Eph 48, 79-80, 270, 291, 344-355; Isr 186 2/23/92




A.  Definition.

            1. While a portfolio is a word which originated in English from the flat portable case or briefcase used for carrying documents by ministers of state, it is now used for the securities held by an investor or commercial paper held by a bank or mortgage company. The word portfolio investment has come into use to denote investment by the purchase of securities in contrast to direct investment. We will use the word for the work of God on behalf of the believer in eternity past, the securities and the invisible assets which God the Father has provided for each member of the royal family of God before creation. You have securities and invisible assets that stagger the imagination. Before these assets are usable, they must be understood.

            2. The portfolio of invisible assets connotes the grace work of God the Father on your behalf in eternity past. God the Father found the way for His justice to provide perfect fantastic blessing to His righteousness in His without any compromise of His essence. In your portfolio of invisible assets God provided everything necessary for the function in life, dying, eternity, growing in grace, and the execution and fulfillment of the protocol plan of God. The portfolio of invisible assets provides everything necessary for you to have a fantastic life through receiving your escrow blessings which glorify God. If you do not have a fantastic life, it’s your own fault, never God’s .All you need is positive volition, and God will direct you to the place where you can get the information.

            3. When God the Father completed this work He probably said, “It is finished,” because everything you would ever need as a Christian was provided. Since this existed in eternity past, it continues to exist forever.

            4. The very existence of escrow blessings implies the conditions for the transfer of those greater blessings from their present place of deposit in Christ to us, from the Escrow Officer to the grantee.

            5. Our portfolio of invisible assets only becomes apparent when living in the divine dynasphere under the ministry of the Spirit, and by hearing correct and accurate Bible teaching so that we become inculcated with the protocol plan of God as recorded in Eph 1:3-14.

            6. There are two characteristics of these assets that we must understand:

                        a. The assets are invisible; we can only come to know that these assets exist by the metabolization of doctrine. You cannot use what you do not know exists.

                        b. These assets are usable in any category of life.


B.  The Grace Principle of the Portfolio of Invisible Assets.

            1. On the cross, our Lord Jesus Christ “finished” (TETELESTAI) His work of salvation. This perfect tense of TELEO means salvation was finished in the past with the result that it stands finished forever (Jn 19:30). That means the judgment of all your sins is finished, so that now the door of salvation is open to anyone, through which door you walk by faith in Christ. There is nothing you can add. Eph 2:8-9, “For by grace are you saved through faith; and that not of yourselves, it is the gift of God, not of works, lest any man should boast.”

            2. So why should God reverse His plan after salvation, requiring you to now work, work, work? The work was accomplished in eternity past for your Christian life now. All you can do is to multiply the assets in your portfolio of invisible assets by making right decisions which are non- meritorious.

            3. No human works from mankind can be added to the saving work of Christ on the cross. Grace is both the policy of God and the work of God on our behalf totally apart from any human ability or merit.

            4. This is why you must start regarding yourself as a person. Because once you start thinking of yourself as a person who has eternal life, then you’ll start thinking of yourself as a person in terms of your portfolio of invisible assets. You are a person with a portfolio; that’s all you should think. You are a person for whom Christ died and you believed in Him. Now you are a person with a portfolio.

            5. Your portfolio is so important, for it is completely encompassed in a policy called grace and in all the grace works of God. Both God’s policy and God’s works are working for you right now.

            6. So while not recorded in the Scripture, and probably not said as such except logically, God the Father in eternity past made His declaration of TETELESTAI. Because in eternity past God the Father completed your portfolio of invisible assets, and it was finished before you lived! 7. And when does the Holy Spirit say TETELESTAI? At the end of time when His work is finished. Regarding the Church, His work is finished at the Rapture of the Church. For God the Holy Spirit provides the power for the Church Age believer. This is the only dispensation in which every believer is indwelt by the Spirit and is mandated to be filled with the Spirit. So the Holy Spirit cannot say “It is finished” regarding us until we die or the Rapture occurs.

            8. The fact that the work of the Christian way of life was accomplished by God in eternity past is not only a matter of grace, but it is the basis for the fact that each one of us as a believer has his very own portfolio of invisible assets.

            9. Grace is the only miracle God provides that involves non- meritorious volition. Each Member of the Godhead has certain responsibilities related to the function and policy of grace. Each Member of the Godhead performs certain works which are grace, meaning we don’t earn or deserve or work for them.


C.  Moses’ Use of his Portfolio of Invisible Assets.

            1. Moses utilized his portfolio of invisible assets in a magnificent way. He moved through the three stages of spiritual adulthood. In spiritual self-esteem, he passed providential preventative suffering and reached spiritual autonomy. In spiritual autonomy, Moses made his greatest decision as a part of passing momentum testing.

            2. Moses made a decision for God by which he gave up the greatest wealth, prosperity, human influence, and romance, all at one time. Not being afraid of anything in life, Moses saw his invisible assets. Therefore, he departed from the Egyptian court, spent forty years in the desert, after which he returned to bring out the Jews from slavery and to do one of the greatest jobs of leadership in all of human history. That job of leadership was based on seeing his invisible assets.

            3. In living, Moses was not afraid of anyone or anything. In dying, Moses was not afraid; living and dying go together.

            4. Heb 11:27, “By means of doctrine [PISTIS], he [Prince Moses] forsook Egypt, not fearing the wrath of the king [Thutmose III], he persevered; he saw the invisible assets.”

            5. Moses was one of the three greatest geniuses in history (the other two being Paul and Gaius Julius Caesar). Moses was a multiple genius in many areas. He had great and rare beauty and a body of fantastic strength. He had a fantastic personality. His areas of genius included engineering, music, military, administration. He had prepared the 18th dynasty to become the greatest of all the empires of Egypt.

            6. But the time came when he discovered his Jewish heritage and when he personally accepted Jesus Christ as his Savior (Who was about to become the God of Israel). He advanced to spiritual autonomy where he made this greatest of all decisions. Moses left the court of Egypt and refused the rulership of Egypt.

            7. In what did Moses “persevere?” In undeserved suffering: forty years in the desert where he completed both momentum testing and evidence testing. The man who came back to the Egyptian court forty years later was not only spiritually mature but a mature believer who had passed evidence testing.

            8. Note that Moses didn’t “see Him who was invisible;” he “saw the invisible assets.” The noun is in the neuter, not in the masculine. He wasn’t seeing God; he was seeing the invisible assets that God provided.


D.  Three attributes of God are the source of our portfolio of invisible assets:  sovereignty, love, and omniscience.

            1. The Sovereignty of God.

                        a. The sovereignty of God is His eternal, infinite, and perfect divine volition.

                                    (1) The sovereignty of God is His eternal and infinite will expressed in the divine decrees, manifest in the comprehensive divine interpretation of history called dispensations, and the unique plan regarding the Church Age.

                                    (2) When God makes a decision, it is permanent and irrefutable. God made a sovereign decision in eternity past with regard to your escrow assets and computer assets.

                                    (3) Eph 1:11, “In whom also we have received an allotment [escrow blessings], having been predestined for a predetermined plan from Him.”

                                    (4) In human history, the sovereignty of God and the free will of man coexist by divine decree. The sovereignty of God made a decision to create a counterpart to His sovereignty, a free will in every person for function during human history as a part of the angelic conflict.

                        b. The sovereignty of God must be related to the personality of God.

                                    (1) Personality always connotes self-consciousness and self-determination. God recognizes himself as a person. As such, He functions with perfect integrity and perfect rationality.

                                    (2) God, in His infinite personality, has perfect virtue. God’s self-determination characterizes His perfection, His purpose, His provision, and His plan. Realizing all this about our Source, we should have motivation in our self-determination to learn doctrine, so that through epistemological rehabilitation we may advance to spiritual maturity.

                        c. The sovereignty of God must be related to His infinity.

                                    (1) By infinity is meant that God is without boundary or limitation. He unites in Himself those perfections which belong to His person and to His essence.

                                    (2) God cannot be complicated by ignorance or absurdities. God cannot use His sovereignty to sin, to tempt, to sponsor sin, human good, or evil. God cannot in any way be identified with our silliness. In His perfection, He has provided a magnificent plan and magnificent assets.

                                    (3) Infinity characterizes all that God does:  His sovereign decisions, His policies, the function of His perfect virtue, the function of His omniscience, and His integrity or holiness which characterizes His policy of grace.

                                    (4) Divine infinity means unlimited energy and power, eternal wisdom and virtue, the complete impossibility of ever being wrong, doing wrong, or sponsoring wrong.

                        d. God’s eternal glory existed before creation. Therefore, the sovereignty of God recognizes His own glory and claims it in the interest of absolute truth, i.e., Bible doctrine.

                                    (1) Divine motivation in the function of the sovereignty of God in human history is for His glory, to which He has an eternal and infinite right.

                                    (2) The sovereignty of God is never motivated by any form of self-praise.

                        e. The sovereignty of God is directly related to the primary assets in our portfolio of invisible assets.

            2. The love of God.

                        a. Along with the sovereignty of God, His divine love is related to predestination. Eph 1:5, “by means of love He has predestined us.”

                        b. God is sovereign; therefore, His love is self-motivating and totally compatible with His divine essence. God is infinite and eternal; His love is infinite and eternal. God is holy; therefore, His love possess perfect integrity and perfect virtue, for its source is His justice and righteousness.

                        c. The love of God the Father is perfect. When it is directed toward His own perfect virtue and perfect righteousness, it becomes the pattern for our spiritual self-esteem. When it is directed toward the perfect virtue of God the Son and God the Holy Spirit, it is perfect personal love.

                        d. Since God is perfect, eternal, and infinite, the function of His self-determination or sovereignty is always rational. He is rational in the expression of His love.

                        e. The application is that God cannot be complicated by absurdities. Therefore, His love does not increase or diminish. It exists with or without an object.

                        f. It is concluded that divine love is not sustained by rapport or merit or attractiveness. Human worthiness is not the basis for divine love, just as human merit is not the basis for eternal salvation. This means that God’s love is totally free from any patronizing influence.

