Spir Dynamics 1521-40 6/16/99; 1324-5; 714-725, 666, 513; 85-90, 138-9; Eph 983ff





A.  Introduction

             1. Rebound, as a problem solving device, is not victory over sin and carnality. The rebound technique is recovery from sin and carnality. It is again coming under the filling of the Holy Spirit, the power for the execution of the spiritual life. Pseudo rebound perpetuates carnality.

            2. Victory over sin and carnality originate from the modus operandi of the four spiritual mechanics of the protocol plan of God: utilization of the two power options (the filling of the Holy Spirit and the metabolization of doctrine), the function of the three spiritual skills (the filling of the Spirit, the metabolization of doctrine, and the deployment of the ten problem solving devices on the FLOT line of the soul), the deployment and function of the ten problem solving devices, and the execution of the protocol plan of God

            3. Without a true premise of rebound there is no conclusion. The premise of rebound comes from the first half of 1 Jn 1:9, “If we name/admit our sins.” Without the premise of rebound, there is no conclusion. The true solution to sin is to admit, acknowledge, name your sins to God the Father. These sins were judged by Him on the Cross.

            4. Without a true conclusion of rebound there is no spiritual life.   The true conclusion is in the last half of 1 Jn 1:9, “He is faithful and righteous to forgive us our sins and to purify us from all wrongdoing.”

                        a. There is more than our sins that must be forgiven before we can re-enter our spiritual life under the power of the Spirit and the perceptive power that He gives us with regard to Bible doctrine.

                        b. The spiritual life is not complete by simply forgiving our sins. Forgiving our sins is great, wonderful, and necessary. But there is more to having fellowship with God. Purification from all wrongdoing only applies to the Church Age.

                        c. What is the wrongdoing from which we are purifies and which is not covered in the previous phrase “He forgives us our sins?” It is an additional blessing. It is something we need to execute the unique spiritual life. Wrongdoing refers to far more than unknown sins. The Greek word for wrongdoing is ADIKIA, which is the exact antithesis of the word DIKAIOSUNE, spiritual capacity righteousness.

                                    (1) We are purified from grieving the Holy Spirit. We stop grieving the Holy Spirit when we rebound. Grieving the Holy Spirit is a far worse sin than the personal sin that got us out of fellowship. What we do out of fellowship in insulting the Holy Spirit is far worse than any sin any unbeliever could ever commit. We should die immediately for grieving the Spirit. But because of the grace of God we do not die. We have an awesome responsibility to stay in fellowship. We are purified from insulting the great power of the spiritual life. We receive warning discipline for grieving the Spirit.

                                    (2) We are purified from squelching, suppressing the Holy Spirit. We receive intensive discipline for suppressing the Spirit. 2 Jn 8-9 warns us about the need to rebound, “Look our for yourselves that you may not lose your momentum which you have accomplished, but that you may receive a full reward. No one has fellowship with God who keeps advancing out-of-bounds and does not remain on the playing field through doctrinal precedence of Christ.”

                                    (3) Wrongdoing is lying to the Holy Spirit, Acts 4:36-5:11.

                                                (a) Before we grow up spiritually we do certain things related to prosperity, when we are out of fellowship. 2 Tim 3:2-6 list both sins and wrongdoing. Wrongdoing includes:

                                                             i. A wrong thing done in a wrong way.

                                                              ii. A wrong thing done in a right way.

                                                             iii. A right thing done in a wrong way.

                                    (b) Barnabas passed the prosperity test; Ananias and his wife did not. Satan filled the stream of consciousness of their hearts, the right lobe of their souls, because he could not fill their body. The sin nature had control of the soul, making the filling of Satan possible. Only through rebound is the sin nature forced back into the cell structure of the body. The filling of Ananias’ soul by Satan did not just suddenly happen; it had been going on for a long time. Ananias’ wife was buried face to face with him, since both had died the sin face to face with death.

                                                            i. There is nothing wrong with giving to the local church or any form of Christian service, but the giving must be motivated by the filling of the Holy Spirit and the application of doctrine. In as much as every believer is a royal priest, giving is a private matter between you and God and not to be common knowledge. 2 Cor 9:7, “Let each one give just as he has purposed in his heart, not grudgingly or under compulsion; for God loves a happy giver.” Everyone must decide for himself how much to give. Giving must reflect your spiritual life, not any other factor of human approbation or arrogance of any kind. No church or pastor should ever ask for money. Giving must come from the motivation in your soul or it is wrongdoing. No one should ever make an issue out of money. The problem here was that they were not filled with the Spirit and executing the spiritual life.

                                                             ii. There is nothing wrong with marriage.

                                                   iii. In 1 Thes 5:22 we are commanded to “abstain from every form of evil.” This is the wrongdoing of 1 Jn 1:9.

                                                © Prov 16:25, 28-30, “There is a way which seems right to a person, But the end of that way is death. A perverse person spreads strife, And slander separates intimate friends. A person of violence entices his neighbor and leads him in a way that is not good. He who winks his eye does so to devise disobedient things; He who compresses his lips brings evil to pass.”

                                    (4) Wrongdoing is the malfunction of spiritual capacity righteousness. Rebound restores our ability to have personal love for God and impersonal love for all mankind.

                                    (5) Human good and evil is wrongdoing. Wrongdoing is man’s works. Wrongdoing is often the function of Christian activism. Wrongdoing is making a god out of one’s emotions. Ananias emphasized works as the postsalvation spiritual life, which they are not.

                                    (6) Col 1:14, “in whom we have redemption, resulting in forgiveness of sins.” This verse has a Greek double accusative of direct object (“redemption”) and result (“forgiveness”).

                        d. The Old Testament had forgiveness of sins, but not of wrongdoing. Wrongdoing is never mentioned in the Old Testament as the principle involved in the spiritual life as it is in 1 Jn 1:9. Why? Because no believer in the Old Testament was filled with the Holy Spirit.

                        e. The greatest example of wrongdoing is the reversionism of Paul, when he disregarded all the theology he knew and returned to Jerusalem.

            5. Rebound, as problem solving device number one on the FLOT line of the soul, is the key to recovery of the spiritual life from sin and carnality.

            6. Rebound is the only problem solving device that functions in the state of carnality. All other problem solving devices require the filling of the Holy Spirit. Rebound is accomplished in a state of carnality.

            7. The only reason that rebound can function in the state of carnality is the doctrine of the universal priesthood of the believer. Every believer in the Church Age is appointed a royal priest and represents himself before God, 1 Pet 2:5,9; Rev 1:6, 5:10.

            8. The universal priesthood of the believer means that when you are in fellowship with God and filled with the Spirit, you are a priest in fellowship. But when you are out of fellowship with God, you are a priest in a state of carnality. You are still a priest whether you are in or out of fellowship with God. The universal priesthood has only one function when you are out of fellowship—to name those sins to God in the privacy of his priesthood.

            9. The royal priesthood of the Church Age believer is a part of equality for the execution of the protocol plan of God. Therefore the function of the priesthood in rebound has three results.

                        a. Recovery of the filling of the Spirit.

                        b. Restoration to fellowship with God.

                        c. Resumption of your spiritual life.

    10. The lifestyle of the loser believer follows the pattern of the sin nature. When you are out of fellowship, you will follow your trends toward legalism or antinomianism.

                        a. The trend toward legalism is the function of the arrogance skills, the arrogance complex of sins. This is using emotion as the criterion for the spiritual life. The believer reverts to salvation by works and rebound by works.

                        b. The trend toward antinomianism is the function of licentiousness, fornication, degenerate sexual practices, alcohol and drug addiction, criminal activity of all kinds.

