Spir Dynamics 168-169, 308-318 12/21/93




A.  The Shame of the Loser Believer in Time.

      1. Shame is defined as painful feeling originating from the consciousness of something dishonorable, wrong, sinful or that causes terrible regret; hence, the embarrassment of failure to fulfill God’s plan under the principle of equal opportunity and spiritual freedom. This is a very temporary shame; for there is no sorrow in the eternal state.

      2. The loser believer has shame in time.

              a. Phil 3:18-19, “For many believers [losers] keep walking, concerning whom I have communicated to you many times and now continue communicating even though weeping, that they are the enemies of the cross whose end is destruction [the sin unto death], whose god is their emotion, whose glory [at judgment seat of Christ] is their shame, who keep thinking about earthly things.”

                   (1) Paul had a tremendous capacity for compassion. He was weeping from frustration because of the negative volition of believers who could care less about what the Word of God has to say even though he continued to teach faithfully and accurately. There never was a teacher or a believer like Paul. These believers had not been faithful in the perception, metabolization, and application of doctrine through the problem solving devices.

                   (2) All losers are enemies of the Cross; they die the sin unto death. This is the eschatology of every loser in the Church Age. Christian losers are believers who fail to execute the protocol plan of God in time. They have equal opportunity to do so. You must be self-motivated; no one can do it for you. They fail to glorify God in time through the function of the spiritual skills. Losers have no glory, no blessing at the judgment seat of Christ. On earth they had only wrong priorities and wrong scale of values.

                   (3) The loser believer lives out his life in a state of irrationality under the control of his own emotions. There is an emotional complex of sins mentioned in Ps 56:3-4, “When I am afraid, I will put my trust in You. In God, whose word I praise. In God, I have put my trust. I will not be afraid.” The five categories of the emotional complex of sins cause the most problem in distraction. The emotional complex of sins produces an emotional reaction which results in irrational distraction from God’s plan for your life.

                            (a) The first category of the emotional complex of sins is hysteria. It includes fear, worry, anxiety, panic, consternation, irrationality, dislocation, and garbage in the subconscious. Fear represents the emotional complex of sins in many passages of Scripture: Deut 31:6, 8; Isa 35:3-4, 41:10. Fear controls the life and distracts from the Christian life. Fear is a road block preventing metabolization of doctrine from circulating in the stream of consciousness and eventually choking it out through scar tissue of the soul. 2 Tim 1:7, “God has not given to us a lifestyle of fear, but of power and of virtue-love and of sound mind.”

                            (b) The second category of sinning in the emotional complex of sins is the hatred category. It includes anger, hatred, bitter jealousy, loathing, animosity, vulnerability to imagined insults or injury, implacability, malice, tantrums, irrational violence, and even murder.

                            © The third category is the self-centered category. This includes the skills related to the arrogance complex of sins: self- justification, self-deception, self-absorption. It includes arrogant self- righteousness, egotistical irrationality, hypersenitivity concerning self and insensitivity concerning others, projection, denial, self-pity, whining.

                            (d) The forth category is the reaction category. This category combines the sins of arrogance with the emotional complex of sins. It includes jealousy, bitterness, vindictiveness, hatred, vilification, vituperation, malice, revenge motivation and operation, inordinate ambition and inordinate competition. Psychology is not the answer. Psychology is a very neat way to provide self-justification for the emotional breakdown of the believer and to develop some defense mechanisms so that you never blame yourself for any of your own failures.

                (e) The fifth category is guilt. Guilt is a feeling of responsibility or remorse for some real or imagined offense. Religion generally functions by producing guilt in its adherents. Guilt is the motivation of religion. Guilt motivation is not the Christian way of life. As a part of the emotional complex of sins guilt is a morbid self-reproach, emotional feelings of culpability for imagined offenses or actual culpability, a sense of inadequacy is a part of guilt or arrogant preoccupation with the correctness of one’s behavior from self-righteous arrogance. Guilt is a sin related to repression, which is rejection from the stream of consciousness of anything that is painful or disagreeable. Repression puts garbage in the subconscious and sinful guilt in the stream of consciousness. When you are under the sin of guilt, you are under the greatest area of weakness that you could ever have. The weakest people in the world are those that live under guilt. Guilt is caused by repression, denial, projection, and manipulation. Weak people manipulate stronger people through guilt. When we are manipulated by guilt, we become irrational.

