Spir Dynamics 449-452 7/17/94




A.  Introduction.

      1. What you are is what your soul is. Your soul is your life, not your body. You have little control over the genetic structure of your body. You have great control over the soul. You have volition and freedom to make decisions.

      2. True happiness is not in what happens to the body; true happiness relates to the soul. God created your soul life and imputed it to you at the moment biological life emerged from the womb. The real you is what you are in the soul. There is no human being in biological life. The human being is in soul life.

      3. At the moment you believe in Jesus Christ, God the Holy Spirit creates a human spirit. God the Father immediately imputes eternal life to the human spirit. This is called being born again.

      4. Human I.Q. is a genetic factor. It is not the basis for perception of Bible doctrine. Since the major factor in your spiritual life is cognition, metabolization, and inculcation of Bible doctrine, it is obvious that God, in providing equality, has provided an equal system. This is why you receive the filling of the Holy Spirit at the moment of salvation.

              a. The filling of the Holy Spirit is God the Holy Spirit controlling the soul. The filling of the Spirit takes human I.Q. with all its inequalities and converts it into spiritual I.Q.

              b. Spiritual I.Q. gives everyone the same equal opportunity for perception, metabolization, and application of Bible doctrine for the dynamics of the spiritual life.

              c. The Holy Spirit teaches the human spirit, so that you have a system of perception that completely overcomes any handicaps in the field of I.Q. This results in spiritual phenomena understood.

              d. Spiritual phenomena is moved to the left lobe of the soul as spiritual phenomena is understood. Now you must make a decision to believe or not believe the information. Positive volition causes you to metabolize this information.

              e. Your faith perception or positive volition then permits God the Holy Spirit to transfer spiritual information to the right lobe of your soul as epignosis doctrine.

      5. The right lobe of your soul is called the heart in Scripture.  Just as the physical heart circulates blood in the body, so the right lobe of the soul circulates Bible doctrine in the stream of consciousness.  The spiritual life is a system of thinking. That system of thinking is metabolized doctrine circulating in the stream of consciousness.

      6. The greatest thing that God ever gave us is the capability for thought and the capability of making decisions from that thought under freedom, so that we have options in life. When a client nation to God begins to destroy its own freedom, it destroys all kinds of options. Once you surrender your freedom to tyranny, your options are gone and the one who believes in Jesus Christ is persecuted and executed.

      7. The stream of consciousness has seven compartments. When there is failure to maintain the doctrine you have learned through reversionism, all the garbage in your soul in the subconscious begins to destroy the doctrine you have learned.

      8. Metabolized Bible doctrine circulating in the seven compartments of the stream of consciousness creates two things.

              a. A FLOT (forward line of troops) line in your soul. This is where you deploy the ten problem solving devices, so that from the privacy of your own soul you can solve every problem in life. The ten problem solving devices include: rebound, the filling of the Holy Spirit, the faith- rest drill, grace orientation, doctrinal orientation, a personal sense of destiny, personal love for God, impersonal love for mankind, sharing the happiness of God, and occupation with Christ.     b. A mirror in the soul. This is where you make objective, accurate self-evaluation. You were designed by God to counsel yourself from metabolized doctrine circulating in your stream of consciousness. Counseling from others as a part of the spiritual life is totally unnecessary and out of line. Counseling is depending on someone else and you are suppose to be depending on the word of God. We all have a stream of consciousness and a garbage can called the subconscious. We can all have a FLOT line of the soul. All the differences are gone the moment you believe in Christ.

      9. Principles.

              a. Metabolized doctrine circulating in the stream of consciousness is the basis for two functions in the spiritual life.

              b. The first function is the FLOT line of the soul. You cannot function in the spiritual life without establishing your own FLOT line.

              c. The FLOT line of the soul is the location for problem solving devices by which Bible doctrine is applied to your postsalvation experience.

              d. The second function is a mirror in the soul.

              e. The mirror in the soul is the basis for self-evaluation, the system by which the believer applies doctrine to self in the privacy of his or her soul.

              f. Without the mentorship of God the Holy Spirit there is no spiritual life of the Church Age believer. The mentorship of the Holy Spirit includes the filling of the Holy Spirit, the teaching ministry of the Spirit, and praying for us.

              g. Without the mentorship of God the Holy Spirit there is no fulfillment of the basic principle of the protocol plan of God. The basic principle of the protocol plan of God is that a right thing must be done in a right way to be right.


