Spir Dynamics 1234-5 2/11/98; Isr 50-60 8/1/91




I.  The Split Personality in the Old Testament, Num 13:27-14:45.

            1. The Hebrew word used by Moses is SHIGAON, which means insanity. God the Holy Spirit led Moses to use the word during the first year of the Exodus.

                        a. SHIGAON refers to dissociation which is withdrawal from metabolized doctrine—the main body of doctrinal reality—circulating in the stream of consciousness through the filling of the Holy Spirit. Dissociation means to sever association with reality in the stream of consciousness, to split off from the normal cohesive personality, resulting in the multiple personality disorders.

                        b. Hysteria represents the emotional complex of sins and was one of the major functions of the believers of the Exodus generation. Hysteria reaction is caused by the conversion of the outside pressure of adversity into the inside pressure of stress in the soul and the continuum of sin nature control of the soul, and the entrance into reversionism. The emotional complex of sins always includes arrogance but is a sphere of irrationality functioning in the stream of consciousness.

                        c. Many believers of the Exodus generation avoided reality by dissociation. On the other hand, Moses had maximum Bible doctrine in the stream of consciousness, so that he avoided the dangers of dissociation. He never lost track of reality.

            2. When Moses sent a reconnaissance team into the land of Canaan, he received three reports, Num 13:27-33. There had to be a division made between those who had the spiritual strength to enter the Land and those who did not. Facts of the situation bring out the options. Those with doctrine in the soul had maximum options; those without doctrine had limited and closed options.

                        a. The joint report which confirmed the doctrine that Moses taught is found in Num 13:27-28. “And they reported to him [Moses], and said, `We entered the land where you sent us; and certainly it does flow with milk and honey [an idiom for economic prosperity], and this is its fruit. However, the people who live in the land are strong, and their cities are well fortified, very large; furthermore, we saw the descendants of Anak there [a race of giants].’”

                                    (1) If you have maximum doctrine circulating in the stream of consciousness, you open up maximum options. But if you have no doctrine circulating, then you have closed down the options.

                                    (2) The majority had stopped listening to doctrine and where afraid to enter the land because of the giants. They had already started to close down their options.

                        b. The minority report follows in Num 13:30, “Then Caleb silenced the people before Moses, then he said, `By all means we should go up and take possession of it, for we will definitely conquer it.’”

                                    (1) To the believer with maximum Bible doctrine in the soul, there are greater options in life, because maximum Bible doctrine in the soul means capacity for life. Great options are for great believers who have capacity. If you have no capacity, you have no options. God always promotes and blesses on the basis of capacity. God graciously blesses by permitting adversity so we can increase our capacity and have a personal sense of destiny.

                                    (2) Caleb was looking at reality from doctrine in his soul. God has given a promise and that promise was more real to him than all the distractions to the psycho believer—fear, worry, anxiety. Caleb never lost his personal sense of destiny. Caleb personally was permitted to conquer the giants while all the psycho believers died in the desert.

                                    (3) Bible doctrine provides the capacity, the reality, and the options. All three are based on Bible doctrine.

                        c. The majority report follows in Num 13:31-33, “But the men [other ten princes] who had gone on the mission with him [Caleb] said, `We cannot attack those people, for they are too strong for us.’ So they gave a bad report about the land which they had reconnoitered to the people of Israel, saying, `The land which we reconnoitered is a land which devours its settlers; and all the men that we saw are of great size, giants. There we saw the Nephilim (the sons of Anak are part of the Nephilim); and we seem like grasshoppers in our own eyes, and we look the same to them.’” The emphasis on the giants in the majority report began the hysteria reaction.

            3. At this point the psycho believers took over.

                        a. Fear is contagious; the fear of the ten princes spread to the people of Israel.

                        b. Dissociation had already occurred, now they were calling up alter personalities who were frightened. Fear plus stress in the soul resulted in dissociation, a withdrawal from doctrine in the stream of consciousness, and the split personality which follows the pattern of reversionism. Deficiency of Bible doctrine in the stream of consciousness resulted in the conversion of the outside pressure of adversity into the inside pressure of stress in the soul.

                        c. The giants were merely an adversity to be overcome, but the psycho believers made it stress in the soul. The giants had already conquered the psycho believers without even attacking. People are not conquered by outside elements of adversity, they are conquered by inside elements called stress in the soul.

                        d. Instead of rejoicing that the reconnaissance team had confirmed all that God had said about the land and its prosperity, all the psycho believers could do was think of giants. They did not see the reality of doctrine, only the reality of the giants. Every believer has their giants. What are the giants in your soul? What are the things that disturb you? If you have become a psycho believer, you cannot even cope with the charge of the mosquito.

                        e. After this first year in the desert, the believers in Israel had the greatest opportunity for spiritual growth. They would either become spiritual giants or psycho believers. The spiritual giants could conquer any giants in the land, and Caleb was ready to go.

            4. The failure of the Exodus generation is stated in both the Old and New Testament.

                        a. Ps 95:10, “Forty years I loathed that generation and said `They are a people who wander in their hearts and they do not know My ways.’” They heard doctrine, rejected doctrine, and ignored doctrine.

                        b. Heb 3:10, “Therefore, I was angry with this generation, and said, `They always go astray in their hearts; they have not learned My ways.’”

            5. Why was Moses’ great leadership and teaching rejected by the Exodus generation?

                        a. There were two great problems that came out of slavery with the Exodus generation of believers. Both of these problems explain in part why the Exodus generation rejected the most fantastic and phenomenal doctrinal ministry.

                                    (1) Repressed garbage in the subconscious. Repression explains why there is garbage in the subconscious.

                                    (2) Blackout of the soul and projection. Projection is the utilization of that garbage in the subconscious.

                        b. Repression is a defense mechanism in which a person is unable to remember or be cognitively aware of disturbing feelings of emotional sins like guilt, of thoughts or experiences related to the accumulation of garbage in the self-conscious. Repression is a defense mechanism for dealing with unacknowledged flaws and sins which constitute a threat to one’s self-image. All of us repress things at one time or another.

                                    (1) Anything which is incompatible with or disturbing to individual self-esteem is often repressed into the unconscious or the subconscious. This becomes a psychological inhibit to recall, which means that it remains inaccessible to the conscious mind in order that it may not be recognized and cause the believer unbearable anxiety or guilt.

