Chapter 13


Here we have a chapter where prophecy is interpreted by history and the Roman empire is the background for the passage. Rome, while still a republic, became an empire. The historical Roman empire became the first client nation to God and the preserver of western European civilisation. This is going to become a very important principle when we get to chapter fourteen because in that chapter we are going to see several very valuable principles. The human race cannot be destroyed by anything that man does or anything that man constructs. The human race cannot be destroyed by man’s volition or by any nuclear weapons of any kind. The human race is going to continue until the end of human history. This means that while man is capable of destroying himself God intervenes with divine judgment before this happens. All divine judgment comes from the same source as divine blessing, the justice of God, and some of the greatest blessings that come to the human race come in the form of judgment, because certain segments of degeneracy are wiped out and certain segments of religion are wiped out. The greatest enemy to the destruction of the human race is not in the field of sophisticated weaponry, not nuclear weapons, but on the one hand degeneracy and the inevitable result of self-righteousness in religion on the other. Religion and degeneracy are far more dangerous than any nuclear weapons or any human power that has ever existed on the face of the earth. So God blesses us with judgment. He also blesses us individually with adversity and some of the greatest blessings that come to us come in time of adversity, not just in time of prosperity. Prosperity is obvious, adversity is not obvious and yet it should be for the believer who understands the system and has advanced to gate seven in that system, the divine dynasphere.

We learn also that many of the things that we are going to study in this passage about dictatorships and about the use of human power are prophecies of the future but they are interpreted in terms of history of the past. Therefore this becomes a very unusual chapter and it leads to another unusual chapter: how God uses divine judgment in order to, preserve the human race. The human race has been preserved many times by civilisation from a Gentile client nation but many more times the human race has been preserved by divine judgment. Divine judgment is one of the greatest things we have going for us and that means that adversity for the believer is not designed to destroy him or to make him distraught in any way but is designed to bless him. Our blessings come in rather strange packages as far as unbelievers are concerned or human viewpoint thinking of believers, and therefore you can count on it that when you are in a time of adversity there is blessing in it for you just as in a time of prosperity. The source of the blessing is the same — the doctrine you have accumulated and the ability to recognise and have a personal sense of destiny, and to utilise the doctrinal rationales in that connection.

Out of the historical Roman empire there emerges an eschatological empire of the future. We are going to study in chapter thirteen the revived Roman empire of the Tribulation. We will also study in the last half of the chapter Israel as it will exist as a nation in the Tribulation, not as a client nation to God but, first of all, as a source of antagonism and, secondly, as the objective of the ecumenical world religion system, where they finally get to Israel with ecumenical religion. It must be kept in mind, then, that ecumenical religion is Satanic and it is just as dangerous as any other form of adversity in life. Degeneracy and religion are man’s two greatest enemies for both are the products of man’s volition, and man uses his own volition to destroy himself. We would not be here today were it not for the fact that God has judged the human race periodically. These judgements are the perpetuation of the human race, not its destruction. They only destroy certain portions: the religious portion and the degenerate portion.

The revived Roman empire of the Tribulation will not exist in crystallised form during the Church Age. We see constantly in the news people advocating and looking toward a united states of western Europe, the combining of western European powers, and we see, of course, the economical factors already there, the military factors there in NATO. There are already those particular areas which foreshadow what will happen in the Tribulation, but this might be a very temporary thing unless, of course, the Tribulation is going to occur in this or the next century. We have no way of knowing when the Tribulation will begin and we cannot say dogmatically that this is a sign of the times because there are no prophetical signs for the coming of the Tribulation. No man knows the day or the hour of the Rapture or the resurrection of the Church. What we see are historical trends but not necessarily indicative of the fact that the Tribulation is just around the corner. Nevertheless, when the Tribulation comes certain things will be true. There will be a very strong state in the middle east called Israel and there will be a revived Roman empire, a united states of western Europe. The revived Roman empire of the Tribulation, however, is not going to exist in any crystallised form until after the Rapture.

This chapter, then, is the prophetical message regarding the revived Roman empire of the Tribulation and its relationship to the nation Israel during the time of the eschatology of the devil’s desperation. In this particular area we have to note certain principles. We have to note, first of all, that in the first ten verses we will study a Gentile dictator, the ruler of the revived Roman empire in the last half of the Tribulation. We will also study a Jewish dictator in verses 11-18. He is the ruler of Israel in the last half of the Tribulation. Both of these dictators are found throughout the scripture and therefore they are called many things by different writers of the scripture.

The general historical situation in the Tribulation: it is a time of power politics, a time when nations band together with nations, not in loose treaties as in the past but in strong spheres of influence. The state of Israel is a hub in the Tribulation from the middle and toward the end, and this hub is in a very precarious situation. After the first three and a half years of the Tribulation four great spheres of influence emerge in history: the king of the north, the kings of the east, the king of the south [Pan-Arabic bloc], and the western union. The king of the west plays a big part in our passage. The king of the west is the united states of western Europe which we call the revived Roman empire.

Rome of the past will be revived but the Romans of the past will not be the Romans of the revived Roman empire because the Romans of today are not the Romans of the past. There have been the invasions of many races and the Romans of today are made of almost every combination of people imaginable. The peninsula of Italy has housed many nations.

The Jews and the Romans are the major factor in our passage. The two greatest people of the ancient world were the Romans and the Jews. They were great for different reasons but there is no group of people in all of ancient history who are as great as the Jews in certain areas or as great as the Romans in certain other areas. Therefore it is fascinating to find them in the future having as great a future in the Tribulation as they had greatness in the past. It was inevitable that the two peoples whose history extended over a thousand years should encounter each other at various times in the course of past history. The Romans and the Jews met at the crucifixion of our Lord Jesus Christ where the two greatest systems of law in the ancient world combined to put our Lord on the cross. The Jews were the only client nation of the Old Testament times and of ancient history, and when the Romans administered the 5th cycle of discipline to the Jews in AD 70 they became the first Gentile client nation in history. So the only client nation of ancient history, the Jews, were followed by the first Gentile client nation, the Romans. At the same time all the blessings of the ancient world had their source in Israel just as the blessings of modern history originate from the same source, the Word of God, for both the Old and the New Testaments were written by Jewish authors. The only possible exception might be Luke. It is inevitable that these two greatest peoples of ancient history should meet, then, in the future.

A word about dictators. Dictators are people who always know what is best for everyone else and they seek to impose that knowledge on others without their consent. Hence the dictator rejects self-determination, freedom of choice, as the right of every individual members of the human race. Dictators reject the laws of divine establishment, they reject privacy, private ownership of property, and they reject the sacredness of life, for dictators generally are bad administrators and when they are the simplest solution to administration is to get rid of the opposition. Dictators can exist in every area of life. There are social dictators who dominate a social scene through intrusion into the privacy of others. There are political dictators, religious dictators, and others for the purpose of superimposing their ideas regarding what is best for you totally apart from the function of your own volition or any form of self-consent. Dictators refuse to permit you to make your own mistakes and in that sense they can be classified as arrogant crusaders seeking to run your life by their own standards, or lack of them, and that means that in their philosophy of tyranny dictators only want you to make their mistakes from their bad decisions. They want to make the decisions for everyone. Dictators are arrogant and often very self-righteous since the two characteristics are joined in the unholy matrimony of tyranny. Because dictators use force and violence to superimpose their will and ideas on the masses they inevitably reject doctrines and principles of establishment related to human freedom and self-determination.

Perhaps the greatest danger comes from those who have great power and use that power to intrude upon the privacy of others. For example, the news media. They face a great temptation. They have tremendous power today and when they use their power to intrude upon the privacy of others then it becomes tyranny. They are no longer dealing with news, with what is actually going on, but they are actually on crusades and they intrude upon the privacy of people in order to put them down, to eliminate them as a check on their crusades.

Dictators can only exist, function, and succeed in the atmosphere of untruth and the atmosphere where Bible doctrine is rejected or distorted, in the atmosphere of the cosmic system of Satan, and in the atmosphere of the historical environment where the cosmic system has major influence. We see it today in two trends in our own country: the rise of religion as over against Christianity which is not a religion, and with the rise of religion the rise of degeneracy. They always rise together. There are those who react to degeneracy — like homosexuality — and get into self-righteous religion, and there are those who react against self-righteous religion and get into something like drug addiction or some hell-raising activity which is simply a reaction.

A maximum number of people, then, living in the cosmic system always creates a vacuum historically, and into that vacuum is drawn some demagogue who has the qualities and the qualifications to become a dictator or a tyrant. The only defence against this is the pivot of mature believers. This creates the environment for the dynamic function of human freedom. The mind must be exploited for truth to make significant decisions for freedom.

The Gentile dictator of the Tribulation is found in the first ten verses of our chapter and beginning in verse one we have the empire of the Gentile dictator. In verses 1-10 we are now studying the Gentile dictator of the last half of the Tribulation. He actually becomes a dictator in the first year or two of the Tribulation.