B.  The Compartments of the Soul.

      1. The Frame of Reference.

              a. This is the first compartment of the stream of consciousness. The frame of referance is defined as the conceptual structure of the soul’s right lobe in which doctrine, principles, categories of Scripture are like pieces of a puzzle and are placed in their proper places to form the spiritual life of the Church Age.

              b. 1 Cor 2:9-10 describes the frame of reference, “but just as it stands written, `Things which the eye has not seen and the ear has not heard, and which have not entered the heart of mankind, all that God has prepared for those who love Him.’ But God has revealed them to us through the Spirit; for the Spirit searches all things, even the deep things from God.” The heart is a metaphor for the right lobe of the soul. Just as the heart circulates blood, so the stream of consciousness circulates metabolized doctrine in the soul.

              c. The frame of reference is the area for retention of metabolized doctrine. The frame of reference is where you have the giant computer system that puts information into its proper area and correlates it with doctrines you have previously learned.

              d. The frame of reference is where you establish that doctrine in relationship to its principles in relationship to all other doctrines pertinent to it. The Holy Spirit then sends doctrine to the second compartment—the memory center.

      2. The Memory Center.

              a. While the frame of reference is the area of retention for metabolization of doctrine, the memory center is the area for recall. Doctrine is printed in the frame of reference and recalled from the memory center.

              b. The principle is that the rate of learning must always exceed the rate of forgetting. Therefore the importance of inculcation of Bible doctrine and repetition. When the rate of learning is greater than the rate of forgetting, the total quantity of metabolized doctrine increases both in your frame of reference and in your memory center. When the rate of forgetting is greater than the rate of learning, then the total quantity of metabolized doctrine decreases both in the frame of reference, memory center, and in circulation throughout the rest of your stream of consciousness.       Therefore circulation of metabolized doctrine throughout the entire stream of consciousness decreases.

              c. You do not hear doctrine once and recall it when you need it. Retaining doctrine is a matter of balancing out the rate of learning and the rate of forgetting.

              d. The memory center is destroyed by scar tissue of the soul in the state of reversionism.              e. Recall is necessary for the creation of the mirror in your soul and for the establishing of the FLOT line of the soul. Recall is necessary for the deployment of problem solving devices on the FLOT line of the soul. Recall is necessary for the function of the spiritual reflexes in the sophisticated spiritual life. Spiritual reflexes is a system which takes principles which you have extrapolated from Bible doctrine and uses them on an instantaneous basis. In an instant of time you come up with the right principle, the right answer, the right concept, and you make the right moves.      f. The memory center is the circulation link between the frame of reference and the other five compartments of the stream of consciousness, Lam 3:20-23; Ps 119:6, “I delight in doctrine; I will not forget Your word.” 1 Cor 11:24, “And when He had given thanks, He broke it, and said, `This represents My body, which is a substitute for you; keep on doing this in remembrance of Me.’” You have your own treasury of Bible doctrine circulating in your stream of consciousness. This is a treasury which cannot be destroyed.

      3. Vocabulary Storage.

              a. You can never think beyond your vocabulary. Your vocabulary must consist of more than profanity and slang.

              b. The vocabulary of Bible doctrine is of utmost importance.

              c. Vocabulary is a system of memory. One word means a great many things and causes the function of the right answers at the right times in the right situations.

              d. Only when Bible doctrine is circulating in the stream of consciousness through the teaching ministry of God the Holy Spirit as you are filled with the Spirit do you have the power of the word of God for instant use in your life. If your soul is not filled with doctrine, it is filled with human viewpoint.