                                    (2) This garbage in the subconscious, which becomes an involuntary repudiation or denial, a non-conscious process which resists and rejects unacceptable feelings, flaws, memories, strivings, hostilities, aggressions, inferiorities, sins, and failures, which if acknowledged in the stream of consciousness, would be inconsistent with the believer’s personal estimate of himself as well as his self-esteem and self-respect.

                                    (3) Experiences which involve guilt or shame or lowering of one’s self-esteem are often repressed. Anything involved in repression is not destroyed, only unacknowledged. Repressed things are very close to the surface of the subconscious. Whatever is repressed becomes a liability which can influence personality traits, motivate projection, destroy true values, and eventuate in neurotic, psychosomatic, and psychotic conditions.

                                    (4) The Exodus generation had a childhood in slavery. Consequently, the evils of slavery, such as child abuse, were related to their childhood. An empire at its peak tends to be very hard on slaves as was the Egyptian empire on the Jews. This abuse would produce a tremendous amount of garbage in their subconscious. They experienced many psychoneurotic disorders—anxiety reaction, depressive reaction, phobic reaction, and dissociative reaction—before the Exodus occurred, because this was their habit after the Exodus. These defense mechanisms were adaptive in childhood but maladaptive in adulthood.

                                    (5) Feelings of guilt are often alleviated by repression. Often believers have obsessive, compulsive habits which function as a defense mechanism for keeping guilt down to a minimum. The guilt ridden soul does not metabolize the true doctrine of rebound by grace, but often substitutes several defense mechanisms such as repression, dissociation, anxiety reaction, depressive reaction, or excessive compulsive reaction. Guilt pressure is so great that either repression or dissociation become problem solving devices for dealing with guilt. Guilt may be expressed in terms of self-punishment and take the form of public confession of sin, which is trying to transfer the guilt to a group. This self-punishment may take the form of what is called the masochistic personality disorder, in which a person seeks to alleviate guilt from unconscious pleasure from suffering.

                                    (6) Childhood inculcation often resists in later life metabolization of doctrine. A mother may teach her daughter that happiness is having a man. This daughter then hears the doctrine of sharing the happiness of God. Now she has a conflict in her soul. In her subconscious, the doctrine of sharing the happiness of God is rejected. Therefore, she does not metabolize that doctrine nor understand that happiness is not a man, but happiness is Bible doctrine circulating in the stream of consciousness through the filling of the Holy Spirit, that happiness is a relationship with God, not with people. The doctrine of happiness becomes gnosis doctrine only. Garbage in the subconscious can become a hindrance to metabolized doctrine.

                                    (7) The Exodus generation in slavery had their own ideas about happiness. People have different conditions. It was obvious that food was happiness to many of those in the congregation of Israel, e.g., Num 11:5, 16:3, 20:5. Happiness was food, not doctrine. Because of this, there was tremendous rejection of the teaching of doctrine. Yet happiness is maximum doctrine circulating in the stream of consciousness. Whatever the values the Exodus generation acquired in slavery, these values contradicted Bible doctrine in every area taught by Moses. These values set up a repressive system of garbage in the subconscious which resisted metabolization of doctrine. This explains in part some of the negative volition toward Bible doctrine by the Exodus generation.

                        c. The second great problem was blackout of the soul and consequent projection.

                                    (1) Believers become preoccupied and obsessed with their own righteousness. All too often this righteousness is simply the area of strength in the sin nature or morality without virtue. Morality without virtue is inevitably arrogance; hence, believers become divorced from the reality of Bible doctrine.

                                    (2) Preoccupation and obsession with how right you are blots out grace orientation and leads to manipulation. The greater you think your righteousness is and the stronger your legalistic self-righteousness, the more you start telling people how they should run their lives and the more you start to manipulate everything and everyone around you.

                                    (3) Arrogance blinds one to the reality of their own flaws and makes a big issue out of the flaws and failures of others. The grace principle of live and let live is blotted out of the stream of consciousness so that often legalism begins to play god. This is the background for projection.

                                    (4) Projection is a common failure when the believer reaches the blackout of the soul. Projection is a sign of great unhappiness, failure and malfunction of plus H as a problem solving device. Plus H or sharing the happiness of God emphasizes tranquility and contentment in the stream of consciousness.

                                    (5) Projection is the believer’s function of judging and even severely criticizing another believer for the very same sins, faults, and flaws which are weak points in their own character. Projection is the arrogance of failing to recognize the fact that they themselves possess the despised sins, the traits, and the motives which they assign to others who are the objects of their antagonism and hatred. Projection is attributing to others your very own flaws, sins, and failures which are unacknowledged, and not recognized because of blackout of the soul or because you have a lot of garbage in the subconscious and you are not even aware of it.

                                    (6) Projection is defined as a mechanism in which a person falsely attributes their own unacknowledged feelings, impulses, thoughts, and motives to others. Feelings of guilt may be alleviated if the believer is able to transfer the blame to others for shameful tendencies in their own subconscious or unconscious mind. When you can do this, it is a neat trick, because you leave yourself guiltless or even victimized though you are the real problem. This defense mechanism is designed to make the believer feel less guilty, if he or she can make some other person feel guilty. Projection is strengthened to the point of defense against anxiety, if the believer can react with hostility, hatred, and antagonism toward the object of projection.

                                    (7) As a result of blackout of the soul—the perpetuation of hatred, antagonism, and loathing—the believer’s perpetuation of projection results in both hostility and aggressive behavior toward the victim of his projection. Believers in the last three stages of reversionism treat other believers as projections of their own flaws, weaknesses, and sins or arrogance and sins of emotion.

                                    (8) This is what the believers of the Exodus generation did to Moses. The believers of the Exodus generation held Moses responsible for all their difficulties in the desert. This produced a depressed personality, even though the anxiety and guilt had been alleviated by defensive projection. This is how projection divorces the believer from reality. This is how projection is used as a means of denial. In projection, they accuse Moses of trying to kill them, but in reality they wanted to kill Moses, Ex 16:3, 17:3; Num 16:13, 41. Projection is one of the reasons the Exodus generation could not stand the teaching of Moses.