     11. Often when the believer advances in the spiritual life to the adult stage, he discards gross sins and replaces them with more subtle sins, which result in carnal decline from spiritual adulthood to loser believer. Distortions of rebound with added legalism often occur after the believer has reached spiritual adulthood through grace mechanics of true rebound.     12. 1 Jn 1:6-10, “If we say that we have fellowship with God and yet we walk in darkness, we lie and do not continue doing the truth. But if we walk in the light as He Himself is in the light, we keep on having fellowship with each other and the blood of Jesus, His Son, purifies us from all sin. If we say that we have no sin, we are deceiving ourselves and the truth is not in us. If we acknowledge our sins, He is faithful and righteous with the result that He forgives us our sins and purifies us from all wrongdoing. If we say that we have not sinned, we make Him a liar and His word is not in us.”


B.  The Importance of the Rebound Technique.

            1. Without rebound as the basic problem solving device for postsalvation sinning, it would be impossible for believers to execute the protocol plan of God.

                        a. The protocol plan of God is executed in a state of non- sinning called the “filling of the Holy Spirit.”

                        b. Since we all fail, none of us can execute God’s plan, will and purpose for our lives unless we get back into fellowship with God.

            2. Without rebound as the number one problem solving device, it would be impossible to learn and use the other problem solving devices of the protocol plan.

                        a. You have to learn to handle your own problems through the application of doctrine, not through counseling from others.

                        b. There is no problem in the Christian life you cannot personally handle from application of doctrine. But this requires knowledge of doctrine and spiritual growth to the point of spiritual self-esteem.

            3. Without rebound as the basic problem solving device, it would be impossible to recover from Christian degeneracy. We can rebound and start our recovery at any point: implosion, explosion, reversionism, degeneracy.

            4. Without rebound it would be impossible to be filled with the Spirit and learn doctrine. Without learning doctrine, you cannot fulfill the principle of postsalvation epistemological rehabilitation.

            5. Without rebound, sooner or later all believers enter into the pattern of implosion, explosion, reversion, and Christian degeneracy.

            6. Some of the reasons why we need the rebound technique (characteristics of Christian degeneracy) include:

                        a. Becoming an enemy of the cross, Phil 3:18.

                        b. Becoming the enemy of God, Jas 4:4.

                        c. Becoming a hater of God, Jn 15:23.

                        d. Becoming double-minded, Jas 4:8.

                        e. Becoming anti-Christ, 1 Jn 2:18, 22; 1 Jn 4:3; 2 Jn 7.

                        f. Becoming carnal, Rom 8:7; 1 Cor 3:1-2.

                        g. Becoming a disciple of the devil, 1 Jn 3:8, 10.

                        h. Drifting off course from grace, Gal 5:4.

                        i. Falling from grace, Heb 12:15.

                        j. Becoming a tortured and unstable soul, 2 Pet 2:7-8, 14.

                        k. Becoming shipwrecked, 1 Tim 1:19.


C.  Definition and Description.

            1. Rebound is the grace function to the believer which accomplishes the following results.

                        a. Restoration to fellowship.

                        b. Recovery of the filling of the Holy Spirit.

                        c. Reentry into the spiritual life.

                        d. Recovery from cosmic influence, i.e., grieving the Holy Spirit in cosmic one, and quenching the Holy Spirit in cosmic two.

            2. Therefore, rebound is the most basic modus operandi for spiritual victory over the old sin nature in the Christian life, and the most important function of the priesthood outside of the spiritual life.

            3. The filling of the Holy Spirit can only be recovered after sin through the rebound technique.

            4. Rebound is the basis for executing all the mandates of God related to the word “yieldedness,” as found in Rom 6:13 and 12:1. “Yielding” is not dedication to Christian service, but complying with the mandates of the spiritual life.

            5. Rebound is a part of God’s logistical grace provision for the execution of the Christian way of life. Without this grace provision, the believer in phase two of God’s plan could not exploit his positional victory over the old sin nature which was provided by the baptism of the Holy Spirit and subsequent retroactive positional truth.

            6. Apart from rebound, there can be no function for the believer in the spiritual life. Rebound is recovery of fellowship with God or reentry into the spiritual life for the continuation of the Christian way of life.

            7. Rebound is the first problem solving device provided by God for the execution of the protocol plan of God.

                        a. There are four battles fought in the soul. The believer must be filled with the Spirit to be a winner in these battles.

                                    (1) The battle between the outside pressures of prosperity and adversity versus the problem solving devices.

                                    (2) The battle of sin versus the filling of the Spirit.

                                    (3) The battle of false doctrine in the soul.

                                    (4) The battle of maladaptive defense mechanisms versus the problem solving devices.

                        b. The filling of the Holy Spirit plus Operation Z (the metabolization of doctrine) produce the other eight problem solving devices (the faith-rest drill, grace orientation, doctrinal orientation, a personal sense of destiny, personal love for God, impersonal love for all mankind, sharing the happiness of God, and occupation with Christ.


D.  Biblical Documentation for Rebound, 1 Jn 1:9.

            1. The word “if” is the Greek conditional particle EAN used with the subjunctive mood in the verb to indicate a third class condition: maybe you will admit, name, acknowledge your sin, and maybe you will not. You always have the option to admit your sins to God or not.

            2. The Greek verb HOMOLOGEO means to name, cite, acknowledge, confess a crime in court, to make a legal statement. It was only used in legal language. It means to make a true statement in a court of law, with no regard for how you feel about the statement. It meant to cite a previously decided case in court as the precedent for your case. It means to admit guilt.

                        a. How you feel about your sins is of no consequence to God. God does not care how you feel about your sins, but the fact that you acknowledge that committed the sin. It is how God feels about the sin that counts, not how you feel about it. Emotion and confession to other people is frequently used by believers to pass their guilt on to others.

                        b. You name your sins on the basis of grace, which means that emotion, guilt, feeling sorry, and doing penance for your sins is blasphemy. You add nothing to your confession of sins to God. Forgiveness is God’s work, and if you attempt to add anything to it, you are not forgiven.

                        c. We cite a courtroom case [the cross], and the sin is automatically forgiven by God based on the work of Christ on the cross.

                        d. Every believer is a priest and has the right to go to God in privacy and acknowledge his sins. We name our sins to God in the privacy of our own soul.

                        e. David set the pattern in Ps 32:5. “I acknowledged my sin to You, and my iniquity I did not hide. I said, `I will confess my transgressions to the Lord.’ And You forgave the guilt of my sin.”

            3. The Greek word HAMARTIA means “sins” and refers to the sins we commit after salvation. The solution to personal sin after salvation is acknowledging, naming those sins to God. “If we acknowledge our sins....”

                        a. God the Father already judged our sins on the cross.

                        b. Consequently, postsalvation sins of the believer must be dwelt with through non-meritorious function: the rebound technique, which is identical in principle to salvation by faith and faith alone.

                        c. In naming your sins to God, you use the privacy of your priesthood. You do not name these sins to people.

                        d. Acknowledging our sins to God is totally apart from any human works such as penance, public confession, feeling sorry for your sins, or promising God to do better.

                        e. No system of penance, auto-flagellation, self-humiliation, lustrations (ceremonial purification rites), or self-imposed punishments are included in the principle of the rebound technique.

                        f. Just as nothing can be added to faith in Christ for salvation, so nothing can be added to admitting our sins to God for recovery of fellowship.

                        g. Both believing in Christ for salvation, and naming our postsalvation sins for forgiveness are totally non-meritorious functions on our part. Therefore, both are totally compatible with the grace of God. Legalism always wants to add some system of human works which cancels grace.