              e. Vocabulary storage is a dictionary of the believer’s soul. It is the location of all technical theological nomenclature, biblical metaphors, teaching acronyms through which Bible doctrine is classified and categorized. You must learn such vocabulary as rebound, faith-rest, dispensations, hypostatic union, protocol plan of God, portfolio of invisible assets, substitutionary spiritual death, common and efficacious grace, election and predestination, absolutes and variables, the baptism of the Holy Spirit.

              f. After salvation, the believer is a spiritual baby and must learn a vocabulary in which to think, to express, to apply, to utilize Bible doctrine. There is a direct analogy to how we learn vocabulary as a human child and as a spiritual child. You cannot think without vocabulary.

              g. Moses established the fact that the absolutes of Bible doctrine are composed of words. The absolutes of Bible doctrine become spiritual thinking composed of words. Deut 8:3, “And He humbled you and let you be hungry, then He fed you with manna which you did not know, nor did your ancestors know, that He might cause you to understand that mankind does not live by bread alone, but mankind lives by every word that proceeds from the mouth of the Lord.”

      4. The Categorical Storage.

              a. Categorical storage is the classification of Bible doctrine according to its subject matter. By comparison of Scripture to Scripture, biblical subjects emerge and are brought together into divisions of doctrine, formed for the purpose of classification and utilization.

                   (1) This is illustrated by the mechanics of the spiritual life, the two power options, the three spiritual skills, the ten problem solving devices.

                   (2) This is an established system for the function of the spiritual life designed for one thing—to have in your stream of consciousness Bible doctrine circulating through the filling of the Spirit from one compartment to another, so that you will have a treasure in your soul.

              b. Vocabulary and categorical storage are absolutely essential for understanding the mechanics of the spiritual life and causing spiritual advance.

              c. Categorical storage is also essential for handling accurately the word of truth, 2 Tim 2:15. Categorical storage is essential in the interpretation of Scripture, as noted by categories such as dispensations, salvation by faith alone in Christ alone, logistical grace, metabolization of doctrine, etc..

              d. Scripture.

                   (1) Prov 2:2 explains the principle of categorical storage, “Make your ear to concentrate on wisdom, apply your heart to understanding.” You apply doctrine to your circumstances and to yourself.

                   (2) Prov 2:10, “For wisdom will enter your heart, and knowledge of doctrine will be pleasant to your soul.”

                   (3) Prov 18:15, “The heart of the wise acquires knowledge, and the ear of the wise seeks knowledge.”

                   (4) 2 Tim 2:15, “Be diligent to present yourself approved to God as a workman who does not need to be ashamed, handling accurately the word of truth.”

     5. The Conscience.

              a. The conscience is the compartment of the norms, standards, priorities related to the absolutes of Bible doctrine.

              b. The vocabulary for conscience comes from the Greek word SUNEIDESIS, which means to know with an absolute standard. The English word conscience comes from two Latin words CON and SCIARI, which means “to know with.”

              c. Conscience is defined as the mental faculty by which one distinguishes between right and wrong and makes all distinctions related to those concepts under the filling of the Holy Spirit, which motivates to do what is right and restrains from doing what is wrong.

              d. Doctrine enters your frame of reference, becomes a part of your vocabulary. From this doctrine you establish norms and standards which are categorized. The absolutes of your conscience are the direct result of metabolized Bible doctrine. When you go in the opposite direction from your conscience, you enter into the fragmented spiritual life, the trends of the sin nature, and the lust pattern of the sin nature.

              e. Scripture.

                   (1) Rom 2:15, “in that they show the work of the Law printed in their hearts, their conscience confirming the testimony, and their thoughts alternately accusing or else defending themselves.” Accusing and defending oneself is the function of the norms and standards of the conscience of the believer looking into the mirror of the word of God in the soul.

                   (2) Acts 23:1, “And Paul, looking intently at the Sanhedrin, said, `Brethren, I have conducted myself as a citizen with a good conscience before God up to this day.’”

                   (3) 1 Tim 1:19, “keeping the doctrine and a good conscience, which some have rejected and suffered shipwreck with regard to their faith.”