                        g. There are three categories to God’s love.

                                    (1) Personal. The object of God’s personal love is perfect righteousness, both toward the other Members of the Godhead, and toward all believers to whom He imputes His perfect righteousness.

                                    (2) Spiritual self-esteem is His love directed toward His own perfect righteousness.

                                    (3) Impersonal. Impersonal love is reserved for creatures after they fail. It is directed toward mankind who is spiritually dead in total depravity. The highest expression of God’s impersonal love occurred when God imputed to His Son all our sins, and when Jesus Christ was willing to be judged for all our sins.

            3. Omniscience of God.

                        a. Omniscience means that God knows perfectly, eternally, and simultaneously all that is knowable whether it is actual or possible. This is why the omniscience of God programs our prom chip, the free will of man chip. He knows all our thoughts, motives, decisions and actions from eternity past.

                        b. Since God is sovereign, His knowledge about creatures is superior and in control at all times. When you’re out of control, God is still in control.

                        c. God is infinite and has infinite knowledge. God is eternal and has eternal knowledge. God is truth and His knowledge is totally and perfectly accurate.

                        d. Since God has always existed, His knowledge has always existed with Him. Therefore, He knows perfectly and simultaneously everything that will ever occur. The future is as perspicuous to Him as the past.

                        e. The omniscience of God knows all the facts about every person in human history; this includes each one of us. In knowing all about us, God still provided for each one of us a portfolio of invisible assets, resulting in our equal privilege and equal opportunity in this unique dispensation.

                        f. God has a special prom chip with your name on it. Contained in that prom chip is your every thought, motive, decision, and action.

                        g. The sovereignty of God is the source of the rom chip, the memory chip with all God’s decisions on it; the omniscience of God is the source of the prom chip, the memory chip with all your decisions on it.


E.  The Portfolio of Invisible Assets from the Viewpoint of the Believer’s Experience. 1 Cor 2:9, “However, as it stands written [Isa 64:4], `things [portfolio of invisible assets] no eye has seen, no ear has heard, no mind has conceived what God has prepared for those who love Him.’”

            1. Our greatest blessings are completely and totally invisible, and therefore can only be understood by revelation. That revelation is contained in the Word of God. By knowledge of Bible doctrine, we are able to become aware of our fantastic assets and use them both in time and in eternity.

            2. Note the qualifying factor in the last phrase, “for those who love Him.” The believer in the Lord Jesus Christ who loves God has reached the point of spiritual self-esteem or is very close to it. Once he reaches spiritual adulthood, life takes a fantastic and unusual turn. He is no longer a victim of circumstances. He isn’t bitter, jealous, vindictive; he isn’t trying to prove something to someone; he has lost his inordinate ambition, his inordinate competition, and he is now functioning in a magnificent way under these fantastic invisible assets.

            3. What God has prepared for all of us is the portfolio of invisible assets. It was prepared in eternity past, and it becomes real when we come to the point of loving Him at gate #5 of the divine dynasphere.

            4. Heb 12:1 puts it all in the right perspective. “Now doctrine is the substance of things hoped for, the evidence of things not seen.”

                        a. You can’t hope until you know doctrine. Hope 2 means you understand your portfolio of invisible assets. Hope 3 means you understand the eschatology of the Rapture, and the tremendous escrow blessings for eternity, the rewards and decorations that belong to the believer forever and ever.

                        b. Note that doctrine is “substance;” doctrine is thought. In that sense, the writer is saying that doctrine must be real; doctrine must be your viewpoint.

                        c. “The evidence of things not seen” is the portfolio of invisible assets.  


F.  Introduction to the Four Categories of Invisible Assets.

            1. Primary assets:  escrow and computer assets.

                        a. Through utilization of the computer assets, the believer fulfills the protocol plan of God. He learns day by day more about who and what God is and what these invisible assets are. When he arrives at spiritual self-esteem, he can say with the apostle Paul in Eph 3:20, “Now to Him [God the Father] Who is able to do infinitely more than all we could ask or imagine on the basis of the power which is at work in us.”

                        b. Both of the computer assets mean we have equal privileges and equal opportunities as believers. There is nowhere in life where equal privilege and equal opportunity exists. No human legislation can provide equal privilege and opportunity, for no legislation can control the old sin nature. As long as we have old sin natures, man will think in terms of prejudice, antagonism, superiority, and inferiority.

                        c. On the day we believed in Jesus Christ, God did forty things for us. Through the baptism of the Spirit, our lives were changed positionally when we were entered into union with Christ. Being a member of God’s royal family, we have equal privilege in the eyes of God. Man looks on the outward appearance; God looks on the right lobe, the inner life.

                        d. Once we understand this equal privilege in Christ, we must completely change our attitudes.

                                    (1) We never again are to look at ourselves as being superior or inferior because of any human factors, such as the color of our skin, our nationality, our genetics, our success of failure, our economic status. As far as God is concerned, we are equal in Christ. This means we must start thinking of ourselves not as man thinks of us, but as God thinks of us. It’s very difficult for us to think of ourselves as a person, because it’s difficult for us to think of others as persons.

                                    (2) As new creatures in Christ Jesus, we have a modus operandi that is infinitely superior to anything the unbeliever can produce such as morality, a facade of concern, whether genuine or misguided, or an overt manifestation of love and affection while using others.

                                    (3) We have to start making application of the fact that we are all in union with Christ, that we all have exactly the same equal privileges. Therefore, we have to regard ourselves as a person. Eventually, with your understanding of doctrine and this portfolio of invisible assets will produce spiritual self-esteem for you. If you have spiritual self-esteem or respect for yourself, you will have impersonal love for others at spiritual autonomy. Then you will respect the human race in general, no matter how nasty, stupid, imbecilic, or wonderful they are.

                                    (4) There is no believer alive, no matter how much he is a loser or a winner, who has any less of a portfolio than anyone else. Of course, no two believers are at the same stage of spiritual growth or retrogression. We’re all different in our experiential status.

                                    (5) From salvation on, you are to regard yourself only as a person with invisible assets that stagger the imagination. Until you begin to think this way, virtue will allude you. Yet you’ll still receive blessing. For blessing really isn’t an issue; God blesses the losers and winners under logistical grace.

                                    (6) People always compare themselves with others, thinking of themselves as prettier or uglier, richer or poorer, better personality or inferior personality, zigzagging through their whole life and totally miserable as a result. But you are not better or worse: you are a person. This erroneous way of thinking will result in bitterness, a sin that will knock you right out of the Christian life. So what if life has been unfair to you? Everyone has to face unfairness in life.

            2. Secondary assets.

                        a. Volitional assets related to positive volition toward doctrine and your volition related to your priorities in assets.

                        b. Production assets. People do not understand Christian service. Christian service is never effective unless it is a result of your spiritual life; it is never the means of your spiritual life. As you grow spiritually, you begin to produce.

                        c. Suffering for blessing assets:  providential preventative suffering, momentum testing, and evidence testing.

                        d. Invisible impact assets:  personal impact is blessing by association, historical impact is the pivot influence, and international impact is the function of world-wide missions. 3. Personnel assets: spiritual gifts.

            4. Unique assets:  the indwelling of God the Father, God the Son, and God the Holy Spirit.  


G.  Escrow Assets.

            1. Escrow defined.

                        a. Eph 1:3, “Worthy of praise and glorification is the God, even the Father of our Lord Jesus Christ, who has blessed us with every spiritual blessing in heavenly places in Christ.”

                                    (1) Before God the Son created the universe, God the Father actually created a portfolio of invisible assets for you. He knew you would believe in Christ and become royal family of God, so He provided all these fantastic, wonderful things for you.

                                    (2) No believer has more or less in his portfolio of invisible assets. All of us have these assets. Some use these assets and parlay them into spiritual self-esteem; others parlay them into spiritual autonomy; great believers parlay these into spiritual maturity. There’s no easy road; no shortcut. You have to know your assets before you can use them.

                                    (3) Why are these blessings and assets called “spiritual” blessings? Some are very temporal in nature, such as wealth, promotion, success, phenomenal categories of happiness. They are called spiritual because the Source is spiritual; God is spirit.

                                    (4) The first thing God ever did for you was to bless you! These blessings are above and beyond logistical grace blessings.

                        b. To teach the concept of God blessing you in eternity past, an analogy to “escrow” is used.

                                    (1) An escrow is a deed or a bond or other written agreement delivered to a third person by the party of the first part, to be delivered to the grantee.

                                    (2) All three parties are mentioned in Eph 1:3. God the Father is party of the first part, the Grantor. Every Church Age believer is the grantee. The third party is our Lord Jesus Christ, the depositary and our escrow officer.

                                    (3) The deposit, or escrow blessings, are placed beyond the control of the Grantor, in that He cannot cancel them. God the Father cannot cancel what He has deposited with Christ, i.e., your portfolio, and your special escrow blessings.

                        c. The first thing God ever did for us is the means of glorifying Him. Technically, no believer glorifies God until Jesus Christ conveys to him category one escrow blessings, i.e, greater blessings for time. These are conveyed to the grantee when he executes the protocol plan of God, which is moving from gate number four to gate number eigth in the divine dynasphere. The day we reach gate eight is the day when the Lord conveys to us our greater blessings for time. At the Rapture He conveys to us our greater blessings for eternity.

                        d. There are two ways in which the believer glorifies God.

                                    (1) The conveyance of escrow blessings to the mature believer at gate eight.

                                    (2) By passing evidence testing. Evidence testing is the highest honor God can give to a believer. Passing evidence testing is the mature believer’s ultimate glorification of God.

                        e. The conditions for the transfer of your escrow blessings is the fulfillment of the protocol plan of God through your advance to spiritual maturity by residence, function, and momentum inside your very own divine dynasphere. When the escrow conditions are fulfilled, the believer receives blessings which are far beyond anything he could ever imagine.

                        f. The escrow blessings which were deposited to your account in eternity past cannot be distributed to you until you have fulfilled the protocol plan of God by your advance to spiritual maturity.