            4. The apodosis of this conditional sentence begins with the Greek verb EIMI, which means “He is.” The present tense is a durative present; for a state of being that began in eternity past and is described as continuing into the present. This is followed by two predicate nominatives: the Greek word PISTOS meaning “faithful” (God always does exactly the same thing—He forgives us) and the word DIKAIOS meaning “righteous.” God does not lose His righteousness by forgiving us, because He has already judged every sin. God has found a way to forgive us without ever compromising His character. Next we have an Koine Greek idiom—a result clause introduced by the conjunction HINA plus the subjunctive mood in the verb, which is substituted for the infinitive of result when the result follows the purpose of God. Therefore, it should be translated “He has, is, and always will be faithful and righteous, with the result that...” The Greek word APHIEMI means “to set aside, to leave in peace, to remit, to pardon, to cancel, to forgive.”

                        a. Recovery from sin is based on the work of God and does not depend on any works on our part. It is based on grace. You must do nothing to be forgiven. Forgiveness is based on what God did at the Cross—imputing our sins to our Lord Jesus Christ and judging them. God the Father did not forgive our sins on the Cross, He judged them and cancelled them out.

                        b. Two categories of sins were judged on the Cross, as far as the believer is concerned: all the sins committed from birth until salvation and all the sins committed after salvation. All the sins of the unbeliever are included in the first category of sins. Unbelievers are not condemned by God because of their sins, but because they do not believe in Christ.

                        c. The meaning of forgiveness has to do with setting aside the repercussions of sin. Forgiveness is a result of Christ being judged for our sins, not the means of salvation. The solution for pre-salvation sins is that they are blotted out, Isa 43:25; Isa 44:22; Col 2:14-15. Forgiveness means the repercussions of sin are removed, the things that keep us from having a relationship with God. Repercussions also include divine punitive action from the supreme court of heaven. Forgiveness is also the cancellation of the repercussions of our sins after salvation. God the Father cancels the repercussions of sin and turns it into suffering for blessing. This gives us the opportunity to perpetuate our very own spiritual life.

                        d. The bad results from neglect of rebound include the fact that postsalvation sinning results in double punishment: the application of the law of volitional responsibility and divine punishment from God. When you are under punitive action from God, you are not growing up spiritually. You lose the battle of stress in the soul, the battle of sin in the soul, the battle of false doctrine in the soul, and the battle of defense mechanisms in the soul. You continue to accumulate sin and move downward through the eight stages of reversionism.

                        e. Rebound has good results: restoration of fellowship with God, recovery of the filling of the Spirit, continued utilization of the two power options of the protocol plan of God (filling of the Spirit and doctrinal orientation).

            5. Next we have the dative plural of advantage from the personal pronoun EGO, meaning “for our benefit.” It is for our benefit so we can move on with our spiritual life. This is followed by the accusative plural from the definite article used as a possessive pronoun “our” plus the Greek word HAMARTIA (sins) again.

            6. The Greek word KATHARIZO means “to cleanse or to purify.” This is purification or forgiveness of our unknown sins. The believer out of fellowship always has the option to rebound. The preposition APO plus the ablative of separation from the adjective PAS means “out from all” and ADIKIA means “wrongdoing,” a reference to unknown evil and unknown sins. 7. Principles regarding fragmentation and sins of ignorance.

                        a. Self-fragmentation produces sins of ignorance which intensify the status of fragmentation.

                        b. Polarized fragmentation produces more sins of ignorance which intensify that status of carnality.

                        c. In the mechanics of the rebound technique, the believer can only name, cite, acknowledge known sins. When we acknowledge known sins, we are automatically forgiven our unknown sins as well.

                        d. During any period of carnality or fragmentation, the old sin nature controls the soul. Once the old sin nature controls the soul we commit a large number of sins, many of which are sins of ignorance.

                        e. The last half of 1 Jn 1:9 deals with these unknown sins.

                        f. Christ was judged on the cross for both sins of cognizance and sins of ignorance.

            8. 1 Jn 1:9, “If we acknowledge our sins, He is faithful and righteous, with the result that He forgives us our sins [known sins] and purifies us from all wrongdoing [unknown sins].”

                         a. Since God has judged all sins on the Cross, the sinful repercussions are cancelled, so that any disciplinary suffering from God left over is now converted to suffering for blessing. Rebound merely acknowledges a sin that has already been judged on the Cross.

                        b. Forgiveness occurs in the sense of three postsalvation results: recovery of the filling of the Spirit, restoration to fellowship with God, and perpetuation of your very own spiritual life.

                        c. There is no spiritual life of the believer apart from the filling of the Holy Spirit. There is no filling of the Spirit apart from the rebound technique. Therefore, there is no spiritual life apart from rebound.

                        d. When we name our sins and do not add anything to it (like feeling sorry for what we have done wrong), we are restored to fellowship, we recover the filling of the Spirit, and we resume our spiritual life.

                        e. Rebound is the only problem solving device that functions when the believer is in a state of sin. Only the carnal believer can rebound. The spiritual believer uses the other problem solving devices.

                        f. The spiritual life is far greater than morality. It does not deny morality, but goes beyond it, because morality does not require the filling the Holy Spirit for its execution. The integrity required of the believer demands the filling of the Spirit. There is no spiritual life without the filling of the Spirit.

                        g. The filling of the Holy Spirit is given to us at salvation. All other problem solving devices, including the rebound technique, must be acquired through metabolization of doctrine.

            9. As a part of the protocol plan of God, rebound demands precisely correct procedure. A right thing must be done in a right way to be right. There are several areas of precisely correct procedure related to rebound.

                        a. Name it, 1 Jn 1:9.

                        b. Isolate it, Heb 12:15, “See to it that no one come short of the grace of God, that not root of bitterness sprouting up cause trouble [self-induced misery] and through it many [other believers] are contaminated.” You will face injustice, but you must not react and remain in the status of victimization. The seed of bitterness is planted by unjust treatment. Once you are forgiven the danger is not over, because you can get right back out of fellowship by becoming bitter toward others. Whatever reaction you have to injustice reverses your capacity for life, so that you have no capacity at all.

                        c. Forget it, Phil 3:13, “Brethren, I do not evaluate myself to have attained [the final objective of the mature believer to pass evidence testing], but I do concentrate on one thing, forgetting what lies behind and pressing forward to what lies ahead.”

                                    (1) If you are still bitter, hateful, complaining, vindictive, and have malice in your soul because you have been victimized, then you are so far out of line with the protocol plan of God you are not even in the ball game.

                                    (2) The believer must never handicap himself with regard to spiritual momentum. This is what we do when we do not forget those things which are behind and dwell on our past failures.

                                    (3) Recalling past failures can only cause guilt reaction, denial, projection, dissociation, multiple personality disorder. The greatest problem is self-absorption related to guilt. Victimization always sets it off.

                        d. Keep moving, Phil 3:14, “I keep advancing toward the objective for the prize of the upward call from God in Christ Jesus.”

                        e. Stay on the playing field, 2 Jn 8-9, “Look out for yourselves that you may not lose your momentum which you have accomplished, but that you may receive a full reward. No one has fellowship with God who keeps advancing out of bounds and does not remain on the playing field through the doctrine of Christ.”

    10. The believer admits his guilt by naming or acknowledging his sins and God the Father renders a decision from the supreme court of heaven based on precedence which was established at the Cross, when He judged all sins in human history as they were imputed to the impeccable humanity of Christ.

                        a. Precedence is defined as a legal decision which serves as an authoritative rule in a future and similar case. The preceding case serves as an example for and justification in subsequent cases. Since out sins were already judged on the Cross, God the Father can never judge them again. Therefore, He renders a decision to forgive the sins that are named and to purify from all of the unknown sins.