In verse one the first problem we have to face is the textual problem. “And I stood on the sand of the sea” is not found in the original text. It is a correction of the missing verse of the previous chapter. Chapter 12:18 says, “and he [Satan] took his stand on the sand of the sea.” As in Daniel chapter 7:2,3 the sea represents the nations of the world. The sea may be calm or it may be stormy, a picture of the interaction of nations in human history. The calm suggests peace and the storms suggest warfare. The various functions of the sea portray the various interactions of nations in history. The currents of the sea are like the political trends in any given generation.

During the time of the eschatology of the devil’s desperation Satan takes a stand on the earth because he no longer takes a stand in heaven. That was the significance of the missing verse that we studied in chapter 12:18. Satan is confined to the earth during the last half of the Tribulation. This chapter actually begins, then, with the phrase, “And I saw a beast rise up out of the sea,” and since that is where the Greek text begins, that is where we begin, with the revived Roman empire.

We have the sequential use of the conjunction kai, correctly translated “Then.” Next is the aorist active indicative of the verb o(raw, “Then I saw.” The constative aorist tense contemplates the apostle John’s vision in its entirety. It takes the rise of the revived Roman empire of the Tribulation, during the time of the devil’s desperation, and gathers it up into one entirety. What John sees in this context parallels what Daniel saw in Daniel chapter seven. The active voice: the apostle John produces the action of the verb. We saw that Satan took a stand on the sands of the sea but it was John who saw the vision. The indicative mood is declarative for the reality of John’s vision as a part of the eschatology of the devil’s desperation.

The accusative singular direct object from the noun qhrion is used for the first dictator. It certainly is an apt word, it is “beast” in the sense of a real animal but it is also used for people of a bestial nature. Here the noun has a human connotation. Confusion is added to the problem by the fact that the King James version translates two Greek words the same. The other is zoion which simply means a living creature. The noun zoion is used for elect angels, the four angels of Revelation 4:6-9. Qhrion is used, and has been used in Revelation 11:7, for Abaddon the prince of demons, the murderer of the two witnesses, Moses and Elijah. Qhrion is also used for those unbelievers who are completely demonised in the cosmic system. We have two in this chapter: two dictators. One is the dictator of the revived Roman empire, the other is the dictator of the state of Israel in the Tribulation. So we translate it: “Then I saw a beast monster,” the dictator of the revived Roman empire. The most demonised members of the human race are these two dictators.

This dictator receives his power from Satan under two principles. Firstly, he is demon-possessed to the maximum in the cosmic system. In other words, his rise is based upon his advance into evil in the cosmic system. He is also under demon influence and demon telepathy which is transference of thought from Satan to this dictator. Secondly, this dictator uses to the maximum the power of evil. The cosmic system is his contact with the supernatural power of Satan.

            The dictator uses his great power of evil to gain his rulership, and there is a principle here. The power of evil can never penetrate a group apart from that group’s consent or apart from that group’s characteristic of evil. In other words, the power of evil can only succeed where evil exists. If, instead of the power of evil, there is the power of doctrine, there is the power of a pivot, there is the power of the Word of God, then the power of evil simply cannot make any inroads at all.

            The power of evil belongs to Satan but the power of evil is delegated in various components of strength to those who live in the cosmic system, and Satan uses believers and unbelievers in the function of the power of evil. The sad thing is that you can’t recognise the power of evil by the personality because some of the sweetest, most righteous, moral people that you ever see have received from Satan the power of evil. They will come in very subtly and malign and gossip and question and produce doubts and make their infiltration into any organisation of any kind. The power of evil is designed, one way or another, to distract you from Bible doctrine, from the daily intake of Bible doctrine, from growing spiritually in grace. The power of evil is always going to attack, therefore, any area where there is a possibility of forming a pivot. And it always starts with sweet people maligning, gossiping, expressing jealousy, bitterness, vindictiveness, implacability. The power of evil always infiltrates through motivational evil, it never starts out through functional evil. Functional evil always follows motivational evil.

            So we must understand that the two men that we are studying, the dictator of the revived Roman empire and the dictator of Israel in the Tribulation, came into power through evil. The power of evil belongs to Satan and he delegated it to these two people under conditions that we will note.

This beast monster is said to have an origin: the preposition e)k plus the ablative of qalassa, “from the source of the sea.” This is the sea of nations during the Tribulation. The accusative neuter singular present active participle from a)nabainw means coming up out of the sea. The present tense of the participle is a retroactive progressive present, it denotes what has happened in the past. In the beginning of the Tribulation the united states of western union begins to rise and continues into the present time, the middle of the Tribulation. The revived Roman empire of the Tribulation produces the action of the verb and the participle is used as a relative clause because of the retroactive progressive present. It is going to be translated by the English perfect, “Then I saw a beast dictator [Satan’s slave, the Gentile dictator of the revived Roman empire in the last half of the Tribulation] who had ascended from the sea.” The revived Roman empire of the first part of the Tribulation comes out of the sea of nations, fighting and jockeying for power in the Tribulation.

Next we have a present active participle from e)xw. The retroactive progressive present is known also as the present of duration, what is begun at the beginning of the Tribulation and is continued into the middle. The active voice: the dictator of the revived Roman empire produces the action. This is a circumstantial participle and a circumstantial participle in the Greek is often translated with a conjunction “and” and a finite verb. So we translate: “and he had.” Then we have kerata deka, deka for ten plus the accusative plural direct object from keraj, “ten horns.”

 The horn is a symbol of power in the Word of God and the ten horns are ten nations which were once part of the old Roman empire. Not only is the horn a symbol of power and authority but horns represents nations or groups who possess power and authority by combining. In Daniel 8:20,21 we have a ram with two horns. This is the Persian empire: one horn for the Medes; one horn for the Persians. In Amos 6:13 arrogant Israel boasts about her conquest of Gentile nations whom they call horns or powerful nations. In Jeremiah 48:25 the horn of Moab is the power and sovereignty of Moab as a nation. Moab at its peak. In Daniel 7:7ff ten horns are the ten nations combined to form the revived Roman empire in the Tribulation, while the little horn of Daniel 7 is the dictator we are studying at the present time. So the word “horn” is found quite frequently in relationship to nations and, in the plural, nations combined together. In Zechariah 1:18-19 we have four horns, four empires who administer the fifth cycle of discipline to client nation Israel. They are Assyria, Chaldea, the Hellenistic empire of the Seleucids, and Rome. Therefore it is concluded, of course, that horns are legitimately used for powerful nations performing certain functions related to their power.

Translation: “And he [the dictator of the revived Roman empire] had ten horns.” It would be nothing but speculation to determine the ten horns or nations which compose that revived Roman empire of the future. The problem is that we don’t know when the Rapture is going to occur. If the Rapture were to occur sometime in the near future then we could do a little speculating but if the Rapture is not going to occur for another thousand years nations are going to change and the names are going to change. While the sea in this verse represents the great mass of nations of the Tribulation it can also refer to a literal sea, the Mediterranean which became a Roman lake after the third Punic war. So it could be nations bordering on the Mediterranean or expanded to include other nations as well. If the Rapture should occur sometime soon nations which were once in the Roman empire sound like this at the present: Italy, France, Spain, Switzerland, Austria, Bavaria, England, Holland, Belgium, West Germany (not East Germany), Yugoslavia, Greece, Romania, Bulgaria, Morocco, Algeria, Libya, Tunisia, Egypt, Western Turkey, Syria, Lebanon. All of those nations are modern nations and all of them were once in the old Roman empire. Nations definitely not involved: East Germany, Russia, Iran, the USA, Saudi Arabia, Afghanistan, Pakistan, India, China.

The real key to understanding the horns in verse one is to go to Daniel chapter seven where we have some expansion. Daniel 7:2,3, “Daniel said, ‘I was looking in my vision by night, and behold, the four winds of heaven [the rise and fall of empires under a principle: Jesus Christ controls history] were stirring up the great sea [four empires were stirring up peoples and nations of the world]. And four great beasts [empires] were coming up from the sea [Gentile nations], differing each from the other’.”   

Verses 4-6 describe these empires. In verse four we have the lion, the Chaldean empire, followed by the bear in verse 5 which is the Persian empire, followed by the leopard in verse 6, the Hellenistic empire of Alexander the Great which disintegrated into the Hellenistic monarchies after Alexander’s death.

In verse 7 we pick up the concept. “ ‘After this I kept looking in the night visions, and behold, a fourth beast [the historical Roman empire, the first Gentile client nation], dreadful and terrifying and extremely strong; and it had large iron teeth [Rome from BC 146-49, the transitional period from republic to empire]. It devoured and crushed and trampled down with its feet the rest [the expansion of the Roman empire]; and it was different from all the beasts that were before it [it became the first Gentile client nation to God], and it [the revived Roman empire of the Tribulation. Moving from Rome of the past to Rome of the future] had ten horns’.”

Rome as a client nation to God started in AD 70 with the fall of Israel. Long before that the transition had been occurring. What held up Israel as a client nation during the transitional period was the ministry of the apostles — Paul, John, Peter, James. Rome as a client nation to God continued until AD 476. From 476 AD and throughout the rest of the Church Age other Gentile nations function as client nations to God. Gentile client nations cease to exist at the Rapture because the pivot of mature believers is removed from planet earth by resurrection — no pivot; no client nation. All the pivots go up at the Rapture. After the Rapture comes the Tribulation and the revived Roman empire under the concept of the ten horns of Revelation 13:1; 17:1-17; Daniel 7:7. These ten horns are taken from the countries mentioned above.

