Dav 344 4/13/80




A.  Public opinion is only a force for good when it is related to truth in three categories:  the laws of divine establishment, the Gospel, and Bible doctrine.


B.  The rise of the news media as a propaganda agent for communism means the public is constantly inculcated with false concepts. The only protection the public has against the inculcation of evil propaganda is positive volition to the truth of the Word of God.


C.  Truth is represented in the client nation through the pivot of mature believers. If the pivot is small and the spinoff of reversionists is large, the cycles of discipline occur and little truth is expressed in the nation.


D.  As goes the pivot, so goes the client nation, and so goes the amount of truth expressed in the public opinion of that nation.


E.  A small pivot means public opinion becomes a powerful evil weapon. VOX POPULAE VOX DIABOLUS, “the voice of the people is the voice of the devil.”


F.  A large pivot of mature believers means public opinion is influenced by the truth.


G.  The secret to knowing the truth is relationship with the Lord Jesus Christ. Jn 1:14, “The Word became flesh and lived among us and we have seen His glory, the glory of the unique Son who came from the Father, full of grace and doctrine.” Cf. Jn 1:17, “For the Law was given through Moses, but grace and truth came through Jesus Christ.”


H.  Public response to the claims of Christ plus learning Bible doctrine insulates the public against lying propaganda and revolutionary conspiracy.


I.  Rejection of truth is the basis for public opinion as a weapon for revolution. The other weapon is public or national arrogance which results in public degeneration.


J.  Once the general public is involved in the cosmic system, national degeneration destroys the client nation. Once truth is rejected, strong delusion sets in and the nation will not wake up and pay attention.


K.  One thing is never true, and that is VOX POPULAE VOX DEI, “the voice of the people is the voice of God.” Public opinion never has the facts or the truth; it is irrational, irresponsible, emotional, and arrogant.




 © 1989, by R. B. Thieme, Jr.  All rights reserved.