                        b. God faithfully renders the same decision every time we use the rebound technique because of unlimited atonement and propitiation. All the sins of the human race were judged on the Cross and God the Father is satisfied with the work of Christ, Eph 5:2; 1 Jn 4:10, 2:2. Unlimited atonement is the basis for eternal salvation as well as rebound.

                        c. When you try to add anything to naming, citing, acknowledging your sins to God the Father, then you are not forgiven. You cancel out your forgiveness when you attach your concepts of works and restitution to the rebound technique.

                        d. The believer admits or acknowledges his sins, which God the Father judged when He imputed them to Christ on the Cross. Because our sins were previously judged by God the Father in the courtroom of the Cross, precedence is established and God the Father renders the same decision in every case—forgiveness of sins both known and unknown.

                        e. There are three kinds of decisions that we make.

                                    (1) Good decisions from a position of weakness: the decision to believe in Christ for salvation and the decision to rebound. The former is made in a state of spiritual death, the latter is made in a state of carnality.

                                    (2) Bad decisions from a position of weakness: the decision to reject Jesus Christ as savior and the decision to reject the use of the rebound technique.

                                    (3) Good decisions from a position of strength: decisions made under the filling of the Spirit, decisions made from metabolized Bible doctrine, decisions made through the function of the ten problem solving devices on the FLOT line of the soul (with the exception of rebound).

                        f. There are four results of rebound.

                                    (1) The believer is restored to fellowship with God.

                                    (2) The believer recovers the first power option.

                                    (3) The believer resumes the function of his spiritual life.

                                    (4) Spiritual skills now become operational in the believer’s life.


E.  The Results of the Rebound Technique.

            1. There are two power options in the spiritual life: the absolute option, which is the filling of the Spirit and the relative option, which is Operation Z—perception, metabolization, and application of Bible doctrine. Rebound results in the absolute concept of spirituality—the filling of the Spirit. The absolute concept of spirituality results in the relative concept of spirituality, which is growth in grace through the cognition and inculcation of Bible doctrine. Rebound equals the filling of the Spirit and the filling of the Spirit results in Operation Z and this is how problem solving devices are formed on the defensive line of the soul. The result of rebound is the filling of the Spirit. The result of the filling of the Spirit is Operation Z.

                        a. In eternity past, God the Father provided for every believer his very own portfolio of invisible assets.

                        b. This portfolio includes your very own spiritual life.

                        c. You and you alone are the only one who can live your spiritual life. No one else can live it for you. Either you live it and glorify God or you do not grow spiritually and do not glorify God.

                        d. Two power options have been made available to every Church Age believer and each one is a problem solving device and are a part of your portfolio. In each stage of maturity, the filling of the Spirit has a greater manifestation.

                        e. The filling of the Spirit plus Operation Z results in the other eight problem solving devices. These problem solving devices not only defend you from the outside pressures of life but also defend you against the inside pressures of garbage in the soul.

                        f. The results of the utilization of the rebound technique are the filling of the Spirit and the restoration of your fellowship with God.   The filling of the Spirit plus perception of doctrine expands your options to infinity. There is no limit to your impact on history as an invisible hero. Rebound has very few results; the filling of the Spirit has tremendous results. One of the greatest ministries of the Holy Spirit is to teach you doctrine. The results begin with doctrine. The results of the filling of the Spirit begin to expand as you take in doctrine.

                        g. Without the rebound technique, there is no restoration to fellowship with God when we sin and no recovery of the filling of the Spirit to continue momentum when related to perception of Bible doctrine.

            2. Rebound results in the recovery of fellowship with God and the filling of the Spirit and the absolute power is now in place. The absolute power is given to parlay your thinking skills or human I.Q. into your spiritual I.Q. so you can understand doctrine. The filling of the Spirit and spiritual I.Q. now functions in Operation Z, the second power option. These two power options always go together and cannot be divorced from the other.

                        a. Each stage of Operation Z is related to choices—good decisions from a position of strength. The believer is positive to doctrine. The believer has made Bible doctrine number one priority in the life. The believer listens to doctrine under the filling of the Spirit.   Because of the filling of the Spirit, the believer has academic understanding of doctrine and this results in the Holy Spirit sending this doctrine to the left lobe of the soul when we exercise our option to believe the doctrine. The option in Operation Z is the believe or reject the doctrine when we understand it academically. When the believer is filled with the Spirit, he believes gnosis doctrine. Then the Holy Spirit converts gnosis doctrine into epignosis doctrine.

                        b. Therefore, the filling of the Spirit plus Operation Z results in the formation and function of other problem solving devices and eventually every problem in life can be solved.

                        c. The first five problem solving devices are the rebound technique, the filling of the Spirit, the faith-rest drill, grace orientation, and doctrinal orientation. These are the problem solving devices of spiritual childhood. As the two power options gain momentum through daily exposure to Bible doctrine, the first five problem solving devices begin to synchronize.

                        d. The last five problem solving devices are a personal sense of destiny, personal love for God, impersonal love for all mankind, sharing the happiness of God, and occupation with Christ. Having a personal sense of destiny is the beginning of your spiritual adolescence.

            3. Do not assign to rebound more results than the Scripture does. There are three results of rebound: recovery of the filling of the Spirit, restoration of your fellowship with God, and cancellation of the bad repercussions of sinfulness and the conversion of suffering for discipline into suffering for blessing.

            4. Without the filling of the Spirit, you will not have metabolized doctrine (or epignosis) circulating in the seven compartments of the stream of consciousness through the filling of the Spirit. They go together for advance in your spiritual life. The two power options are one momentum factor.

            5. Without metabolized doctrine, you will never have the function of the simplest problem solving devices—the faith-rest drill and grace orientation.

            6. Good repercussions and results come in the faith-rest drill and grace orientation. 7. The believer remains a zero without the synchronization of the two power options: the filling of the Spirit and metabolization of doctrine.   Therefore, rebound gives you the recovery of power option number one—the filling of the Spirit. Rebound is not a license to sin; it is the only way to advance in the spiritual life.

                        a. The believer’s first grace orientation comes from understanding the grace concept of salvation and rebound.

                        b. The believer begins to function in the faith-rest drill by claiming the promises of God.

                        c. The combination of the two power options begins results in the nursery and childhood phases of your spiritual life. The faith-rest drill works better and better as you metabolize doctrine. Grace orientation becomes a greater reality as you metabolize doctrine.

                        d. Developing a personal sense of destiny from metabolized doctrine moves you into spiritual adolescence. The believer becomes spiritually objective in spiritual adolescence through developing a personal sense of destiny. You now begin to understand the predetermined plan of God to which you are called. Your personal love for God the Father begins to break down and destroy the arrogance of self-absorption. As long as you are in self-absorption, you do not have the capacity for impersonal love for all mankind. Since your happiness no longer depends on people and since, through impersonal love for all mankind, you no longer react to people and make greater use of the supreme court of heaven, you are now entering the sphere of sharing the perfect happiness of God. When you face injustice and continually use the supreme court of heaven and do not react to others, you are on your way to spiritual maturity. When you react to others and hate them, you are not living the Christian life and it’s time to rebound.

             8. As the problem solving devices begin to function as a team in synchronization, then you spend more time in fellowship with God and less time rebounding your sins. The increase of grace orientation and doctrinal orientation increases the power of the faith-rest drill and the faith-rest drill is handling the injustices of life. Rom 8:28, “For we know that to those who love God, He causes all things to work together for good on the basis of a predetermined plan.” God uses the synchronization of the problem solving devices to cause all things to work together for good according to His predetermined plan.

