. Rejection of doctrine destroys our options and means we, as believers, will be the most miserable creatures on earth. Resolving the problems of life from the privacy of your priesthood includes the filling of the Holy Spirit plus doctrinal orientation in both the formation and actual use of these ten problem solving devices.

           d. Divine options, provided in grace, give you the opportunity for fulfilling the precisely correct procedure of the protocol plan of God. Precisely correct procedure is: a right thing done in a right way is right.

           e. Every new metabolized doctrine circulating in your stream of consciousness increases your options for a glorious life and a very happy life on this earth.

           f. Increased options include the ten problem solving devices of the protocol plan of God. The filling of the Holy Spirit plus human I.Q. (the six thinking skills) equals spiritual I.Q. plus Operation Z (the metabolization of doctrine in the seven compartments of the stream of consciousness) equals the formation of the ten problem solving devices. You were designed to solve your own problems and not lean on others for advise and support.

      2. More Principles.

           a. Increased options are absolutely necessary for the fulfillment of Eph 3:17-21.

           b. To increase your options to fulfill the will and plan of God, it is necessary to form and utilize from metabolized doctrine in the stream of consciousness the ten problem solving devices.

           c. The great danger is arrogance and self-absorption plus the lust for instant solutions.

           d. Arrogance, self-absorption, ignorance, and negative volition toward Bible doctrine destroy options.

           e. Self-imposed limited options destroy and neutralize spiritual dynamics, resulting in failure to fulfill God’s will, plan, and purpose for your life.

           f. Limited options increase self-absorption to the point of increasing maladaptive defense mechanisms, stress in the soul, sin nature control of the soul, and false doctrine in the soul.

           g. All the options of the spiritual life are related to your attitude toward Bible doctrine, both assigning number one priority to doctrine and consistent metabolization of Bible doctrine

           h. Bible doctrine is the key to our relationship to God on this earth.

      3. Since the day you were born again, God has provided choices and solutions for everything that you face in life.


B.  The Illustration, Heb 11:1, 24-27.

      1. There are people who have made great decisions.

           a. Abraham, when he staggered not at the promise of God.

           b. Joshua, in Josh 24:15, when he stood before a rebellious group of people and said, “And if it is disagreeable in your sight to serve the Lord, choose you for yourselves today whom you will serve: whether the gods which your fathers served which were beyond the River, or the gods of the Amorites in whose land you are living; but as for me and my family, we will serve the Lord.”

           c. Elijah said, “How long will you limp between two opinions? If the Lord is God, then follow Him.”

           d. Daniel said in Dan 3:17-18, “If so be, our God whom we serve is able to deliver us from the furnace of fire; then He will deliver us out of your hand, O king. But even if He does not, let it be understood by you, O king, that we are not going to serve your gods or worship the golden image that you have set up.” Daniel made decisions that opened up options for a long and fantastic life.

      2. Moses had the most fantastic options to go the wrong way, yet made the decision to go the right way and the most fantastic options opened up for him, so that he became the greatest man of the Old Testament.

           a. Acts 7:22, “And Moses was educated in all the academics of the Egyptians. Furthermore, he was dynamic in words and deeds.”

           b. He was the greatest man of genius in the Old Testament. He was handsome, extremely strong, and the best educated person of his time. He was a great builder, soldier, musician, and as an administrator.

           c. When Moses was about to marry the princess and become ruler of Egypt, he made one of the greatest decisions of history.

      3. Heb 11:1, “Now doctrine is the reality of things hoped for, the evidence of things not seen.”

           a. The power of decision is based on cognition and inculcation of Bible doctrine. Therefore, the importance of the attainment of the spiritual skills.

           b. Bible doctrine is the evidence of things not seen about God. When you have Bible doctrine circulating in your stream of consciousness as epignosis, you have the reality, the evidence of things not seen.

      4. Heb 11:24-27, “By means of doctrine, when Moses had become great, he refused to be proclaimed the Pharaoh, and he chose rather to endure maltreatment with the people of God, rather than enjoy the temporary pleasures of sin. Therefore, he thought that the reproach for the sake of Christ greater value than all the treasures of Egypt; for he was looking ahead to his reward. By means of doctrine he left Egypt behind, not being afraid of the king’s anger; for he persevered in strength, because he kept on seeing the Invisible One [Jesus Christ].”

           a. Moses had the option to be humanly and historically great or follow the plan of God. He decided to become the leader of the most recalcitrant people in history. From this, God used Moses in a way He never used any other believer in history. Every time Moses made a decision, it opened up more options.

           b. The temporary pleasures of sin included the arrogance that would eventually come his way and total distraction from doctrine.

           c. Moses decided to live his life in the light of eternity and never looked back with any regrets. He made the decision in spiritual self- esteem, so that he did not feel threatened by giving up everything. His decision was not made based on emotion.

           d. Moses took forty years in the desert to learn to play the options. You learn to play the options through the problem solving devices, through your very own portfolio of invisible assets. Moses had to learn to think his way through life rather than muscle his way through life. God only uses prepared people, and you have to be prepared through understanding divine viewpoint.

           e. Moses became occupied with Christ and persevered in doctrine.

            f. Moses made his decision at the lowest ebb of Jewish history. So there was nothing to be gained by such a decision. Ex 2:11-14 and Acts 7:23-29 tell us that Moses was initially rejected by the Jews and it took forty years before he would return to lead them to freedom.

