



A.  John 1:1. The Greek phrase, EN ARCHE, “In a beginning which was not a beginning...” refers to the pre-existence of God. God always was; there never was a time when He was not. From the standpoint of chronology, this is the oldest verse in the Bible. Trinity always existed in eternity past.


B.  Gen 1:1. The Hebrew phrase BE RESHITH describes the beginning of the universe. It refers to the creation of the universe at some point in eternity past, time unknown.


C.  Jn 8:44. The Greek word ARARCHES refers to the creation of angels. From a beginning which was not a beginning in eternity past, the angels were created, time unknown.


D.  Mt 19:4. From the Greek prepositional phrase APO + ARCHES, we learn that man was created “from a beginning which was not a beginning” i.e., in eternity past. ARCHE means eternity, which is going on while time is going on.


  EN ARCHE   <------------------------> NO TIME INVOLVED.

  BE RESHITH   --------->. _____________________>

                                                            UNIVERSE BEGINS

  APO ARCHE ---------->._____________________>



  APO ARCHE -----------------------------> . __________________>

                                                                                                            MAN CREATED


 R. B. Thieme, Jr. Bible Ministries 5139 West Alabama, Houston, Texas 77056 (713) 621-3740

© 1989, by R. B. Thieme, Jr. All rights reserved.