                   (4) Christian losers glory in the things they are doing wrong which are shameful for Christians. They glory in their shame now, but in resurrection bodies that shame will come back on them as they face the Lord Jesus Christ. They will have the embarrassment of failure to fulfill God’s plan. Christian losers are described under seven categories in the New Testament.

                            (a) The believer who has “drifted off course from grace,” Gal 5:4.

                            (b) The believer who “comes short of the grace of God,” Heb 12:15.

                            © The “lukewarm” believer of Rev 3:15-16.

                            (d) The “shipwrecked” believer of 1 Tim 1:19.

                            (e) The “psycho” or double-minded believer of Jam 1:8.

                            (f) The believer who fails to metabolize doctrine, Jam 1:22-24.

                            (g) The believer who is called “the enemy of the Cross,” Phil 3:18-19.

              b. 1 Cor 15:34, “Come to your senses righteously and stop sinning; for some [believers] have no knowledge of God. I speak this to your shame.”

                   (1) Coming to your senses righteously refers to having capacity for divine blessing from the righteousness developed by the execution of the spiritual life. Coming to your senses means to be oriented to reality in a state of tranquility—the status of spiritual capacity righteousness.

                            (a) All believers are given God’s very own righteousness at the point of salvation as capacity for blessing in lag time until we begin to grow spiritually. This gives us capacity for lesser blessings in life, such as logistical grace blessings. The lesser blessings of logistical grace are motivation for us to keep going in the spiritual life.

                            (b) At salvation God the Holy Spirit entered us into union with Christ and we now share His righteousness. This is our wall of fire, our protection. The lesser blessings and divine protection carry us during the lag time between our salvation and when we start to learn doctrine.

                            © If we are going to be blessed with greater blessings in our postsalvation experience, we must have a righteousness which comes from our spiritual life. This righteousness can be called our spiritual capacity righteousness.

                            (d) Spiritual capacity righteousness is attained by the filling of the Holy Spirit plus the metabolization of doctrine plus the problem solving devices on the FLOT line of the soul. Receiving the greater blessings of spiritual maturity demands we have the capacity to appreciate and enjoy those blessings. So coming to your senses righteously is the function of the three spiritual skills.

                   (2) The command to stop sinning has to do with the arrogance complex of sins and the emotional complex of sins. God will never bless us beyond our capacity. Therefore, God gives us His very own imputed righteousness at salvation as the capacity for logistical grace blessing and we share the perfect righteousness of the Lord Jesus Christ for divine protection through the wall of fire.

                   (3) These believers who have no knowledge of God were believers who sat under the teaching of Paul yet were distracted by the arrogance and emotional complex of sins.

      3. At the judgment seat of Christ, every believer of the Church Age will stand in a resurrection body and be evaluated.

              a. For those who are winners, the Lord Jesus Christ will convey their escrow blessings for the eternal state.

              b. For those who are losers, their escrow blessings will remain on deposit in the eternal hall of records in heaven as a memorial to lost equal opportunity to fulfill God’s plan. At that point, the loser believer will stand in a resurrection body in a state of shame. There is no indication in Scripture that this shame will be perpetuated beyond the judgment seat of Christ.

              c. Therefore, there is great differentiation between winner and loser believers in eternity. True equality guarantees inequality. So the issue is: what are you going to do with all the spiritual assets God has provided you.

              d. Volition, not environment or circumstances, is the issue in your spiritual life. Your attitude toward Bible doctrine is the issue in your spiritual life. The filling of the Holy Spirit has given us all equal ability to understand Bible doctrine.


B.  The Use of The Problem Solving Devices to Avoid Shame at the Judgment Seat of Christ.

      1. The application of doctrine through the use of the ten problem solving devices during your Christian life on earth avoids shame at the judgment seat of Christ. Rom 5:5, “And hope [confident expectation at the Rapture] does not make us ashamed [at judgment seat of Christ] because the love for God has been poured out in our hearts [stream of consciousness] by the Holy Spirit, who has been given to us.”

              a. The Greek word ELPIS (translated “hope”) means trust or confidence in doctrine or the promises of God, patient waiting, confident expectation with regard to the future, confidence that comes from the cognition of pertinent doctrine.

