Rom 2/15/77




A.  Definition.

            1. The mind of the unbeliever who has rejected Jesus Christ as Savior, after having epignosis Gospel information has a worthless mind.

            2. This is tantamount to salvation maladjustment to the justice of God. Such maladjustment demands judgment from the justice of God, involving blackout of the soul, the function of evil, and scar tissue of the soul.

            3. A worthless mind is a mind thinking evil, a mind where there is evil or demon influence.


B.  The worthless mind has rejected the Gospel, 2 Pet 2:20. “For, if having escaped the defilement of the cosmos by means of epignosis of the Lord and Savior Jesus Christ, they are again entangled by them [false doctrines] and are overcome, the latter end [unbeliever reversionism] has become worst than the first [the unbeliever before reversionism].”


C.  The worthless mind is the status of reversionism known as blackout of the soul, Rom 1:21; cf Eph 4:17-18. “As a result of their negative volition, they received worthless ideas in their evil cerebrations, and their ignorant right lobe receives darkness.”


D.  The worthless mind is judged by the control of evil, Rom 1:28. “And since in full knowledge they rejected having the God, after careful examination of Him, God delivered them over to a worthless mind, doing those evil things which are improper.”


E.  The worthless mind is illustrated by the dog returning to his vomit, 2 Pet 2:21-22. It is better for an unbeliever reversionist not to have understood the Gospel than to turn away from epignosis Gospel information. The dog vomiting is analogous to the unbeliever rejecting evil from his common sense standards. Yet after rejecting the Gospel, the dog now returns to the vomit and accepts what he formerly rejected.


F.  The believer who rejects doctrine has a worthless mind.

            1. Rev 3:14-20, he is lukewarm.

            2. Heb 5:11-14, he is unteachable.

            3. Gal 5:4, he is a casualty.

            4. Phil 3:18, he is the enemy of the cross.

            5. Rev 2:4, he has left his first love.

            6. 1 Tim 1:19, he is shipwrecked.

            7. Jer 9:25-26, he is uncircumcised of heart.

            8. Heb 12:15, he is falling from grace.



R. B. Thieme, Jr. Bible Ministries 5139 West Alabama, Houston, Texas 77056 (713) 621-3740

© 1996, by R. B. Thieme, Jr.      All rights reserved.