                        g. Escrow demands that other assets be provided as the means of fulfilling the conditions to receive your escrow assets. This is why God had to give us the equal privilege and equal opportunity of our computer assets. Everything it takes to fulfill the protocol plan of God and receive your escrow assets is contained in your computer assets. So that you do not have to depend upon your personality, morality, Christian service, sacrificial giving, or any other act of strain in life. You do not have to be smart; I.Q. is no issue in learning spiritual phenomena. Whatever human handicaps you brought into the Christian life are no deterrent in receiving your escrow blessings. You have no excuse for not receiving them.

                        h. So that each one of us might fulfill the conditions for the conveyance of our escrow assets, God the Father has provided for us additional primary assets so that we can execute the protocol plan of God; we do not have the power to do so in the energy of the flesh.

                        i. Therefore, we receive at salvation the computer assets of election and predestination. Under election, our equal privilege is our royal priesthood; our equal opportunity is logistical grace support. Under predestination, our equal privilege is union with Christ; our equal opportunity is the divine dynasphere.

                        j. Our computer assets are distributed at salvation. Our escrow assets are not conveyed until we reach spiritual maturity.

                        k. Escrow and computer assets are the primary assets. Although your escrow assets were created first by God and so are the means of glorifying God, they come last at spiritual maturity. Your computer assets are the means; your escrow assets are the results. Your computer assets provide fantastic blessings for you from salvation on. Your escrow assets provide fantastic blessings above and beyond anything you could ever even imagine much less think.

                        l. The fact that God the Father deposited the two categories of greater blessings on deposit for each believer (no exceptions) means it His will for us to receive these blessings. That means it is God’s will that we each fulfill His protocol plan. Even if we fail to execute His plan, these blessings will remain on deposit forever as a memorial to our lost equal opportunity.

                        m. Real estate law provides an illustration of this called relation-back doctrine.

                                    (1) Normally, escrow agreements are considered to be irrevocable. Therefore, since escrow function is dictated by certain obligations which must be fulfilled prior to distribution, real estate law has a legal doctrine which applies to escrow function. This is called relation-back doctrine, because it relates irrevocably back to the date of deposit.

                                    (2) This means the amount given to the grantee from escrow, including any interest accumulated, is solely determined from the date when it was first deposited. Once the grantor makes this deposit, he cannot revoke it; the escrow remains in effect. Should the grantor lose his sanity or die, the grantee still receives the deposit upon his fulfillment of the conditions of the escrow. So relation-back doctrine refers to the time of deposit or performance of the escrow: in our case eternity past.

                                    (3) Relation-back doctrine supports irrevocability by vesting delivery from the grantor at the time that he made the deposit. Time elapse between the deposit and its conveyance means increased value of the escrow. This increased value goes to the grantee.

                                    (4) Relation-back doctrine protects the grantee in case something happens to the grantor, such as incapacitation or death. (This has no analogy for us, since our Grantor is eternal and infinite God.)

                                    (5) The date of deposit of our escrow blessings is eternity past, before God created the universe or any creatures (including angels). God the Father deposited into escrow greater blessings for each member of the royal family of God as Church Age believers.

                        n. By definition, an escrow is a deed or a bond or other written agreement delivered to a third person (the depositary, Jesus Christ) by the grantor (God the Father) to be delivered to the grantee (Church Age believer) on performance or fulfillment of the protocol plan of God.

                        o. The two categories of escrow blessing are a permanent part of your portfolio of invisible assets, and are irrevocable under relation-back doctrine.

                        p. Should the Church Age believer, as grantee, fail to perform the special obligations required by God the Father (i.e., fail to execute the protocol plan of God and therefore fail to glorify God), his blessings remain on deposit forever. They are not in any way revoked or cancelled.

                        q. This believer’s blessings remain on deposit forever as a memorial to the fact that he is a loser, i.e., a loser in the sense of losing out on these greater blessings. He does not lose his salvation; he does not lose his lesser blessings of logistical grace in time and his eternal life in a resurrection body in heaven forever.

                        r. Equal privilege and equal opportunity means that every believer has the same chance to be a winner. Losers are those believers who could never sort out their priorities, or could never be consistent in the perception of doctrine.

                        s. The winner is the one who has persevered. One of the most important things in the Christian life is consistency. “Well done, good and faithful servant. You have been faithful in a few things; I will make you ruler over many things.” This believer uses his volition daily to do two things.

                                    (1) To create a proper scale of values, giving #1 priority to Bible doctrine

                                    (2) To take all metabolized doctrine and apply it properly to his life.

                        t. In order to maintain your proper scale of values with metabolized doctrine being #1, there must be constant application. What is application? Application is walking. Note you use only your own two feet to walk; you don’t use someone else’s .So first you must apply doctrine for yourself to yourself, and to your life only. “Walk by means of the Spirit” means you must be filled with the Spirit in order to apply doctrine. “Walk by means of doctrine” (2 Jn 8) means you learn your own doctrine and by it you counsel yourself.

                        u. Here is where your volitional assets start:  you make doctrine #1 priority. You don’t let anything interfere with learning doctrine, and you don’t let anything interfere with your application of the doctrine you know in your soul. You do your own walking! So your volitional assets uses your computer assets to attain your escrow assets. That’s what a portfolio is supposed to do:  use assets to create assets.

            2. The Attainment of Escrow Blessings. Escrow blessings are attained through three avenues which all work together.

                        a. Escrow blessings are attained through the invisible assets of your portfolio. Without your portfolio you could not attain spiritual maturity and receive your escrow blessings. 1 Cor 2:9, “However, as it stands written, [Isa 64:4], `things [portfolio of invisible assets] the eye has not seen [invisible], things the ear has not heard [unknown through empiricism], no mind has conceived what God has prepared for those who love Him.’”

                                    (1) “For those who love Him” refers to the believer who has reached gate #5 of the divine dynasphere and has attained spiritual self- esteem.

                                    (2) By utilizing his computer assets, the mature believer fulfills the protocol plan of God and receives his escrow blessings for time.

                        b. Escrow blessings are attained through the perception of doctrine or epistemological rehabilitation. (See the Doctrine of the Lifestyle of Wisdom.) Prov 8:18, “With Me [doctrine] are riches and honor [escrow blessings for time], enduring wealth and prosperity [escrow blessings for eternity].”

                        c. Escrow blessings are attained through life inside the divine dynasphere. Eph 3:20, “Now to Him [God the Father] who is able to do infinitely more than all we could ask or imagine on the basis of the power [Holy Spirit] which is at work for us [computer assets, specifically the divine dynasphere].”

                                    (1) Even in fantasizing, you cannot imagine the blessings God has for the believer who glorifies Him, i.e., the believer who executes the protocol plan of God and reaches gate #8 of the divine dynasphere.

                                    (2) That power at work in us refers to the Holy Spirit, but it is only operational for those believers who live inside their palace. The filling of the Spirit and walking by means of the Spirit occur only inside the divine dynasphere.

                                    (3) So this refers to your computer assets, specifically the divine dynasphere, which is your equal opportunity under predestination. For there is no believer who does not have the same chance of reaching spiritual maturity as anyone else.  


H.  Computer Assets.

            1. Introduction.

                        a. Election is the expression of the sovereignty of God with regard to His will and personal desire for you. God desires that you might have His highest and best, the greatest possible blessings it is possible for Him to give to any category of creation.

                        b. Predestination is God’s provision for you; i.e., everything it takes for you to fulfill God’s will and to execute God’s plan. These two printouts show that God cares for you and loves you, and so He has provided for you in a magnificent way.

            2. Election.

                        a. Eph 1:4, “Since He Himself has elected us in Him before the foundation of the world, that we should be holy and blameless before Him.”

                                    (1) This verse teaches that election was provided before the creation of the world.

                                    (2) “Holy” is a reference to both the absolute and relative concept of experiential sanctification. We see in this verse that election relates to the experiential part of God’s plan for our lives. Holiness has to do with separation unto God; execution of the protocol plan of God

                                                (a) Absolute holiness describes the mandates related to the filling of the Spirit, which only occurs when the believer is inside the divine dynasphere. Then the Holy Spirit controls the soul and the old sin nature is restrained to the body. The believer in cosmic one is said to be grieving the Spirit because the old sin nature controls the soul and the Holy Spirit is grieved, though still indwelling the body. The issue is who controls the soul; either the old sin nature or the Holy Spirit controls the soul. This is an absolute; you’re either filled with the Holy Spirit and inside the divine dynasphere which is 100% spirituality, or you’re in the cosmic system which is 0% spirituality and 100% carnality. This absolute status applies to any stage of spiritual growth.

                                                (b) Relative holiness refers to advancing through the stages of spiritual growth or retrogression through the stages of reversionism.

                                    (3) “Blameless before Him” is a reference to ultimate sanctification in the eternal state.

                        b. There are three elections in history.

                                    (1) Israel was elected under the ritual plan of God.

                                    (2) Jesus Christ was elected under the salvation plan of God.

                                    (3) The Church was elected under the protocol plan of God; only this election is pertinent to this study.

                        c. Using a computer analogy portrays the concept of election.

                                    (1) The ROM chip is the sovereignty of God chip. The PROM chip is the free will of man chip. The sovereignty of God and the free will of man coexist in human history in order to resolve the angelic conflict.

                                    (2) ROM stands for “read only memory.” ROM is an integrated circuit into which unchanging data can be read but into which no new data can be written. ROM chips can only be programmed at the factory, which is analogous to heaven in eternity past.

                                    (3) Hence, the ROM chip is the sovereignty of God integrated circuit, and it has two printouts which relate to the protocol plan of God:  election and predestination. Election is the expression of the sovereignty of God in eternity past. Predestination is the provision of the sovereignty of God in eternity past.

                                    (4) PROM means “programmable read only memory.” PROM is the free will of man chip, programmed by the omniscience of God in eternity past. It is defined as a memory device, or integrated micro-circuit containing fixed data that can be read but not altered.

                                    (5) In other words, your free will, thinking, motivation, and actions operate right now in time. God knew your thoughts, motives, volitional decisions, and your actions in eternity past. Therefore, the omniscience of God entered into your very own prom chip every decision you will ever make in life, as well as your every thought, motive, and action.

