



A.  True Israel is composed of the children of God, rather than the children of Abraham, Gal 3:26, “You are the children of God through faith in Christ Jesus.”


B.  Therefore the divine election of Israel is limited to those racial Jews who have been born again through faith in Christ.


C.  Racial Jews live in X radical of the plan of God. (See the Doctrine of the Protocol Plan of God.) True Jews live in Y and Z radicals. Genes do not save anyone.


D.  It was Isaac rather than Ishmael and Jacob rather than Esau who were true Israel. Ishmael and Esau refused to believe in Christ. Isaac and Jacob believed in Christ and became true Jews. It is not primogeniture but regeneration that counts.


E.  Therefore, election cannot be disassociated from eternal salvation. God fed only things that actually occur into the divine decrees. The election of Israel goes through the line of regeneration. The printout is that Jacob and Isaac are elected. The genes of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob only qualifies a person to be in X radical as a racial Jew, the physical seed of Abraham. You must be born again to be a true Jew and qualify to receive the promises.


F.  Salvation adjustment to the justice of God is the qualification for the election of Israel.


G.  The promises of the Word are only valid to the regenerate of Israel. “You must be born again” was said by Christ to a racial Jew.


H.  Isaac is therefore distinguished from Ishmael and Jacob from Esau through regeneration.


I.  Regeneration, not primogeniture is the issue. Primogeniture is the exclusive right of inheritance of the first born. You cannot inherit anything from God in X radical. You have to be a believer to inherit from God. Isaac became the heir, not because of primogeniture (he was the second son), but because he was the first son of the sons of Abraham to be born again. The same is true of Jacob, who was also a second son.


J.  The true Jew, through physical birth has the genes of Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob, and through regeneration possesses the God of Abraham, the Lord Jesus Christ. _____________________________________________________________________________             

Bible Ministries 5139 West Alabama, Houston, Texas 77056 (713) 621-3740

© 1998, by R. B. Thieme, Jr.      All rights reserved.