



A.  Definition.

            1.  The whirlwind is usually used in the Bible to designate divine judgment on individuals and groups of individuals.

            2.  The Hebrew word SUPHAH means a hurricane, tornado, or severe storm.  The Hebrew noun SAAR means whirlwind, storm, or hurricane.  The verb SAAR means to rush upon or to be tossed about violently.

            3.  Whirlwind means any kind of a storm, but is analogous to divine



B.  The word was used in ancient weather forecasting, Job 37:9.  A whirlwind


C.  The word is used for the judgment of negative volition to doctrine, Prov 1:24-33.  When you neglect Bible doctrine, the whirlwind of judgment comes


D.  The word is related to the divine judgment on evil, Prov 10:25; Jer 25:32, 30:23.


E.  The word is a portrayal of historical judgment.

            1.  Against Ammon, Amos 1:14.

            2.  Against Assyria, Nahum 1:3.

            3.  Against the Northern Kingdom, Hos 13:3.

            4.  Against Judah, Jer 4:12-13.


F.  The word is used for historical deliverance, Hab 3:13-14; Zech 9:13-14.


G.  The word is used to portray personal discipline, Ps 58:1-9; Hos 8:7.




(c) 1989, by R. B. Thieme, Jr.  All rights reserved.