   F.  The basis for the rebound technique is the imputations of God’s plan.

            1. The first four imputations of the plan of God are the basis for the grace factor in the rebound technique.

            2. Condemnation must precede blessing. Naming our sins is our agreement with God that we committed a sin and that we deserve condemnation.

                        a. The first imputation is human life to the soul. This means that God has a plan for every member of the human race.

                        b. The second imputation is Adam’s original sin to the genetically-formed old sin nature. This provides our condemnation at birth so that we might be saved if we should die before reaching an age whereby we would be held accountable to God for faith in Christ.

                        c. The third imputation is our sins to Christ on the cross.

                        d. The fourth imputation is God’s perfect righteousness to us at salvation. 3. All blessing comes to us down the grace pipeline from the justice of God to His indwelling righteousness. This is the basis of grace.

            4. Grace is the function of the justice of God in imputing blessing to God’s perfect righteousness resident in us. In logistical grace, God has provided for us the rebound technique. And all logistical support comes from the justice of God to the perfect righteousness of God in us. 5. There is nothing you can do for forgiveness; God has done it all.

            6. At salvation God imputes perfect righteousness to us, which righteousness is not antecedently our own, just as on the cross He imputed our sins to Christ, which sins were not antecedently His own.

            7. These four imputations set up the system whereby we can be condemned, our Lord can die for our sins, we can believe in Christ, and God the Father can forgive us our sins when we acknowledge them to Him.


G.  Mechanics and Momentum of Rebound.

            1. There are four mechanics.

                        a. Name it, 1 Jn 1:9.

                        b. Isolate it, Heb 12:15.

                        c. Forget it, Phil 3:13.

                        d. Keep moving, Phil 3:14.

            2. The Stages of Rebound.

                        a. Stage one is the forgiveness stage.

                                    (1) Name the sins you know and God forgives all the sin, good and evil, 1 Cor 11:31; Jer 3:13; Ps 32:5, 38:18.

                                    (2) There is no place for guilt or any system of penance. If you add anything to rebound, you have not been forgiven. Adding anything to just naming the sin to God indicates many forms of arrogance. Instead of being forgiven you have intensified the sin factor in your life.

                                    (3) Apologies to other people for sins against them have nothing to do with rebound.

                                    (4) If you are not restored to the spiritual life, you will not be able to endure your discipline. Therefore rebound is a license for God to forgive us, not a license for us to sin as we please. Rebound frees us to get back into the plan of God and keep moving.

                        b. Stage two is the isolation of sin. Heb 12:15, “See to it that no one comes short of the grace of God [in cosmic one or two], that no root of bitterness sprouting up cause trouble and through this many are contaminated.”

                                    (1) Mental attitude sinning is chain sinning. You are lighting one sin on the next sin. Your mental sins lead to verbal sins, which cause others to have mental attitude sins. Now you have contaminated others and your discipline will be intensified.

                                    (2) The “root of bitterness” refers to the arrogance of gate one of cosmic one. Bitterness fragments you and others around you. Mental attitude sins motivate chain sinning. We catch on to sinning from others just as we would catch a common cold.

                                    (3) Rebound is God’s gracious provision to break the power of the cosmic system and decontaminate you from sin, good and evil.

                                    (4) “Falling back from the grace of God” is the believer’s reentry into the cosmic system, making the believer the enemy of God.

                                    (5) The contamination of one believer in the cosmic system results in using his influence to convert other believers to Satan’s system. Many believers with momentum in the spiritual life are lured by the siren song of other believers in the cosmic system, and they follow them only to crash and burn.

                                    (6) Therefore once you have confessed a sin to God, that sin is to be isolated from mental attitude reaction in order to avoid chain sinning and perpetuation in the cosmic system.

                                    (7) After rebound, the sin is forgiven. So do not take a forgiven sin and use it as the means of losing impersonal love. You can’t have impersonal love and entertain mental attitude sins at the same time.

                        c. Stage three is to forget the sin. Phil 3:13, “Brethren, I evaluate myself as to have not yet attained [maturity], but I do concentrate on one thing, forgetting those things which are behind and pressing forward to what lies ahead.” Those things which lie behind include: self-absorption related to guilt, reaction to victimization or unjust treatment, utilization of defense mechanisms instead of problem solving devices, reaction to the sins of others that shock us.

                        d. Stage four is to keep moving. Phil 3:14-16, “I keep advancing toward the objective for the prize [escrow blessings] of the upward call of God in Christ Jesus. Let us therefore, as many as are mature, have this attitude; and if in anything you have a different attitude, God will reveal even that to you; however, let us keep living by that same objective rule which we have attained.” This is accomplished by perception and application of doctrine. Phil 3:18-19 describes the failure to keep moving. “For many walk, of whom I often told you, and now tell you, even weeping, that they are enemies of the cross of Christ; whose end is destruction, whose god is their emotions, and whose fame is their dishonor, who set their minds on earthly things.”


H.  Synonyms for Rebound in the Bible.

            1. Self-judgment, 1 Cor 11:30-31, “For this reason many among you are weak [warning discipline] and sick [intensive discipline], and a number sleep [dying discipline]. But if we judge ourselves correctly, we should not be judged.”

            2. Lay aside every weight [sin caused by stress], Rom 12:1, “Therefore, since we have so great a cloud of witnesses surrounding us, let us also lay aside every weight, and the sin which so easily entangles us, and let us run with endurance the race that is set before us.”

            3. Lift up the hands that hang down, Heb 12:12, “Therefore, strengthen the hands that hang down and the knees that are feeble.” The restoring of your strength is the filling of the Holy Spirit.

            4. Be subject to the Father of your human spirits, Rom 8:16; 1 Cor 2:11-13 cf. Heb 12:9, “Furthermore, we had earthly fathers to discipline us, and we respected them; shall we not much rather be subject to the Father of spirits, and live?”

            5. Make straight paths, Matt 3:3; Heb 12:13. This relates rebound to using the other problem solving devices as well.

            6. Lay aside the old man, Eph 4:22, “That, with reference to your former lifestyle [postsalvation sinning], you yourselves lay aside your old man, you who are becoming corrupted [reversionism and degeneracy] on the basis of the lusts of deceit [strong pressures from the sin nature in your area of weakness].” This emphasizes rebound as the means of victory over the old sin nature.

            7. “Arise from the dead,” Eph 5:14. This is temporal death or control of the sin nature during your Christian life.


I.  The alternative to rebound is suffering for divine discipline, Heb 12:6.

            1. Apart from rebound, the believer cannot function in the spiritual life. Therefore the believer cannot distinguish between suffering for blessing and suffering for discipline, and so he loses his momentum.

            2. The discipline versus suffering for blessing chart.



















            3. Only God can convert our ruined lives into blessing. Only He can convert the misery we create into happiness. The illustration is David, Ps 32:3-5, 38:1-18.

            4. In discipline, nothing is meaningful in life and nothing makes you happy.

            5. What happens to suffering after rebound?

                        a. The suffering is discontinued as per 1 Cor 11:31.

                        b. The suffering is diminished but the purpose is now for blessing.

                        c. The suffering continues in installments.

                        d. In every case the known sins are forgiven and the unknown sins, good, and evil are cleansed from the life.

             6. Once the believer has rebounded, unbearable suffering is converted into suffering for blessing which must always be bearable, 1 Cor 10:13. Rebound is “the way out,” or “the way of escape.”

            7. Installment suffering and diminished suffering are both bearable. Therefore, rebound frees the believer from the cosmic system, while installment discipline gives the believer opportunity to reenter the spiritual life, where he can enjoy seeing the former discipline converted into blessing.