                                    (6) The entering of the data is performed after the device is manufactured. God manufactured free will in both angelic creatures and in mankind. Then He programmed into the PROM chips just exactly how each free will would function.

                                    (7) Each PROM chip is programmed on the basis of the fact that the omniscience of God knew when each free will would operate independently of His sovereign will, and when in conformity with His sovereign will. But God invented free will to function either for or against Him; the choice lies with each individual.

                                    (8) Omniscience is God’s knowledge of all creation simultaneously. Therefore, there never was a time when He didn’t know just exactly how your free will would work.

                                    (9) In the computer of divine decrees, both the ROM chips and the PROM chips operate.

                            (10) In eternity past, God made one sovereign decision, one with many aspects. That one decision was to provide for you your very own election related to His plan for your life, and to provide for you your very own predestination related to His plan for your life. This is all contained in the ROM chip.

                            (11) In the PROM chip is a precreation record of each one of our lives, and it reads either winner or loser, depending upon your decisions. But there’s no excuse for being a loser, because in your ROM chip you have equal privileges and equal opportunities under election and predestination. Losers choose to be losers because of their ignorance of Bible doctrine and its resultant arrogance.

                            (12) The winner is the believer who uses his invisible computer assets of election and predestination. The loser is the believer who, through wrong decisions from a position of weakness, fails to learn, to understand the mechanics, and to utilize these invisible assets. Hence, the distinction between the winner and the loser is in the PROM chip, but never in the ROM chip.

                            (13) This important principle of equal privilege and opportunity for each individual Church Age believer under both election and predestination was left out of the lapsarian controversy in the history of theology.

                        d. The nature of election.

                                    (1) The whole purpose of the doctrine of election is to describe God’s way of providing invisible assets so that we can fulfill His will and His plan.

                                    (2) Election is the expression of the sovereignty of God for every Church Age believer made in eternity past. God’s sovereignty wills for you personally the highest and the best! And election expresses this sovereign will by providing equal privilege and equal opportunity for you.

                                    (3) So in election, God gave to each of us in eternity past two phenomenal assets, equal privilege and equal opportunity, which we must use to fulfill His plan and execute His will for our lives.

                        e. The equal privilege of election is the universal priesthood of the believer.

                                    (1) This in itself shows that God’s plan for us in the Church Age, as royal family, is totally and completely unique. For never before the Church Age and never after the Rapture of the Church is there ever another universal priesthood; it is only for us in the Church Age.

                                    (2) A priest is a human being who represents people before God. In the Church Age, since every believer is a priest, every believer represents himself before God. This establishes a system of privacy.

                                    (3) Under the privacy of your priesthood, you are responsible for yourself before God. This means you are responsible for every thought you think, every motive you have, every good decision you make, and every action you take, good or bad. And God is holding you responsible for your own decisions. Why? Because He made you a priest so that you now represent yourself before God.

                                    (4) The royal priesthood of the believer is taught many times in the New Testament. It was a favorite subject of Peter. Although his teaching was misunderstood by the Catholic Church, he was really teaching about the royal priesthood of each Church Age believer. Peter first taught this doctrine as found in 1 Pet 2:5,9. John taught it as well.

                                    (5) As a royal priest, every believer has a direct line to God, which means he represents himself before God, he evaluates himself, and he offers prayer for himself.

                                    (6) Hence, the privacy of your priesthood is related to the importance of epistemological rehabilitation. You have privacy so that you can learn Bible doctrine yourself. You can never learn anything if you’re not objective, or if you reject authority, or if you have any form of arrogance. To learn Bible doctrine under epistemological rehabilitation requires a tremendous amount of objectivity.

                                    (7) This is why the local church should be an environment where believers can gather together yet have their privacy respected. This means both your sins and your strengths should be kept private. The pastor- teacher, as the final authority in the local church, must protect the privacy of all priests in his congregation by disciplining or removing those who violate or impose upon others’ privacy.

                                    (8) The believer-priest cannot account for his thoughts, motives, decisions, or actions in undefinable terms. Under the privacy of your priesthood, you must be able to define your living in the terms of the protocol plan of God, which means you must learn the technical language and vocabulary. Once you do, you as your own priest can analyze and evaluate your own life and your own problems, and apply doctrine and make corrections to your own life under the privacy of your priesthood.

                                    (9) Therefore, the privacy of the priesthood demands that we learn doctrine so that we can define our situation. The royal priest’s self-improvement is based on the function of perception of doctrine. Any self-improvement based on the advice and counsel of others is really a set-back.

                            (10) The royal priesthood is designed by God to function under conceptualism. No believer can think, apply doctrine, or solve problems through the mind or the personality of another Christian. This is why each one of us is a priest. To the extent that we seek counsel or advice, that just means we’re not getting enough doctrine or we’re not using our own doctrine. Initially there’s a place for counseling with new believers, but as you grow you should begin to handle your own life. You should know when you’re wrong and when you’re right, and you should be able to utilize all the doctrine you have learned to advance to maturity. Only in spiritual maturity will you glorify God.

                            (11) Under the privacy of your priesthood, you have the right of assembly with other believers to learn doctrine from whomever is your right pastor-teacher in a group, where your privacy is respected.

                            (12) The privacy of your priesthood permits both your positive volition toward doctrine plus the right to metabolize and apply that doctrine to your own experience. (The tendency is to get arrogant and want to apply it to everyone’s experience.)

                            (13) The only human dependence of the royal priesthood is the divine provision of your very own pastor-teacher, and consistent positive volition under his teaching ministry. In that sense, a pastor is very much like a parent, and he should be honored, not loved. Your pastor should not bully you or intrude upon your privacy (unless warranted); but he should communicate and teach doctrine faithfully.

                            (14) Faithful Bible teaching from your right pastor demands faith perception, metabolization, and application of that teaching to your own life as a royal priest.

                            (15) Life in the divine dynasphere is not only spiritual freedom under the filling of the Spirit, but spiritual independence within the framework of your royal priesthood. This means that as a believer-priest, you cannot fulfill the protocol plan of God by advancing to spiritual maturity on someone else’s thinking, motivation, decisions, actions, advice, counseling, emotion, or even their leadership; the only exception is your dependence on your pastor-teacher. You have to do it on your own. That’s why the first stage of spiritual adulthood is spiritual self-esteem, which is when you know how to do it on your own, and you no longer feel threatened by all the many things in life that cause fear, worry, and anxiety.

                            (16) Major functions of the royal priesthood include:

                                                (a) Rebound as the basic technique for the recovery of fellowship.

                                                (b) A consistent prayer life.

                                                © Perception, metabolization, and application of doctrine to your own experience (and if in authority, to the experience of those under you).

                                                (d) Worship.

                                                (e) The sacrifices of life, e.g., praise, which is your doctrinal momentum resulting in spiritual adulthood and the modus operandi of virtue love.

                                                (f) Divine viewpoint mental attitude from metabolized doctrine. (It isn’t what the other person thinks that counts; it’s what you think from metabolized doctrine that counts.)

                                                (g) Self-motivation from metabolized doctrine. You have to motivate yourself; you can’t depend on someone else’s leadership. If you depend on them, then you are borrowing their inspiration. That will never work, for it results in stifling your own motivation, so that when you are under adversity, you have no motivation to keep driving on.

                            (17) Remember, the pastor is neither the leader of your social life nor the “madame” of a lonely hearts club. He is neither a counselor nor a crutch to lean on.

                            (18) Your priesthood demands that you live your own life as unto the Lord and take the responsibility for your own decisions. This is your equal privilege under election.

                        f. The equal opportunity under election is the divine provision of logistical grace support and blessing.

                                    (1) Two aspects of logistical grace come to you down the grace pipeline. Logistical support is designed to sustain you. Logistical blessing is additional, more than just support.

                                    (2) Both logistical grace support and blessing is provided for winners and losers alike, because both types of believers have the perfect righteousness of God. This provides equal opportunity for all believers.

                                    (3) The holiness or integrity of God is made up of divine righteousness and divine justice. At the point of salvation, perfect righteousness was imputed to you, so that you possess one-half of divine integrity. Righteousness demands righteousness; justice demands justice; what the righteousness of God demands the justice of God executes.

                                    (4) The justice of God is the initiator of grace. On a daily basis, the justice of God sends down the grace pipeline to the indwelling righteousness of God everything it takes to keep you alive, to sustain you, and in addition great and fantastic blessings.

                                    (5) All initial blessing in the Christian life comes in this manner. We do not earn or deserve any of it; it is a matter of grace. We’re not blessed because we give, witness, perform Christian service, or because of anything we can do. That would be a compromise of the integrity of God. God blesses you only because you have His perfect righteousness indwelling you; hence His integrity is not compromised.

                                    (6) The very air that you breathe, the food you eat, everything you have, the only reason you are alive through every type of vicissitude in life is based entirely upon this principle of logistical grace. This is for winners and losers alike, and it gives everyone equal opportunity. This often explains why the wicked prosper.

                        g. 2 Pet 1:10-11, “Therefore brethren [believers], be more motivated [perception of doctrine regarding your portfolio of invisible assets] to make your calling and election a spiritual reality; for by doing these things [fulfillment of the protocol plan of God, perception of doctrine] you will never stumble [i.e., become a loser in cosmic system]. For in this manner [execution of the protocol plan of God], your entrance into the eternal kingdom of our Lord Jesus Christ [ultimate sanctification in a resurrection body] will be richly supplied [conveyance of eternal escrow blessings to winners].”

                        h. How do you make your election a spiritual reality? Through perception, metabolization, and application of election and lapsarianism. You use the privacy of your priesthood; you learn the doctrine; you learn the mechanics.

            3. Predestination.

                        a. Eph 1:5, “By means of God’s virtue love, He has predestined us for the purpose of adoption to Himself through Jesus Christ according to the grace purpose of His will.”