                   (4) The conscience of the unbeliever, living under the arrogance skills, haunted by strong delusion, destroyed by unrealistic expectation, is described in Tit 1:15, “To the pure, all things are pure; but to those who are defiled and unbelieving, nothing is pure, but both their thinking and their conscience is defiled.” The defiling of the conscience is illustrated in Rom 1:18-23.

                   (5) 1 Tim 3:9, “but holding to the mystery doctrine with a clear conscience.”

                   (6) 1 Pet 2:19, “For this grace, if for the sake of conscience toward God a man bears up under sorrows when suffering unjustly.”

                   (7) 1 Pet 3:16, “and be having a good conscience so that in the things in which you are slandered, those who malign your good in Christ will be put to shame.”

              f. The believer in reversionism destroys their conscience through scar tissue of the soul, 1 Tim 4:1-2, “But the Spirit explicitly says that in later periods of time [the hypostatic union, Church Age, and Tribulation] some [believers] will become apostate from doctrine, paying attention to deceitful spirits [false teachers] and doctrines of demons, by means of hypocrisy of liars seared in their own conscience with a branding iron.” The branding iron is scar tissue in the soul from rejection of the truth.

              g. Precedence from the humanity of Christ in the dispensation of the hypostatic union is taught in Heb 9:14, “How much more will the blood of Christ, who through the eternal Spirit offered Himself without blemish to God, will purify your conscience from dead works to serve the living God.” You serve the living God by growing up spiritually. You grow up by the filling of the Spirit, metabolization of doctrine, deployment of doctrine on the FLOT line of the soul, and application of doctrine through the problem solving devices.

     6. The Momentum Department.

              a. Metabolized doctrine circulating in the stream of consciousness originates and is the basis for the function of two great things in your soul.

                   (1) A mirror in the soul for private and personal self- evaluation. It is the system by which the believer applies doctrine to himself.

                   (2) A system of ten problem solving devices on the FLOT line of the soul to handle all problems and difficulties in life.

                            (a) You will never have a problem that was not covered in eternity past in your very own portfolio of invisible assets. Negative volition guarantees a miserable life. With these problem solving devices there is nothing in this life which cannot be resolved.

                            (b) Any attempt to apply doctrine to experience apart from these ten problem solving devices results in heresy, distortion, and all concepts antagonistic to the spiritual life.     b. Metabolized doctrine circulating in the stream of consciousness is the basis for momentum in the spiritual life.

              c. The momentum department of the stream of consciousness is the sphere of spiritual growth which results in the execution of the protocol plan of God for the Church and maximum glorification of God. Maximum glorification of God comes with the sophisticated spiritual life. There are four objectives in the spiritual life; two are tactical and two are strategic.

                   (1) The first tactical objective is a personal sense of destiny. A personal sense of destiny is tantamount to spiritual self- esteem. The first strategic objective is to parlay a personal sense of destiny into occupation with the person of Christ. When Paul wrote Philippians in 63 A.D., he had reached the point of occupation with Christ.

                   (2) The second tactical objective is spiritual maturity. The second strategic objective that comes from spiritual maturity is to parlay spiritual maturity into maximum glorification of God. When Paul wrote 2 Timothy in 67 A.D., he had parlayed maturity into maximum glorification of God.

              d. Scripture.

                   (1) The analogy to momentum is found in 1 Pet 2:2, “Like newborn babies eagerly desire the unadulterated milk of the word, that you may grow by means of it as a result of salvation.”

                   (2) 2 Pet 3:18, “but keep on growing in the sphere of grace and the knowledge of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ. To Him be the glory, both now and to the day of eternity. Amen.”

                   (3) 2 Tim 3:16, “All Scripture is God-breathed and is profitable for teaching, for rebuke, for correction, for training in virtue [righteousness]; that the man of God may be proficient [well advanced], equipped for every good production.” The mirror of the word of God rebukes us, corrects us, and trains us in virtue.

              e. There are two categories of momentum in your spiritual life. Both categories are found in relationship to this part of the stream of consciousness.