Verse 8, “ ‘While I was contemplating the horns [the ten nations combined to form the revived Roman empire of the Tribulation], behold [in the middle of the Tribulation], another little horn [dictator of the revived Roman empire], came up from among them, and three of the first horns were uprooted [in order to establish his dictatorship he had to fight and defeat three out of the ten nations before the other seven surrendered to his power] before it; and behold, this horn possessed eyes like the eyes of a man, and a mouth that spoke arrogantly’.”

In other words, in the middle of the Tribulation, or just before that time, a dictator [the little horn] emerges and conquers three of the nations in this confederation. The others surrender to his power. He then becomes an absolute dictator over this power bloc of the Tribulation. This fact explains our ten horns in Revelation 12:3; 13:1; 17:3.

Daniel 7:9, “ ‘I continued looking [past the Tribulation and second advent and Millennium] until thrones were set up [the nations of the Millennium. The thrones are set up so that believers of the Church Age who are winners can rule nations in the Millennium], and the Ancient of Days took his throne [the coronation of Jesus Christ at the second advent]; his clothing was like white snow [the uniform of glory over His resurrection body], and the hair of his head was like pure wool [the strategic victory of Christ at the first advent]. His throne was a flame of fire [the baptism of fire, which means that only believers enter the Millennium, unbelievers are cast into fire], its wheels [the chariot of fire which we studied in Ezekiel] were a burning fire [the judgment of the baptism of fire at the second advent]’.” Verses 10-12 describe details of the second advent judgements.      

Verse 14, “ ‘And to him [Jesus Christ] was given dominion [rulership of the world], glory and sovereignty, that all the peoples, nations, and languages might serve him. His dominion is an everlasting dominion which will not pass away; furthermore, his kingdom is one which will never be destroyed’.”

Verses 18-26, “ ‘But the saints of the Highest One [Jewish believers or true Israel] will receive the kingdom [the restoration of Israel as a client nation to God under the Palestinian covenant] and possess the kingdom forever.”

 ‘Then I desired to know the exact meaning [interpretation] of the fourth beast [the historical Roman empire], which was different from all of the others, most terrifying, with its teeth of iron and its claws of bronze, and which devoured, crushed, and trampled under foot whatever was left, and the meaning of the ten horns which were on its head, and the other horn [the dictator of the revived Roman empire] which came up, and before which three of them fell [were defeated], namely, that little horn which had eyes [genius combined with demonism] and a mouth that spoke arrogantly [eloquence from the cosmic system], and whose appearance was more arrogant than his contemporaries’.”

“ ‘I continued looking while the horn was making war against the saints and winning over them until the Ancient of Days came [second advent of Christ], and pronounced judgment in favour of the saints of the Highest One, and the time arrived when the saints took possession of the kingdom. Therefore he said [interpretation]: ‘The fourth beast will be the fourth empire [the Roman empire] on the earth, which will be different from all the others, and it will devour the entire earth and tread it down and crush it. As for the ten horns [revived Roman empire], out of this kingdom ten kings will arise [the first half of the Tribulation]; and another [the dictator who takes over about the middle of the Tribulation] will arise after them, and he will be different from the previous ones [because he is Satan’s servant, both demon-possessed and under great demon influence] and he will conquer three kings. He will speak out against the Most High and will impress the saints of the Highest One, he will try to change times and laws; and they [believers] will be delivered from his hands for three and one half years [Jews delivered from the holocaust]. Then the court will sit [second advent of Christ], and his dominion [Satan as the ruler of the world] will be taken away, to annihilate and to destroy to the end [to the end of the Millennium, until he is released]’.”    

 We note in Revelation 13:1, “having seven heads.” The ten horns are the confederation of nations which form the revived Roman empire in the first half of the Tribulation. The seven heads are the nations who did not have to be conquered. Because in this confederation of ten nations we have so many bad decisions from a position of weakness the vacuum is created. Out of that vacuum came a dictator. First these nations would not accept this man until he ruthlessly conquered three of them and the other seven accepted his dictatorship. In that way he became the dictator of the revived Roman empire and the phraseology “seven heads” refers simply to those nations which were not conquered but came under the power of this dictator. The seven heads, then, are the surviving nations in the revived Roman empire by the middle of the Tribulation. Hence, we have the first and last status of the revived Roman empire in the Tribulation. In the first half of the Tribulation a ten-nation confederation; in the last half of the Tribulation a seven-nation dictatorship.

We have next a phrase which is called the interpretive use of the conjunction kai. This is the idiomatic use, the interpretative kai, and should be translated “this means.” So after the ten horns and seven heads we have kai meaning “this means.” Then we have the prepositional phrase e)pi plus the genitive of keraj, meaning horns. This means that “on his horns” (we have the possessive genitive of a)utoj, the intensive pronoun uses a personal pronoun), the revived Roman empire during the first half of the Tribulation, “were ten crowns,” deka diadhma [diadhma is the ruler’s crown]. In the first half of the Tribulation, then, the dictator was part of a political confederation, ten nations of the revived Roman empire. In the last half of the Tribulation he rules what is left of it after he conquers it.

The revived Roman empire in the last half of the Tribulation is then described. We have a connective kai this time denoting a contrast with the previous phrase, translated “but.” Again we have the preposition e)pi but this time plus the accusative of the noun kefalh, “but on his head.” We had in the previous phrase e)pi plus the genitive, emphasising contact. This time we have e)pi plus the accusative, emphasising motion or direction. In the first half of the Tribulation the dictator has contact but in the last half of the Tribulation the dictator has motion, he is in control of the revived Roman empire, “but over his head [the revived Roman empire] the name,” the accusative singular direct object from o)noma, meaning name, designation or person. Then the accusative plural in apposition to that: blasfhmia, blasphemy, “but over his head the name blasphemy.” Blasphemy simply refers to the fact that he is the head of the ecumenical religion of the Tribulation. He has a religious empire as well as a political empire. His political empire is mentioned in the “seven heads and on his heads were ten crowns.” So he controls the entire Roman empire. The ten crowns refer to the original ten nations.

There are two things that create a vacuum in any nation at any time. One is stupidity: you stop thinking. When you stop thinking you create a vacuum for a dictator. That is what happened to Nazi Germany, to Russia, to China. That explains the rise of communism; it invades where the vacuum exists. The other part is when you make bad decisions from a position of weakness. You lost control of your own life and you have no personal sense of destiny, and your status quo contributes to the national lack of control and the nation’s failure to have a sense of destiny. One way or another, every nation after four generations of degeneracy is destroyed.

A vacuum was created in this ten-nation confederation and out of that vacuum comes a dictator. He conquered three and ruled seven but the other three are also under his control. That is all this is saying: “then I saw the beast dictator [Satan’s man] who had ascended from the sea [because he was in an area where negative volition created a vacuum that sucked him up], having ten horns and seven heads, and on his horns were ten crowns [on his horns — the revived Roman empire; the ten crowns — the political empire during the first half of the Tribulation] but over his head [revived Roman empire during the last half of the Tribulation] the name of blasphemy [Satan’s last great attack against the human race: ecumenical religion].”

In the last half of the Tribulation the dictator has absolute control politically, but something is added and something is taken away from his absolute control. Taken away are the ten crowns of the ten horns, which means they are no longer independent states in a confederation but a part of a single empire, the revived Roman empire of the Tribulation. Added to the seven surviving states is the name “blasphemy,” indicating that this is a religious as well as a political dictatorship. The worst thing that could happen is to have both a religious and a political dictatorship. The revived Roman empire in the last half of the Tribulation is religious and political, and we will see how this ecumenical religion not only gains control in the revived Roman empire as a Satanic power but also takes over the state of Israel where people will say in that day, “It can’t happen, Judaism will resist it.” But Judaism has no power apart from Bible doctrine. Judaism will have a system of religion without the doctrine of the Old Testament.

Verse 2, the precedent and power of the empire. This takes us back to Daniel chapter seven for explanation in verses 3-6. This is the passage which will explain the system of precedence.

“And four great beasts were coming up from the sea [of nations], different from one another,” a phrase which means idiomatically that they follow each other historically, they do not coexist. “The first [the Chaldean empire] was like a lion [that will explain “lion” in Revelation 13:2] and had the wings of an eagle [the rapidity with which the Chaldean empire came into prominence]. I kept looking until the wings were plucked [that is Nebuchadnezzar’s madness resulting in the palace revolution of Daniel chapter four] and it was lifted up from the ground [the restoration of Nebuchadnezzar] and made to stand on two feet like a man [Nebuchadnezzar’s conversion ]; a human mind was also given to it [eventually he became very brilliant from his learning of doctrine]. And behold another beast, a second one, resembling a bear [the Median-Persian empire which lasted two centuries]. He was raised up on one side [the Persians dominated the Medes], and three ribs were in its mouth between its teeth [the story of Cyrus the Great: the first rib are the Medes, the second was Lydia, the third rib was Babylon and the fall of the Chaldean empire in BC 539]; and thus they said to it [the bear], ‘Arise, devour much meat!’ ” This is the expansion of the Persian empire from India on the east to Greece on the west. These conquests were divine judgements on demonised empires practising idolatry, Isaiah 41:2-7; 44:28; 45:1-13; 2 Chronicles 36:22-23; Ezra 1. God used a born-again believer [Cyrus] to exercise judgment. Degeneracy hit in all of these great nations all at the same time. God used the Persian empire also to protect and restore Israel to its client nation status.    

