Eph 792 4/24/88




A.  Definition of a Proposition.

            1. A proposition is defined as anything stated for the purpose of discussion.

                        a. In logic, a proposition is a statement that affirms or denies something. Therefore, it is a statement that characterizes something as being either true or false.

                        b. In mathematics, a proposition is defined as a formal statement of truth to be demonstrated, like in a theorem.

            2. Therefore, a proposition is a Bible doctrine which is clarified through categorical analysis.


B.  There are six propositions about God.

            1. God exists. Whether or not you think God exists is really not the issue for the moment.

                        a. If you are logical and a good thinker, you would be incorrect to say, “I do not believe that God exists.” You could say, “On the basis of rationalism or empiricism, God does not exist.” But to say you do not believe that God exists is stupid, and shows that you are not organized in your thinking.

                                    (1) Ps 14:1, “The fool has said in his heart, `There is no God.’” This is repeated in Ps 53:1.

                                    (2) Ps 53:2, “God looks down from heaven on the human race to see if there is anyone who acts wisely, anyone who seeks after God.”

                                    (3) If you do not believe that God exists, at least express it with the right verb to show that you can think. To say you don’t believe God exists is to use the wrong verb, for faith in itself, by its very definition, is not qualified to say that.

                                    (4) But if you say that on the basis of rationalism or empiricism, God does not exist, that is at least consistent. For neither rationalism nor empiricism can come to any understanding of God. If you do not believe God exists, at least be accurate and correct in your thinking.

                        b. There are three basic systems for human perception.

                                    (1) Rationalism is perception through reason, or accepting reason as the supreme authority in matters of opinion, belief, or conduct. Philosophically, rationalism contends that reason alone is the source of knowledge, and is independent of experience. This was the view of Descartes and Spinoza, who had a lot to do with the founding of modern rationalism, although it all originated with Plato and his teacher Socrates.

                                    (2) Empiricism is the doctrine that all knowledge is derived from sense or experience. Hence, it relies on perception by experiment and observation. Philosophically, Locke and Hume are representative of this school of thought.

                                    (3) Faith is a non-meritorious system of perception that depends on the object of faith. In salvation, the object is the Lord Jesus Christ; believe in Him and you will be saved. God or doctrine about God in the Bible is always the object of faith in Christianity.

                        c. When faith is used as a system of perception, it is inevitable that the first proposition, God exists, becomes a reality. The perception and merit of faith is always found in its object.

                        d. To say that “God exists” does not imply, but rather states with absolute confidence that God does exist infinitely and eternally.

                        e. To say that God exists eternally is not a figment of one’s imagination, but the reality of a divine being and a system of perception which makes it possible to come to an understanding of the absolute truth found in the Word of God.

                        e. If you reply, “Who is God?” or “What is God?”; that is not difficult to answer, because God has revealed Himself to mankind. The system of perception for understanding this revelation is faith. Rationalism and empiricism cannot reach into infinity.

                        f. Therefore, if God has always existed and if He is going to reveal Himself to mankind, then He must reveal Himself in a way that makes sense.

            2. God reveals Himself.

                        a. If God exists eternally and unsustained by anyone or anything else, then we can assume that God has something to do with our existence. We are not rational creatures by accident.

                        b. Furthermore, if God has something to do with our being here on planet earth, it is only on God’s part that He reveals Himself to us.

                        c. If God has always existed and if God is going to reveal Himself to mankind, then He must reveal Himself that makes sense.

            3. God makes sense.

                        a. If you persist and persevere in learning doctrine, you will learn and conclude that God does make sense.

                        b. Furthermore, God makes organized sense because God is organized.

                        c. God’s organized sense means that God has a plan for your life. This plan is divided into three parts.

                                    (1) God provides eternal salvation through personal faith in Jesus Christ.

                                    (2) God has a plan for time. In this dispensation, He has a plan for the royal family of God, the unique protocol plan.

                                    (3) God has a plan for the eternal state, beginning with physical death and continuing into resurrection and extending into the eternal state.

            4. God has a plan and a purpose for you as a member of the human race.

                        a. God’s plan for you begins at the moment you believe in Jesus Christ, when He does forty things for you.

                        b. God is perfect, and therefore His plan for you is perfect. This fact demands that we understand something about God.

                        c. The essence of God reveals how God has provide a perfect plan for human beings that are imperfect.

            5. I am a human being.

                        a. If you can say you are a person and human being, then you can conclude that God has a plan for you.

                        b. God had a purpose in your creation; God had a purpose in your birth. God has plan beginning with regeneration.

                        c. The point is that you are alive on planet earth. If there is a God, if He has revealed Himself, if He makes sense, and if He has a perfect plan, then you owe God a hearing. 6. I owe God a hearing.

                        a. Note the use of the word “hearing.” Nothing is required of you except to open your mind, to concentrate, and to listen.

                        b. There are no gimmicks. Simply listen to the information given about God. Concentrate on what is taught and blot out other distracting factors around you or in your own soul.

                        c. In other words, you haven’t a thing in the world to give God but a hearing. You are not required to give money or to do something. You are only required to hear, which is a non-meritorious function.

C.  Conclusion.

            1. You should understand the purpose and objective of studying divine essence.

            2. The first purpose is to make sure you have eternal salvation, an eternal relationship with God through our Lord Jesus Christ.

            3. The second purpose is designed for those who believe in Christ to understand the protocol plan of God under persistent post-salvation epistemological rehabilitation.

            4. The third purpose is to understand the hereafter, the true meaning of death, life beyond the grave, and to lift the veil with regard to the eternal state so you can see how the soul functions after death.


D.  Summary of the Six Propositions.

            1. God exists.

             2. Because God exists, He has revealed Himself.

            3. Because God has revealed Himself, God makes sense.

            4. Since God makes sense, God has a plan for mankind.

            5. I am a human being, a member of the human race.

            6. Therefore, I owe God a hearing.




 © 1989, by R. B. Thieme, Jr.  All rights reserved.
