Eph 1252-3 8-1-90; Spir Dynamics 48 9-20-92




A.  Introduction.

      1. The supreme court of heaven is composed of the three persons of the Godhead—God the Father, God the Son, and God the Holy Spirit. They are three persons but they have the same divine essence.

      2. The pertinent attributes of divine essence related to the function of the supreme court of heaven include:

              a. Divine integrity or holiness, which is composed of God’s justice and righteousness.

              b. Omniscience, which means that all of the three judges have known all of the facts of every case from eternity past.

              c. Sovereignty, which means that the decisions rendered by the court come from perfect, eternal, incorruptible, divine volition.

              d. Omnipotence, which means that all three members of the court have the power to execute all sentences, all judgments of the court. The only thing that hinders a judgment from being carried out is that a believer gets in the way through reaction, seeking revenge, arrogance sins, emotional sins, lust to hurt others.

      3. Divine justice is the function of eternal God as the judge of all mankind, rendering daily decisions related to human history. The decisions of the supreme court of heaven are compatible with God’s essence. It is impossible for God to be unfair in the function of His divine justice. Divine justice administers a system of divine laws which are compatible with His perfect integrity.

      4. The justice of God administers perfect divine laws and perfect divine decisions by making the penalty fit the crime in every case. Therefore, the justice of God pronounces decisions and penalties which are compatible with His perfect essence. God has never made a bad decision.

      5. All three judges are God. All three possess divine absolute good. This is taught in Ps 25:8; 34:8; 86:5; 119:68. God possesses eternal, infinite and perfect righteousness. This is taught in Lev 19:2; 1 Sam 2:2; Ps 22:3; 47:8; 119:9; Jn 17:11; Rev 3:7; 4:8; 6:10. Each member of the Godhead is perfect in person and in character.

      6. Therefore, approaching the supreme court of heaven for redress of grievances, or as a plaintiff, or as a victim of injustice, an injured party of vilification, misrepresentation, character assassination, child abuse, or victim of the public lie demands the faith-rest drill. You have to stay out of God’s way. As soon as you take matters in your own hand, either by going to court or by entering into some system of emotional sinning (guilt, rage), you take the matter out of God’s hands, and the supreme court of heaven can no longer act on your behalf. Strong faith-rest comes from maximum metabolized doctrine circulating in the stream of consciousness through cognition and inculcation of Bible doctrine regarding the essence of God. Faith, like a muscle, has to be developed and used by the soul. You will use the whole realm of doctrine, and you will have the peace of God which passes all understands, and you will be able to handle everything in life no matter how you may be victimized.


B.  The supreme court of heaven is open twenty-four hours a day.

      1. This means the supreme court of heaven is never closed, day or night.

      2. The supreme court of heaven is composed of God the Father, God the Son, and God the Holy Spirit, and hears cases related to the following categories.

              a. Evil in the world.

              b. Sinfulness and injustice in human affairs.

              c. The rise and the fall of nations.

              d. Anti-Semitism, personal or national.

              e. Conflicts among believers.

              f. Satanic accusations against believers.

              g. Divine discipline of believers.

              h. Child abuse.

      3. The role of Jesus Christ as a supreme court justice is documented in Jn 5:22, “For not even the Father judges anyone, but He has given all judgment to the Son,” and Jn 5:27, “And He [the Father] gave Him [Jesus Christ] authority to execute judgment because He is the Son of Man.”

    4. The qualification for judging the human race is based on two things:

              a. Jesus Christ is God. He is co-equal with God, superior to mankind, and perfect mankind in one person forever. He is the perfect judge.

              b. Jesus Christ, as the Son of Man, emphasizing His hypostatic union, makes Him the unique judge sitting on the supreme court of heaven. The judgment of our Lord on the Cross, which was the work of eternal salvation, qualifies our Lord to be a supreme court judge and preside on the bench in judgments related to history. That judgment qualified our Lord to be the judge, not only of the supreme court of heaven, but all of the historical judgments on earth after His session at the right hand of the Father.