                                    (9) Sigmond Freud says that projection is the inability of person A to tolerate the anxiety, the soul stress aroused by hatred, loathing, and antagonism toward person B.  Therefore, person A unconsciously changes his attitude from “I hate B” to “B hates me.” The Exodus generation, unable to tolerate their anxiety and guilt aroused by their hatred, loathing, and antagonism toward Moses, unconsciously changed their attitude from “I hate Moses” to “Moses hates me” .This explains the context of Num 14, attitude of the Exodus generation toward Moses and his doctrine. This also explains your hatred and antagonism of others. It is your problem, not the object of your hatred and antagonism.

            6. Repression plus projection plus dissociation equals the Hebrew word SHIGAON which Moses used to describe the Exodus generation in Deut 28. The repression, projection, and dissociation of the psycho believers of the Exodus generation is described in detail in Num 14:1ff after the people heard the report of giants in the land of Canaan.

                        a. Num 14:1, “That night all the people screamed, and they cried that entire night.”

                                    (1) First there was the phobic and hysteria reaction of screaming as the emotional complex of sins came into action. The neurotic condition of the people indicates their reversionism. In dissociation, some stress or traumatic experience causes the psycho believer to switch to an alternate personality.

                                    (2) Spiritual strength was replaced by psycho weakness. The conversion of the outside pressure of adversity into the inside pressure of stress in the soul had been a continual occurrence (ten times) during the first year of the exodus. There was also continuous sin nature control of the soul and various mental disorders.

                                    (3) The irrationality of psychoneurosis follows the pattern of reversionism. Here we have the irrationality of emotional revolt of the soul plus locked in negative volition.

                        b. Num 14:2, “Then all Israel complained against Moses and Aaron; and the entire assembly said to them, `If we had only died in the land of Egypt or in the desert!’”

                                    (1) This was projection from garbage in the subconscious.

                                    (2) The projection was not only directed against Moses and Aaron, but against God Himself.

                                    (3) Here we have the irrationality of blackout of the soul. Their tremendous self-pity is related to their arrogance.

                        c. Num 14:3, “`Now why is the Lord bringing us into this land to be killed by the sword? Our wives and our children will be taken as plunder; would it not have been better for us to return to Egypt?’”

                                    (1) During the first year of the Exodus, and even before while in slavery, the people of Israel accumulated a phenomenal amount of garbage in the subconscious through repression. This repression results in the present projection.

                                    (2) Repression is a defense mechanism which deals with unacknowledged flaws and failures, like the emotional sins of guilt, fear, anger, hatred, bitterness. All of these sins constitute a threat to the believer’s self-image. Anything which is incompatible with the legalistic believer or any believer who is filled with his own self-righteous is repressed into the subconscious, and there it becomes garbage. This garbage is first used against Moses in projection, Num 14:2, and then used against God, Num 14:3. Against Moses, projection is rejection of his great leadership and even greater doctrinal communication. Against God, it is blasphemy and rejection of His grace policy.

                                    (3) Garbage in the subconscious rejects unacceptable feelings, the sins of the arrogance and emotional complexes, the character flaws, the inferiorities, or anything else which, if acknowledged in the stream of consciousness, would be inconsistent with the believer’s personal and arrogant estimate of self. Garbage in the subconscious represses anything which conflicts with the believer’s self-respect or arrogant image of self. This means that the emotional sins of the arrogance complex are expressed in this passage. They involve guilt and shame which is repressed.

                                    (4) This garbage in the subconscious is not destroyed except through a complete recovery of the believer’s spiritual heritage, which includes: use of the rebound technique, consistent perception and inculcation of doctrine which must be the reality of life replacing the unreality related to the neurotic and psychotic state, and the inculcation of doctrine which must be circulated in the stream of consciousness. Finally, there must be spiritual strength through the use the ten problem solving devices to resist the conversion of the outside pressure of adversity into the inside pressure of stress in the soul.

                                    (5) The results of repression of maximum garbage in the subconscious is the expression of garbage in and garbage out. They assign to Moses their own flaws and failures. They have ignored their own flaws and failures but project them on Moses and then on God.

                                    (6) In this verse, we have the irrationality of scar tissue of the soul.

                        d. Num 14:4, “Then they said to each other, `We shall elect a leader and go back to Egypt.” This verse is the irrationality of reverse process reversionism. Every value of the spiritual life is reversed in reverse process reversionism—there is no personal love for God the Father, there is no fellowship with the Spirit, there is no occupation with Christ.

                        e. At this point, the speech of Moses is found in Deut 1:29-32 as a part of retrospective exposition. “Then I said to you, `Do not be shocked. Do not fear them. The Lord your God will go before you. He Himself will fight on your behalf, just as He did for you in Egypt before your eyes, and in the desert when you saw how the Lord your God carried you, just as a man carries his son, in all the way which you have walked until you came to this place.’ But in spite of all of this, you did not trust the Lord your God.”

                                    (1) Moses recognized their trauma reaction—"Do not be shocked.” Moses recognized their phobia reaction—"Do not fear them.” Moses used his leadership to give them two short commands without the long doctrinal dissertation which he usually gave them.

                                    (2) Moses challenged them to use the faith-rest drill. He must reestablish doctrine in their souls by going back to empirical experience.

                                    (3)   Moses gives them an illustration of reality (“just as a man carries his son”) they had seen and experienced many times. The sons used the strength of their fathers to keep up while on the march. This is exactly what God has done for Israel. Israel did not have the spiritual strength to meet the ten tests in the first year of their march, so God carried them in grace. We are helpless and must use the spiritual strength of invisible assets provided to us in our march through life. They had no capacity for grace.

                                    (4) Since Moses’ discourse fell on deaf ears, his only recourse was to go to the supreme court of heaven in prayer. This is what he did in Num 14:5ff.

                        f. Num 14:5-9, “Then Moses and Aaron fell on their faces in the presence of all the assembly of the congregation of the sons of Israel. Then Joshua the son of Nun and Caleb the son of Jephunneh, of those who had made a reconnaissance in the land, tore their clothes. Then they spoke to all the congregation of the sons of Israel, saying, `The land which we passed through in our reconnaissance is a very good land. If the Lord is pleased with us, then He will bring us into this land, and give it to us—a land which flows with milk and honey. Only do not rebel against the Lord; and do not fear the people of the land, for we will eat them up. Their protection is gone, and the Lord is with us; do not be afraid of them.’”