In Daniel 7:6 we read: “After this I kept looking, and behold, another one, like a leopard [Alexander the Great and his Macedonian empire], which had on its sides four wings of a bird [the first wing was the conquest of Asia Minor, the second was the conquest of the Mediterranean world, the third was the conquest of Persia’s eastern empire, and the fourth was the conquest of Parthia]; the beast also had four heads [Seleucus, Ptolemy, Cassander, Lysimachus, heads of the Hellenistic monarchies], and dominion was given to it.”

 Revelation 13:2 has the same beast analogy. It begins with a connective kai, introducing a result from what precedes. It is translated “Furthermore.” The aorist active indicative of o(raw follows, “Furthermore I saw.” The aorist tense is a constative aorist, it contemplates the action of the verb in its entirety, the parade of empires which sets the precedent. The active voice: John is the human author and he produces the action of the verb. The indicative mood is declarative representing the verbal idea from the viewpoint of reality.

Then we have the subject, the nominative singular from qhrion, which means the beast monster, and we are looking now at the revived Roman empire. “Furthermore the beast which I saw,” and then the perfect active indicative of e)imi, “was,” and with the comparative particle o(moioj, “was like.”

Next we have the instrumental of association of the noun pardalij, which means leopard, “was like a leopard,” The leopard, as we saw in Daniel, is the Macedonian and Hellenistic empires. This analogy denotes the rapid conquest of the dictator in forming the revived Roman empire. He had the speed of Alexander. We are talking about a future ruler of the revived Roman empire in the Tribulation who will break all records for conquest and he is compared to the rapidity with which Alexander the Great conquered the world. While it took Alexander twelve years to form his empire this beast dictator does it in less than a year.

The pro-Jewish analogy of the first half of the Tribulation is brought up next. We have the adjunctive use of kai, “also.” We have the nominative plural from the noun pouj and the possessive genitive a)utoj, “his foot,” “also his foot was like.” And then we have the descriptive genitive of a)rchoj for the bear. The bear refers to the Persian empire. And what is the precedent that the Persian empire set? It was pro-Semitic. Not only did the Persians treat the Jews well but they also sponsored their return to the land and the restoration of the client nation. Hence, the analogy of the bear is a reference to the Roman dictator’s pro-Semitic policy toward Israel in the first half of the Tribulation and after his sensational conquest at the time of the middle of the Tribulation. It is only after the abomination of the desolation is put up in Israel that anti-Semitism rears its ugly head. The revived Roman empire is pro-Semitic in the first half of the Tribulation, right up until the middle of the Tribulation, but with the fall of Satan from heaven there is suddenly an outbreak of anti-Semitism. So we have the bear which is analogous to the dictator’s pro-Semitic policy in the first half of the Tribulation.

Then we have thirdly, the lion, the anti-Semitic policy of the last half of the Tribulation. We have the connective conjunction kai, a nominative singular subject stoma and, again, the possessive genitive from a)utoj, “and his mouth.” Then we have an ellipsis which demands the verb to be, “and his mouth was like the mouth of a lion.” The lion refers to the Chaldean empire which was anti-Semitic. Therefore it establishes analogy with the Roman dictator’s policy at the end of the Tribulation. He became anti-Semitic. Each empire of the past had a characteristic which would be found in the revived Roman empire of the Tribulation.

Translation: “Furthermore the beast which I saw [the revived Roman empire of the Tribulation] was like a leopard [the dictator’s rapid conquests in the first half of the Tribulation is compared to the rapid conquest of Alexander the Great], also his feet were like the feet of a bear [the dictator’s pro-Semitic policy in the first half of the Tribulation is compared to the pro-Semitic policy of Persia], and his mouth was like the mouth of a lion [the dictator’s anti-Semitic policy in the last half of the Tribulation].”

Note the reverse order of the animals in Revelation chapter thirteen. In Daniel chapter seven the lion came first, then the bear, and then the leopard. The reason for that is quite obvious. In Daniel seven the lion came first historically, then came the bear, and finally was the leopard. That is the historical order of Daniel chapter seven, but now when we come to Revelation chapter thirteen these are reversed because these analogies are related to the Tribulation, not to past history. The pro-Semitic policy of the Roman dictator of the Tribulation came first in which he made the treaty. The period of the bear or the pro-Semitic policy is when the king of the west, the revived Roman empire, made the treaty with the state of Israel in the Tribulation. But behind that pro-Semitism was religion. The dictator was the head of ecumenical religion of the Tribulation and he wanted to bring Israel into the religion. The greatest persecutors of Israel have always been religion. (Bible Christianity is not a religion) Ecumenical religion, once the dictator of the revived Roman empire became its head and accepted the rulership of ecumenical religion in the world at that time, began persecuting the Jews.

Next we have the connective kai followed by the nominative singular subject drakwn, “dragon.” Satan is the highest of all angelic creatures and the ruler of all fallen angels, Matthew 8:28; 9:34; 12:26; Luke 11:18,19. Satan or the dragon is the central antagonist of the angelic conflict; he is the anti-God creature of creatures, Hebrews chapters one and two. Yet God did more for him than any other creature. So why would Satan be against God? How could he turn on someone who did so much for him? In one word: arrogance. Sometimes arrogance is called vanity, sometimes it is called pride, but arrogance can change people instantly and always for the worst. When the believer gets involved in the cosmic system he turns on the one who has given his eternal life and every fantastic, marvellous blessing, and even keeps each one of us alive.

Satan is a genius, and he is a genius when it comes to organisation. He has a great system of organisation, Ephesians 6:10. He is also a criminal, and when you are a good organiser and a criminal it is natural that you are going to get into trouble. As a criminal he is the original murderer in history, John 8:44. Satan is the enemy of God, and being the enemy of God what Satan hates the most is truth, Bible doctrine. He can’t stand Bible doctrine. Satan is the ruler of this world and is far superior in very way to the creatures of this world, and yet we have one thing that gives us great power, the ability to resist, the ability to see through him, the ability to discern, and the ability to fulfil the plan of God, and that is Bible doctrine. And so what defeats Satan is not any attractiveness, not any beauty, not any wisdom or talent that we might have, and above all not any form of self-righteousness (the quintessence of arrogance), is Bible doctrine resident in the soul. Naturally, therefore, Satan is the enemy of Bible doctrine, Matthew 13:9, 39.

Satan is also a great strategist. 2 Corinthians 2:11 “… in order that no advantage be taken of us by Satan for we are not ignorant of his strategy.” Satan has all of the natural advantages over us but it is one thing to have natural advantages over someone and something else to take advantage of someone. The difference is volition. No one can take advantage of you apart from your own consent, apart from the function of your own volition. By creation Satan is superior to us in every way but Satan cannot take advantage of us unless we agree to it from the function of our own volition. What protects our volition from making those wrong decisions, bad decisions from a position of weakness, is Bible doctrine. Ignorance is what ruins us as believers. Arrogance and ignorance are our two greatest enemies.

2 Corinthians 11:3 says, “But I am afraid, lest as the serpent [Satan] deceived Eve by his craftiness your minds will be led astray from the simplicity and virtue of devotion to Christ.” There is a phenomenal gem. The point being: Satan must deceive our minds. And why our minds? Because the mind is the recipient of Bible doctrine. You are not led astray in any way except through the mind because that is where your volition is and the source of all sin, the source of human good, the source of evil. Devotion to Christ is the system in the divine dynasphere.

2 Corinthians 11:14, “Satan disguises himself as an angel of light.”

Revelation 13:2, “and the dragon.” Let us see what Satan is doing here, the aorist active indicative of didomi, he is giving something. Watch out when the devil gives away something. When Satan starts to give you something it means that you are now his slave if you accept his gift. So you have to be careful who is giving you what; “and the dragon gave,” the constative aorist contemplates the action of the verb in its entirety. The active voice: Satan produced the action of the verb through the delegation of authority to the Roman dictator. The indicative mood is declarative for the historical fact that during the Tribulation Satan gains by giving. That is what people often have in mind when they give you something. This is why giving in the local church must always be anonymous. The pastor must not know who is giving what because people often give to a pastor so that they can tie him up and use him for whatever ends they may have down the line. So when people give the pastor shouldn’t know anything, and when people give they should give as unto the Lord.

 “and the dragon gave to him,” the dative singular indirect object from a)utoj. This is the intensive use and it is translated “to him.” Once the devil starts giving away something you are under his power if you accept his gifts, and if he gives power then he controls you and the power you have is his power, you are a puppet on a string.

