10/7/82 Rev 6:11; 3/23/78 Rom; 11/9/75




A.  Definition.

            1. While refreshment in the English connotes having food and drink, in the Bible it means to restore the strength of the soul, to revive the divine viewpoint in the function of a soul, and to do so apart from the pastor’s function of Bible teaching.

            2. It means to provide stimulation and blessing for the soul of an individual without teaching doctrine.

            3. It also means to supply what is necessary for spiritual blessing in time of adversity or disaster.

            4. The Greek verb ANAPSUCHO means to breath again and again, or to revive the soul. Your life should be a source of blessing to others, true sentimental friendship.

            5. You have the basis through Bible doctrine to communicate warmth, friendship, stability, and encouragement. You should be able to find refreshment from the friendship of others. Your true friends will be those taking in doctrine.

            6. Refreshment is a relaxed mental attitude, forgiveness of others, and being a blessing by association.

            7. Refreshment connotes a temporary solution or interlude of enjoyment. Doctrine is both a permanent solution and a temporary refreshment.


B. The Alleviation of Saul’s Psychosis.

            1. When Saul became jealous of David, he temporarily went psychotic. David played a stringed instrument to refresh Saul’s soul, 1 Sam 16:23. David’s musical therapy reached Saul’s soul and calmed his fits.

            2. Refreshment, then, is used for soul recovery and blessing. In this case it was temporary alleviation but did not solve the problem.

            3. The phrase “evil spirit from God” refers to God’s permissive control of history. God permitted Satan to have a demon torment Saul.


C.  The Tristich of Doctrinal Refreshment, Prov 25:13.

            1. A tristich is a three-line poem. The first line is the illustration of the next two lines. “Like the cold of snow in the time of harvest [a hot day] is a faithful messenger [pastor-teacher] to those who send for him. He refreshes the soul of his masters.”

            2. Refreshment that comes to believers comes through the one who is faithful in communication of doctrine. The personality of the messenger is not the issue, but the refreshing message he brings. The point of total refreshment is maturity. The mature believer is then a refreshment to those associated with him.


D.  The rejection of refreshment means national discipline, Isa 28:8-14 cf Acts 3:19.

            1. “Times of refreshing” is the revival of Bible doctrine in the soul of believers resulting in doctrine, which gives you capacity for life and periods of national prosperity.

            2. The Northern Kingdom was so negative to doctrine that they wouldn’t even listen to refreshing Bible doctrine.

            3. Acts 3:19 says that if you change your mind about Bible doctrine and go back and listen to all of the doctrine that hurts and cuts you down to size, then you will find doctrine that will bring refreshment to your soul.


E.  Response to the Word of God is called refreshment, Rom 15:32; 2 Cor 7:13. The Corinthian’s response to doctrine refreshed Titus, so that Paul desired to enjoy the same refreshment with them.


F.  All mature believers have a ministry of refreshment as part of their blessing by association. 1. 1 Cor 16:17-18 lists three men who were loyal friends and a source of blessing and refreshment to Paul.

            2. In Phile 7 and 20, Philemon had been a refreshment to other believers in the past, and now Paul asks Philemon to be a refreshment to him

            3. In 2 Tim 1:16, Onesiphorus refreshed Paul. He was one of Paul’s greatest friends. _____________________________________________________________________________

R. B. Thieme, Jr., Bible Ministries 5139 West Alabama, Houston, Texas 77056 (713) 621-3740

© 1991, by R. B. Thieme, Jr.      All rights reserved.