                                    (1) Moses recognized the power of Bible doctrine and his own helplessness to go beyond the Word of God to reason with these psycho believers. Moses did not turn to tyranny, but he recognized the freedom of Israel to accept or reject doctrine. He understood his own limitations but never limited the power of Bible doctrine; therefore, he takes an alternate power route.

                                                (a) You cannot force people to hear or to accept Bible doctrine.

                                                (b) If such believers use their own volition to go negative to the Word, all you have left is a power alley of prayer. You can pray that God does not destroy them.

                                    (2) While Moses and Aaron were praying on the ground, Joshua and Caleb stood up and came forward in front of the mob of psycho believers and ripped their clothes to shreds. This was a very courageous way of expressing their strong disapproval of the hysterical and phobic reactions of Israel. The people understood this as disapproval and stopped their hysteria and irrational behavior long enough to hear the message of these two great believers.

                                    (3) The message of Joshua and Caleb was the minority report, divine viewpoint, and the reality of Bible doctrine circulating in their stream of consciousness. A thought can make or break you in the pressure of confusion and in the danger of being killed. This is a clear case where the majority was wrong. If God does not promote you, you are not promoted. To be promoted by God often means rejecting the majority opinion. Moses did not give this report because Moses was not on the reconnaissance team and because it was time for some on the job training of some leaders of the next generation. Both Joshua and Caleb accomplished their ultimate greatness thirty-nine and forty-five years later respectively in their old age.

                                                (a) Preparation for leadership is more important than the actual function of leadership. The greatness of leadership depends on its preparation. Joshua would be in his sixties or seventies before he would command Israel. Caleb was eighty-five years old before he would conquer the sons of Anak.

                                                (b) God uses prepared persons.

                                                © Preparation for greatness must be compatible with both spiritual and human maturity.

                                                (d) God does not promote fly-by-nights. Therefore, patience is demanded in God’s leadership school.

                                    (4) God blesses on the basis of spiritual capacity from Bible doctrine circulating in the stream of consciousness. The Lord is pleased with capacity for blessing from metabolized doctrine. God’s blessings to us are only limited by our lack of capacity. God has the wisdom and power to give the land. Both recognized God’s promise and mixed it with their faith. “A land which flows with milk and honey” was God’s promise that Israel would have economic prosperity in the land.

                                    (5) Joshua and Caleb gave clear, concise statements, so as not to add to the people’s confusion of mind.

                        g. Num 14:10-22, “But all the congregation said to stone them with stones. Then the glory of the Lord appeared in the tent of meeting to all the sons of Israel. Then the Lord said to Moses, `How long will this people reject Me?  And how long will they refuse to trust Me, in spite of all the miraculous signs I have performed among them? I will punish them with an epidemic and I will dispossess them, however I will make you into a nation greater and mightier than they.’ But Moses replied to the Lord, `The Egyptians will hear about it, for by Your omnipotence You have brought this people out from among them, and they will tell the inhabitants of this land. O Lord, they have already heard that You are in the midst of this people, for You, O Lord, are seen eye to eye, while the cloud stands over them; and that You go before them in a pillar of cloud by day and in a pillar of fire by night. Now if You put these people to death all at one time, then the nations who have heard of Your fame will say, “`Because the Lord could not bring this people into the land which He promised them by an oath, therefore He slaughtered them in the desert.’” But now, I pray, let the power of the Lord be magnified on the basis of what You spoke, saying, [Ex 34:6-7] “`The Lord is slow to anger and abundant in grace, forgiving iniquity and transgression; yet He does not leave the guilty unpunished, He punishes the children for the sins of their fathers to the third and fourth generations.’” Pardon, I pray, the iniquity of this people on the basis of Your grace, just as You have forgiven this people from Egypt even until now.’ Consequently the Lord answered, `I have forgiven them on the basis of your word. Nevertheless, as surely as I live, and so that the earth may be filled with the glory of the Lord, surely none of the people who have seen My glory and My miraculous signs, which I have performed in Egypt and in the desert, and those who have put Me to the test these ten times and have not listened to My voice shall by no means see the land which I swore to their fathers, nor shall any of those who spurned Me see it.’”

                                    (1) The first thing the Lord did was to deliver Moses, Aaron, Joshua, and Caleb from a hysterical mob of psychotic believers who wanted to murder them. These four mature believers were fearless before this mob because of their phenomenal mental attitude. The appearance of Jesus Christ as the God of Israel stopped the mob in its tracks.

                                    (2) The Jews rejected the Lord for one year because they rejected the doctrinal teaching of Moses. Therefore, they did not have capacity for the miracles they saw performed in Egypt and in the desert.

                                    (3) An apostate generation is looking for miracles and has a false concept of miracles. No one has ever been advanced in the spiritual life by miracles. Miracles are no substitute for the power of the Word of God in the soul of the believer. Miracles in themselves are not a message. The power of the spiritual heritage of the Church is in doctrine. You cannot advance spiritually on miracles. You have a far greater power available to you than miracles. We have been given the greatest opportunity to demonstrate the power of doctrine circulating in the stream of consciousness. During the Tribulation, people will see hundreds of miracles and not be impressed. Miracles never carry a congregation, only Bible doctrine circulating in the stream of consciousness. Miracles did not prevent the Exodus generation of believers from becoming psycho. The purpose of miracles is to establish a person as a representative from God.

                                    (4) Epidemics are one way in which the supreme court of heaven provides discipline.

                                    (5) God made an offer to Moses to destroy all the negative believers, start over with Moses, and make a greater nation. Moses was more humble than any person on the face of the earth, Num 12:3, and this was the basis for his greatness. Israel was to be a kingdom of priests, but this was postponed until the Church Age because of the rejection of doctrine.

                                    (6) Moses’ basis for turning down God’s offer of a new nation was that it would provide a basis for the Gentile nations to attack the glory of God the Son; it would interfere with the great evangelization of the world going on at this time because of the Exodus from Egypt.

                                    (7) Under the four generation curse, the children must be guilty of the same sins as their parents in order to receive divine discipline. They have to emulate their parents to be guilty.

                                    (8) It is still possible today to pray an intercessory prayer for a group of people who have gone astray. Never use prayer to pray for someone else’s judgment or to try to get revenge, that is evil. Do not pray to God (gossip to God) about other people’s sins or you will receive their discipline.

