



A.  The strap-on artist uses someone else, the victim, to get to his objective.


B.  The strap-on artist must deceive his victim.


C.  The strap-on reversionist, in using deceit, must hide the evidence to make the lie stick.


D.  A strap-on reversionist must do something to ingratiate himself with his victim, whether it is inferiority or superiority.


E.  A strap-on reversionist must give the impression to his victim that he hates everyone his victim hates, even if he must pretend to hate his true friends.  He must also appear to love people his victim loves.  He must be a super hypocrite.


F.  To be a good strap-on artist, you must cultivate certain mental attitude sins, such as implacability, vindictiveness, and cruelty, as well as verbal sins such as flattery and lying.


G.  The strap-on artist always lives to regret his function as a strap-on artist.


H.  When someone catches on, the more you have strapped it on, the more you will protest.



R. B. Thieme, Jr., Bible Ministries 5139 West Alabama, Houston, Texas  77056 (713) 621-3740

(c) 1994, by R. B. Thieme, Jr.    All rights reserved. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------