            8. When any suffering is left over after rebound, that suffering is suffering for blessing. Therefore it becomes bearable rather than unbearable. It is the modus operandi of the spiritual life that converts unbearable into bearable suffering.


J.  Cosmic One (Arrogant) Opposition to Rebound.

            1. Cosmic opposition to rebound comes from the fact that those involved in arrogance have neither capacity nor appreciation for the grace policy of God. There are three illustrations. 2. Mt 18:23-35 is an illustration of impulsive arrogance. This is the greatest enemy of rebound.

                        a. This bureaucrat was a whimpy liar who received grace from his master. He abused his authority over his fellow bureaucrat from his impulsive arrogance. He was a petty tyrant.

                        b. Believers in the cosmic system have no capacity for appreciation and no genuine thanksgiving. He has mental attitude, negative volition, impulsive, institutional, blind, conspiracy, emotional, and iconoclastic arrogance. He also has the arrogance of unhappiness and ignorance.

                        c. After you have rebounded, if you do not forgive others who have wronged you, then you go right into mental attitude arrogance. Forgiveness is the function of impersonal love. In pseudo-love arrogance you have no ability to forgive.

            3. Lk 5:11 is an illustration of blind arrogance.

                        a. In this form of arrogance you superimpose your standards on others from the basis of your self-righteous arrogance. This is opposition to rebound. Christianity has a definite way of life and does not have to legislate taboos to others.

                        b. The elder brother is in blind arrogance. The younger son, the prodigal son, is also the father’s son, and therefore, by interpretation, cannot be considered an unbeliever. Both brothers are believers. Each has received their share of the estate:  a down payment on their inheritance. They were both independently wealthy, analogous to logistical grace. The trip is analogous to going into the cosmic system.

                        c. The younger son’s “wild living” doesn’t necessarily mean running around with a lot of women. Verse 19 is just a lot of emotional nonsense. No one is worthy to be called anyone’s son, especially God’s .God knew in eternity past that you weren’t worthy. The younger son’s big problem is arrogance, not wild living. Emotion is a sign of his arrogance. He insults his father’s honor in the last half of verse 19.

                        d. In verse 22 the sandals represent the fact that you have the opportunity for service and production. The signet ring represents the fact that you can draw on logistical grace. The robe represents being restored to perfect righteousness (e.g., our status in the spiritual life).

                        e. In verse 27, the believer with true humility is delighted to see other people successful. The older brother is full of blind arrogance. We see this in verse 29, “I have never disobeyed your orders.” This is human good being parlayed into evil by arrogance. In verse 30 the older brother slanders the younger brother; we don’t know how the wealth was spent.

                        f. The older son is in self-righteous, mental attitude, and moral arrogance, along with having the arrogance of unhappiness. This has made him the enemy of grace.

            4. 2 Cor 2:5-11 is the illustration of iconoclastic arrogance.

                        a. This young man was on a pedestal as one of the most popular people in the local church of Corinth. Everyone admired him until his feet of clay popped up.

                        b. Most of the believers were so shocked and offended that they knocked him off the pedestal and no one would even speak to him. God forgave him after his rebound, but the church did not.

                        c. The congregation, in preoccupation with self, destroyed the image they had created. They treated him with disgust because of their arrogance of disenchantment instead of switching to impersonal love.

                        d. Satan has gained as his servants all those who are still trying to punish him from iconoclastic arrogance. It is generally the unhappy Christian who is most vulnerable to the arrogance of disillusion.

                        e. By switching from personal to impersonal love, you avoid the reaction of iconoclastic arrogance. By reacting in the arrogance of disillusion, your reaction is often a far greater sin than the sin you condemn in someone else.   K.  Residence in the spiritual life is encouragement to other believers to rebound, Gal 6:1, “Brethren, even if a believer is detected in a trespass, you, the spiritual ones, restore such a one in the spirit of humility. Therefore be keeping an eye on yourself, that you are not tempted to sin by seeing the sins of others.” You restore them by not going to them and saying anything to them, but by giving them their privacy, and using impersonal love. You don’t straighten them out!


L.  The Relationship Between Rebound and The Spiritual Life, 1 Jn 1:5-10.

            1. Walking in the light is a picture of our spiritual life. Walking in darkness is a picture of the sin nature taking control of the soul when we sin. Once we start walking in darkness there is a system into which we fall, consciously or unconsciously, that has to do with the three arrogance skills. When you are walking in darkness, you are no longer living the spiritual life because you no longer have spirituality. You have lost the filling of the Spirit temporarily. Since you have lost the spiritual life for the moment, faith-rest is non-operational. So rebound is not a faith- rest matter.

                        a. Spirituality is an absolute related to the filling of the Holy Spirit. You are either filled with the Holy Spirit or you are not. Spirituality is what makes the spiritual life function.

                        b. The spiritual life is the use of the problem solving devices other than rebound once you are filled with the Spirit. The spiritual life is a relative concept—either growth or failure.

                        c. We have to learn interpretive distinctions (rightly dividing the word of truth). For example, there are divine mandates regarding the spiritual life in which God makes demands on the volition of the believer compatible with God’s agenda—you are told to be filled with the Spirit (Eph 5:18), you are told to walk by means of the Spirit (Gal 5:16). The former is a mandate regarding spirituality; the latter is a mandate regarding the spiritual life. When God makes demands, He always provides the means of execution. Volitional options relates to spiritual freedom. God always provides alternatives. The postsalvation volitional options always emphasize the spiritual freedom to succeed or fail.

                                    (1) There is no spiritual life without spirituality.

                                    (2) There is no spirituality without rebound.

                                    (3) There is no spiritual life without rebound.

                                    (4) Every believer must take responsibility for his own decisions to enter into the recovery procedure.

                                    (5) Rebound is not a promise to be claimed like the faith- rest drill; rebound is a procedure to be followed for recovery of both spirituality and the spiritual life.

                                    (6) As a procedure, rebound is a mode of action in carnality involving the function of your royal priesthood, not the filling of the Spirit in the function of faith.

                                    (7) The procedure comes in two stages. In the first stage, you simply identify the sin. In the second stage you simply name the sin.

            2. The Rebound Dilemma: the faith-rest drill is not a part of rebound.

                        a. A dilemma is defined as any difficult or perplexing problem. The dilemma is related to false teaching about rebound versus what the Bible teaches.

                                    (1) Spirituality is a term used for an absolute status related to the filling of the Spirit. The spiritual life is a relative status, depending on your status of spiritual growth. The spiritual life does not function when you are in a state of sin.

                                    (2) There is no spiritual life without spirituality. There is no spiritual life unless you are filled with the Spirit.

                                    (3) There is no spirituality without rebound. Therefore, there is no spiritual life without rebound. The recovery of spirituality demands rebound. The recovery of the spiritual life demands rebound.

                        b. You do not claim 1 Jn 1:9 for rebound as a part of the faith- rest drill; you follow instructions and just name the sin or sins to God the Father in the privacy of your priesthood. God does the rest. You cannot use the faith-rest drill when you are in a state of sin. There is no spiritual life when you are in a state of sin. In a state of sinfulness, you have temporarily halted the function of your spiritual life until you follow the instructions of 1 Jn 1:9. Your spiritual life only functions when you are filled with the Holy Spirit.

                        c. You must recognize the reality of the problem before you can understand the function of the divine solution. Recognizing the reality of the problem means taking the responsibility for your own sins and not blaming them on someone else. When you start blaming other people for what you are, you are a fool. When you have a problem, you do not run to someone else. When you recognize the reality of the problem, you examine yourself for culpability. Once you take responsibility for your own sins, then you follow the instructions of 1 Jn 1:9 and carry on with your spiritual life.