                                    (9) These Jews, who refused to believe God and trust in His word, tied the Pharaoh of the Exodus for the world record for scar tissue of the soul. Pharaoh said “no” to releasing the Jews from slavery ten times. This set the record for hardness of heart or scar tissue of the soul. This record was equaled by the Jews during the first year of the Exodus. Many people are just like the people they despise. People who criticize others are often talking about themselves.

                            (10) Each test for the believer who had rejected Bible doctrine resulted in two things: the conversion of adversity into stress in the soul and sin nature control of the soul. The combination of these two things resulted in the eight stages of reversionism which created psycho believers. They started out by saying “no” to doctrine. Then they had adversity which they converted into stress in the soul.

                            (11) The evaluation of the Exodus generation of believers.

                                                (a) The psycho believer is always divorced from reality, but long before a person becomes psychotic, they start the habit of being divorced from reality. The problem is, what reality?

                                                (b) Reality for the believer is metabolized doctrine circulating in the stream of consciousness. Reality is not the miracles performed by God, even though they were real miracles and God did it. Reality for the believer is not the miracle, but Bible doctrine circulating in the stream of consciousness.

                                                © Instead, the believers were busy with their arrogant preoccupation with self. They were creating role models out of self— putting self on a pedestal, while hiding or ignoring their own sins and failures. They also created role models out of other psychotic believers, hiding and ignoring their failures. They doubled their unrealism; they were divorced from reality about themselves and about this other person they put on a pedestal. The psychotic believers in Israel selected three role models: Korah, Dathan, and Abiram. They resented God’s discipline of Dathan, Korah, and Abiram, and blamed Moses for their death, Num 16:41, “But on the next day all the congregation of the sons of Israel grumbled against Moses and Aaron, saying, `You are the ones who have caused the death of the Lord’s people.’”

                                                            i. Nothing worse can happen to your spiritual life than to make a role model out of a loser and call that person a winner.

                                                            ii. The Exodus generation of believers were guilty of accumulating double garbage—repression and projection.

                            (12) The Exodus generation was guilty of garbage in and garbage out.

                                                (a) You do this in two ways.

                                                            i. Repression—garbage in—is hiding, ignoring, or not acknowledging your own flaws, sins, feet of clay. Repression is a defense mechanism for protecting the arrogance of the believer’s self-image and the accumulated garbage in your own soul so your arrogance can continue to function. Hence, garbage in the subconscious represses anything which conflicts with the believer’s self-respect or self-image. Repression fills the subconscious with garbage. What is not true has become true to you. Repression is the antithesis of spiritual self-esteem. Repression and arrogance are constructed from maximum garbage in the subconscious. Repression is constructed from arrogance plus hysterical anxiety and guilt reactions.

                                                             ii. Projection—garbage out—is the defense mechanism in which the believer falsely attributes his or her flaws and unacknowledged sins to others; hence, your vilification of others using your ignored feet of clay. Projection is taking your own sins and failures and assigning them to the object of your hatred or antagonism. Projection is also used to maintain an arrogant self-image.

                                                (b) Moses always made the psycho believer feel threatened because he taught doctrine. It was the power of the Word which the Exodus generation rejected.

                                                © Paul made an application of these principles to the believers in his day in Rom 12:2-3, “Stop being conformed to this world, but be transformed by the renovation of your thought, that you may prove what the will of God is, that is divine good production, the well pleasing to God, and the mature status quo. For I say through the grace which has been given to me to every one who is among you, stop thinking of self in terms of arrogance beyond what you ought to think; but think in terms of sanity for the purpose of being rational without illusion, as God has assigned to each one of us a standard of thinking from doctrine.”

                                                (d) Being conformed to the world means:

                                                            i. Garbage in the subconscious from repression.

                                                            ii. Garbage out of the subconscious from projection.

                                                            iii. Intolerance, blaming others for your problems, always thinking of yourself as a victim of injustice.

                                                            iv. Hypersensitive arrogance—insensitive to how others feel but overly sensitive to others.

                                                            v. Rejection of individual responsibility under the law of volitional responsibility. You conform to the world when you do not take responsibility for your own decisions.

                                                            vi. Vilification, busy-bodies, meddlers, manipulators. Everyone wants the people around them to conform to their garbage. Conformity to the world is not action, it is thinking. Stop making a role model out of yourself; stop making unrealistic self-images. Stop thinking like the rest of the world in the cosmic system thinks. The Exodus generation never stopped conforming to the world.

                                                (e) In Rom 12:1, you present your bodies as a living sacrifice by the daily transformation by the renovation of your thought. This is done by metabolized doctrine circulating in your stream of consciousness through the filling of the Holy Spirit, by consistent function of the problem solving devices as you learn their mechanics and have the spiritual strength to use them.

                                                (f) Thinking of self in terms of arrogance means arrogant preoccupation with self (creating and fantasizing a self-image beyond reality), repression of your very own sins and flaws (feet of clay), and projection (assigning your unacknowledged flaws and failures to others). Arrogance is the ultimate in inferiority. There is nothing more inferior than the various manifestations and functions of the arrogance complex.

                                                (g) You think in terms of sanity by the circulation of maximum metabolized doctrine circulating in the stream of consciousness.

                            (13) There are two categories of vessels in the Exodus generation of believers: a vessel of honor and a vessel of dishonor. Rom 9:21ff.

                                                (a) Moses, Aaron, Joshua and Caleb were vessels of honor.

                                                (b) Most of the rest of Israel were vessels of dishonor.

                                                © The humble believer is the vessel of honor and the arrogant believer is the vessel of dishonor.

                                                (d) Scripture.

                                                            i. Ps 25:9, “In justice, He guides the humble, Consequently He teaches the humble His way.”

                                                    ii. Prov 15:33, “The respect for the Lord is instruction for wisdom, and before honor comes humility.”

                                                   iii. Prov 11:2, “When arrogance comes, then comes dishonor; but with the humble is wisdom.”

                                                    iv. Prov 29:23, “A person’s arrogance will bring him low, but a spirit of humility will attain honor.”

                                                            v. Num 12:3, “(Now the man Moses was very humble, more than any man who was on the surface of the earth.)” Moses was required to write this as a part of dictation as a part of inspiration and direct quotation from God.

