Eph 298 6/1/86




A.  Definition of PLEROMA.

            1. Complete in itself.

            2. Complete in quota.

            3. Complete in quality.

            4. Complete in duration.


B.  The Dispensation of the Fullness of Times.

            1. This phrase in Eph 1:10 means the Church Age is complete in all the four meanings. Never in human history has God given believers such a plan whereby all is complete in itself, having such great assets with equal privilege and equal opportunity to every believer.

            2. Since the Church Age is complete in itself, in quota, in quality, and in duration, this means you should have no relationship with three things.

                        a. No relationship with any past dispensation. Ritual is out in the Church Age. Our only ritual, the Lord’s table, is designed to remember Jesus Christ, which fulfills the first function of this dispensation:  relationship with God supersedes relationship with people. Our only ritual has nothing to do with people, but with concentrating on the Lord.

                        b. No relationship with the future dispensations of the Tribulation and the Millennium.

                        c. No relationship with any form of human experience related to the natural. The spiritual supersedes the natural in the Church Age. Experience is not the major issue in the Church Age because of the unique nature of this dispensation. Experience and application to experience is always emphasized where ignorance of the Church Age exists. It is not the quality of our experience in relationship to mankind that is placed first in the protocol plan of God; it is the quality of our relationship with God that comes first, and that can only occur through Bible doctrine.

            3. Therefore, PLEROMA is a technical term for the greatest dispensation:  the Church Age. The Church Age is greater in challenge and opportunity than even the Millennium with its perfect environment!

            4. The Church Age is the dispensation of the fullness for two reasons.

                        a. God’s provision of the portfolio of invisible assets.

                        b. God’s provision of the protocol plan of God.

            5. The Church Age is designed to have the highest quality of believers ever. The ordinary man should be of the greatest and highest quality. Every believer is royal family of God. You have the most fantastic opportunity with your assets. You must know and use them.


C.  Scriptural References to “Fullness” or PLEROMA.

            1. In Jn 1:15-16, “fullness” refers to royalty and the Church Age. Verse 16 is the transition when ritual is out and the reality of the protocol plan of God is in. “Grace instead of grace” means the portfolio of invisible assets of eternity past and the protocol plan of God of time have replaced the unconditional covenants and the ritual plan for Israel.

            2. Gal 4:4-5. See the Doctrine of Adoption.

            3. The fullness of time is related to our Lord’s third royal title.

            4. Rom 11:12, “If their transgression . . . how much more will their fullness be.” The Church Age is the dispensation of the fullness for both Jews and Gentiles, for all believers in the royal family of God under the protocol plan of God. Therefore in the Church Age, both are under the same plan with the same privileges and opportunities. Equal privilege leads to equal opportunity. We must learn the protocol plan of God; we must learn how to live like royalty. 5. Eph 4:13, “Until we all reach the objective because of the system from doctrine and from the epignosis knowledge of the Son of God, resulting in a mature person to the measure of the stature of the fullness of Christ.”

                        a. Since we have the operational-type divine dynasphere, we have the opportunity of executing God’s plan to come to the measure of the stature of the fullness of Christ.

                        b. Our Lord set the standard when He lived inside the prototype divine dynasphere during the First Advent. Under the enabling power of the Holy Spirit and with momentum from metabolized doctrine, He made a rapid advance to spiritual maturity. Because of the prototype divine dynasphere, He was arrive at the cross impeccable in His humanity.

                        c. Our Lord pioneered protocol modus operandi in the prototype divine dynasphere. We now have equal privilege and equal opportunity to execute the protocol plan of God.

            6. Col 1:19, “ . . . Divine choice that all fullness should dwell in Him.” This refers to the humanity of Christ living in the prototype divine dynasphere.

            7. Col 2:9, “ . . . because in Him all the fullness of deity dwells in bodily form.” Here fullness is used to refer to the deity of Christ.

            8. Fullness is therefore a title for the Church Age. Eph 1:10, “...the dispensation of the fullness of times.”

            9. The dispensation of the fullness of times corresponds to the times of the Gentiles.

                        a. Lk 21:24 refers to the times of the Gentiles. Rom 11:25 refers to the fullness of the Gentiles.

                        b. Lk 21:24 emphasizes that only Gentile nations are client nations to God. Rom 11:25 says that a maximum number of Gentiles will be come royal family of God in the Church Age.  


D.  Conclusion.

            1. The “dispensation of the fullness of times” in Eph 1:10 indicates the uniqueness of the Church Age as a royal family of God dispensation.

            2. After our Lord’s resurrection, ascension, and session, He instituted this new dispensation.

            3. The Church Age was inserted for the formation and completion of the royal family of God, which is absolutely unique, in order to make a demonstration to history that even though Satan is the ruler of this world, it is possible for a believer to take these magnificent invisible assets and turn them into something that is fantastic, so that you have a mini- Millennium in your soul, having perfect happiness, perfect blessings, and everything beyond your imagination.

            4. Never before in history has the ordinary life of the believer had such power, privilege, and opportunity. Every believer has his very own portfolio. You must become aware of your fantastic, glorious heritage. You must understand what God has wrought and begin to utilize it. This will only occur as you understand your invisible assets from invisible God.



 © 1989, by R. B. Thieme, Jr.  All rights reserved.