                        d. You do not lose your spiritual freedom with your carnality. You are still free to recover your spiritual life. If you want to succeed in the spiritual life, then follow instructions. When you name your sins, God takes over and provides the solution. He is faithful and righteous. This is a judicial function of the justice and righteousness of God, not a function of the love of God.

                        e. You are not mandated to rebound, because there has to be a point at which you make a decision. You are mandated to be filled with the Spirit, but you are not mandated to rebound. The instructions are simple. You can name a sin. God does a complete job of cleansing you of all sins, known and unknown.

                        f. The faith-rest drill is a wonderful part of the spiritual life. When you are walking in darkness (carnal, out of fellowship with God), you are not living the spiritual life in any sense of the word. You cannot be walking in darkness and use faith-rest. Since the faith-rest drill is a part of the spiritual life and functions under the filling of the Spirit, you cannot claim 1 Jn 1:9 as a promise. The faith-rest drill only operates when you are in fellowship with God. You cannot claim 1 Jn 1:9 as a promise as a part of the faith-rest drill.

                        g. 1 Jn 1:9 is the procedure for restoring you to fellowship with God. You cannot equate the faith of salvation with any kind of faith in rebound. When you do, you continue to walk in darkness. Rebound is not a promise to be claimed, but a procedure to be followed by a person who is quenching and grieving the Holy Spirit.

                        h. We are a new spiritual species, 2 Cor 5:17, “Therefore if anyone is in Christ, [he is] a new [spiritual] species; old things have lost their power; behold, new things have come to pass.” Gal 6:15, “For neither is circumcision anything nor uncircumcision but a new [spiritual] species.” Every believer is filled with the Spirit the moment he believes in Christ and becomes a new spiritual species. The new things that have come to pass is our spiritual life under the filling of the Holy Spirit as the system of spirituality and the other thirty-nine things given to us at salvation.

            3. Outline of the Passage.

                        a. The definition of Christian fellowship, 1 Jn 1:3. Christian fellowship is a Bible teaching situation between a pastor and a congregation. This is how the Bible describes entering into fellowship with God.

                        b. The result of Christian fellowship, 1 Jn 1:4.

                        c. The analogy to Christian fellowship, 1 Jn 1:5.

                        d. The carnal contradiction to Christian fellowship, 1 Jn 1:6.

                        e. The basis for true Christian fellowship, 1 Jn 1:7.

                        f. The destruction of Christian fellowship, 1 Jn 1:8, 10.

                        g. The recovery procedure, 1 Jn 1:9.

            4. 1 Jn 1:3, “What we have seen and heard we communicate to you that you may have fellowship with us. In fact, our fellowship is with the Father and with His Son Jesus Christ.”

                        a. The congregation has fellowship with the pastor and the pastor with the congregation only through the teaching of the word of God.

                        b. This emphasizes the importance of spirituality, i.e., the filling of the Spirit in both the pastor and the congregation. Hence, the importance of rebound, so that the Holy Spirit controls the souls of both pastor-teacher and his congregation.

                        c. Christian fellowship occurs in two increments. The first increment is a Bible teaching situation between a pastor and believers in the congregation. The result is the second increment of Christian fellowship—rapport with God the Father and God the Son.

            5. 1 Jn 1:4, “And these things we write that our joy may be fulfilled.”

                        a. John is using the literary plural “we” to bring the reader or hearer into association with his own action.

                        b. The Attic Greek present periphrastic “may be fulfilled” is used to make more forceful the announcing of a new state of things in the advanced spiritual life.

            6. 1 Jn 1:5, “And this is the message which we have heard from Him [God the Holy Spirit, Jn 14:26, and God the Son during the Incarnation] and communicate to you, that God is light, and in Him there is no darkness at all.”

                        a. Light is fellowship with God through the filling of the Spirit. Darkness is the sin nature controlling the soul through carnality. Spirituality and carnality are mutually exclusive.

                        b. You are either filled with the Holy Spirit, which is walking in the light, or you are in a state of carnality, which is walking in darkness.

            7. 1 Jn 1:6, “If we say that we have fellowship with God and yet we walk in darkness, we lie and we do not practice [or live] the truth.”

                        a. If you do not practice the truth, you are not living the spiritual life. The spiritual life is based on truth, and truth comes from the word of God.

                        b. Lying to ourselves is the worst thing we can do. It is self- deception, which divorces you from reality. Nothing is worse than try to justify that sin by lying to yourself. Then you become absorbed with yourself and eventually become divorced from reality and develop a psychosis or a neurosis. But you can never get away from yourself because your sin nature still controls your soul.

            8. 1 Jn 1:7, “But If we walk in the light, as He is in the light, we have fellowship one with another, and the blood of Jesus His Son cleanses us from all sin.”

                        a. Walking in the light is living our very own spiritual life. “If we walk in the light” means living the spiritual life depends upon our volition. The humanity of Christ was the first one to live in the light during the Incarnation.

                        b. Fellowship with God brings God’s happiness, which is infinitely greater than any form of human happiness. As long as your happiness depends on someone else or some set of circumstances, you are never going to walk through the open door of spiritual self-esteem and drop your own agenda.

                                    (1) Fellowship with God is the only source of true happiness. Sharing the happiness of God comes from fellowship with God. We have the opportunity for fellowship with God and we do not even know what we have.

                                    (2) Jn 4:24, “God [is] a spirit, and those who worship Him must worship by means of the Spirit and the truth.”

                                      (a) There is no one like God. He has provided perfect happiness for those who will have fellowship with Him. You have to think like God thinks and not many people are willing to do it. You do not capture God’s thoughts by falling apart emotionally, by walking in darkness, and by never getting straightened out spiritually. This does not say or imply that God is a social creature. Therefore, fellowship with God is not social intercourse with creatures of like mindedness nor is fellowship with God on social or merit basis.

                                      (b) To the extent that human beings have the power to make you unhappy, you are not having fellowship with God. The unhappiness we have in relationship with human beings comes from our own decisions, not from someone else. Yet we always want to blame someone else. After salvation, we go right back to creatures for happiness and it will not work even with the best of creatures. No one can hurt you like you hurt yourself. You hurt yourself by depending on people for happiness. There are a lot of wonderful people, but people will let you down and are insignificant in comparison with God. You do not need fellowship with people, you need fellowship with God.

                                      © We lie to ourselves about circumstances, about people and about ourselves. You cannot lie to yourself and ever have any happiness or fellowship with God. As long as you lie to yourself God will make war against you. Self-deception is lying to yourself. God does not have fellowship with liars. How can you lie to yourself and have fellowship with perfect God? If you are not honest with yourself, you will not be honest with people, and you will not be honest with God.

                                      (d) If your fellowship is not with invisible, eternal God as a believer, you are missing the greatest opportunity you will ever have. In eternity you will not have this opportunity. Everything comes to that person who walks through the open door of a personal sense of destiny and shares the perfect happiness of God. You do not have fellowship with God on the basis of what He can do for you or what you can do for Him.

                                      (e) Worship is never thought of in terms of fellowship with God. The name of our fellowship with God is worship or walking in the light—to be able to understand and appreciate the object of thought. Worship is love, pre-occupation with, and having a common system of thinking with someone else.

                        c. True Christian fellowship is with God the Father and God the Son, 1 Jn 1:3.

                        d. The phrase “the blood of Christ” is a technical Hebraism for the judgment of all sins in Christ on the cross.

