Spir Dynamics 972, 12/8/96; 12/29/74




A.  Definition.

            1. The word “Zion” means the place of fortification. It is also called “Moriah” which means “the Lord provides.”

            2. In Ps 2:6 David tells us that the Lord Himself called Mt. Moriah the holy mountain and Zion is where the Lord Jesus Christ installs His king. Zion teaches that Jesus Christ controls history.

            3. Zion was the place where Abraham offered Isaac. It is the place near where Christ was crucified and will return. It is the location of the Temple. It is “God’s holy mountain.”

            4. Isaiah, in his prophesy about Jerusalem called Mt. Moriah “Zion", Isa 2:3. Therefore, the word “Zion” became a synonym for Jerusalem as the capital city.

            5. Isa 59:20 is quoted by Paul in Rom 11:26 about this location, “The Deliverer will come out from Zion.” Jesus Christ comes out of Zion.

            6. The New Testament refers to Zion as the New Jerusalem, Heb 12:22- 24 and the eternal city of Rev 21-22.


B.  Zion commemorates grace deliverance, Ps 9:9-14. All mature believers can anticipate deliverance in time of adversity.


C.  Zion personifies the restoration of Israel, Ps 14:7. Jesus Christ at the Second Advent will come from Zion to destroy the surrounding armies. Our preservation depends on Bible doctrine in the soul.


D.  Zion is associated with supergrace happiness and blessing, Ps 48:1-3, 9-14, 128:5.


E.  Zion emphasizes the essence of God, Ps 99:1-5, 50:1-2. It represents the shining forth of divine essence.


F.  Zion is associated with the restoration of Israel, Ps 69:35-36. Israel will be gathered again as a nation. Zion represents the fulfillment of the unconditional covenants to Israel.


G.  Zion is a reminder of military victory, Ps 76:1-3.


H.  Zion is associated with David’s promotion, Ps 78:68, 70.


I.  Zion is associated with prayer, and refers to the power and effectiveness of prayer, Ps 102:16-17.


J.  Zion is associated with the Second Advent, Ps 110:1-2. Zion connotes God providing victory.


K.  Zion is associated with the preservation of Israel, Ps 125:1-2.


L.  Zion is associated with the curse on anti-Semitism, Ps 129:4-5.


M.  Zion is associated with the perpetuation of the Davidic dynasty, Ps 132:11-13.


N.  Zion is remembered by the Jews under the fifth cycle of discipline, Ps 137:1.   Reversionism brought them to weeping because they regretted that they had neglected doctrine.


O.  Zion is associated with maximum happiness on the return of the Jews from captivity, Ps 126.