                                    (1) God has personal love directed toward perfect divine righteousness. God has divine self-esteem in which eternal and infinite God loves His own perfect righteousness and does not feel threatened by creature failure, or by the other two members of the Godhead who have identical characteristics. God has impersonal love directed toward spiritually-dead mankind, as in Jn 3:16; Rom 5:8; 1 Jn 4:10.

                                    (2) Predestination means God provided everything we would need to execute His plan. Predestination provides equal privilege and equal opportunity for every Church Age believer to execute God’s will.

                                    (3) Adoption is how we become royal family. It refers to the baptism of the Holy Spirit at salvation, when God the Holy Spirit enters us into union with Christ so that we are adopted into His royal family forever.

                        b. Predestination is a computer asset, an invisible asset in our portfolio.

                        c. Predestination has two meanings.

                                    (1) Predestination is the provision of the sovereignty of God in eternity past whereby every believer becomes royal family of God plus being the heir of God. Jesus Christ is the heir of God; we are heirs of God and joint-heirs with the Son of God. Predestination only applies to believers, not to unbelievers.

                                    (2) Predestination is the provision of the sovereignty of God in eternity past whereby every member of the royal family of God is provided everything necessary to fulfill the plan of God. God provided for what we need. Therefore, we are not dependent upon human energy, human personality, legalism, and all other human efforts.

                        d. The equal privilege of predestination is the baptism of the Spirit whereby every believer is entered into union with Christ, whereby the royal family is formed. This is positional sanctification.

                                    (1) This means no distinctions are made among believers. There are no racial, social, economic, physiological, or intelligence distinctions, for we are all in union with Christ. All handicaps are set aside whether they are genetic, environmental, or volitional.

                                    (2) Therefore, we must regard ourselves as a person related to God, not in terms of our relationships to mankind. Relationship with God must precede relationship with people.

                                    (3) In application, this eliminates all forms of prejudice. Once you have believed in Christ, you are to regard yourself as a person, not as someone in some race or social structure or economic status or personality type, superior or inferior. You are to focus on yourself only as being a person. You are not to compare yourself with others. You are to live your life as unto the Lord.

                                    (4) From union with Christ comes the doctrine of Adoption. You are the heir of God and the joint-heir with the Son of God. Also, you can never get out of this position in Christ (top circle). This is a part of the doctrine of eternal security. Winners and losers alike are in union with Christ forever.

                                    (5) This also is the basis for the formation of the royal family of God which is a distinct and unique characteristic of the Church Age. Every believer in this dispensation is royal family of God. Our Lord has three royal titles.

                                                (a) Son of God. His royal family is composed of God the Father and God the Holy Spirit.

                                                (b) Son of David, which occurred at the birth of His humanity with the beginning of His Hypostatic Union. His royal family is the dynasty of David.

                                                © King of kings, Lord of lords, the Bright Morning Star, which occurred at His session. At that point, being without a royal family, the Church Age was inserted into history for the calling out of the royal family of God for our Lord’s third royal title.

                                    (6) Therefore, this is the unique dispensation, the only one in history that emphasizes the individual believer regardless of his human status quo. Because it is so important, you have the greatest opportunity and the greatest privilege that has ever belonged to anyone in all of human history. The portfolio of invisible assets assigned to you in eternity past makes it possible for you to have fantastic personal and historical impact.

                        e. The equal opportunity of predestination is the operational- type divine dynasphere, our very own palace designed for us by God the Father in eternity past. This is the means of fulfilling the protocol plan of God.

                                    (1) One of the seven ministries of the Holy Spirit at salvation is to enter you into gate #1 of your very own prefabricated palace which is the basis for the Christian way of life.

                                    (2) “Dynasphere” is derived from a combination of the Greek words DUNAMIS and SPHEIA, meaning “power sphere.” Only in the divine dynasphere can you execute the protocol plan of God. You can only get out of the divine dynasphere through sin; you recover through rebound.

                                    (3) Gate #1 is the filling of the Holy Spirit, the enabling power for the execution of the Christian way of life.

                                    (4) Gate #2 is basic Christian modus operandi. It includes basic problem-solving devices, such as rebound, faith-rest drill, hope 2 and hope 3. It also includes basic concepts of doctrine in the field of Soteriology and Christology. This is actually the gate of epistemological rehabilitation.

                                    (5) Gate #3 is enforced and genuine humility. With humility, no matter what kind of a person you are, you have objectivity and teachability from enforced and genuine humility. This is a part of the structure of the royal family of God on earth. There is a system of spiritual authority as well as a system of temporal authority in life.

                                    (6) Gate #4 is perception, metabolization, and application of Bible doctrine to life. This is the momentum gate, for all basic momentum in the Christian life comes from your perception and application of Bible doctrine. This is operation Z which produces epignosis doctrine in the right lobe of the soul.

                                    (7) Gate #5 is the beginning of spiritual adulthood. (Gates 1-3 is spiritual childhood.) This is personal love for God as the motivational virtue of life. This is also the place of spiritual self-esteem which is the dividing line between spiritual childhood and spiritual adulthood.

                                    (8) Gate #6 is impersonal love for all mankind, the realm of spiritual autonomy, the second stage of spiritual adulthood. This is functional virtue in life.

                                    (9) Gate #7 is momentum testing, which includes four categories of testing:  people, system, thought, and disaster.

                                    (10) Gate #8 is the winner’s gate, spiritual maturity, the third stage of spiritual adulthood. This is the point at which you receive the conveyance of your escrow blessings and the first of two ways you glorify God in spiritual maturity. (The second way is to pass evidence testing which glorifies to the maximum in the historic phase of the angelic conflict.)

                                    (11) So the sovereignty of God the Father provided in eternity past a place for every member of the royal family for the execution of the protocol plan of God. The fulfillment of God’s plan and the glorification of God is residence and function in the divine dynasphere, under the enabling power of the Holy Spirit, and momentum from metabolized doctrine.

                        f. The result is given in Eph 1:11-12, “In whom also [positional sanctification] we have received an allotment [escrow blessings for time and eternity], having been predestined [means of fulfilling God’s plan and will] for the purpose of a predetermined plan from Him [God the Father] who works all things in conformity with the purpose of His will, in order that we [royal family of God] who first hoped in Christ should be for the praise of His glory.”

                                    (1) God worked these things in eternity past when He provided them for you under the package known as predestination.

                                    (2) Everything provided for us in our portfolio is designed for His praise and His glory.


I.  The Interaction Between Primary Assets.

            1. The interaction between primary assets is defined as the utilization of our computer assets to attain escrow blessings. In eternity past, God provided for you in your portfolio of invisible assets the equal privilege and equal opportunity of election and predestination, the means by which we execute His plan and receive the conveyance of our escrow blessings for time. This is the way in which God is glorified.

            2. The computer assets in our portfolio are given to every believer at the moment of salvation, while escrow assets are not distributed until we attain spiritual maturity.

            3. The conveyance of our escrow blessings for time is the first way in which God is glorified. The first thing God ever did for us is the means of glorifying Him. At the Judgment Seat of Christ after the Rapture, the winner receives his escrow blessings for eternity.

            4. The computer assets are designed by God the Father for the execution of His protocol plan by the royal family and the attainment of our escrow blessings, which is the means of glorifying Him. There are two ways of glorifying God.

                        a. The attainment of maturity and our escrow blessings.

                        b. Passing evidence testing.

            5. Interaction of primary assets occurs when the positive believer, under epistemological rehabilitation, utilizes his computer assets to achieve spiritual maturity.

            6. Each category of computer assets contains equal privileges and equal opportunities for the attainment of spiritual maturity, tantamount to the execution of the protocol plan and the glorification of God.

            7. Therefore, through the utilization of his computer assets, the believer executes the protocol plan of God through achievement of spiritual maturity, with two positive results.

                        a. The distribution of escrow blessings for time.

                        b. The glorification of God.

            8. Eph 1:11-12 teaches this interaction in detail. “In whom also we have received an allotment [escrow blessings for time and eternity], having been predestined for the purpose of predetermined plan from Him who works all things in conformity with the purpose of His will; in order that we, who first hoped in Christ [hope 2] should be for the praise of His glory.”  


J.  The Exegetical Structure of Our Portfolio.

            1. The five verbs of Eph 1:3-8 provide this structure.

            2. Each of these verb forms is a culminative aorist tense. This describes the action of the verb in its entirety, but regards it from the viewpoint of existing results.

            3. The culminative aorist of each of the five verbs looks back at action performed by God in eternity past, but regards the dynamic results in time. These culminative aorist verbs not only indicate God’s work of grace on our behalf, but at the same time they describe the Father’s grace intention and policy for the fulfillment of His will in the execution of His plan for the Church Age.

            4. In verses 3-5, our escrow assets and computer assets are described in toto, but they are regarded from the viewpoint of their existing results:  the glorification of God. Everything we are and everything we ever hope to be are described in these culminative aorists.

            5. Each of these verb forms is found in either the active or middle voice, and in each case God the Father is the subject or agent.

            6. Two of the verbs are found in the indicative mood, which is used for a dogmatic statement of Bible doctrine and for the identification of the main verb. This is important because there is an main verb-participial relationship.

            7. The other verb forms are two participles. In one case the action of the aorist participle precedes the action of the main verb; that is how we know your blessings were deposited in escrow before you were elected and predestined. The other aorist participle is co-terminus with the main verb; this is how we know that election and predestination are two sides of the same coin.

            8. There are five verbs that describe our portfolio.

                        a. The aorist active participle of EULOGEO in verse 3:  “who has blessed us.” The culminative aorist views the escrow blessings in their entirety, but regards them from the existing results:  God’s grace provision of the computer assets (means) and the escrow assets (result). These primary assets are mentioned together here.

                        b. The aorist middle indicative of EKLEGO in verse 4 means to elect. It’s the main verb. The action of the aorist participle of EULOGEO precedes the action of this main verb EKLEGO. This is how we know the escrow assets were put into our portfolio before our computer assets.

                        c. The aorist active participle of PROORIZO in verse 5 means to predestine. This is a coterminous participle, i.e., coterminous with the main verb. So election and predestination were put into your portfolio at the same time.