                   (1) There is normal spiritual growth through perception and metabolization of doctrine.

                   (2) There is accelerated spiritual growth, which adds the function of the problem solving devices on the FLOT line of the soul. Accelerated spiritual growth is related to the use of those problem solving devices plus suffering for blessing.

              f. The ministry of the pastor-teacher in the function of the momentum department is mentioned in Eph 4:15, “but communicating the truth associated with virtue-love, we may cause them to grow up with reference to the all things with reference to Him, who is the head, Christ.”

         (1) The minister communicates the truth as a part of the function of the momentum department. The major Greek verb in the momentum department is AUZANO, which means “to grow up.” The pastor cannot make anyone grow up; you have to accept or reject doctrine yourself.

                   (2) “The all things” are the power options (filling of the Spirit and metabolized doctrine), the function of the three spiritual skills, the deployment of the ten problem solving devices, and the execution of the sophisticated spiritual life.

              g. The great verse on the momentum department is of the stream of consciousness is 2 Thes 1:3, “We ought always to give thanks to God concerning you, brethren, as is fitting, because your faith has fantastic growth, and the virtue-love of each one of all of you toward one another keeps on growing ever greater.”

                   (1) Thanksgiving to God should be related to volition and values. When we are thankful for someone, it should be related to their volition and values.

                   (2) Paul uses the word HUPERAUZANO or “supergrowth.” It means to grow wonderfully, to increase abundantly. It is used only once in Scripture.

                   (3) You cannot live by principle until you have maximum doctrine metabolized and circulating in the stream of consciousness and until you deploy those problem solving devices on the FLOT line of the soul. No believer lives the spiritual life until he lives by principle. Those principles come out of metabolized doctrine circulating in the stream of consciousness.          Those principles are the basis for deploying ten problem solving devices on the FLOT line of the soul.            h. Acts 12:24, “But the word of the Lord continued to grow and to be multiplied.” The word of God had kept on growing in the past and continued to keep on growing in Jerusalem.

      7. The Wisdom Department.

              a. Wisdom is the sphere for the application of metabolized doctrine to your experiences after salvation. Therefore the wisdom department (or compartment) is the direct connection with the FLOT line of the soul.

              b. The Hebrew word for wisdom is CHOKMAH. The Greek word is SOPHIA. SOPHIA is manufactured from EPIGNOSIS or metabolized doctrine.

              c. Scripture.

                   (1) 1 Cor 2:7, “but we communicate God’s wisdom in a mystery, a wisdom which has been hidden, which God predestined before the dispensations for the purpose of our honor.”

       (a) Mystery doctrine of the Church Age was hidden from the Old Testament believers because the Church Age is totally unique.

                            (b) In eternity past God isolated all of our needs and problems and provided all the solutions for them. Everything we would ever need in time was provided in eternity past.

                            © Glory belongs to God. The Greek word DOXZA means more than just glory. It also means brightness, reflection, honor, splendor, radiance, fame, renown. Here it means reflection, radiance, or honor.

                   (2) Eph 1:7-8, “In Him we have redemption through His blood, the forgiveness of our trespasses, on the basis of the riches of His grace, which He lavished upon us by means of all wisdom and a way of thinking,”

                            (a) The wealth of God is measured in wisdom, in principle, and in thought—divine viewpoint, Bible doctrine. The key to wealth is Bible doctrine in the soul, not money. God lavished on us the riches of His grace by means of all wisdom.

                            (b) Most people are too lazy to think. Bible doctrine motivates the overcoming of mental laziness.

                   (3) Col 1:9, “For this reason also, since the day we heard, we do not cease to pray for you and to ask that you may be filled up with [EPIGNOSIS] knowledge of His will in all wisdom and spiritual understanding [understanding caused by the filling of the Spirit].”

                            (a) Thought in your soul is what changes your life.

                            (b) It is the mentorship of God the Holy Spirit which takes Bible doctrine and converts it into wisdom. Wisdom is the greatest riches anyone can have in this world. The greatest wealth available to you is metabolized doctrine circulating in your stream of consciousness. There is a gold mine right under your nose.