                        h. The Judgment of Israel. Num 14:23-33, “`They [Jewish believers in reversionism] shall by no means see the land which I promised with an oath to their ancestors, nor shall any of those who despised Me see it. But My servant Caleb, because he had a different stream of consciousness [mode of thinking] therefore he followed Me completely. I will bring into the land which he entered, and his descendants shall take possession of it. Now since the Amalekites and the Canaanites are living in the valleys, turn back tomorrow and set out toward the desert along the route toward the Red Sea.’ Then the Lord spoke to Moses and Aaron, saying, `Regarding this evil congregation, how long will they be complaining against Me?  I have heard the complaints of the people of Israel, which they are complaining against Me.  Tell them, “`As I live,’” says the Lord, “`just as you have spoken in My hearing, so I will do to you; your corpses will fall in the desert every one of your twenty years old or more who was counted in the census; you have rebelled against Me.  None of you shall enter the land which I have promised with uplifted hand to give you a home in it, except Caleb the son of Jephunneh and Joshua the son of Nun. Furthermore, your children, whom you said would become plunder—I will bring them in, and they shall enjoy the land which you have rejected. But your own dead bodies will fall in the desert. And your sons shall be shepherds for forty years in the desert, and they shall suffer for your unfaithfulness, until the last of your bodies lie dead in the desert.’”

                                    (1) None of us ever get away with anything. When we fail, we are going to reap what we sow. This is the law of volitional responsibility. These Jews actually despised God through projection—Moses hates me, God hates me. They hated God, but superimposed their sin on God and Moses, saying that God and Moses hated them. This is how they justified the garbage in their subconscious.

                                    (2) They had no capacity to go into the land, no capacity for blessing. That capacity comes a standard of thinking from doctrine, from maximum doctrine circulating in the stream of consciousness.

                                    (3) We do not follow the Lord in our actions, but in what we think. Actions result from what we think. Forty-five years later Caleb received permission to conquer the land of the giants. No one was more positive to doctrine than Caleb.

                                    (4) God was not yet ready to judge the Amalekites and Canaanites living in the land. God’s timing in the judgment of nations is perfect. The courage and fortitude to conquer the land must come from within the Jews themselves, from the stream of consciousness filled with Bible doctrine.

                                    (5) Typical of psycho believers, when God ordered them to retreat, they are going to do exactly the opposite and advance into the land. Rejection of doctrine replaced reality with irrationality, therefore, they rejected the divine command to retreat.

                                    (6) They complained because they did not know God, even though they had eternal life. They were believers with multiple personality disorders, neurosis, and psychosis. They rebelled against God by rejecting doctrine. Doctrine did not become their divine viewpoint. They converted their adversity into stress in the soul. They continued to perpetuate sin nature control of their lives.

                                    (7) The excepts to this judgment were Caleb, Joshua, and the children of these psycho believers. The children could see the difference between what Moses taught and what their parents were doing. The children were positive toward doctrine. They grew up and taught their children. There was a revival of interest in the teaching of doctrine. They would become a pivot nation during the next thirty-eight silent years. They would provide a home environment and doctrinal teaching for their children, which their parents did not provide for them, so that the third generation would be the strongest generation of all.

                                    (8) These psycho believers were so divorced from reality, God had to tell them three times they would die in the desert.

                        i. Num 14:34-45, “`For forty years, one year for each day you reconnoitered the land, you will bear your iniquities and you will know what it is like to have Me against you. I, the Lord, have spoken, this is what I will do to all this evil congregation who have conspired against Me in this desert. In this desert they shall be destroyed, and there they shall die.’ Now as for the men whom Moses sent to reconnoiter the land and who returned even those who caused the congregation to rebel against him by spreading a bad report concerning the land, even those men who made an evil report of the land died by a plague before the Lord. Of the men who reconnoitered the land, only Joshua the son of Nun and Caleb the son of Jephunneh remained alive. When Moses communicated these words to the sons of Israel, the people were greatly depressed. However, in the morning, they got up early and went up to the top of the mountain, saying, `Here we are; we have sinned. However, we will go up to the place which the Lord has promised to us.’ But Moses said, `Why are you disobeying the Lord’s command, when it will not succeed? Do not attack. For the Lord is not in your midst. You will be struck down by your enemies. For the Amalekites and the Canaanites will be there in front of you, and you will fall by the sword, inasmuch as you have turned back from following the Lord. And the Lord will not be with you.’ But they acted arrogantly by advancing to the top of the mountain; for neither the ark of the covenant of the Lord nor Moses left the camp. Then the Amalekites and the Canaanites who lived in the mountain country came down, and attacked. Consequently, they both slaughtered and routed them, pursuing them all the way to Hormah.”

                                    (1) It is a terrible thing for any of us to have the Lord against us. God makes war against the arrogant believer. God never ignores your failures, your sins, your divorcement from reality. The believer without doctrine circulating in the stream of consciousness can be just as evil as an unbeliever.

                                    (2) The death of the ten princes of Israel who spread the evil report among the Jews had no effect upon the psycho believers who are divorced from reality. Two princes with capacity for leadership from doctrine were promoted.

                                    (3) The hithpael imperfect of the Hebrew verb ABAL means to mourn for oneself which is an idiom for great self-pity and depression. The additional adverb MEOD indicates that this was more than simple depression. These believers were overcome with their own personal problems real or imagined. In deeper depression, there is a constant unpleasant tension from stress, so that every experience is accompanied by mental agony. Hence, the believer is dejected, hopeless, so that the believer’s dispirited, affective attitude is projected toward his environment, which reflects his doleful outlook. At this point the believer is in a state of great anxiety which might be classified as the anxiety reaction. He is confused, no ability to think, is fatigued, which all leads to delusions. In our passage, the believers had the delusion that they could conquer the land. Depression is overreaction to stress, to sin nature control, and is accompanied by guilt, worry, anxiety, and nervousness.

                                    (4) The statement “we have sinned” was not rebound but an emotional reaction. They did not rebound but expressed their guilt

                                    (5) These believers were physically and militarily ready to fight, but they lacked the spiritual strength of integrity necessary to win. They were totally lacking in humility. Psychotic and neurotic people are not humble; they are preoccupied with self in a very arrogant way.

                                                (a) This was not a heredity issue. Genes cannot transmit acquired characteristics. Their psychotic condition was acquired through their negative volition to doctrine, through their conversion of adversity into stress, through perpetuation of sin nature control of the soul, and through emotional reaction to stress.

                                                (b) They were compulsive in their desire to invade the land. Compulsive actions based on emotional revolt of the soul are simply dead works, human good, which will be frustrating and evil.

