PPG 193 3/6/85




A.  Thorns are associated with the curse of mankind and nature at the time of the Fall, Gen 3:18; Rom 8. Man has to contend with thorns in his work.


B.  Thorns are used in connection with man’s failure. The thorn is a symbol of man’s negative volition toward God. So thorns are used to designate divine punishment, Num 33:55; Jud 2:3. 1. In 2 Cor 12:7, Paul’s thorn in the flesh was a pain in the neck, something aggravating enough to bother him. God permitted a fallen angel of great ability to penetrate the wall of fire around Paul and to bother him.

            2. Paul prayed for it to be removed, but his prayer was wrong. Instead, God said, “No  !My grace is sufficient for you!” In other words, this is not a matter for prayer.

            3. However, Paul was persistent, praying this erroneous prayer three times. Paul had rebounded, but the suffering was still there. However, it was suffering designed for blessing.

            4. Thus, the thorn is a sign of Satan’s power.


C.  Thorns are used to designate the administration of the fifth cycle of discipline to a nation, Isa 34:12.


D.  Thorns are related to economic depression and recession under an agricultural economy, Jer 12:13. Depression is brought on by man’s bad decisions or sins in the field of economy.


E.  The unconquered Canaanites in the promised Land were thorns to the nation Israel, Num 33:55; Josh 23:13; Jud 2:3. God had ordered Israel to destroy all the Canaanites. But the Jews did not obey that mandate, so God permitted certain Canaanite groups to live as thorns to the nation Israel.



F.  Thorns are used for negative volition to doctrine.

            1. Prov 22:5, “The reward of humility and reverence for the Lord are riches [escrow blessing] and honor [spiritual self-esteem] and life [logistical grace support]; thorns and snares are in the way for evil ones, but he who guards his soul stays far from them.”

            2. Prov 26:9, “Like a thornbush in a drunkard’s hand is a proverb [a piece of doctrine] in the mouth of a fool.”


G.  Thorns are used to describe distractions to positive volition toward Bible doctrine. In Mt 13:7,22, “thorns” refer to the man who hears the Word, but the worries of this life (peer pressure) and the deceitfulness of riches choke out the Word.


H.  Thorns are used for cosmic involvement and negative volition toward the protocol plan of God, Heb 6:8.


I.  Jesus Christ wore a crown of thorns on the cross, which signified the fact that He was made a curse for us. Mt 27:29, Mk 15:17; Jn 19:2 cf, Gal 3:13 and 1 Pet 2:24.


J.  In the millennial reign of Christ, nature will be delivered from the curse of the Fall. This is expressed by the removal of thorns in Isa 55:13, Ezek 28:24. _____________________________________________________________________________

 © 1989, by R. B. Thieme, Jr.  All rights reserved.
