Spir Dynamics 770-774 1/17/96




A.  Definition And Description.

      1. Aftermath is defined as that which results or follows an event, especially one of a disastrous nature. The disastrous event here is prolonged carnality without the use of rebound.

      2. The immediate aftermath of rebound is recovery of the filling of the Spirit, the restoration of fellowship with God, and the resumption of our spiritual life. But the sequel to rebound after prolonged carnality is slightly different.


B.  Scripture.

      1. Lam 3:39-40, “Why should any living person complain when punished for his sins? Let us examine and probe our ways. And let us return to the Lord.” Returning to the Lord is the principle of the rebound technique; it is not the mechanics. The mechanics are naming, acknowledging, citing your sins to the Lord, 1 Jn 1:9.

     2. The mechanics of rebound after prolonged carnality are given in Lam 3:41-42, “Let us lift up our hearts and hands to God in heaven, and say, `We have sinned and rebelled [prolonged carnality] and You have not pardoned.’”

              a. The last phrase is the Hebrew negative adverb LO and qal perfect of the verb SALACH, translated “You have not pardoned.” It does not mean “forgiveness” but to pardon. Pardon means to remove the discipline. They had been forgiven but not pardoned because they had been out of fellowship for years.

              b. The Hebrew word SALACH means to release the believer from the liability suffering of prolonged carnality. Prolonged carnality is neglect of the rebound technique. Pardon means there will be no more discipline or divine punishment from the supreme court of heaven.

              c. Believers who do not rebound for a prolonged period of time are under liability discipline, punishment that may continue for years. This is reaping the whirlwind of Hos 8:7. Prolonged discipline happened to David for years afterward.

              d. There is a distinction between being forgiveness, which happens immediately, and being pardoned. Without rebound, prolonged carnality creates liability for unconfessed sins over the years. This is because the sin nature is unrestrained apart from the rebound technique.

              e. When we rebound, three possible things can occur.

                   (1) We are forgiven instantly and there is no more divine punishment from the supreme court of heaven. This usually occurs for those believers who rebound frequently.

                   (2) We are forgiven instantly but there is the continuation of the suffering for blessing related to the carnality. The purpose for the suffering is changed from suffering for discipline to suffering for blessing.

                   (3) In the case of prolonged carnality there is the instant forgiveness for sin, but the believer is not released from the liability suffering as punishment for prolonged carnality, and this is not suffering for blessing. Without rebound, prolonged carnality creates liability suffering for unconfessed sins. Rebound does not include pardon in this case because the believer has not used rebound frequently and kept short accounts with God.

      3. Perpetual carnality guarantees that you will never live the marvelous spiritual life of the Church Age. Instead you will accept cheap substitutes which are not spirituality, including morality with its dark side of Christian activism, arrogance skills, emotional complex of sins. Perpetual carnality means you never receive your escrow blessings for time or eternity. This is the great danger of perpetual carnality.

      4. Lam 3:31-33, “For the Lord will not disapprove forever. But though He causes grief, He will have compassion on the basis of the abundance of His mercies. For He does willingly bring affliction or grief to the children of men.”


C.  Prolonged Carnality Related to David, Ps 32.

      1. David committed adultery with Bathsheba and then had her husband murdered.

      2. Ps 32:1-2, “How blessed is he whose transgression is forgiven [rebound], whose sin is covered [the results of the sin terminate with rebound]. How blessed is the person to whom the Lord does not impute iniquity [liability suffering after rebound], and in whose spirit there is no deceit.” Prolonged carnality is accumulated liability for post rebound divine punishment. Such was the case of David’s adultery and murder of Uriah the Hittite.

      3. David describes his time of prolonged carnality, Ps 32:3-4, “When I kept silent [about my sin—failure to rebound], my body wasted away through my groaning all day long [he had terrible unhappiness]. For day and night Your hand was heavy upon me; my vitality were drained away.”

      4. David finally came around to rebound, Ps 32:5, “I acknowledged my sin to You, and my iniquity I did not hide; I said, `I will confess my transgressions to the Lord’; therefore You forgave the guilt of my sin.” David was instantly forgiven all the sins of prolonged carnality and recovered fellowship with God, but he was still under liability for the things he did in his prolonged carnality. The decisions we make dictate the lives that we lead.

      5. Liability punishment followed in four categories.

              a. 2 Sam 12:1-14 is the story of how Nathan went to David to announce David’s fourfold punishment. David rebounded in 2 Sam 12:13.

              b. The child of the adultery with Bathsheba died, 2 Sam 12:14, 19.

              c. David’s eldest son, Amnon, raped his half sister Tamar, 2 Sam 13:1-22.

              d. David’s favorite son, Absalom, murdered his half brother, Amnon, because Tamar was Absalom’s sister, 2 Sam 13:23-29.

              e. As David rebelled against God, so Absalom rebelled against David, 2 Sam 15-19.

      6. Ps 118:18 is a quotation from David about this time in his life. “The Lord has disciplined me severely, but he has not given me over to death [the sin unto death].”


D.  Prolonged Carnality and Christian Activism.

     1. Prov 14:12; 16:25, “There is a way [a lifestyle of activism] that seems right to a person, but its end is the way of death [carnal death].”

              a. Carnal death is being out of fellowship with God.

              b. Carnal death is found in Rom 8:6; Eph 5:14; Jam 1:15; 1 Tim 5:6; Rev 3:1, “I know your production. You have a reputation that you are living, but you are dead [prolonged carnality].”

              c. Prolonged carnality is perpetual control of the sin nature in a state of sin without any function of rebound.

      2. Christian activism defined.

              a. It is vigilantism, which is the modus operandi of trying to punish criminals outside of the law.

              b. It is the function of paramilitary organizations, which are absolutely wrong. Freedom is never won by private armies.

              c. It is the function of social engineering, trying to change the world to fulfill the concept of self-justification from bitterness. It is an attack on both property and life.

              d. It is the function of socialism, like utopian socialism, which puts all of the wealth in the hands of the government.

              e. It is civil disobedience by believers.

              f. It is the dark side of morality, which is the function of the arrogance skills and the emotional complex of sins.

      3. Crusader arrogance is a system for the prolongation of carnality without rebound. The solution to Christian activism is rebound.




R. B. Thieme, Jr. Bible Ministries 5139 West Alabama, Houston, Texas 77056 (713) 621-3740

© 2000, by R. B. Thieme, Jr.  All rights reserved.
