Rev 3 5/16/82




A.  Perpetuation of war is a historical trend.

            1. Mt 24:6-7, “For nation will rise against nation and kingdom against kingdom [as long as Satan rules the world].”

            2. Isa 2:4, “Nation will not lift up sword against nation, neither again will they learn the art of war [when Jesus Christ rules].”

            3. Man will not accomplish in the Church Age or Tribulation what only Jesus Christ can accomplish by His personal rule beginning at the Second Advent.

            4. Therefore as an historical trend, war will continue.


B.  War is beneficial. Eccl 3:8, “There is a time for war.” When a people degenerate, God uses war to cleanse the human race.


C.  The misnomer of warfare is the sword.

            1. Mt 26:52, “For all who draw the sword [as criminals] will perish by the sword [capital punishment].” Peter was acting like a criminal.

            2. In Rom 13:4, the “sword” is used for capital punishment.


D.  A strong military prevents war and protects divine establishment.

            1. All freedom comes through military victory.

            2. Two factors protect freedom.

                        a. The spiritual factor of a pivot of mature believers.

                        b. Military preparedness, Neh 4:8-9, 13-15.

            3. Freedom, prosperity, and life are sacred under the laws of divine establishment and must be fought for in order to be protected.

            4. Military failure indicates failure of society, lack of training, no respect for authority, lack of courage, and the trading of security for freedom.

            5. No nation has ever survived military defeat. Failure to fight for freedom means slavery.

            6. Social degeneration is always characterized by disdain of the military and police. God uses the military to demonstrate the degeneracy and decline of a nation.

            7. Vagitus said, “Victory depends on training, not numbers.” Courage is intensified by thoroughness of training. In Heb 11:34 we learn that freedom was perpetuated because the people became courageous in battle. Prov 24:1-6; Jud 5:8; 2 Chr 16:8-9.


E.  The Lord’s Teaching of the Sermon on the Mount.

            1. These teachings are the manifestation of the doctrine of impersonal love (or functional virtue), and apply only in social situations, not historical situations.

            2. These teachings are also our Lord’s policy for ruling in the Millennium and do not apply to the earth until then.


F.  Jesus Christ is depicted in Scripture as a warrior.

            1. Ex 14:14, “The Lord will fight for you.”

            2. The Hebrew phrase ADONAI SABAOTH, “the Lord of the Armies,” is the title for our Lord Jesus Christ as the protector of Israel. The Lord approves of armies and the military. This is His title as commander and chief of the angelic army, Josh 5:13-6:2; Zech 14:3-4.

            3. Isa 37:36, our Lord personally killed 185,000 Assyrian soldiers in battle. And He will kill even more than this at Armageddon. Rev 19:11, “In righteousness He makes war.” Cf. Rev 14:20 where “the winepress” is warfare. 4. Our Lord is a warrior and uses legitimate force rather than violence, which is evil.

            5. In Num 1:2-3, Jesus Christ commanded a census be taken so they would know who was able to go to war. The Book of Numbers deals with the mobilization and war plans of Israel.

            6. Luke 14:31 teaches that every nation should have a core of professional military officers and non-commissioned officers who plan and prepare for war.

            7. The true motivation for military training is from God Himself, 2 Sam 22:35. Ps 144:1, “Blessed be the Lord who trains my hands for war.”


G.  War is a principle from God.

            1. Num 21:14, “Therefore, it is written in the book of the wars of the Lord.”

            2. 1 Chron 5:20-22, “For many fell slain because the war was from God.”

            3. Josh 11:23 teaches that victory in war means the perpetuation of peace for a certain time.

            4. God has ordained the principle of peace through military victory. Ps 46:7-9, “He makes wars to cease” through military victory.


H.  God protects from evil warlike nations, Ps 55:20-23.

I.  Why Nations Start Wars, Jer 6:13-14.

            “Everyone is greedy for gain, and everyone manufactures lies.” Lack of integrity in business and lack of truth always bring about warfare. _______________________________________

 © 1989, by R. B. Thieme, Jr.  All rights reserved.