                   (1) We have confidence at the Rapture based on the application of problem solving devices to your postsalvation experience.

                   (2) Tit 2:13 says, “Waiting for the blessed hope.” The “blessed hope” is the rapture or the resurrection of the Church.

                   (3) Hope is generally related to God’s promises to the believer. Anything that is the object of hope in the function of the spiritual skills is generally the application of metabolized doctrine to experience through the problem solving devices.

                   (4) Homer said that man either does or can hope and this is a comfort to him in the “difficult present.” Hope should be identified with the problem solving devices. Plato used ELPIS for expectation of the future.

                   (5) The function of hope is threefold: it means to trust in time, it means patience in waiting, it means expectation of the future.

                   (6) Rudolf Bultmann defined the verb ELPIZO as “expectation with the nuance of counting upon something.”

                   (7) Paul uses “hope” in the sense of confident expectation. The noun ELPIS is related to four problem solving devices mentioned in Scripture: the faith-rest drill, a personal sense of destiny, personal love for God the Father, and occupation with Christ.

              b. Confidence at the Rapture is based on the function right now of the faith-rest drill and the personal sense of destiny. The faith-rest drill is parlayed into a personal sense of destiny as we learn more doctrine. A personal sense of destiny separates the basic problem solving devices from the advanced problem solving devices. We have three absolute states of hope or confidence in the Christian life.

                   (1) We have absolute confidence that at the moment we believe in Christ we become the possessor of eternal life.

                   (2) We have absolute confidence that by the consistent function of the three spiritual skills we will execute the protocol plan of God and receive the greater blessings for time and eternity.

                   (3) We have absolute confidence that at the judgment seat of Christ as mature believers we will receive greater blessings for eternity. In eternity, there are great distinctions between the winner believer and the loser believer, because we have spiritual freedom and equal opportunity.

              c. The loser believer is an oxymoron (a contradiction in terms). The loser believer has shame in a resurrection body at the judgment seat of Christ. The loser believer has failed to develop absolute confidence at the judgment seat of Christ through failure to execute the plan of God.

              d. Principles.

                   (1) Shame is incompatible with the protocol plan of God in time. But the profile of the loser believer confirms the existence of shame at the judgment seat of Christ, Phil 3:19.

                   (2) Shame is incompatible with a resurrection body in the eternal state, that is at the judgment seat of Christ. Beyond the judgment seat of Christ there is nothing said in the word of God that the loser believer will experience shame or any similar type thing in the rest of the eternal state.

                   (3) This oxymoron of shame in a resurrection body does not exist in the winner believer, Tit 2:13, “Looking for the blessed hope and the appearing of the glory of our great God, even our savior, Christ Jesus.”

                   (4) The fact that the loser believer possesses this contradiction with the protocol plan of God in time emphasizes the failure of that believer to persevere in the function of the three spiritual skills.

                   (5) The fact that the believer possesses this seeming contradiction or oxymoron in time and its perpetuation at the judgment seat of Christ dramatizes the failure of the believer to utilize the three spiritual skills under the principle of equal privilege and opportunity.

                   (6) The reality of this shame in the resurrection body becomes comprehensible when you realize from doctrine that every Church Age believer has exactly the same equal opportunity to execute the protocol plan of God.

                   (7) The oxymoron of shame in a resurrection body is eliminated when the believer is consistent in the function of the three spiritual skills. Two volitional patterns are available to every believer: positive volition and negative volition.

      2. The winner believer has no shame at the judgment seat of Christ and confident expectation of receiving his escrow blessings for eternity.

              a. Tit 3:7, “Having been justified by His grace that we may become heirs on the basis of the confident expectation [hope] of eternal life.”

                   (1) We have received God’s very own perfect righteousness at salvation which justifies us. This qualifies us for the opportunity to become heirs.

                   (2) Becoming an heir is contingent upon becoming a winner believer—a believer who consistently uses the three spiritual skills and executes the protocol plan of God. We become heirs by being acted upon by the three spiritual skills. Becoming an heir means the conveyance of escrow blessings for the eternal state at the judgment seat of Christ.