                                                © When they switch from one alter personality to another, they do not have the means of conquering the land. They cannot do the will of God through emotional sins. They cannot conquer Canaan through human power and human ability.

                                                (d) God’s plan always functions on God’s power—Bible doctrine circulating in the stream of consciousness.

                                    (6) The Hebrew verb APHAL in the hiphil stem means to cause to swell up, to be heedless, to be presumptive, to be arrogant; hence, to act arrogantly. Every thing they did was compulsive.

                                                (a) Arrogance is slavery to need. We all have needs, but this refers to the type of need that turns you into a slave. For example, romance is not fulfilling a need but discovering a person. People usually select their opposite number on the basis of need, and this is not the basis for any relationship. The need is oppression, enslavement, bondage.

                                                (b) Need makes people dependent. Dependent need results in frustration and disappointment. Need can often be classified, as in the case of arrogance, as lust. Sexual lust becomes a need. Approbation lust becomes a need. People need to be told how well they are doing. Substance lust is a need—alcohol, drugs, etc. These needs become nothing more than slavery. You become a slave to a person for their sex, to alcohol, to a group for approbation or to an organization for power. People are slaves to pleasure through their lust or need for pleasure.

                                                © Arrogance sponsors lust, lust sponsors need, and need puts on you the invisible shackles of slavery to the sin nature. So arrogance and need usually go together where there is no counteraction from metabolized doctrine circulating in the stream of consciousness. When you have a need and motivate your life around that need, listen to the rattle of the chains, you are in slavery.

                                                (d) Need is love with stings attached. Need is slavery to lust and arrogant preoccupation with self. Arrogance is unrealistic expectation, which is the enemy of true love in any relationship. Fantasying self as a role model (which always caters to arrogance), contradicts love, but is absolutely motivated by need—the need to be wanted, the need to be loved, the need to be recognized, the need to have someone bolster up a sagging self-esteem. People fantasize self as a role model, because it caters to arrogance. But the very arrogance to which it caters destroys capacity for love, life, appreciation, and capacity to enter into normal relationships in life.

                                                (e) Arrogance tolerates. This is the dark side of toleration. All too often, toleration is slavery to arrogance and need. When you tolerate people, you are not loving them at all. This is not impersonal love through the filling of the Holy Spirit and application of doctrine. This is not the impersonal love we have studied. This toleration comes from your self-righteous arrogance. You tolerate them because you have created an inflated concept of self as a role model, and a part of your role model is to be tolerant. When toleration originates from self- righteous arrogance or legalism, toleration and love become antithetical. When arrogance is present, toleration reenforces self-righteousness and the role model you have created out of yourself.

                                                            i. One of the great decisions of humility is deciding what you are willing to put up with. In love, you decide what you will put up with. It is not a matter of toleration at all. Once the decision is made from humility of objectivity, you never have to tolerate anyone you love.

                                                            ii. When you tolerate people, you cannot love them; for love and toleration are antithetical.

            7. The New Testament commentary on Numbers 14.

                        a. 1 Cor 10:5. “Nevertheless, with most of them God was not well-pleased; for their bodies were scattered over the desert.” 1 Cor 10:11-12, “Now these things happened to them as a warning, and they were written for our instruction, upon whom the end of the ages have come. Therefore let him [the believer] who thinks he stands take heed lest he fall.”

                        b. The humble believer always responds, has objectivity, has authority orientation toward the teaching of the Word. But the arrogant believer has locked in negative volition. Prov 16:18, “Arrogance precedes destruction, And before the fall there is a lifestyle of arrogance.”


J.  Moses’ Use of SHIGAON, Deut 28

            1. The Hebrew word SHIGAON means madness, insanity; hence, it is a word coined by Moses to describe the mental disorders and personality dysfunction that Moses observed in the forty years of the Exodus generation. The verb SHAGA is used in the pual or hithpael stems, both of which are intensive passive voice, which means that they did it to themselves. By failure to metabolize doctrine and extrapolate the problem solving devices, you can very quickly come to the same condition.

                        a. In Zech 12:4, the noun is used to describe what happens to unbelievers who attempt to destroy Israel.

                        b. The issue for Israel was SHAGA or the Hebrew verb SHAMA, which means to hear and learn the word of God. Deut 4:10, 5:11, 6:3-6, 9:1.

            2. Stress in the soul plus the perpetuation of sin nature control of the soul equals SHIGAON. An individual is a person with a cohesive, unified, integrated personality. The Exodus generation had split personality disorders.

            3. Deut 28:28, “The Lord will afflict you with [SHIGAON] madness and with blindness [blackout of the soul] and with confusion of heart.”

                        a. This was a warning to future generations.

                        b. The phrase after the word SHIGAON describe where this insanity takes place—in the right lobe of the soul. Blackout of the soul is the stage where the doctrine still in the soul is covered up with false doctrine. The rate of forgetting doctrine dominates the stream of consciousness.

                        c. Moses describes what SHIGAON means when he says, “And with confusion of heart.” Confusion of the stream of consciousness is divorcement from reality.

                        d. The outside pressure of adversity that leads to stress in the soul is prophetically stated under the trauma, the shock, and the traumatic reactions they will have under the administration of the fifth cycle of discipline. Once SHIGAON sets in, the fifth cycle of discipline follows.

            4. Deut 28:29-33, “And you will grope at noon, like a blind person gropes in darkness, and you will be unsuccessful in everything you do; but you shall only be oppressed and robbed continually, with none to rescue you. You will be engaged to be married to a woman, but another man will take her and rape her; you will build a house, but another will live in it; you will plant a vineyard [go into a business], but you will not even begin to enjoy its profits. Your ox will be slaughtered before your eyes [great social prosperity], but you will not eat of it [no social life]; your donkey [transportation] will be torn away from you, and will not be restored to you; your sheep [clothing, food] will be given to your enemies, and no one will rescue them. Your sons and daughters will be given to another nation [slavery], and you will wear out your eyes watching for them day after day, and you will be powerless to lift a hand. A people whom you do not know will eat up the produce of your ground and all your harvest, but you will be oppressed and crushed continually. And these things that you see will drive you mad.”