We have what he gives in the accusative singular direct object, dunamij. God gives dunamij and Satan gives dunamij. God’s dunamij to the royal family is the divine dynasphere. Dunamij is where we get dynasphere; that is the plan of God. But Satan also gives a system of power related to the cosmic system, “and the dragon gave to him his power.”

Satan, then, as the super creature does possess great power. For example, Satan can blind the minds of unbelievers when they are exposed to the gospel, according to 2 Corinthians 4:3-4, but he just can’t reach in and coerce volition. How he blinds is he starts giving presents. There is nothing that will blind people more than to receive gifts without understanding what is behind it — not love, but control. Basically, there are two reasons why people give: because of love and to control. There are people who will do a favour to you because they want to control you; other people will do a favour for you because they love you. When giving is an expression of love and the favour comes there are no strings. But when giving is going to demand favour down the line and there are strings it is always to control you. One nice thing about grace: no strings.

So we have the power of Satan, and the power of Satan is in giving. He is giving because he has strings. Satan doesn’t do these things unless God permits it, and there is a reason for it. Satan tried to gain power over Job and failed, and when Job would not accept his presents then he became vindictive. If you refuse the gifts of someone who is trying to control you the next step is vindictiveness. Many a person will turn against you with vindictiveness simply because you rejected their presents and therefore wouldn’t come under their control. That is why Satan killed the children of Job. But the children of Job weren’t much good anyway and God gave Job other children later on. It was really a case of God permitting it and it turned out for good because Job rejected Satan’s gifts.

Satan motivated Cain to murder his brother Abel. First of all Satan had to hook Cain. Satan gave Cain the most beautiful farm in the world at that time and all of the food grown at Cain’s farm was magnificent. In fact, it was so good that Cain was arrogant about it and when it was time to bring a gift to God, instead of bringing the lamb and the shedding of blood which represented the cross he brought all this beautiful fruit and vegetables. And who has been giving him all this great success in farming? Satan. So Cain brings all this produce that Satan has given him and says, “Look God, here’s my gift”. God rejected it. So then Satan motivated Cain to murder, John 8:44; 1 John 3:12.

Satan is often the executor of believers who are sentenced to the sin unto death. That is vindictiveness. Cf.  1 Corinthians 5:5; 1 Timothy 1:19,20.

Satan’s power is obviously then related to use and function of violence. But it doesn’t start there. Satan hooks people by giving them something. A gift from Satan is the beginning of trouble. So the first object here is that the dragon gave to the dictator his power.

Then he gave a second thing, “and his throne.” The dragon is the ruler of this world. So we have a second accusative, qronoj. He gave him not only power but a title to go with his power. This dictator is Satan’s servant. This dictator gave his soul to the devil. In return for his total dedication to the devil the dictator of the little horn of Daniel chapter seven receives great power and great authority. It is one thing to have power, it is something else to have great authority to go with it. The extent of his authority: he had the political rulership of the revived Roman empire; he was the religious leader of Satan’s ecumenical religion of the Tribulation.

Translation of verse two: “Furthermore the beast which I saw [the dictator of the revived Roman empire of the Tribulation] was like a leopard [the dictator’s rapid conquest in the first half of the Tribulation], also his feet were like the feet of a bear [the dictator’s pro-Semitic policy in the first half of the Tribulation], and his mouth was like the mouth of a lion [the dictator’s reversal to anti-Semitism policy in the last half of the Tribulation]: and the dragon [Satan, the ruler of this world] gave him to him [the dictator of the revived Roman empire of the Tribulation] his power, and his throne, and great authority [political authority as the ruler of the revived Roman empire and religious authority as the ruler of ecumenical religion].”

We are going to study two dictators in chapter thirteen but we need to spend a little time first on a principle or two by way of introduction.

First of all we are going to note in this chapter two kinds of dictators. One is a Jew and one in a Gentile; one is a Roman and one is a Jew. It is interesting that we should have in the Tribulation of the future a Jew and a Roman as the two great dictators of the Tribulation. The two greatest people of the ancient world were the Jews and the Romans. It was inevitable that the two people whose history extended over a thousand years in the ancient world, and whose history is almost longer than any people of any time, should encounter each other in the course of human history. The Romans and the Jews met at probably the most dramatic point, the cross of our Lord Jesus Christ. They represented the two greatest systems of law in the ancient world and, as far as the Jews are concerned, the greatest system of law in all of human history. And it is interesting that these two fantastic systems of law were used to put our Lord Jesus Christ on the cross. It wasn’t just the Jews, it was both Jewish and Roman law. So Jews and Romans met at the cross.

The Jews were the only client nation of the Old Testament times in ancient history and when the Romans finally administered the fifth cycle of discipline in AD 70 they became the first Gentile client nation in history. While all the streams of ancient history flow into the lake called SPQR [The Senate and the People of Rome] all the streams of modern history flow out of the lake called SPQR. At the same time all blessings of the ancient world had their source in Israel. Just as history flows into and out of the Roman empire all the blessings of the ancient world flow in and out of Israel. It is inevitable that the two greatest peoples then should meet in ancient history, for one of them has all the trends of history, one of them has all the blessings of history. And just as they have met in the past to form some of the most dramatic pages of history so they will meet in the future to form the great drama of the last half of the Tribulation.

The history of the Tribulation prophesied in chapter thirteen finds Rome and Israel meeting again during one of the most dramatic moments in all of history. They meet in the form of their two dictators: the dictator of the revived Roman empire and the dictator of Israel in the Tribulation.



1. Dictators are people who always know what is best for everyone else and seek to impose that knowledge, however limited, on others without their consent. The difference between a legitimate ruler and a dictator is the one word “consent”. People who are legitimate rulers rule by the consent of the people; illegitimate rulers or dictators rule without consent.

2. Hence the dictator rejects freedom of choice and the principle of self-determination as the right of every individual member of a society. In effect, a dictator rejects freedom and he assumes the right to live everyone else’s life for them.

3. Dictators can exist in every category of life. We are going to study the eschatological aspect but there are dictators in social life who superimpose their will on the social circle. There are, of course the political dictatorships. We are filled with them in our time in history; they have existed in the past. There are economic dictatorships and religious dictatorships. Some of the latter are great dictatorships such as in the Reformation — Luther, Zwingli, Calvin.

It is one thing for people to present to you their ideas, which is legitimate, but to demand, even with the use of force, that you follow their ideas is something else. The only legitimate dictatorship is parents over children.

4. Dictators refuse to permit you to make your own mistakes. In that sense they are arrogant crusaders seeking to run your life by their standards or lack of standards. This means that in their philosophy of tyranny dictators only want you to make their mistakes from their bad decisions.

5. Therefore dictators are inevitably arrogant, self-righteous. Even the most evil of men, due to their arrogance, have self-righteousness.

6. Because dictators inevitably have to use force and violence to superimpose their will and ideas on the masses they inevitably reject doctrines and principles of establishment related to human freedom and self-determination.

7. Dictators insist on having their own way because their arrogance assumes that their way is infinitely superior. For this reason dictators assume both perfection and infallibility either in themselves or the system that created them.

8. Consequently, dictators can only exist, function and succeed in the atmosphere of the cosmic system of Satan. That means the historical environment where the cosmic system has major impact.

9. In other words, a maximum number of people living in the cosmic system create a vacuum for the rise of a dictatorship, while only the pivot of mature believers creates the environment for the dynamic function of human freedom. Human freedom isn’t always dynamic but when it is it is because of a pivot of mature believers. Freedom, like any other system, can be abused.


The greatest protection against any system of aggrandisement is the mind, the right lobe of the soul. The right lobe of the soul must be exploited by truth to make significant decisions for freedom. All freedom comes from truth: “You shall know the truth, and the truth shall make you free.” Sometimes significant decisions are fighting for freedom; sometimes significant decisions are defining freedom in terms of truth, category #1, doctrine: laws of divine establishment.


A second point of introduction

Revelation thirteen is a chapter where prophecy is interpreted by history. For example, Rome or SPQR while still a republic became an empire. To understand Rome you must understand the roots of Rome, and while Rome in its infancy was often a kingdom it crystallised into a republic, and while it was a republic it became an empire. Nationally Rome was a republic and, as a matter of fact, up until the last couple of hundred years of Roman history it continued to be a republic nationally because of the senate. It was only when the senate was packed out and became a useless tool that we have dictatorship in the Roman empire. The fact that there were rulers calling themselves Caesar does not mean that they were a dictatorship, as long as you have the senate you still have the republic. But that is nationally. The great problem in the last 200 years of Rome as a republic was the struggle between the fact they could handle Rome because they had been learning how to do it for 500 years of their history. They had seven hundred years as a republic, they had to learn how to handle a republic. They had accepted their system and had learned how to handle their problems by setting up systems to do it. The senate was the basis for the republic, but while they could administer their own nation, as a republic they could not administer an empire. The Romans never learned how to do it as a republic and that is why they became an empire. In other words, they either had to give up everything outside of Rome and the small area of Italy that they controlled as their nation or accept the empire and come up with something new, and the only Roman who was flexible enough to think in terms of good administration outside the country and citizenship for people outside the country was Julius Caesar. He was the first man who really could think clearly and therefore it was Julius Caesar who was the end of the republic and the beginning of the Roman empire.