                   (3) The confidence of eternal life is the basis for us executing the protocol plan of God and becoming an heir of our escrow blessings for eternity. This means no shame at the judgment seat of Christ.

              b. Compare Heb 6:18-19, 7:19.

              c. 1 Pet 1:3-4, “Blessed be the God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ, who on the basis of His great mercy has caused us to be born again to a living hope [hope 3] through the resurrection of our Lord Jesus Christ from the dead to an inheritance, incorruptible and undefiled and will never fade away, reserved in heaven for you who are guarded by the power of God through faith in a deliverance ready to be revealed in the last time.”

              d. 1 Pet 1:21, “who through Him are believers in God, who raised Him from the dead and gave him glory, so that your faith and hope are in God.”

              e. 1 Tim 1:1, “Paul, an apostle of Christ Jesus according to the commandment of God our Savior, and of Christ Jesus, who is our hope.”

              f. Gal 5:5, “For we through the Spirit, by faith, are waiting for the hope of righteousness [spiritual capacity righteousness to enjoy the rewards of eternity].”


C.  Self-motivation of the spiritual life avoids shame at the judgment seat of Christ.

      1. 2 Tim 2:15, “Be motivated to present yourself approved by God, a workman who does not need to be ashamed [at judgment seat of Christ], handling accurately the Word of Truth.”

              a. The verb “be motivated” combines the believer’s motivation with his spiritual values and priorities to learn and use the three spiritual skills. Learning the mechanics of the protocol plan of God (rightly dividing the Word of Truth) and executing this plan protects the believer from being ashamed.

              b. Your motivation must be combined with your spiritual values to learn and use the spiritual skills to execute God’s plan. Your motivation is to present yourself approved by God. Motivation related to the future has to do with the fact that at resurrection each one of us will stand and present ourselves before Jesus Christ.

              c. The word “workman” is used here for a pastor-teacher communicating doctrine and by application to a congregation concentrating on the teaching of the pastor. The Greek word is often used for a person who is a winner. Christian service is always a result from spiritual growth. Christian service performed by believers who have not learned the spiritual skills is dead works, human good, and evil. Christian service without learning doctrine and using the spiritual skills is a total failure to fulfill God’s will. Learning doctrine is work; the work is concentration. You must be motivated to keep on listening even though the subject may not be of interest or you see no particular use for it. Learning doctrine is not work if you are motivated.

              d. How can you present yourself approved by God? You must be motivated with regard to spiritual values, spiritual skills; you have to hear some doctrine and be interested in it. Greater assets in the Church Age given by God demand a greater spiritual life from the believer. Your work is your motivation, your concentration, and your understanding that there is no substitute for the three spiritual skills, resulting in the execution of the protocol plan of God for the Church.

              e. The pastor is responsible for accurately handling the word of God by studying and teaching consistently. Every believer is responsible for accurately handling the word of God by listening and learning consistently. The problem solving devices are the God-given means of accurate application of metabolized doctrine to experience. As you make doctrine, for example resurrection, applicable to your experience, you not only get out of self-absorption but you change your values so that you realize more and more the importance of the filling of the Spirit and metabolization of doctrine. This increases your motivation and your perspective of life changes.

     2. Things To Think About.

              a. The first set of principles.

                   (1) When I stand in the presence of the Lord at the judgment seat of Christ will He say (Mt 25:21, 23) to me, “Well done, good and faithful servant. You have been faithful in a few things. I will make you ruler over many things. Enter into the perfect happiness of the Lord.” ?

                   (2) Or will I be ashamed that I have rejected the spiritual skills, spurned the divine initiative of grace, and lived in ignorance of my very own portfolio of invisible assets?

                   (3) How long has God known my needs? From eternity past God has wisely provided my needs based on the divine initiative of antecedent grace in eternity past and eschatological grace in time.

                   (4) Not only has God known about my needs from eternity past and provided them in my very own portfolio of invisible assets, but He also knows that I must keep His authority always before me. Therefore, I need a wake up call from divine discipline from time to time.         Heb 12:6, “For those whom the Lord loves, He disciplines, and He skins alive with a whip every son whom He receives.”

                   (5) I have been disciplined by the Lord and I am grateful, because He wants me to stand in His presence at the resurrection and receive those eternal rewards that He provided for me in eternity past which glorify Him and bless me forever and ever.

                   (6) Therefore the Lord has my best interest in mind at all times because He has always loved me from eternity past.

              b. The second set of principles.