                        d. The aorist active indicative of CHARITOO in verse 6 is translated “He has graced us out in the Beloved” [mistranslated “accepted"] .Being graced out refers to your portfolio of invisible assets, prepared in eternity past before you lived. But it had your name on it; and in time, when you believed in Jesus Christ, certain assets were conveyed immediately, other assets are accumulated, and other assets are attained in the fulfillment of God’s plan.

                        e. The aorist active indicative of PERISSEUO in verse 8 is translated “He has made us super rich.”

            9. Each of these five aorist tenses was accomplished in eternity past. “Aorist” comes from AORISTOS, which means “unlimited.” The aorist tense emphasizes the action as occurring without reference to its progress. Each of these five verbs denote an occurrence in eternity past, long before creation and long before any believer could merit any form of blessing from God.

     10. As culminative aorists, these verbs are regarded from the viewpoint of existing results:  God’s grace provision for the fulfillment of His perfect plan for the Church Age, the protocol plan of God. These aorists not only indicate God’s work of grace on our behalf, but they also describe the Father’s grace policy for the fulfillment of His will and the execution of His plan. Hence these culminative aorists represent the relationship between the protocol plan of God in time and the portfolio of invisible assets in eternity past.

     11. In fact, these are very close the dramatic aorist tense, which states the present reality of our portfolio with the certainty of a past event:  what God the Father did for us in eternity past.

     12. In summary, God has blessed us, elected us, predestined us, graced us out, and made us super rich. These were all accomplished in eternity past, and can become a reality to us in time. Being super rich is a summary of the whole thing. You are super rich right now! You have invisible assets that wealthy and successful and powerful people do not have.

    13. Eph 1:3-8, “Worthy of praise and glorification is God even the Father of our Lord Jesus Christ, who has blessed us with every spiritual blessing in the heavenlies in Christ, since He Himself has elected us in Him before the foundation of the world, that we should be holy and blameless before Him; by means of virtue-love He has predestined us to Himself for the purpose of adoption through Jesus Christ according to the grace purpose of His will, so that we might praise the glory of His grace, by which He has graced us out in the Beloved, in whom we have redemption through His blood, the forgiveness of sins, according to the riches of His grace, from which He has made us super-rich by means of all wisdom and spiritual insight,...”

     14. Therefore, the only way to glorify God is the utilization of our invisible assets.


K.  Secondary assets come from the use of computer assets.

            1. The primary assets are the escrow blessings for time and eternity and the computer assets by which you have equal privilege and equal opportunity to fulfill the conditions of the escrow and thereby receive escrow blessings.

            2. From the primary assets, provided for you by the sovereignty of God the Father in eternity past, come the secondary assets. These are the extension of positive volition toward Bible doctrine and momentum in the protocol plan of God. There are four secondary assets related to the believer’s persistence inside the divine dynasphere with positive volition toward doctrine:  volitional assets, production assets, undeserved suffering assets, and invisible impact assets. 3. Between the computer assets you receive at salvation and the escrow assets you receive at maturity are the four secondary assets. Because the secondary assets are based on the function of human volition, they are a prom chip in the computer of divine decrees.

            4. All secondary assets result from perception and utilization of our primary assets, that is, the computer assets of both equal privilege and equal opportunity in election and predestination. The believer’s use of his computer assets through positive volition toward doctrine result in the increase of his portfolio.

            5. Remember that in the computer of divine decrees, there are two categories of volitional chips.

                        a. The sovereignty of God is comparable to the rom chip. All primary assets originate from rom chips.

                        b. The free will of man chip is comparable to the prom chip. All secondary assets originate from the prom chip.

            6. In human history, the sovereignty of God and the free will of man coexist by divine decree. 7. Epistemological rehabilitation means knowing both your escrow assets and your computer assets, and beginning to relate these to your volition and priorities.

            8. Since positive volition toward Bible doctrine is the key to using computer assets to attain escrow assets, both primary and secondary assets must be distinguished. Primary assets originate from the sovereignty of God, and they express God’s will for our lives. Secondary assets originate from the volition of the believer, and they express our attitude toward the grace of God. 9. The condition for the distribution of escrow blessings is the fulfillment of the protocol plan of God. It can only be fulfilled by learning what is the protocol plan of God, how it functions, what is the divine dynasphere and how it functions, and utilizing these assets.

     10. How do you glorify God as a Christian? When the believer attains spiritual maturity, he has fulfilled the protocol plan of God. Through his attainment of maturity, he glorifies God in two ways:  the conveyance of his escrow blessings in spiritual maturity, and the spiritually mature believer passes the three phases of evidence testing.

     11. The four secondary assets are:

                        a. Volitional Assets.

                                    (1) The issue in the execution of God’s will and plan for your life is advancing to spiritual maturity. This is a matter of consistent and numerous good decisions made daily from a position of strength. This requires daily residence inside your divine dynasphere under the enabling power of the Spirit and momentum from metabolized doctrine.

                                    (2) Glorifying God comes from many good decisions from a position of strength. The position of strength is residence, function, and momentum inside your very own divine dynasphere. The accumulated good decisions result in the believer becoming a winner and the recipient of his escrow blessings for time. Therefore, positive volition is the first of the secondary assets in your portfolio.

                                    (3) The believer’s volition is the basis for establishing priorities in life and consolidating the divine viewpoint scale of values. You must understand the objectives, are defined in terms of glorifying God.

                                    (4) In each stage of spiritual adulthood, your positive volition and your scale of values is tested. You’ve already used positive volition to reach spiritual self-esteem, gate #5 of the divine dynasphere. Daily positive volition regarding Bible doctrine is the major issue in the Christian way of life. Notice it is not positive volition related to Christian service or some experience or anything else.

                                    (5) Persistent positive volition toward doctrine inside your divine dynasphere results in the attainment of spiritual self-esteem at gate #5. To get to spiritual self-esteem takes a lot of good decisions. This is the beginning of spiritual adulthood, of the motivational virtue of personal love for God. In spiritual self-esteem, your persistence in positive volition toward doctrine is tested by that category of suffering for blessing called providential preventative suffering. Hence, spiritual self- esteem plus providential preventative suffering equals spiritual autonomy, the second stage of spiritual adulthood.

                                    (6) Reaching gate #6, impersonal love toward all mankind, is the second stage of spiritual adulthood:  spiritual autonomy. Your persistence in positive volition is tested again by that category of suffering for blessing called momentum testing. Spiritual autonomy can pass all four of the momentum testings at gate #7:  people, system, thought, and disaster testing. By passing all four parts of momentum testing, you advance to spiritual maturity, the winner’s gate, the final stage of spiritual adulthood.

                                    (7) In spiritual maturity, your perseverance in positive volition toward doctrine is tested by evidence testing, the highest honor God can bestow on a believer in this life. Therefore, spiritual maturity plus evidence testing results in maximum glorification of God in the historical extension of the angelic conflict.

                                    (8) The dynamics of consistent good decisions become visible in passing the three categories of suffering for blessing.

                                    (9) Your daily decisions are definitely related to your mental attitude. Your mental attitude is related to the accumulation of Bible doctrine in your life. If you have human viewpoint mental attitude, you will be perpetually miserable.

                            (10) This first and most important of secondary assets is how your volition functions - not occasionally, but daily.

                            (11) It is the acquisition and use of virtue-love that characterizes spiritual autonomy. Virtue-love is the highest problem- solving device. 1 Cor 13:13 ranks the Christian’s problem-solving devices, “And now abides faith [faith-rest drill], hope [hope 2 and 3], and love [virtue-love]; but the greatest of these is [virtue] love.”

                        b. Production Assets.

                                    (1) As a result of spiritual progress and straightening out our mental attitude, we begin to be motivated in childhood to do something for the Lord. That motivation will reach its peak when we reach spiritual self-esteem from maximum doctrine. Then each of the stages of spiritual adulthood merely adds to the fantastic development of production in Christian service.

                                    (2) Christian service is not the means of spirituality. Such an idea comes from negative volition, whether ignorance or cognizance. True Christian service is a result of positive volition. Christian service is a result of motivation from the mental attitude that only comes from Bible doctrine. Christian service that is the extension of your motivation produces divine good.

                                    (3) Production assets result from momentum inside your very own palace, the divine dynasphere. Production assets are the sum total of your Christian service and the utilization of your spiritual gift.

                                    (4) Effective production always occurs while resident in your very own divine dynasphere as the result of positive volition motivation. Effective production is called gold, silver, and precious stones in 1 Cor 3:12, and is rewardable in eternity. Negative production occurs when the believer performs Christian service inside Satan’s cosmic system, or when the believer assumes production is the means of spirituality or spiritual growth. This negative production is called wood, hay and stubble (1 Cor 3:12), and it is burned at the Judgment Seat of Christ. Hence, there are two categories of Christian service.

                                                (a) Positive production is effective service performed in the divine dynasphere and rewarded at the Judgment Seat of Christ.

                                                (b) Negative production is ineffective service performed while residing in the cosmic system and burned at the Judgment Seat of Christ.

                                     (5) There are seven things that can be classified as Christian production, a result of spiritual progress.

                                                (a) Witnessing for Christ, your own personal evangelism. God will provide the opportunity; you provide the information. When you use the Word of God in witnessing for Christ, you’re using something far more powerful than you are, and you will be amazed at the tremendous results.

                                                (b) Work in the local church.

                                                © Christian service organizations. However, the danger of becoming involved with these organizations is when they become a substitute for learning doctrine and spiritual growth. These organizations often cause believers to lose their perspective and their momentum for Christ. They can become a social club, causing the believer to first become shallow, then reversionistic, and so he becomes a loser because he never comes close to executing the Christian way of life and glorifying God.

                                                (d) Missionary activity. Emotional appeals have caused many unqualified believers to go into the field. In missions, what counts is quality, not emotion or quantity. Quality in a missionary begins with the development of his spiritual gift of communication through daily perception of Bible doctrine. He should stay out of politics and crusades in his country; this has side-tracked many missionaries. His objective is to evangelize, to communicate doctrine to converts, and to train those men with the spiritual gifts of communication so that they, in turn, evangelize and teach their own people.