            9. 1 Jn 1:8, “If we say that we have no sin, we are deceiving ourselves, and the truth is not in us.” Saying we have no sin is self- justification and comes through denial and finding someone else to blame. Self-deception is part of the arrogance skills and leads to self-absorption. Self-deception leads to blackout of the soul and scar tissue of the soul— the truth not being in us.

     10. 1 Jn 1:9, “If we acknowledge our sins, He is faithful and righteous with the result that He forgives us our sins and purifies us away from all wrongdoing.”

                        a. This is not a promise but a procedure for all Christians to follow when they are out of fellowship with God and under the control of the old sin nature. Anytime anyone gets away from 1 Jn 1:9 as the system for being filled with the Holy Spirit and being in fellowship with God, then they are on an ego trip.

                        b. We have the option as believer-priests to examine our own lives in the mirror of the word of God circulating in our souls. We see that we have committed a sin or sins and we identify the sin and name it to God the Father. This is called “judging” the sin in 1 Cor 11:31, “If we judge our sins, we will not be judged.”

                        c. Carnality divorces you from reality. You justify yourself and get into the habit of not taking the responsibility for your own decisions in life. You find a target to blame for your failure to take responsibility. You begin the habit of becoming a pathological liar. You lie to yourself all the time until you come to think that it is the truth. Arrogant believers are offended by everything and everyone.

                        d. As long as you are alive you can fulfill the principle of rebound and keep moving. As long as the sin nature controls your soul, you are on your own agenda. When you rebound, you are admitting that your agenda stinks. God purifies you from all wrongdoing until you decide to sin again. When God forgives your sins, He totally erases the out of fellowship file on you. When you rebound, your out of fellowship file of sins is totally wiped out. Until you fulfill the protosis of this third class conditional sentence and acknowledge your sins to God the Father, you will never be filled with the Spirit again.

                        e. If you do not follow precisely correct procedure, you will never be in fellowship again. The statement in the apodosis (the “then” clause) only becomes a reality when the condition stated in the protosis (the “if” clause) is fulfilled.

                        f. Principles.

                                    (1) The recovery procedure of 1 Jn 1:9 can only function in carnality. This recovery procedure can only operate when we are outside of our spiritual life. The recovery of spirituality and the spiritual life has no faith-rest function involved. Faith is not the issue, but naming your sin in the privacy of your priesthood.

                                    (2) Therefore, rebound simply follows the recovery procedure outlined in the protosis of 1 Jn 1:9—name your sins to God.

                                    (3) Faith or any part of the spiritual life is not involved in the recovery procedure.

                                    (4) The procedure is divided into two parts. In the protosis we have what the carnal believer does. In the apodosis we have what God does.

                                    (5) The believer is carnal, that is in a state of sin. There is no way he can continue the spiritual life apart from the recovery procedure.

                                    (6) Rebound is a modus operandi you cannot do without.

                                    (7) The sin decision results in loss of the filling of the Spirit. The rebound procedure recovers the filling of the Spirit. Without the filling of the Spirit, you do not have a spiritual life. The filling of the Spirit is the power that makes the spiritual life work.

                                    (8) The sin decision results in walking in darkness. The rebound decision results in walking in the light.

                                    (9) The sin decision results in sin nature control of the soul. The rebound decision results in God the Holy Spirit once again taking over control of your soul and your life.

                        g. You are purifies away from [APO] all wrongdoing. There is no such thing as sinless perfection. You are not purified out from [EK] all wrongdoing.

                        h. Failure to rebound means no spirituality, no spiritual life, the sin continues to control your life, this eventuates in false doctrine replacing true doctrine in the soul, the three arrogance skills take over your life and you begin to lie to yourself, this eventuates in Christian degeneracy. You become the enemy of the cross, the enemy of God, double minded, carnal, the disciple of the devil, a believer who is drifting off course from grace, a tortured and unstable soul, and shipwrecked.


M.  Without rebound man reaps what he sows, Gal 6:7-8.

            1. Since the believer’s sins were judged on the Cross, they are not judged again at the point of sin. Whatever we have by way of punishment when we commit a sin, it is not the punishment of the sin as a part of judgment. This is also true of the unbeliever at the last judgment. Sin is not mentioned at the last judgment for his sins, Rev 20:12-15. He is judged because he rejected Christ, Jn 3:18, and for his works or righteousnesses which are unacceptable to God.

             2. Instead, divine discipline becomes a family matter. We are under divine discipline and punishment for those sins, but they have already been judged. Heb 12:6ff, “Whom the Lord loves, He punishes and He skins alive with a whip every son whom He receives.” All punishment is done in love.

            3. The principle for the punishment of carnality as a family matter is mentioned in Gal 6:7, “Do not be deceived; God is not mocked; whatever a person sows, this he will also reap [divine punishment for committing the sin].” The increase in sins results in the increase in punishment.

            4. Here, then, is the importance of rebound in the case of carnality, 1 Jn 1:9, “If we name our sins, He is faithful and righteous with the result that He forgives us our sins and purifies us from all wrongdoing.” God the Father can forgive us our sins because these sins have already been imputed to Christ and judged. This results in three things:

                        a. He is restored to fellowship with God.

                        b. He recovers the filling of the Holy Spirit.

                        c. He resumes his spiritual life. 5. Without rebound, he spends his whole life being punished in perpetually carnality until he dies the sin unto death. There is no spiritual life without rebound for any of us. There is no personal love for God or impersonal love for man without rebound.

            6. Failure to rebound increases intensification of divine discipline, Hos 8:7. Perpetual carnality results in the believer dying as a loser believer after reaping the whirlwind of divine discipline.

            7. Temporal and eternal repercussions of perpetual carnality is something you cannot afford to miss. Gal 6:8, “For the one who sows to his own flesh [old sin nature] shall from the flesh reap corruption [deterioration—perpetual carnality; ruin—the eight stages of reversionism; destruction—the sin unto death], but the one who sows with reference to the Spirit [being filled with the Spirit] shall from the source of the Spirit reap life everlasting.” This is not eternal life, but the greater blessings of the life in eternity. Life everlasting includes the crowns, the order of the morning star, the greater escrow blessings for eternity, but it is not eternal life.

            8. The challenge is found in Eph 4:30-32:

                        a. Eph 4:30, “Stop grieving the Holy Spirit of God, by whom you have been sealed to the day of redemption.”

                        (1) This refers to the person who has rejected rebound and are moving into the eight stages of reversionism. The results of the completed action of the sealing of the Holy Spirit are fourfold:

                                    (a) The signature guarantee of the Holy Spirit’s ministry in efficacious grace, making your faith effective for salvation.

                                    (b) Eternal life is given at the moment you believe.

                                     © The eternal security of the believer.

                                    (d) That every believer has his very own portfolio of invisible assets with the unique spiritual life of the Church Age.

                        (2) There are two categories of the day of redemption.

                                    (a) Category one is the redemption of the soul. This is the day any human being makes the decision to believe in Jesus Christ. It is the soul which is saved, not the body. Even though called a day it is an instant of time.

                                    (b) Category two is the day of redemption in which God makes the decision to resurrect the Church. Even though called a day it is an instant of time.

                        b. Eph 4:31, “All bitterness both anger and wrath and shouting and slander must be removed from you, along with all malice [lust to injure another person; malignity—the state of intense ill will or spite; vice— degrading behavior with emphasis on sexual sins].”

                        c. Eph 4:32, “But become kind to one another [impersonal love], compassionate, forgiving each other, just as God by means of Christ also has forgiven you.”



R. B. Thieme, Jr. Bible Ministries 5139 West Alabama, Houston, Texas 77056 (713) 621-3740

© 1991, by R. B. Thieme, Jr.  All rights reserved.