      5. The decision of Moses was made under three legitimate spiritual motivations.

           a. Metabolized doctrine circulating in the stream of consciousness of his right lobe.

           b. Cognition of his escrow blessings for time and eternity, Heb 11:26.

           c. Occupation with the person of Christ, Heb 11:27.

      6. Ps 90:12, written by Moses, says, “So teach us to organize our days, that we may attain a heart of wisdom.” You never organize your life without thought. If you fail to plan, plan to fail. If you plan your day, work your plan. A heart of wisdom is maximum capacity for making right decisions.


C.  The Christian Loser-believer and Options.

      1. 2 Jn 8-9, “Look out for yourselves that you do not lose your momentum which you have accomplished, but that you may receive a full reward. No one has fellowship with God who keeps advancing out of bounds and does not remain on the playing field through the doctrine of Christ.”

      2. You have choices every day, options that are constantly open to you. You can make choices any day to stop your momentum and may never recover. Concentration is very important. Where concentration is lacking, the options go down.

      3. Christian losers convert the outside pressures of adversity and prosperity into stress in the soul or sin nature control of the soul. They do not lose their salvation, but fail to execute the plan of God for the Church. They follow the pattern of self-fragmentation, the arrogance complex of sins, the lust pattern of the sin nature, the emotional complex of sins, polarized fragmentation, moral or immoral degeneracy. They fail to use the rebound technique and have no filling of the Holy Spirit.

      4. The filling of the Holy Spirit plus human I.Q. equals spiritual I.Q. plus Operation Z (the metabolization of doctrine) equals execution of the protocol plan of God. Rebound is the key to everything. Failure to rebound contradicts the protocol plan of God. These contradictions to the protocol plan of God are described in at least seven different categories.

           a. Grieving the Holy Spirit. The Holy Spirit continues to indwell your body to provide a temple for the indwelling of Christ, but is not able to control your soul.

          b. Quenching the Holy Spirit, 1 Thes 5:19.

           c. The lust of the flesh: power, approbation, sexual, chemical, crusader, monetary, pleasure, social lust.

           d. The enemy of the Cross, Phil 3:18.

           e. The enemy of God, Jam 4:4.

           f. A flawed believer, Jam 1:23-24.

           g. Double-minded or a psycho-believer, Jam 1:8, 4:8.

      5. The Christian loser has many options to become a winner; for God has provided in grace many choices for becoming a winner. However, the Christian loser makes bad decisions from a position of weakness rather than good decisions from a position of strength. The position of weakness results in wrong choices. The position of strength results in right choices. The believer’s options should line up with the precise accuracy of the protocol plan of God. A wrong thing done in a wrong way is always wrong in the plan of God. A wrong thing done in a right way is wrong, and a right thing done in a wrong way is wrong. A right thing must be done in a right way. The Christian loser takes all the wrong turns and exercises all the wrong options, and therefore, fails to execute the protocol plan of God. The Christian loser is out of touch with the two great power options. The choices are available but he makes the wrong decision. You always have choices no matter how bad the situation.

      6. There are seven characteristics of the loser-believer.

           a. He drifts off course from grace by wrong decisions. We make decisions to sin. Sin is always the choice of your own volition, even if you did not know it was a sin. Without the filling of the Spirit, you are never going to have Bible doctrine in the command post of your soul, the seven compartments of your stream of consciousness, and you will never be able to put any defensive doctrine on the defensive line of your soul. You are vulnerable to every failure to which an unbeliever is vulnerable, and because you are born-again with the greatest options in the world, you are going to be the most miserable creature on earth. You will think and act like an unbeliever and be full of regrets. You will have the worst life in the world and then be ashamed at the Judgment Seat of Christ. The loser has no grace orientation. Having no concept of grace, he will never rebound.

           b. He comes short of the grace of God, Heb 12:15. He never gets to grace orientation.

           c. The tormented soul of 2 Pet 2:7-8. This is a believer in a set of circumstances that makes him totally miserable. The example is Lot living in Sodom.

           d. The lukewarm believer of Rev 3:15-16. They start our hot— positive volition to doctrine, cool off to being lukewarm. Cold describes the unbeliever.

           e. The shipwrecked believer of 1 Tim 1:19, “Having doctrine and a good conscience, which some believers have rejected, concerning which doctrine, they have become shipwrecked.”           f. The psycho-believer.

          g. The believer under the body of death principle of Rom 7:24-25.