So in this chapter we have prophecy interpreted by history. It is not an accident that we have a revived Roman empire in the Tribulation. Rome, while still a republic, became an empire. They did not go from a dictatorship to an empire, they became an empire while they were still functioning as a republic.

The historical Roman empire became the first Gentile client nation to God. Not only was it a client nation to God and the preserver of civilisation but it became the preserver of western European civilisation as we know it today. Furthermore, Rome did two things as an empire. It established a system for missionary activity all over the world. It also evangelised for civilisation. When various other peoples were conquered by the Romans they wanted to be Roman, they admired Roman civilisation and therefore they would start to ape the manners of the Romans. In effect this was tantamount to the Romans evangelising for civilisation. The barbarians who conquered Rome were civilised. The only ones who were not were the Mongolian types who were barbaric and resisted all forms of civilisation. So the historical Roman empire became the first Gentile client nation because in the ancient world there was more freedom in the Roman empire by the time of the Antonine Caesars than in any other nation in the history of the ancient world. People had more freedom, more self-determination, more laws of divine establishment by which self determination was possible.

Out of the historical Roman empire emerges an eschatology, the eschatological empire of the future. What Rome represented in the ancient world a future empire will represent in the Tribulation. Hence, the revived Roman empire of the Tribulation. It will not exist in crystallised form during the Church Age though the seeds are planted through any historical trend to form a united states of western Europe, or better yet, a united states of western Europe, middle east and North Africa. For we think of the Roman empire as western Europe but the Roman empire extended across North Africa and the middle east, and what we now call Turkey. Iran was not ever in the Roman empire, neither were Saudi Arabia nor Russia. The revived Roman empire of the Tribulation will therefore not exist in crystallised form until the Rapture occurs.

With this in mind we can look at another concept of introduction. Chapter 13 is divided into two parts. In the first ten verses we study the Gentile dictator, the dictator of the revived Roman empire. In verses 11-18 we study the Jewish dictator, the dictator of Israel in the Tribulation. These two dictators need to be identified outside of chapter thirteen as well as explained inside of the chapter.


The Gentile dictator of the revived Roman empire has nine different identifications (aliases) in the scripture:

1. He is the feet of the image in Daniel 2:31-35.

2. He is the little horn of Daniel 7:8,9, 19-26. 3. He is the prince that shall come in Daniel 9:26,27.

4. Ezekiel calls him the prince of Tyrus in 28:1-10 (Tyrus is Latin for Tyre).

5. From the standpoint of his statue Daniel calls him the abomination of desolation, as does Matthew — Daniel 11:31; 12:11; Matthew 24:15; Mark 13:14.

6. He is called the man of sin in 2 Thessalonians 2:3-10.

7. He is also the Antichrist. The preposition “anti” has two meanings: against and instead of. So both of these dictators are anti-Christ. This one is anti-Christ [against Christ] and as such he is mentioned in 1 John 2:18, and will be studied in Revelation 13:6.

8. He is the scarlet-coloured beast on whom the great prostitute rides in Revelation 17:3, 8-13.

9. He is the beast out of the sea in Revelation 13:1-10.

At some point in these ten verses most of those passages just mentioned will be brought in, either by way of amplification or to give us additional information about this dictator. 


The Biblical identification of the Jewish dictator. Five aliases are found in the Word

1. Dan the serpent (an interpretative alias), Genesis 49:16-18.

2. The king who shall do according to his own will, Daniel 11:36-40.

3. He is the Antichrist in the connotation of the preposition anti [instead of]. He passes himself off as Christ. He comes instead of Christ, hence he is the false Messiah of Matthew 24:23,24; Revelation 13:11, 13,14.

4. He is also the false prophet of Revelation 16:13; 19:20; 20:10.

5. The beats out of the earth [land, of Israel], Revelation 13:11-18.


By way of summary of the two dictators called the first and the second beast

1. The first beast is a Gentile; the second beast is a Jew.

2. The first beast is a political dictator of the revived Roman empire in the Tribulation; the second beast is a political dictator of Israel in the Tribulation.

3. The first beast is a religious leader of ecumenical religion in the Tribulation; the second beast is the leader of Judaism in the Tribulation.

4. Each beast is an antichrist. The first beast is anti-Christ in the sense of against our Lord; the second beast is anti-Christ in the sense of “instead of” — the false Messiah.

5. The first beast is totally demonised in the cosmic system; the second beats is also eventually totally demonised in the cosmic system.

6. The capital of the first beast will be Rome; the capital of the second beast will be Jerusalem.


The general historical situation in the Tribulation

The state of Israel is surrounded by four great spheres of influence in the time of the devil’s desperation. There is the king of the north, comparable today to the Russian communist bloc. We do not know when the Rapture is going to occur and so these are all based upon what we have now. They are comparable. The kings of the east or the kings of the sunrising would be comparable today to the Chinese bloc. In world war two that would have been comparable to the Japanese empire, and if the Rapture doesn’t take place for a thousand years, or even 200 years, it will be some other empire that will be in the east. The king of the south would be the pan-Arabic bloc. The king of the west is the revived Roman empire. So Israel is surrounded, as it were, by four great spheres of influence. In making comparisons it is not implied that these four power spheres of the 20th century are the prophetic fulfilment, but they are simply contemporary approximations. However, for us to have a frame of reference these comparisons with contemporary history are offered and will be developed in great detail in Revelation chapter sixteen.

 In verse 3 the revived Roman empire in the Tribulation is presented. The revived Roman empire must be distinguished from other great empires during the Tribulation in that it is a civilised empire. The point is that civilised people are just as evil as barbarians. Civilised people have old sin natures; civilised people can be just as cruel as barbaric people can be cruel. There is no distinction between them because the only restraint and the only production of virtue comes through the truth of the Word of God. The first category of truth, the laws of divine establishment, are for unbelievers as well as believers so that unbelievers at least can be virtuous in this life. But the second two categories belong to the believer only: category #2, the gospel of our Lord Jesus Christ, and category #3, Bible doctrine for the believer.

Verse 3 starts with the death of the old Roman empire in the first half of the verse. “I saw” in the King James version is not found in the original manuscript. It actually begins with the conjunction kai which is a sequential conjunction and is translated “Then.” Then the accusative singular numeral e(ij, “one,” followed by the verb o(raw. Actually it isn’t found here but since it was the last verb it is used here. “Then I saw one.” Since “one” is in the accusative it must be the object of a verb, so this is why it is inserted, it is not actually found in the original. We can translate it, if we want, simply, “Then one of his heads.” We have the prepositional phrase e)k plus the ablative of kefalh, plus the possessive genitive of a)utoj.

This is the beginning of an explanation. “One of his heads” is the historical Roman empire in the time that John wrote the book of Revelation. We are going to see the future Roman empire in the Tribulation in terms of the past. Revelation 17:10 says, “And there are seven kings: five are fallen [five had fallen in John’s time], one is [the sixth king was the Roman empire at the time of the apostle John], the other has not yet come [the revived Roman empire of the Tribulation].” The five that are fallen refer to the empires of Egypt, Assyria, Chaldea, Persia, the Hellenistic empire of Alexander the Great. So this subject will occur again: the fact that there was an old Roman empire, and it must be distinguished from the future empire of the Tribulation.

The Roman empire became the historical centre of gravity, the first Gentile client nation to God. It is the central lake into which all the streams of ancient history flowed, and from which all the rivers of modern history flow out. Rome began as a village of rude shepherds and Rome went on to become a great empire, but it took a little time: namely, seven hundred years. First there were shepherds on the banks of the Tiber. Then the history of the growth from a village to a city state, and from a city state to a nation, a united Italy, and then the growth of that united Italy into a world empire. When Rome began as a republic and officially became an empire after the death of Julius Caesar it didn’t change Rome. Egypt, Assyria, Chaldea and Persia could not make such a transition from republic to empire, or from empire to republic. In other words, from one form of government to another form of government. Rome demonstrated a remarkable flexibility, it not only survived going from a republic to a dictatorship but it became stronger and greater in making the transition. A continuity, of course, is important for stability and Rome was the only great empire in the ancient world that completely changed its governments, going from antithetical forms — republic to dictatorship — and doing so without any destruction and, in fact, with improvement. Continuity was necessary for stability and the first client nation to God had to be stable. There is the necessity of stability for the formation of a pivot.

The transition, then, from the republic SPQR to the empire SPQR did not change the underlying ability of Rome nor its stability which first became the Gentile client nation to God, but never as a republic. It was Rome’s stability in making the transition from republic to dictatorship that was so useable by God, not its form of government. Form of government is not the issue. Any form of government can provide freedom. With some forms of government it is more difficult because dictators gain and hold their power usually by some form of violence, something that becomes an enemy of freedom; but this was not true in the Roman empire. The Roman empire and the man who would rule it had nothing to do with the greatness or the freedom or the rights of self-determination throughout the empire. Actually, Rome never became civilised as a republic. They had great law but the Romans in their republic were very cruel people, they were a barbaric people, they were shepherds. As they gained power, and their lust for power and their lust for plunder became greater and greater their cruelty extended with it. But once the Romans became an empire and once they had a dictatorship form of government they were actually civilised as over against being barbarians in the republic.

