Jer 82 3/28/71




A.  Voice is used for Bible doctrine in the following passages in Jeremiah:  3:13,25, 7:23, 11:4,7, 38:20, 42:13,21, 43:4,7, 44:23. Every time “voice” is used for Bible doctrine, it is always accompanied by the verb SHAMA, generally translated “they have not heard My voice;” i.e., they have rejected Bible doctrine. In other cases, God said “hear My voice.” As a qal imperative, it is a command to function under GAP.


B.  The word voice is used for happiness expressed, Jer 7:34, 16:9, 25:10, 33:11.


C.  Voice is used once in Jeremiah for the noise of group sex at a Baal sanctuary, Jer 3:21.


D.  Another use is the voice of the Chaldean army. Soldiers often shout when they go into battle. This was especially true in the ancient world before gun powder was used in battle, which now drowns out shouting noise.

            1. An illustration of this is found in the movie “Zulu,” in which the Zulus always sang as they went into battle, ending with a loud shout just before they attacked. Their singing was so powerful that it could immobilize.

            2. The Gauls were famous for shouting at the Romans about what they would do to them when they defeated them.

            3. The Chaldeans shouted some very fierce slogans that often frightened their enemies, making the actual fighting easy, Jer 6:23, 50:42.


E.  The voice of slavery, Jer 8:19. This is the voice under the crack of the whip, the cry, the groans, the screams.


F.  The voice of the women wailing, Jer 9:17-22. They weep and wail as their loved ones are killed, and as they are personally attacked.


G.  The voice of the leaders at the coming of the fifth cycle of discipline. The leaders will express their frustration, Jer 25:36.


H.  The weeping for the dead from the fifth cycle of discipline, Jer 31:15.


I.  The voice is used in Jer 11:16 for the destruction of the nation, the tearing down of the branches of the olive tree. This is done with a loud noise. Jer 11:16 is translated, “the voice of a great loud noise.” The fall of a nation, as it were, makes a great loud noise. _____________________________________________________________________________

 R. B. Thieme, Jr., Bible Ministries 5139 West Alabama, Houston, Texas 77056 (713) 621-3740

© 1996, by R. B. Thieme, Jr.  All rights reserved.