                   (1) God is aware of my lack of capacity for blessing and He seeks to adjust that through divine principles (the law of volitional responsibility) and divine discipline.

                   (2) What is not corrected becomes worse. What is not restrained becomes lawless.

                   (3) Therefore the importance of the divine discipline and the authority which God has ordained for the laws of divine establishment.

                   (4) If the Lord does not go before me, I am on the wrong track. Deut 31:8, “And the Lord is the one who goes ahead of you. He will be with you. He will not fail or forsake you. Do not fear and do not panic.”

                   (5) The Lord is described as the point of an advancing military force. No believer can advance with security unless the Lord takes the point. The Lord does not take the point unless the believer is on the offensive by the consistent function of the spiritual skills.

                   (6) It takes divine discipline to discover who is in charge. The purpose of discipline is to identify the proper authority.

            To possess authority orientation as a believer it is necessary for spiritual advance to the high ground of spiritual maturity. It takes a far greater love than a human love to appreciate the divine initiative of grace. God has provided our needs with a far greater love than human love.

              c. The third set of principles.

                   (1) I have been given the capacity to love the Lord and at the same time I have been given the discipline to fear and respect the Lord.

                   (2) Therefore I can be taught from authority to love from respect.

                   (3) I have the option of learning and using the spiritual skills to glorify God.

                   (4) If I reject this option, then it takes divine discipline to discover who is in charge.

                   (5) The people who are really happy in life are the people who have the ability to identify authority in life. You cannot respond to authority until you can identify it. The believer who does not recognize the authority of the infallible word of God as the mind or thinking of Christ can never find happy.

              d. The forth set of principles.

                   (1) Rejection of authority is arrogance. Rejection of authority is tantamount to self-justification. When you reject authority you have to justify it. Self-justification destroys happiness and sets up a system of unreality, i.e., self-deception and self-absorption.

                   (2) For those believers who reject authority there is only pain and suffering in the form of two biblical doctrines: the law of volitional responsibility—Hos 8:7; Gal 6:7-8; Col 3:25, and the law of divine discipline in three categories—warning, intensive, dying.

                   (3) Through divine discipline we learn two things: believer volition is an issue in life, and divine punishment is the alternative to positive volition to doctrine.

                   (4) Through the spiritual skills we learn that God provides our needs, Phil 4:19, “And my God will supply every need of yours on the basis of His riches in glory by Christ Jesus.” Therefore for the positive believer, Phil 4:13, “I can do all things through Christ who keeps on pouring the power into me.”

              e. The fifth set of principles.

                   (1) How can I ever doubt divine promises and Bible doctrines which teach me that God has provided in eternity past all of my needs.

                   (2) God has provided everything I need in this veil of tears through two categories of divine grace: the divine initiative of antecedent grace for both time and eternity and the divine initiative of eschatological grace for both time and in the eternal future.

                   (3) What God does not provide, I do not need.

                   (4) When the believer follows the colors (the faithful function of the three spiritual skills) and takes the ground of spiritual maturity, he does so through the function of the ten problem solving devices deployed on the FLOT line of the soul.

                   (5) No one advances without a personal sense of destiny. For a pastor this means not hustling up a congregation or asking for money.

                   (6) God has provided for us the problem solving devices created from the power options of the filling of the Spirit and Bible doctrine in the soul. When we recognize the authority of the infallible Word, we start following the colors and we will advance to the high ground.

                   (7) Following the colors means being filled with the Holy Spirit. It means consistent metabolization of doctrine. It means the deployment of the ten problem solving devices on the FLOT line of the soul.

                   (8) When you follow the colors, you are depending on the Lord.

                   (9) When you follow the colors, you reject the arrogance skills. Therefore you never seek self-justification. To justify self is to be arrogant for the rest of your life and experience shame at the judgment seat of Christ.


D.  The Importance of Fellowship With God in Time to Avoid Shame at the Judgment Seat of Christ.

      1. 1 Jn 2:28-29, “And now my children, keep abiding in Him, that if He should appear, we may have confidence and not shrink away from Him in shame in His presence [judgment seat of Christ]. If you know that He is righteous, then know also that everyone who practices righteousness [spiritual capacity righteousness] has been born from Him.”