                            © At the judgment seat of Christ you will be held responsible for whether or not you have this wealth in your soul. If you do, you will receive more wealth. If not, you will lose the wealth you would have had in eternity.

                   (4) Prov 2:2 cf 2:10, “Make your ear to concentrate on wisdom, Apply your heart to understanding.” “For wisdom will enter your heart, And knowledge of doctrine will be pleasant to your soul.”

                            (a) Communication of doctrine originally came through the voice. When you are listening and interested, your mouth is shut.        No one ever learned anything by talking. Your ear does not automatically tune in on doctrine. You must make your ear concentrate on doctrine.

                            (b) You were born with a stream of consciousness which fills with garbage and human viewpoint from the lust pattern of the sin nature. But God has provided wealth to replace all the garbage and human viewpoint in your stream of consciousness.

                            © True happiness and capacity for life and love is doctrine circulating in the stream of consciousness.

              d. The function of wisdom.

                   (1) The base of operation for wisdom involves the doctrine of the mentorship of God the Holy Spirit as our teacher, resulting in perception, metabolization, inculcation, and application of Bible doctrine.

                   (2) Perception and cognition demands the filling of the Spirit. Without the filling of the Spirit there is not spiritual life.

                   (3) Metabolization of Bible doctrine demands the filling of the Holy Spirit. The circulation of metabolized doctrine through the seven compartments of the stream of consciousness is by means of the filling of the Spirit. Wisdom is wealth. You have an empty soul until you fill it with doctrine.

                   (4) God does not have any problems. He is expert on solving all problems. He provided all solutions to all problems in eternity past through metabolized doctrine circulating in the stream of consciousness.

                   (5) Wisdom is wealth that has capacity and values, and makes you a different person all the way.

              e. The function of the problem solving devices.

                   (1) The problem solving devices deployed on the FLOT line of the soul provide accurate and objective application of doctrine to our experience and circumstances. The only doctrine that does you any good is the doctrine in the seven compartments of your stream of consciousness.

                   (2) The problem solving devices function under the principle of the doctrine of volition and values, in order to establish your priorities and true values through which a right thing is done in a right way. Values and volition always go together. Your volition generally follows your values. You are really in trouble when your volition does not follow your values.

                   (3) The problem solving devices are posted on the FLOT line of the soul, resulting in the believer taking responsibility for his own decisions. You do not blame others and justify self. The wisdom department of the stream of consciousness in developing the problem solving devices results in thinking in terms of principles and absolutes.

                   (4) The problem solving devices function to win the four battles in the soul. The greatest struggles in your life are in the soul. The four great battles are sin in the soul, stress in the soul, false doctrine in the soul, and wrong solutions or false variables.

                   (5) The problem solving devices function as a part of the elative conclusion. The elative conclusion is that the divine solution is the only solution and the human solution is no solution.

                   (6) The problem solving devices function as self-motivation for persistence in the function of the two power options, the three spiritual skills, the ten problem solving devices, and the sophisticated spiritual life. The winner is the one who perseveres.

                   (7) The problem solving devices prevent the outside pressures of adversity from becoming the inside pressure of stress in the soul. All of us have pressure in life. The key is not converting it into stress. Adversity is what circumstances do to you; stress is what you do to yourself. Stress in the soul is tantamount to old sin nature control of the soul.

                   (8) The problem solving devices are operational on the FLOT line of the soul to provide true compatibility between the absolutes of Bible doctrine and the variables that relate to them. They also reject false variables.

                   (9) The problem solving devices look into the mirror of the soul and provide the only accurate and truly objective system of self- evaluation.

                  (10) The problem solving devices are the means of passing momentum and evidence testing, resulting in maximum glorification of God.



R. B. Thieme, Jr. Bible Ministries 5139 West Alabama, Houston, Texas 77056 (713) 621-3740

© 1998, by R. B. Thieme, Jr.  All rights reserved.