      5. There are six major historical judgments on earth from the time of the Church Age until the end of human history in which Jesus Christ functions as the supreme court judge.

              a. The rebound technique—we have the right to judge ourselves by naming our sins and being forgiven by God, 1 Cor 11:27-30. When we name or cite our sins to God, we are judging our sins, and therefore, are not judged by God. You have the choice of judging your sins or having the supreme court Judge judge your sins. Every Christian has the option to judge his own sins. If the believer does not rebound, then his case is judged by the supreme court of heaven.

              b. The judgment of the believer’s works after the Rapture of the Church at the Judgment Seat of our Lord Jesus Christ. The Lord judges our modus operandi for everything we have done as believers. He evaluates our production to determine if it was divine good or dead works. All divine good is rewarded; all dead works are burned.

              c. The judgment of all believers at the Baptism of Fire at the Second Advent of Christ. All believers go into the Millennium.

              d. The judgment of all unbelievers at the Baptism of Fire at the Second Advent of Christ. All unbelievers go into fire.

              e. The judgment of Satan and all fallen angels at the end of the Millennium.

              f. The judgment of all unbelievers at the end of the Millennium. This is called the second resurrection and the Great White Throne judgment, Rev 20:12-15. They are not judged for their sins but for their good deeds or human works which do not equal the perfect righteousness of God.

      6. There are daily judgments by our Lord Jesus Christ of every believer and of every person who is unjust to a believer.

              a. If you react to unfair treatment with bitterness, resentment, hatred, antagonism, any form of arrogance or emotion, then Jesus Christ cannot act on your behave as the supreme court judge and He must act against you. By reacting, your case is thrown out of the supreme court and you are disciplined for your sins of reaction. Do not make someone else’s problem of treating you unfair your problem by getting out of fellowship and reacting. Through the arrogance or emotional complex of sins, you have ruined your own case before the Lord. You never slander, malign, gossip about, or judge another believer. Whatever discipline should have gone to the other person, now comes to you because of your verbal sins.

              b. If you respond to unfair treatment with any of the problem solving devices of the protocol plan of God (such as the faith-rest drill or occupation with Christ), then the Lord Jesus Christ will handle the situation as the supreme court judge. Either you handle the case with reaction from your old sin nature or the Lord handles it because of your faith-rest drill response.

              c. You either respond to our Lord or react to the person who treats you unfairly. You may have a legitimate complaint, but you ruin it by maligning, gossiping, and judging the person who has treated you unfairly.

              d. The case of abused children is handled before the supreme court of heaven. God is fair to those children and disciplines the parents.


C.  The Uniqueness of Jesus Christ as a Supreme Court Judge.

      1. Jesus Christ, as the supreme court judge of heaven, is unique. He is the God-man—undiminished deity and true humanity in one person forever.

      2. In the hypostatic union, the two natures of our Lord Jesus Christ are united without transfer of attributes, without loss or diminishing of the attributes of one to the other.

      3. This means that the attributes of deity and the attributes of the humanity of Christ in hypostatic union adhere to their corresponding natures.

      4. This means that the essence of our Lord’s deity cannot be changed. The attributes of one nature do not bleed over into the other nature. Divine essence is not changed by the hypostatic union. Jesus Christ is the same yesterday, today, and forever, Heb 13:8.

              a. To take from Jesus Christ a single attribute of His deity would destroy His deity. To take from Jesus Christ a single attribute of His humanity would destroy His humanity.

              b. In the hypostatic union of Christ, no attribute of divine essence is ever compromised or changed. In the hypostatic union of Christ, no attribute of true humanity is ever compromised or changed.

              c. While bearing our sins on the Cross, He did so from His humanity by applying the maximum doctrine in His soul and using the problem solving devices. He was filled with the Holy Spirit while bearing our sins as He had been from birth. He maintained His perfection while bearing our sins because He used the metabolized doctrine in His stream of consciousness. He did not use His deity to sustain Himself while bearing our sins. His deity could only condemn sin.

              d. The greatest function of the supreme court of heaven was the judgment that took place on the Cross.