      2. Abiding in Christ is fellowship with God in your postsalvation experience with emphasis on occupation with Christ. Fellowship with God is broken when we sin. Fellowship with God is the function of the spiritual skills on a consistent basis. To have fellowship with God, you have to become aware of all the things God has done for you after salvation. When we rebound, we get up and fight another round.

            2 Cor 13:14, “The grace of our Lord Jesus Christ, the love of God, and the fellowship of the Holy Spirit be with all of you.”

      3. The Greek word EAN (“if”) in the third class condition expresses the indefinite relation to the present reality of the Rapture—the doctrine of the immanency of the Rapture. The protasis is used here to express the reality of the resurrection of the Church

      4. When you stand before the Lord Jesus Christ in resurrection body at the judgment seat of Christ and you are a loser, you will shrink away in shame. This is the constative aorist passive subjunctive of the Greek verb AISCHUNO plus the negative adverb ME. The loser believer is so ashamed he is shrinking away. He is acted upon by shame in the presence of Christ in a resurrection body.

      5. Verse 29 indicates that this shame came about because of lack of capacity righteousness for divine blessing in time. Loser believers, after salvation, never have any capacity for the blessings God continues to provide for them.

              a. Practicing righteousness is a reference to spiritual capacity righteousness, a reference to the function of the three spiritual skills resulting in the fulfillment of the protocol plan of God.

              b. The objective after salvation is to attain your own virtue righteousness through the function of your spiritual life. Spiritual capacity righteousness is that righteousness attained by the believer through learning and consistent function of the three spiritual skills. This gives you capacity for blessing while living on earth as a believer.

              c. The loser believer still receives encouragement blessings [logistical grace blessings and the wall of fire protection] because he is in union with Christ and has the righteousness of God, but he will never have the capacity for the greater blessings deposited in escrow for each believer in eternity past.

              d. A spiritual birth demands a spiritual life, just as a human birth demands a human life. In each case, we are completely helpless and must grow up. The only difference is that we have equal opportunity to grow up spiritually. God never blesses the believer beyond his capacity, and the capacity is always expressed in terms of righteousness. Your capacity develops with the consistent function of the three spiritual skills.

              e. The problem solving devices are your fellowship with God. Your fellowship with God is rebound, the filling of the Spirit, the function of the faith-rest drill, being aware of the grace of God, having a personal sense of destiny, having personal love for God and impersonal love for all mankind, sharing the happiness of God, and being occupied with Christ.

      6. 2 Jn 8-9, “Watch out for yourselves that you may not lose what we have accomplished, but that you may receive a full reward. Any one who goes too far [gets out of fellowship] and does not remain in the doctrine of Christ, does not have [fellowship with] God; [on the other hand] he who remains in the doctrine, this one keeps on having [fellowship with] both the Father and the Son.”

              a. We lose what we have accomplished through the arrogance skills (self-justification, self-deception, self-absorption).

              b. We lose what we have accomplished by failure to persist in the function of the spiritual skills plus maintaining fellowship with God.

              c. We lose what we have accomplished by failure to rebound and recover the filling of the Spirit.

              d. The result of losing what we have accomplished is shame at the judgment seat of Christ and loss of eternal rewards.

              e. Anyone who goes to far is functioning in the arrogance skills resulting in the eight stages of reversionism.

              f. When you are in fellowship, you are having fellowship with the Holy Spirit. Your fellowship with the Father and Son depends on your personal sense of destiny, your personal love for God the Father, and your occupation with Christ.


E.  The power of the protocol plan of God to avoid shame at the judgment seat of Christ.

      1. Phil 1:20-21, “On the basis of my earnest expectation and confident expectation [a personal sense of destiny] that I shall not be put to shame in anything, but with all confidence, Christ shall even now [in time] as always [in eternity] be glorified in my body, whether by life or by death. For me living [is] Christ, dying [is] profit.”

              a. Confidence comes with spiritual self-esteem.

              b. Living and dying, prosperity and adversity, are equated with sharing the happiness of God.

              c. Paul mentions the body because the body we have now contains the soul. For Christ to be glorified in your body, the soul must have doctrine, the soul must be filled with the Holy Spirit, the soul must think in terms of problem solving devices. In eternity, you have a resurrection body with a soul and spirit. Christ is gloried in the body when the soul is functioning. Your soul was designed to function under pressure when you have metabolized doctrine circulating in the stream of consciousness.

              d. Dying is profit because we get a resurrection body which makes us superior to angels.