                        a. Groping means in Hebrew to seek with feeling, to make feeling your criterion. When the reality of your life depends on how you feel, you are divorced from reality; for the spiritual life declares the standard for your status quo, and it does not ever say that feeling or emotion is a criterion. You are spiritually blind when you depend on how you feel for any type of reality. When there is a conflict between what you feel and what the Bible says, the Bible is always right.

                        b. You know when the fifth cycle of discipline is approaching because crime is out of control.

                        c. The conversion of adversity into stress, the perpetuation of sin nature control of the soul, dissociation, split personality, and mental disorders will destroy the believers who are losers, believers who are negative to doctrine. What they see is the result of their own rejection of doctrine.

                        d. Hos 8:7, “For they sow the wind, And they reap the whirlwind. The standing grain has no heads; It yields no grain. Should it yield, strangers would swallow it up.”   e. Hos 4:1-6, “Hear the word of the Lord, You citizens of Israel, Because the Lord has a case against the inhabitants of the nation, Because nothing of doctrine is taught, nothing of grace is being applied, there is no knowledge of God in the land. Instead, there is lying, deception, murder, stealing, and adultery. They employ violence, so that bloodshed follows bloodshed. Therefore the land mourns, and all who live in it languish along with domestic animals and the birds of the air; And also the fish of the sea disappear. Yet let no one find fault, and let no one offer criticism; For your citizens are like those who contend with the priest. Therefore you have stumbled in the day light, and even the prophet will stumble in the night darkness; and I will destroy your mother [nation]. My people are destroyed by lack of knowledge [of doctrine]. Because you have rejected knowledge [of doctrine], I will reject you from being My priest [priest-nation]. Since you have forgotten the law of your God, I also will forget your children.”


K.  Stress and the Sparrow Metaphor.

            1. The subject of stress is dwelt with in the sparrow metaphor of Mt 10:29-31, “Are not two sparrows sold for a penny? And yet not one of them will fall to the ground apart from your Father. But the very hairs of your head are all numbered. Stop being afraid; you are more valuable than many sparrows.”

            2. If the integrity of God cares for a sparrow, how much more will the integrity of God care for the believer in Christ.

            3. If God regards the sparrow as being so important (far different from man’s viewpoint) that no sparrow has ever died (or fallen to the ground) apart from the knowledge and will of God, it becomes obvious that stress is not a part of the spiritual life. We are of much more value than many sparrows.

            4. There never has been anything in our lives worthy of stress in our souls.

            5. The gnomic present middle imperative of the Greek verb PHOBEO, means to stop doing something which is in progress. This is a mandate for all time—past, present, and future. The disciples had allowed adversity they were facing to be converted to stress in their souls.


L.  Paul’s Message On Stress, 2 Cor 4:6-9.

            1. Verse 6, “For God [the Son], who said, “Light shine out of darkness,” is the One who has shined in our hearts face-to-face with the light of the knowledge of the glory of God in the person of Christ.”

                        a. Jesus Christ is the creator of all things. He is the One who said in Gen 1:3, “Light shine out of darkness.”

                        b. The formation and completion of the New Testament canon is the process that reveals Jesus Christ in hypostatic union. The result of that process is that Bible doctrine as shine is shining in our hearts. (There is no infinitive “to give” in the Greek.)

                        c. This transitional verse is to remind us of the uniqueness of our spiritual life and the uniqueness of the Source of our spiritual life.

            2. Verse 7, “In fact we have this treasure in jars of clay, that the surpassing greatness of the power may be from God and not from ourselves;”

                        a. Jars of clay were used to store something of value.

                        b. The treasure which we have is the New Testament Scriptures, which has enlightened us that we are more valuable than all the sparrows in the world; therefore, there is no excuse for stress in our lives.

                        c. Divine viewpoint from Bible doctrine in the soul is the surpassing greatness of God’s power. The other source of power from God is the filling of the Holy Spirit. 3. Verse 8, “in every way we are afflicted [under the outside pressures of adversity], but not crushed [under stress]; perplexed, but not in despair [letting unjust treatment lead to being stressed out];”

                        a. We are pressurized by adversity in every way. We will always have a certain amount of adversity from time to time.

                        b. We are under adversity but not under the present passive participle of STENOCHOREO, which means to be under stress. We are under adversity but not under stress. 4. Verse 9, “persecuted, but not forsaken; struck down, but not destroyed;”

                        a. We all receive unjust treatment in life.

                        b. But we do not have to allow our souls to be destroyed by stress. You cannot blame stress on others who are unjust to you.


M.  Virtue-Love Solves Stress.

            1. One of the most important things in dealing with stress is memory; remembering the procedure of how to deal with stress; remembering how to bring up those doctrines, principles, and promises God has given to us, in order that we can utilize them under adversity to avoid stress inside the soul. Remembering the rebound technique has to be overpowering for us. We have to remember the righteousness, justice, and love of God, which functioned to provide solutions to all of the problems we face in this life.

            2. 1 Jn 4:17, “Because of this, virtue-love has been brought to completion with us, that we may have confidence in the day of evaluation; because just as He is, so also are we in this world.”

                        a. The secret to almost everything that is blessing in life, everything that is happiness, everything that is worthwhile, everything that is honorable, everything that is related to integrity is true love.

                        b. It is the integrity of God that turns around our spiritual life. It is not sentimental stupidity that turns our spiritual life around.

                        c. You are completed as you advance to PLEROMA status in the spiritual life; first as you advance to spiritual maturity, and then as you go from spiritual maturity to PLEROMA status. This advance is possible for any and every believer because we have true equality. Every believer is a priest; therefore, we have equal privilege and equal opportunity to advance spiritually.

            3. 1 Jn 2:28, “Now, my children, stay in [fellowship with] Him, that if He should appear, we may have confidence and not shrink away from Him in shame in His presence.”

                        a. The only time a believer will experience shame in a resurrection body is when he is being evaluated by the Lord Jesus Christ at the resurrection.

                        b. 1 Jn 4:18, “There is no fear in love; but perfect love casts out fear, because fear involves punishment, and the one who fears is not perfected in love. 1 Jn 4:19 We love, because He first loved us. 1 Jn 4:20 If someone says, “I love God,” and hates his brother, he is a liar; for the one who does not love his brother whom he has seen, cannot love God whom he has not seen. 1 Jn 4:21 And this commandment we have from Him, that the one who loves God should love his brother also.                



 © 1989, by R. B. Thieme, Jr.  All rights reserved.
