



A.  Definition.

            1. Salt was used for preserving and seasoning food. If you ate salt with someone, you made a covenant with them, and this meant that you were safe as long as you were with them.

            2. Eating bread and salt was a sign of friendship. It was also used as a sign of judgment after defeating an enemy.


B.  Salt is used in the Bible for seasoning food, Job 6:6-7. This is used as a doctrinal analogy. Lack of seasoning is used to indicate human viewpoint. Doctrine seasons life and thought.


C.  Salt was used in the Levitical offerings to represent eternal security.

            1. In the food offering of Lev 2:13, salt portrayed eternal security in God’s plan. Salt was used in the food offering to indicate that once you had believed in Christ, you are in His hands forever. He is the source of your protection and blessing.

            2. Salt was used in the burnt offering to indicate eternal security and the efficacy of Christ’s work.

            3. In Ezra 6:9, the king of Persia commanded the Jews to have salt. In Ezek 43:24, we see the same principle in the Millennium.


D.  Salt portrayed judgment or discipline.

            1. In Gen 19:26, Lot’s wife turned into a pillar of salt.

            2. In Deut 29:23, Sodom was destroyed and made forever barren by salt.

            3. In Jud 9:45, salt was sown on a defeated city.

            4. In Mk 9:47-49, salt is part of eternal judgment, the Lake of Fire.

E.  Salt is analogous to the mature believer preserving his nation, Mt 5:13; Mk 9:50. The greatest thing you can do is have salt (Bible doctrine) in you.


F.  Unsaltiness is analogous to reversionism and is used to portray divine discipline, Lk 14:34-35.


G.  Salt is analogous to the mature believer in the expression of divine viewpoint, Col 4:6; Jas 3:10-12.


H.  In birth, salt was used as an antiseptic, Ezek 16:4. The antiseptic of your soul is Bible doctrine used under the principle of reversion recovery.


I.  The “salt of the covenant” means that salt is used as a guarantee. It is used to express the eternal relationship between God and the believer. It is so used in the Levitical offerings, Num 18:19; 2 Chron 13:5.


 © 1989, by R. B. Thieme, Jr.  All rights reserved.