      5. Therefore, in the fulfillment of the Father’s plan for the Incarnation, certain attributes of our Lord’s deity were not used. Our Lord voluntarily restricted the use of certain divine attributes while living among men and their human limitations. Certain divine attributes were active at all times—holding the universe together, Col 1:16-17; Heb 1:3.

      6. In His glorified state, the humanity of Christ resides at the right hand of the Father, and God the Father, therefore, has given to the glorified state of Christ all function of judgment. The Lord Jesus Christ administers the five cycles of discipline to the client nation. Jesus Christ controls history.


D.  The Divine Qualification of Jesus Christ as a Supreme Court Judge.

     1. Jesus Christ, as judge, is eternal God. Therefore, He is perfectly qualified to function as a justice of the supreme court of heaven. As God, He is infinitely, eternally, and perfectly qualified to be our judge.

      2. His qualifications are related to His divine essence. As God, Jesus Christ has perfect integrity or holiness. This integrity is composed of His perfect justice and righteousness. Therefore, as the supreme court judge, He is always fair. He has always been fair, which means that He judges without partiality and without prejudice.

      3. Jesus Christ judges on the basis of His perfect divine essence on the one hand, and on the basis of His perfect resurrected humanity on the other hand.

      4. This means that the integrity and capability of our Lord Jesus Christ to sit on the bench of the supreme court of heaven is one of eternal and infinite qualification.

      5. Since the integrity of our Lord Jesus Christ is both His deity and His humanity, and since both are beyond reproach, and since the omniscience of God knows every fact in every case, and since His legal decisions are made in perfect and eternal wisdom, our Lord Jesus Christ judges every case in perfect fairness, totally without prejudice or partiality.

      6. Part of the faith-rest drill is the application of the essence of God rationale to stress circumstances in life, especially unfairness and injustice. Many times we fail because we try to do something about unfairness directed to us instead of putting it entirely in the hands of the Lord and leaving it there. This is the supreme court of heaven rationale, Ps 55:22, “Cast your burdens on the Lord, and He will sustain you; He will never allow the righteous to fall apart.” 1 Pet 5:7, “Casting all your anxiety upon Him, because He cares for you.” As a part of the essence of God rationale, faith-rest mechanics leave all personal injustices, all slander, all maligning, all public lies, all other categories of vituperation and vilification, all unfairness in the hands of Jesus Christ as the supreme court of heaven.

     7. Our Lord, as the supreme court judge, hears every case that is submitted to Him. The believer making his appeal must understand that he or she may be at fault, and may suddenly become the defendant because they have taken matters into their own hands.

              a. If you are truly a victim of unfair treatment, the worse thing you can do is complain, malign, or judge others. Your case never gets to the supreme court Judge once you start complaining, maligning, or judging others. Leave the matter in the Lord’s hands.

              b. One of the greatest areas of sinning is your reaction sins to injustice you receive from others. Reaction sins include all the sins of the arrogance complex of sins and the emotional complex of sins. The sinfulness of another believer directed toward you does not set a precedence for sinfulness in you. Let the supreme court of heaven act on your behalf.

              c. You cannot be a legitimate plaintiff in the supreme court of heaven if you react from scar tissue in your soul or from garbage in your own subconscious. If you have complained to others, do not complain to God.

              d. The victim of injustice has two options: the faith-rest drill or reaction sins.

      8. Eph 6:9, “And [Christian] management, be doing the same things to them [Christian labor]; stop threatening [unjust treatment, bullying], knowing that both their Lord and yours is in heaven, and there is no partiality [prejudice, favoritism] associated with Him.”


R. B. Thieme, Jr., Bible Ministries 5139 West Alabama, Houston, Texas 77056 (713) 621-3740

© 1992, by R. B. Thieme, Jr.      All rights reserved.