Manifest destiny is a great issue at this time. The history of the Roman republic is one of tragedy of establishment stability alternating with socialism and civil war, but none of these things actually could provide the background that was necessary for the first Gentile client nation. So manifest destiny brought out the genius of Rome whole socialism and the demands of the masses brought out the weakness of the Roman republic. When the masses dominated the republic it became a democracy and therefore became extremely unstable. The result was 200 years, not four years, of terrible civil wars. But when the genius of Roman rule and legal procedure dominated the republic, then they would have a little breathing space. And it was the empire, not the republic, which became the great client nation to God.

It is interesting that most modern historians will try to glorify the republic and try to find in the republic all the greatness of Rome. But the republic brought out all the worst in Rome: its cruelty, its inability to administer an empire, its terrible attitude toward people and toward life in general, plus the destruction of freedom through socialism, through feeding the masses, feeding and entertaining of those out of work. In fact they encouraged people to be out of work so that the Roman land owners could buy up more and more farms and become even greater.

In Luke 21:20,24 we have a key passage in relationship to Rome: “But when you see Jerusalem surrounded by armies [these were the three legions of Rome surrounding the walls of Jerusalem in AD 70], then know [this was addressed to believers living in the Roman empire] that her desolation [of Israel] is at hand [the fifth cycle of discipline, the destruction of Israel as a client nation to God].

“They will fall by the edge of the sword, and will be led into slavery into all nations; and Jerusalem will be trampled underfoot by the Gentiles until the times of the Gentiles be fulfilled.” That happened in AD 70 and that will be the story of Israel until the second advent of Christ. Never again will there be a Jewish client nation to God until the end of the Tribulation, the second advent of Christ. There will be Jewish nations; there have been Jewish nations since the fall of Israel in 70 AD; there is a Jewish nation now, but that Jewish nation can never be a client nation to God. The Jews with all their genius will always be controlled and dependant on Gentile nations. This is the times of the Gentiles and in the times of the Gentiles only Gentile nations can function as a client nation to God. Israel depends today on the kindness of strangers in order to be the greatest military power in the middle east. There is no such thing as a great Arab military power. The Arabs are just not military minded and they cannot cut it.

The history of the Roman republic is generally divided into three parts. The first part is the internal conflict between the Patricians and the Plebeians eventuating in uniting the people. That started in 510 BC and went to 367 BC. Rome had a history of almost 300 years before this but it was a history of kings and peoples. Secondly, the republic had an expansion of the united Rome, first over Italy from 367 BC to 266 BC and then over the Mediterranean from 264-146 BC. Then we have that terrible period of civil war, the internal struggle which comes with prosperity — 146-49 BC. In 49 BC Gaius Julius Caesar had absolute power, and from then until his death five years later in 44 he was the great genius which guaranteed the perpetuation of the Roman republic as an empire. His famous five years are the greatest five years of any genius in the ancient world in turning things around. It can only be compared to what Napoleon did to Europe between 1795 and 1815, and it took Napoleon 20 years. The republic in Rome had little to do by precept or example with modern life, whereas imperial Rome is the explanation of modern history. Because of the corruption of the masses some form of monarchy was inevitable. Monarchy was the only system which could unite the power of the senate at home with the administrative function of the councils in the provinces, and the corruption of Roman citizens, the invasion of barbarians, made monarchy inevitable. The secret to the survival of Rome was better government in the provinces, not at home. And while dictators took over at home the fantastic government in the provinces set up by Julius Caesar guaranteed that Rome would not only be perpetuated from 44 BC at his death but would be perpetuated all the way to 476, and no matter what problems came their way.

Caesar saw the necessity for one-man rule, but only under laws that guaranteed the freedom and self-determination of citizens. Hence Caesar became the champion first of the city mob, then of the many nationalities outside the Roman empire. Caesar was an aristocrat and, in effect, he betrayed his own class. He accomplished politically what Christianity would accomplish spiritually in the Roman empire. Caesar would make Roman citizens out of millions of people in the Roman empire while Christianity would convert those millions to establish the first Gentile client nation to God. Both the mob of Rome and the senate became a clique which would have destroyed Rome but Caesar and his genius became the champion of wide nationalities and he fulfilled the political principle of “whosoever.” Caesar, in effect, destroyed the power of both the Roman senate and the Roman mobs and he replaced them with a system of government which blessed and stabilised not only Rome and Italy but the entire empire. While the malt of the old Roman republic was still surrounding some, most of the old forms of the republic did continue. The senate continued to deliberate, councils and praetors were elected as before in the republic, Caesar drew most of the important powers into his own hands. Being a Patrician Caesar could not hold the office of tribune which belonged to the Plebes, so he devised a new tribune power which was granted to him for life. He was also censor for life, he was the head of the state religion, and he was called Pontifix Maximus. This, of course, becomes an illustration of the dictator of the revived Roman empire: head of ecumenical religion and ruler of the empire in the Tribulation. From this he became dictator for life with the title of Imperator for himself and for his descendants.

At this point Caesar’s power resulted from the union of tribune power in the city of Rome with pro-consular power over the provinces. Caesar had been a proconsul and understood the problems at both ends. The genius of Caesar extended from the battlefield to the codification of all Roman law, the creation of a great public library. Eighty-thousand landless citizens of Rome were given lands beyond the sea, thus cutting down the welfare roles from 320,000 when Caesar took power to 150,000. And until Caesar the chief duty of the Roman government had been the distribution of food and entertainment to the masses. Caesar reduced the taxes, he made them very fair. He changed the system of ruling the provinces into one of the greatest administrative concepts of ancient history. Instead of plundering the provinces it became rulership of the provinces.

Caesar was also a military genius but he was a great statesman. He was a lawgiver, he was a jurist, he was an orator, a poet, an historian, a grammarian, a mathematician, and architect. The murder of Caesar removed the greatest genius of ancient history but not the system that he had created. After a brief period of anarchy Caesar’s work was completed by lesser men. The work of Caesar prepared the way for the dispensation of the Church and the rise of Gentile client nations which would characterised the Church Age. Even though he was an unbeliever his contribution was phenomenal.

“Then I saw one of the heads.” This was the Roman empire at the time of the apostle John. The heirs of Julius Caesar are known as the Julio-Claudian Caesars or dictators. They include Augustus, Tiberius, Caligula, Claudius, Nero. Some of them were good and some were not, but whether they were good or bad the system carried them. The system carried the evils of Nero and Caligula just as much as the system carried the good ones like Augustus, Tiberius, and Claudius.

The apostle Paul was the greatest genius of the Roman empire. Thanks to the policy of Caesar Paul was a Roman citizen as well as a Jew by race, but regardless of his race he was the greatest Roman of them all. Thanks to the policy of Caesar, Paul being a Roman citizen was able to do even greater things for the Roman empire, the communication of Bible doctrine. Paul died just before Nero. In fact, Nero died in AD 68 three months after Paul as a penalty for condemning Paul to death. Both men died just two years before Israel was removed as a client nation to God. Paul anticipated it; Nero was the one who started moving troops toward the middle east and it was Nero who sent the first Roman legions to attack Palestine and Jerusalem. It was also Nero who put to death the apostle Paul for which God put him to death.

As a result of the fifth cycle of discipline administered by the Romans in AD 70 the times of the Gentiles began. The times of the Gentiles is defined as the period of history when only Gentile nations can function as client nations to God. It began in AD 70 with the fall of Jerusalem and it goes actually to the Rapture of the Church. There will be no client nations to God in the Tribulation. Once the pivot is removed the we go into a different type of history altogether, no client nations in the time of the Tribulation. It runs, therefore, coterminously with the Church Age after AD 70 but requires a pivot of believers for its modus operandi. There will never again be a Jewish client nation to God until the second advent.

With the death of Paul and Nero the Flavian Caesars came to power, first Vespatian in AD 70 and then his son Titus from 79-81, and then his evil son Domitian from 81-96. It was Domitian who put the apostle John on the Island of Patmos, and once he died then a new era would begin, the great client nation era of Rome. While the ministry of the apostle Paul gave Christianity a vigorous start in the Church Age it was the ministry of the apostle John which resulted in the great period of prosperity, the greatest period of prosperity that perhaps the world has ever known. The year was 96 AD, one of the most important in history. It is important, first of all, because of the completion of the canon of scripture. It is important because of the death of Domitian and the beginning of the Antonine Caesars. It is important for the momentum of the pivot of mature believers which demonstrates the power of Bible doctrine in a very uncertain time of history.

The Antonine Caesars began in AD 96. The first one was a Spaniard named Nirva, an older man about to die. He lived for two years and during that time he released John from his prison on the Isle of Patmos. He did nothing to discourage. In fact, during the two years of his reign Christianity began to expand. Then came Trajan from 98-117 AD, then Hadrian from 117-138, then Antoninus Pius from 138-161, then finally, Marcus Aurelius from 161-180 from when his evil son Commodus followed from 180-182. From 96-182 not one of these rulers was a born-again believer but each one of them followed the system of Caesar and it was the system that made it possible for people to accept or reject Jesus Christ as saviour. It was a period of great evangelism, a period of great missionary activity inside the Roman empire. Very shortly that missionary activity would go outside the Roman empire and to all the world.