       7. Under equal privilege and equal opportunity, there is no such thing as a believer who does not have equality. The decisions that often destroy are those of personal sin. Without the number one power option (the filling of the Spirit), you can never exercise your number two power option (doctrinal orientation to life).

      8. All personal sin is a matter of personal choice. Personal sins originate from two sources.

           a. The function of the sin nature in temptation motivates the function of human volition to commit the sin.

           b. The function of human volition in every act of sinning. Volition produces sin, the sin nature can only tempt. Sin originates in the volition of the soul. You make choices related to lust, arrogance, sin, etc. What you do with your spiritual life depends entirely on your volition. There is always the option not to sin.

           c. All personal sins are divided into presalvation sinning and postsalvation sinning. Both categories were judged on the Cross. Every sin you will ever commit, past, present, and future, were judged on the Cross. At salvation, God blots out and does not remember any sin you committed as an unbeliever.

           d. Our Lord Jesus Christ died spiritually on the Cross as a substitute for us by bearing all our sins and being judged for them. The spiritual death that belonged to us was given to us. This was substitutionary spiritual death. He did not die physically for our sins. There were two deaths on the Cross, one spiritual and one physical.

                (1) Rom 5:8, “God demonstrated His own love toward us in that while we were yet sinners, Christ died as a substitute for us.”

                (2) 1 Pet 3:18, “Because Christ also died once for our sins, the Righteous One as a substitute for unrighteous ones, in order that He might bring us to God, having been put to death in the flesh, but made alive by means of the Spirit.”

               (3) Gal 3:13, “Christ has redeemed us from the curse of the law by means of becoming a curse as a substitute for us; for it stands written, `Cursed is everyone who hangs on a cross.’”           e. The power that raised Jesus Christ from the dead has been made available to every Church Age believer through the filling of the Holy Spirit.

      9. The great option for salvation is faith in Christ, Gal 3:26, 2:16; Jn 3:16, 18, 36. The option is faith alone in Christ alone.


D.  The Rebound Technique Related to Options.

      1. Before salvation, all of us have a lifestyle of some kind. The lifestyle is made up of priorities, a scale of values, a modus operandi which may be very moral or very immoral. The only way there is any restraint on the sin nature is from the laws of divine establishment.

      2. At salvation, you do not give up anything to make your lifestyle compatible with a system of morality. At salvation, you are given a lifestyle with spiritual choices. Eph 4:22, “With reference to your former lifestyle, you yourselves lay aside the old man [the function of the rebound technique].”

      3. The mechanics of rebound (laying aside the old sin nature) are found in both the Old and New Testaments.

           a. Ps 32:5, “I acknowledged my sins to You and my iniquity I did not hide. I said [to myself], `I will acknowledge my transgression to the Lord’; And You forgave the iniquity of my sin.”

           b. 1 Jn 1:9, “If we acknowledge our sins, He is faithful and righteous with the result that He forgives our sins and He purifies us from all wrongdoing.”

               (1) The third class conditional clause considers that the condition stated has possibility and even the probability of becoming a reality. This is the conditional clause of options.

                (2) The Greek word HOMOLOGEO means to admit or acknowledge guilt to a charge in a courtroom case. The judical Koine Greek meant to make a statement, and how you felt about that statement had nothing to do with the meaning of the word. The gnomic present tense is used here to express a universal truth, a condition that will always exist, just as in Jn 3:16 (Anyone who believes in Christ...). When the believer sites, names, acknowledges to God, from the privacy of his royal priesthood, sins of congizance, he is forgiven both the sins that he names and the sins of ignorance which he does not name. This results in the filling of the Spirit, which is power option number one on the FLOT line of the soul. This is grace rebound. The basis for grace rebound is the doctrine of unlimited atonement. Just as salvation is faith alone in Christ alone, so postsalvation forgiveness and cleansing from sin is based on the divine policy of grace. You cannot add anything to faith, just as you cannot add anything to naming, citing, or acknowledging your sins. If you add anything to naming your sins, you are not forgiven. When you feel sorry for your sins and promise never to do it again, you are not forgiven. The work of salvation and the work of rebound are by grace because they are both based on the same judgment of sin at the Cross. Rebound by works is just as ineffective as salvation by works.




 © 1989, by R. B. Thieme, Jr.  All rights reserved.
