



A.  It was the will of God that during Paul’s fourth missionary journey, he should go to Spain, Rom 15:24,25,28.


B.  After Paul’s visit to Ephesus and the riot of the silversmith union, Paul was headed west in the right direction, Acts 20:1. Paul then turned for Troy; at Miletus he was hurrying to Jerusalem, Acts 20:16. Here Paul had his pastor’s conference for the pastors of Ephesus, Acts 20:17-28. From Miletus, Paul sailed directly to Tyre, Acts 21:1-3.


C.  Paul was warned twice by the Holy Spirit not to go to Jerusalem, Acts 21:4-9, 10-13.


D.  Paul, now in reversionism, disobeyed completely, Acts 21:14-17.


E.  Paul fails in Jerusalem. He took bad advice from the local pastors, Acts 21:20-24. No pastor has to compromise with anything or anyone to gain a hearing.


F.  When Paul returned to the temple, he was discovered, and a riot broke out, Acts 21:27-32. He was rescued by the military and kept in the Mark Anthony barracks for his own safety, Acts 21:33ff.


G.  He was taken to Caesarea and spent two years there as a prisoner, 59-60 AD. Three judges heard his case and all considered him innocent:  Felix in Acts 24, Festus in Acts 25 Festus, and Agrippa in Acts 26. It took two years for Paul to recover from reversionism.


H.  Paul spent the next two years in Rome as a prisoner, 61-62 AD, while his case was being appealed to Caesar. He wrote Phil, Eph, Col, and Philemon while under house arrest. Phil 3:12-19 tells us that he continued his spiritual advance, while Phil 3:4-8 describes his perspective as a spiritually adult believer having recovered from reversionism. He is through with human celebrityship, with the false perspective of Judaism, and now has a new set of priorities.



 © 1989, by R. B. Thieme, Jr.  All rights reserved.