                                                (e) Service to the needy in a community. There are many services one can perform to help the needy, and this can become the means of witnessing and communicating the truth.

                                                (f) Specialized functions, like working with young people, with

handicapped people, with people whose privileges and opportunities are limited so that they rarely get the chance to be exposed to good evangelism and Bible teaching. Such people are usually used and exploited, but they are rarely exposed to the truth.

                                                (g) Function of your spiritual gift. As you grow in grace, your spiritual gift begins to function, and this provides another avenue for Christian service.

                                    (6) Several things do not constitute Christian service, such as civil disobedience and Christian activism. Such functions reflect the moral degeneracy of loser believers. They blend Church and state, which should be kept separate in order for certain categories of freedom to exist. The separation of Church and state must be recognized for effective Christian service.

                                    (7) Evangelistic production results from two sources.

                                                (a) The function of your royal ambassadorship in personal evangelism or witnessing.

                                                (b) The function of the spiritual gift of evangelism, which is mass evangelism to a lost and dying world.

                                    (8) See the Doctrine of Cosmic One for a development of the arrogance of Christian service.

                        c. Undeserved Suffering Assets.

                                    (1) The undeserved suffering assets are providential preventative suffering, momentum testing, evidence testing. This is the secondary asset related to momentum in spiritual adulthood through suffering for blessing.

                                    (2) Each stage of spiritual adulthood, spiritual self- esteem, spiritual autonomy, and spiritual maturity, has its own category of suffering for blessing:  providential preventative suffering, momentum testing, and evidence testing. The momentum pattern is spiritual self- esteem plus providential preventative suffering equals spiritual autonomy. Spiritual autonomy plus momentum testing equals spiritual maturity. Spiritual maturity plus evidence testing glorifies God to the maximum.

                                    (3) The fact that God administers to us suffering for blessing in each stage of spiritual adulthood is an asset. These assets of providential preventative suffering, momentum testing, and evidence testing are not administered by the sovereignty of God until you’ve advanced to where you can handle them. Then undeserved suffering, or suffering for blessing, becomes one of the great secondary assets in your portfolio.

                                    (4) What is so amazing about the third secondary asset is that in eternity past, God provided the suffering for blessing categories for you! Whether you ever use these or not depends on whether you have any momentum from positive volition. Like escrow blessings, God deposited in escrow your blessings of undeserved suffering.

                                    (5) So also, these three categories of suffering are blessing! They are strictly designed for your blessing. But if you don’t get to them by reaching spiritual self-esteem, then the only alternative is a lot of suffering that can only make you miserable until the day you die: self-induced misery under the law of volitional responsibility, and the three categories of divine discipline which, by the way, are not in your portfolio. This is the stuff you bring on yourself by your negative volition so that you’ll never know the blessing of these three categories of suffering.

                                    (6) Suffering for blessing is for spiritual adults only. To miss suffering for blessing is to miss the meaning of life!

                        d. Invisible Impact Assets.

                                    (1) The portfolio of invisible assets provides for the royal family of God to have a spiritual impact on human history. This impact is invisible and far more powerful than any evident human power as recorded in human history.

                                    (2) The Church Age is called the dispensation of the fullness of time and the dispensation of the grace of God. The role of the believer in this dispensation is for invisible impact in three categories:  personal impact, historical impact, and international impact.

                                    (3) Personal impact is blessing by association with mature believers. There are two kinds of blessing by association:  direct blessing from God to a third party and indirect or contact blessing from the mature believer.

                                                (a) Under direct blessing by association from God, any person associated with the mature believer becomes the third party. Any person associated with a mature believer will receive direct blessing from God, whether that person is good or evil, believer or unbeliever. This is a matter of grace, since all too often those so associated are losers or evil. This often explains why the wicked prosper. The degree of blessing is not taught in the Scripture, only the concept. There are six categories of blessing by association.

                                                    (i) Spiritual periphery:  those associated with mature believers in the local church, in prayer meeting, prep school, on a deacon board, or mission board, or any Christian service organization.

                                                    (ii) Family periphery:  husband, wife, parents, children, relatives. Even unbelievers or negative believers are blessed by association with the mature believer.

                                                    (iii) Social periphery:  friends.

                                                    (iv) Geographical periphery:  those associated with the mature believer in a neighborhood, city, country, state, and nation.

                                                     (v) Professional periphery:  businesses, schools, hospitals, medical clinics, law firms, engineering firms, branches of military service, law enforcement agencies, banks, athletic teams, symphony orchestras, etc.

                                                    (vi) Blessing by association after death, in certain cases like parents to children. This can extend to the second and third generations, and in rare cases to the fourth generation.

                                                (b) Indirect or contact blessing is the second kind of personal impact. This means that, by attainment of spiritual maturity, mature believers have become generous, thoughtful, considerate, humble, and pleasant people. Therefore, they are a blessing to others in sharing both their spiritual and material prosperity. Through fellowship or social contact, the mature believer shares accumulated wisdom acquired in his advance to maturity as well as material things.

                                    (2) Historical Impact is classified as the pivot or salt principle (Mt 5:13 and 9:50).

                                                (a) Under the pivot principle, invisible dynamics of history occur only during the Church Age. The pivot principle is related to the client nation to God in these times of the Gentiles.

                                                (b) The pivot is defined as the number of mature believers in a client nation at any given time in its history. The believer enters the pivot at the point of spiritual maturity.

                                                © As goes the believer, so goes the client nation to God.

                                                (d) A large pivot of mature believers means the three-fold function of a client nation:  maximum evangelism, effective Bible teaching, and dynamic missionary function. This results in blessing, prosperity, and preservation of the client nation.

                                                (e) A small pivot means the administration of the various cycles of discipline to the client nation. The perpetuation of a small pivot means the destruction of the client nation under the fifth cycle of discipline.

                                    (3) International Impact is the function of the local church in the client nation to God in sending out qualified missionaries to non- client nations. The function of world-wide missions includes evangelism, Bible teaching, and the indigenous modus operandi, which means training native pastors with the proper spiritual gift to form local churches and to function independently of foreign help. Missionaries should not become involved in the politics of the nation in which they function. They are not called to activism, but to harvest positive volition in their area.  


L.  Personnel Assets:  Spiritual Gifts.

            1. Spiritual gifts are distributed by God the Holy Spirit at the point of salvation. The Greek noun CHARISMA for spiritual gifts is based on CHARIS, or grace. All spiritual gifts are a matter of grace.

            2. Spiritual gifts are sovereignly given by the Holy Spirit to each believer at the point of salvation. Therefore, a spiritual gift is never earned, deserved, or developed through any form of emotional experience. The gift given represents the wisdom of the Holy Spirit; remember that when you object to your own or to someone else’s .It has nothing to do with your spiritual life as such; i.e., you’re not given a more spectacular or visible gift if it’s anticipated that you’ll be more spiritual, and you’re not given a more “invisible” gift if it’s anticipated that you won’t turn out to be much anyhow. (Since you are in union with Christ now, being “not much” should no longer be in your vocabulary.)

            3. The initial distribution of spiritual gifts, from the Day of Pentecost for about twenty years, came from the Lord Jesus Christ. He made the first distribution on the Day of Pentecost, ten days after His ascension, according to Eph 4:7-8. But since that time, the Holy Spirit makes the distribution of spiritual gifts, according to Heb 2:4 and 1 Cor 12:11. In several passages, spiritual gifts are ascribed to God without distinguishing which member of the Holy Trinity is the Giver. But today the Holy Spirit is the Giver. 1 Cor 12:11, “But one and the same Spirit works all these things, distributing to each one individually just as He wills.” This is one of the few New Testament references to the sovereignty of the Holy Spirit.

            4. Spiritual gifts are not earned, not deserved, not developed, and not acquired through emotional experience. Your spiritual gift becomes operational through normal spiritual growth. 5. From the standpoint of the Word of God, all believers have equal privilege and equal opportunity from their computer assets. This means that the distinction between believers in the eyes of God is never related to appearance, personality, or any form of human or alleged spiritual achievement. The only distinction between believers can be categorized under two concepts.

                        a. Spiritual growth. Some believers use their equal privilege and equal opportunity and achieve phenomenal growth. Distinction among believers on the basis of their spiritual growth is a result of their motivation, volition, and priorities.

                        b. Spiritual gifts. The distinction among believers in spiritual gifts has its source in the sovereign wisdom of the Holy Spirit.

            6. God the Holy Spirit in His sovereign wisdom has provided different spiritual gifts, so that some difference in modus operandi exists in the body of Christ, just as different functions are assigned to different parts of the human body.

            7. The effectiveness of the spiritual gift depends upon two factors.

                        a. The filling of the Holy Spirit, the absolute concept of experiential Christianity.

                        b. The degree of spiritual growth, the relative concept of experiential Christianity.

            8. Therefore, spiritual gifts only function inside the divine dynasphere, under the enabling power of the Holy Spirit totally apart from emotion. Emotion neither characterizes the filling of the Spirit nor the function of spiritual gifts.

            9. Spiritual gifts are said to be the Father’s witness to the saving work of Christ and to His strategic victory in the angelic conflict. They were distributed by God the Holy Spirit under that concept according to Heb 2:4 and Eph 4:8.

     10. See the Doctrine of Spiritual Gifts.  


M.  The Unique Assets.

            1. The fourth category of assets in our portfolio of invisible assets are the unique assets for every Church Age believer.

            2. There are eleven assets in this category.

                        a. The baptism of the Holy Spirit, which results in union with Christ or positional sanctification. This creates a new spiritual species and the royal family of God.

                        b. The protocol plan of God, which is unique to the Church Age.

                        c. The equality factor. This includes equal privilege and equal opportunity under both election and predestination.

                                    (1) Equal privilege under election is our royal priesthood, through which we represent ourselves to God.

                                    (2) Equal opportunity under election is logistical grace support of the believer by God the Father.

                                    (3) Equal privilege under predestination is the baptism of the Holy Spirit or union with Christ.

                                    (4) Equal opportunity under predestination is entrance into and the provision of the operational divine dynasphere.

