



A.  The doctrine of posterity refers to the perpetuation of every original family that came into Israel after the Exodus through the male line.


B.  When the husband died without a male heir, it was the responsibility of his brother to have sex with the widow, so that his male line would not die out, Gen 38:6-10.


C.  The law of posterity was used by the Pharisees to try to trap Jesus Christ on the subject of resurrection, Mt 22:24; Mk 12:19.


D.  The law of posterity is related to inheriting land in the Millennium, Deut 1:8, 11:9.


E.  In Ruth 4:9-10, Boaz bought land and would raise up male heirs to keep the law of posterity going.


F.  The law of posterity was a pertinent civil function in Israel during the Age of Israel.


G.  According to Ps 37:28, a criminal was to be wiped out so that the law of posterity did not apply.




R. B. Thieme, Jr., Bible Ministries 5139 West Alabama, Houston, Texas  77056 (713) 621-3740

(c) 1993, by R. B. Thieme, Jr.              All rights reserved.