      2. Summary Principles.

              a. The greatest embarrassment of all human history is for the believer to arrive at the judgment seat of Christ in a resurrection body and under the equal opportunity principle to discover that he failed to execute the protocol plan of God while on earth.

              b. This is classified as shame in a resurrection body, because his escrow blessings for the eternal state will remain on deposit forever.

              c. In contrast, the believer who executes the protocol plan of God not only has the benefit of his escrow blessings for time but his escrow blessings for the eternal state. Blessings so great they can not even be described.

              d. The loser believer has no excuse as he stands before the Lord Jesus Christ in his resurrection body because he had the same equal privilege and equal opportunity to fulfill the protocol plan of God, but he was always distracted by something from doctrine.

              e. Therefore, to avoid shame at the judgment seat of Christ the believer must use the grace assets of his portfolio to fulfill his own spiritual life through consistent use of the three spiritual skills.

              f. This means that the believer avoids shame at the judgment seat of Christ through the execution of the protocol plan of God for the Church. You and you alone are the only one who can live your spiritual life; no one else can live it for you. By living your spiritual life you avoid shame at the judgment seat of Christ.

              g. Peace or prosperity at the judgment seat of Christ can never be possible until all three spiritual skills are in place. That includes the problem solving devices deployed on the FLOT line of the soul. Phil 4:6, “Stop worrying about anything but in everything by prayer and supplication with thanksgiving let your requests be made known unto God, and the prosperity of God which surpasses all thinking shall garrison your hearts and minds by Christ Jesus.”


F.  The Reason For Shame At The Judgment Seat of Christ.

      1. 1 Cor 3:11-16, “For no person can lay a foundation other than the one which is laid, which is Jesus Christ. Now if any believer builds on the foundation with gold, silver, precious stones, wood, hay, stubble, each believer’s production will become evident; for the day will reveal it, because it will be revealed by fire; in fact the fire itself will test the quality of each believer’s production. If any believer’s production which he has built on it remains, he shall receive a reward.        If any believer’s work is burned up, he shall suffer loss; but he himself will be saved, yet so as through fire. Do you not know that you are the temple of God, and {that} the Spirit of God dwells in you?”

     2. Gold, silver, and precious stones are the three spiritual skills. Wood, hay, and stubble are the three arrogance skills. Both kinds of superstructure are built on the same foundation—faith alone in Christ alone, indicating that you cannot lose your salvation. All believers have equal opportunity to build a superstructure on the foundation.

      3. Each believer’s production becomes evident at the judgment seat of Christ. Evaluation by others is not a part of the Christian way of life. We each live our life as unto the Lord under the privacy of our priesthood. You will take responsibility for your decisions at the judgment seat of Christ.

      4. The believer’s production remains on the foundation after being tested by fire through the consistent function of the spiritual skills. The reward is the escrow blessings for the eternal state.

      5. The loser believer can only produce wood, hay, and stubble. His production is burned up at the judgment seat of Christ. He suffers loss of eternal blessings and rewards.

      6. God the Holy Spirit indwells your body to provide a temple for the indwelling of Jesus Christ as the shekinah glory and the indwelling of God the Father as a guarantee of blessing.    That is a sacred trust. Jesus Christ as the shekinah glory indwells your body as a guarantee of your portfolio of invisible assets and the availability of these assets under equal opportunity to execute the protocol plan of God for the Church.

     7. God the Holy Spirit also indwells every believer to provide a base of operations for the filling of the Spirit.

              a. The indwelling of the Spirit is permanent; the filling of the Spirit is temporary.

              b. The indwelling of the Spirit is related to the believer’s body (1 Cor 3:16, 6:19-20; 2 Cor 6:16); the filling of the Spirit is related to the believer’s soul and his spiritual life. In the believer’s soul the Holy Spirit controls the believer’s life. When we sin, the old sin nature controls the believer’s life.

              c. The indwelling of the Spirit is never commanded, but there are many mandates to be filled with the Spirit (Gal 5:16; Eph 5:18).


 © 1989, by R. B. Thieme, Jr.  All rights reserved.