                        d. The provision of the ten problem solving devices, which the believer uses to prevent the outside pressure of adversity from being converted into the inside pressure of stress in the soul. This is tantamount to old sin nature control of the soul.

                        e. The two royal commissions. We are commissioned as royal priests, by which we represent ourselves before God. We are commissioned as royal ambassadors, by which we represent God to a lost and dying world. These are the basis for our full time Christian service.

                        f. The mystery doctrine of the Church Age.

                        g. The indwelling of each person of the Trinity.

                                    (1) The indwelling of the Father, Jn 14:23; Eph 4:6; 2 Jn 9.

                                    (2) The indwelling of the Son, Jn 14:20, 17:22-23; Rom 8:10; 2 Cor 13:5; Gal 2:20; Col 1:27; 1 Jn 3:24.

                                    (3) The indwelling of the Holy Spirit, Rom 8:11; 1 Cor 3:16, 6:19-20; 2 Cor 6:16.

                                    (4) God the Father has capitalized us with unique assets. The fact that each member of the Trinity, though infinite, eternal, and omnipresent, indwells the body of every believer is a fantastic phenomenon. This never occurs in any other dispensation in history.

                                    (5) The purpose for the indwelling of God the Father.

                                                (a) For the glorification of His plan for the Church Age, i.e., the protocol plan of God for the Church Age which has replaced the ritual plan of God for the dispensation of Israel.

                                                (b) It provides the assurance of His work in eternity past on behalf of each Church Age believer. That assurance includes the fact that He is the author of our portfolio of invisible assets, the grantor of our escrow blessings, the mastermind of the protocol plan of God, and the designer of our palace, the operational divine dynasphere, by which we execute His plan, purpose, and will for our lives.

                                    (6) The purpose for the indwelling of Christ.

                                                (a) It is a sign or badge of the royal family of God.

                                                (b) It is a guarantee of our portfolio of invisible assets.

                                                © It is a guarantee of life after death in the presence of God forever and ever. At physical death, the Lord leaves our body with us and escorts our soul and spirit into the third heaven.

                                                (d) It is a guarantee of our escrow blessings, since Jesus Christ is the depositary and escrow officer.

                                                (e) The indwelling of Jesus Christ is motivation for continued momentum in spiritual adulthood. There are three categories of undeserved suffering to challenge the three stages of spiritual adulthood. The indwelling of our Lord provides the strongest possible motivation as we face these areas of undeserved suffering.

                                                (f) The indwelling of Jesus Christ is the basis for assigning #1 priority to relationship with God over relationship with mankind; therefore, God emphasis before people emphasis. This relationship is tested by your attitude toward Bible doctrine.

                                    (7) The purpose for the indwelling of the Holy Spirit.

                                                (a) To construct a temple for the indwelling of Jesus Christ in our bodies. Our bodies, being inhabited by the old sin nature, are no place for the indwelling of the Trinity. But God the Holy Spirit provides a temple for the residence of Jesus Christ, the Shekinah Glory. Just as the Shekinah Glory dwelt in the Jewish Tabernacle or Temple as a sign of blessing to the Jews, so our Lord dwells in our bodies, in a Spirit- constructed temple.

                                                (b) As a base of operations for both the execution of the protocol plan of God and the glorification of Christ in our bodies.

                                    (8) Three important distinctions must be made.

                                                (a) The difference between the indwelling of Christ in our bodies and the indwelling of the Holy Spirit in our bodies.

                                                (b) The difference between the indwelling of the Holy Spirit in our bodies and the filling of the Spirit. The indwelling of the Holy Spirit is status quo since salvation and is non-experiential. The filling of the Spirit is experiential, being life in the divine dynasphere and the Spirit controlling our soul.

                                                © The distinction between the indwelling of Jesus Christ in our bodies and the glorification of Christ in our bodies. His indwelling is status quo since salvation and non-experiential. But the glorification of Christ in our bodies is the ultimate spiritual experience related to spiritual maturity. In fact, each stage of spiritual adulthood is characterized by a relationship and experience with Christ.

                                                            i. Gal 4:19, “Christ formed in our bodies” refers to the believer who has attained spiritual self-esteem. This means he has the motivation and attitude of the humanity of Christ in Hypostatic Union who resided in the prototype divine dynasphere.

                                                    ii. Eph 3:17, “Christ being at home in your right lobes” is the experience of spiritual autonomy.

                                                   iii. Phil 1:20, “Christ being glorified in our bodies” refers to the experience of spiritual maturity.

                                    (9) The indwelling of Christ provides a new emphasis, a new motivation, a new priority for the new spiritual species, the body of Christ, the royal family of God.

                        h. The availability of divine power to execute the protocol plan of God. The same power that raised Christ from the dead is available to every Church Age believer for the execution of God’s will, plan, and purpose for the Church Age. The power of God guarantees the availability of the problem solving devices.

                        i. The Church Age is the dispensation of no prophesy. This dispensation begins with the prophesy of the coming of the Holy Spirit at Pentecost and ends with the prophesy of the resurrection of the Church. We live in a dispensation of historical trends.

                        j. We live in the dispensation of invisible heroes. (See the Doctrine of Invisible Heroes.) The invisible hero has personal impact, national impact, international impact, angelic impact, and heritage impact, but it is all invisible impact.

                        k. Every Church Age believer is in full time Christian service. This service is related to your spiritual gift, your royal priesthood, your royal ambassadorship, your invisible impact, and your establishment function.


N.  The Distribution and Utilization of Our Assets. There are four phases in which there is distribution and utilization of portfolio assets, i.e. when these assets become available to the positive believer:

            1. At the point of salvation. God the Holy Spirit, under His signature guarantee, His sealing ministry, provides at salvation certain portfolio assets.

                        a. He provides the computer assets of election and predestination with equal privileges and equal opportunity.

                        b. He provides the beginning of volitional assets:  positive volition toward doctrine, and the beginning of epistemological rehabilitation.

                        c. He provides personnel assets; God the Holy Spirit gives every believer a spiritual gift.

            2. During spiritual childhood.

                        a. By now, the volitional asset is beginning to make good decisions from a position of strength. This is very important as the means of momentum.

                        b. Minimum production.

                        c. The initial function of your spiritual gifts, with some exceptions. Some require preparation, like the communication gifts.

                        d. Your computer assets become operational. You’re now beginning to function under certain computer assets, like your priesthood:  you use rebound. Under equal opportunity of election, you are sustained daily by logistical grace blessing. Under equal opportunity of predestination, you are beginning to discover the divine dynasphere, the filling of the Spirit, and how to live therein.

            3. During spiritual adulthood.

                        a. Computer assets become very functional.

                        b. Your volitional assets are the result of good decisions from a position of strength.

                        c. You have learned a great deal of doctrine, and you are now using that doctrine and providential preventative suffering to move up from spiritual self-esteem to reach spiritual autonomy. Then when you reach spiritual autonomy, it requires momentum testing.

                        d. Your production and Christian service become very effective.

                        e. If you are a missionary, you have effective international impact.

                        f. The effective function of your spiritual gift.

            4. During spiritual maturity.

                        a. Maximum use of your computer assets.

                        b. Distribution of escrow blessings for time which glorify God, the escrow blessings that stagger the imagination.

                        c. Maximum production.

                        d. Evidence testing, the potential for maximum glorification of God.

                        e. The modus operandi of impact assets.

                                    (1) Personal impact in blessing by association.

                                    (2) Historical impact as part of the pivot.

                                    (3) International impact where pertinent. There is maximum effectiveness as a missionary to a non-client nation.

                        f. Maximum function of your spiritual gift.  


O.  The Purpose of the Portfolio, Eph 1:6,12,14.

            1. Eph 1:6, “resulting in the praise the glory of His grace.”

            2. Eph 1:12, “in order that we should be for the praise of His glory.”

            3. Eph 1:14, “for the release of your assets for the praise of His glory.”

            4. God had a reason for all He has done for you in your portfolio, and this reason gives purpose to your life.  


P.  The Importance of your Portfolio, Heb 10:35-36.

            1. These assets are so important that you can’t afford to miss out and fail to utilize them. If you do not use your assets which God has given you, you will have a miserable life and end up without your escrow blessings for time and eternity.

            2. Heb 10:35-36, “Therefore, do not throw away as worthless your confidence [signature guarantee of Holy Spirit and confidence in the indwelling of Jesus Christ] which keeps on having rich distribution of blessing [portfolio of invisible assets], for you keep on having need of perseverance so that when you have done the will of God [fulfill protocol plan of God] you may receive the deposit [escrow] which He has promised [through the signature guarantee of the sealing of Holy Spirit].”

                        a. How do you throw away as worthless your confidence? By your priorities. What is important to you? What’s first on your scale of values? What do you do when you have a free moment?

                        b. Through Bible doctrine you will form a right scale of values. Throwing away your confidence is to have a wrong scale of values.    


Q.  The Two Divine Guarantees of your Portfolio.

            1. The signature guarantee of the Holy Spirit at salvation, His sealing ministry is the guarantee that you have a portfolio of invisible assets and eternal security. Eph 1:13-14, “who is the guarantee of our inheritance for the release of your assets [property, possessions] for the praise of His glory.” God the Holy Spirit also enters us into union with Christ and makes us joint-heirs with Christ.

            2. In the residence of the Lord Jesus Christ as the Shekinah glory is the guarantee that blessing is available as part of your invisible assets. Jn 14:20, “You are in Me, and I in you.”


R.  The Conclusion, Rom 11:33-36. “Oh the depth of the riches both of the wisdom and knowledge of God! How unsearchable are His decrees and unfathomable His ways! For who has known the mind of the Lord, or who has become His counselor? Or who has given to Him and not been compensated? Because the all things [our portfolio] are from the source of Him and through the agency of Him and for His purpose. To Him be glory forever. Amen.”




R. B. Thieme, Jr. Bible Ministries 5139 West Alabama, Houston, Texas 77056 (713) 621-3740

© 1991, by R. B. Thieme, Jr.  All rights reserved.