War is one of the constants of history and it has not diminished with civilisation or democracy. As a matter of fact in the last 3,421 years of recorded history only 268 years have been without war. Out of those 268 years approximately, 100 hundred of these belonged to the period of the Antonine Caesars. Never before in history has so large a part of the world known such an unbroken time of rest and peace, prosperity and freedom from warfare. Thanks to a large pivot of believers there was economic prosperity and the growth of cities. Rome had a population of over 2-million, Alexandria and Antioch half a million. Corinth, Carthage, Ephesus, Lyons had 250,000 each. The prosperity existed in spite of socialism where the government still supported the unemployed at home. The only prosperity which can coexist with socialism is derived when you have a large pivot of mature believers in a given area.

During the period of the Antonine Caesars communication and travel were the greatest in the ancient world. The roads were safe, piracy was wiped out, the ports were crowded with shipping. Trade flourished as it did not flourish again until after 1492, the time of Columbus. Traffic flowed continually along three main arteries of commerce between Europe and Asia: north by the Black Sea, then by caravan which followed the present Russian trans-Caspian railroad; south by the Suez and the Red Sea to India, and then overland to China; caravans crossing Arabia was the third area. Travel was safe from frontier to frontier so that going from, say, the Thames all the way to the Euphrates was not only safe but was much more comfortable than it would ever be until railroads in the 19th century. People travelled for business and pleasure as never before. The significance of this greatest period of travel also had other concepts which come out later in the Reformation and Renaissance. Obviously safe travel meant the spread of Christianity. But growing socialism could be seen in the Egyptian grain tax of 144,000,000 bushels each year which were transported to Rome to feed the masses.

Military conquests of Rome were made during the time of the republic whereas the empire was chiefly in a defensive posture. Their wars were not for conquest but defence. There were several exceptions. The walls of Rome were no longer on the Tiber but on the Danube, the Rhine, on the Euphrates, Hadrian’s wall between England and Scotland. The greatest universities in the world were established at that time in Rome, Alexandria, Athens. Below the universities the Roman empire set up grammar schools which corresponded to our high schools. They did everything to help people to read and write, which also helps in evangelism. The government supported teachers and professors, they were exempted from taxation. The Roman government honoured them in many ways and the result was not only the greatest literacy but education as the means of providing a frame of reference for two languages, Latin, the official language of the empire, and Koine Greek which became the official language east of the Adriatic.

As is always the case with a client nation to God great contrasts inevitably exist. The orgies of the aristocrats, the debauchery of the middle class, the evil of the mobs and rabble coarse and vicious in their violence is contrasted with the fantastic rise of Bible doctrine, the tremendous momentum, the pivot growing and growing and reaching out to people of every class of society. Divorce and slavery threw a shadow across the Roman empire while the evils of the circus increased. And yet, thanks to Bible doctrine and its influence through the pivot of many mature believers there was a strain of virtue, as illustrated by the thoughtful courtesy and sensitive honour of Pliny or the integrity of Marcus Aurelius who wrote on his wife’s tomb: “Only once did she cause me sorrow and that was by her death”. During the peak of the Antonine Caesars Bible doctrine resulted in the improving the position of the woman. The woman had her greatest freedom and opportunity not in the twentieth century but in the time of the Antonine Caesars. They had equal position before the law which was a tremendous breakthrough in the ancient world. She also became the companion to her husband rather than the slave of the family which was the woman’s role in the republic.

Beginning with the emperors from 193 there was a gradual decline in the Roman empire interspersed with revivals such as occurred in the time of Constantine from 312-337, and the peaceful infusion of barbarians which resulted in their conversion and opened the door for the next client nation to God which would be the kingdom of the Franks.

All of this is the Roman empire which is mentioned by, “Then I saw one of his heads.” That is the Roman empire at the time of John. But we are going to see that this Roman empire is going to die, it is going to go out as a client nation to God. Our next phrase which is coming up begins with a comparative particle o(j which suggests the manner in which something precedes, so it is translated here “as if.” With it we have the perfect passive participle of the verb sfazw, the Koine Greek word for the Classical Greek word sfattw. It mean to be wounded, “as if it had been wounded.” This is where we have the beginning of a bleeding nation, the old Roman empire. The perfect tense recognises a completed action with existing results. This is a dramatic perfect representing the existing state of the historical Roman empire.

John was actually writing about the future. The day in which he lived was about to introduce the golden age of the Antonine Caesars but there would come a time later on in the empire, about 410 AD, when things would not be so good. So we have a passive voice with the participle: the historical Roman empire receives the action of the verb when it starts bleeding to death. All great nations, all empires, go down through a process; they do not suddenly collapse. They bleed to death slowly and always it is because of the volition of the individuals in that nation or empire. The passive voice refers to the day in 410 when Rome was captured by Alaric and who practically destroyed it exactly 800 years after it had been captured by the Gauls. The bleeding starts in 410 and it will end up in 476 AD. This is the last days of the Roman empire, the period which sfazw covers.

In 476 Odovacar the German dethroned Romulus Augustus the Little and the history of Rome came to an end with a ruler who was named after the founder of the city [Romulus] and the founder of the empire [Augustus]. The participle is a conditional participle: “as if it had been wounded.” The verb sfattw in the Attic Greek is used for a ritual slaying. The Koine equivalent, sfazw, means to slaughter, to kill, to murder in regard to men, to sacrifice in relationship to animals. But in relationship to a nation it refers to bleeding to death. No nation is ever destroyed by an outside power, it is always destroyed internally, and we have the beginning of the internal bleeding of SPQR as an empire.

Next we have a prepositional phrase and we have a lot of history between the participle and the prepositional phrase: e)ij plus the accusative of qanatoj, “to the point of death.” In other words, the bleeding started in 410 and the death occurred in 476 AD. “Then I saw one of his heads [the Roman empire at the time of writing] as if it had been wounded to the point of death.”

We actually have to go back to the year 376 to see how the bleeding started. Prior to 376 many tribes had been admitted into the boundaries of the Roman empire. Many barbarians had come into the empire. Some of them had been converted to Christianity but all of them had been converted to Roman civilisation. They were proud to be Roman citizens and did everything possible in order to do so. This was an attitude that existed over a number of centuries, for when the apostle Paul was being judged in the middle east his judge was a very prominent Roman centurion, and one of the things that shocked him was the fact that here was Paul who was born a citizen of the Roman empire, whereas the centurion had to spend a great deal of time and hard work and money in order to gain that citizenship. That was the attitude. The objective was always to become civilised and it was considered to be a privilege to be a Roman citizen, and eventually the barbarians were better citizens of Rome than the original Romans themselves.

In 376 the Visigoths, i.e. the west Goths, appeared on the Danube frontier. They were fleeing from the terrible Huns who were the Asiatic Tartars, Mongolians. Valens, the emperor of the eastern empire in Constantinople, gave them permission to cross the border and to settle in his area, but they were told that they would have to give up their arms and Roman agents would supply them with food. The Roman agents pocketed the money and supplied either inferior food or no food at all. This made the Goths angry. They were happy to come into the protection of the Roman empire and they did give up their arms. Once they were on their reservation south of the Danube Roman agents embezzled the imperial funds and the food did not arrive, while at the same time the Visigoths bribed these same agents to let them keep their arms. As a result the Goths marched on Constantinople and at the famous battle of Adrianople in 378 Valens was defeated and slain. He simply picked the wrong people to administer the problem.

The new emperor was Theodosius the Great and he pacified the Goths by giving them land in the Danubian provinces. But in 395 Theodosius died and the Goths revolted under their young chief, Alaric. Alaric decided to take the Goths and start moving. He first went to Greece and he conquered it. He was prevented from moving into Italy by a very famous German who was now a Roman citizen. His name was Stilicho the Vandal, one of the most brilliant generals of his day. He commanded the Roman armies and was able to stop Alaric. But there was an emperor at the time by the name of Honorius and he was very weak, very petty, and very arrogant. He became very jealous of Stilicho and therefore one day he decided to get rid of him. But first, Stilicho not only stopped the Goths but he stopped an army of 200,000 wild Germans who didn’t even have a tribal name. They were under a leader called Radagaisus. They had invaded Italy and were besieging Florence when he came back from the defeating the Goths and he stopped them. He didn’t even know at the time when he saved Florence and drove out these wild Germans that already the conspiracy for his death was at hand. So Honorius, in his jealousy and suspicion, had Stilicho the Vandal assassinated. He came back to report to the emperor in Rome that he had saved the country and was stabbed to death. When Alaric heard it he turned around and went back and with no Stilicho to stop him Alaric invaded Italy with the Visigoths. The emperor Honorius hid himself while Alaric marched in and took Rome. For five days the city was sacked and after it was over there wasn’t much left. This was the beginning of the end of the old Roman empire. So between the participle and the prepositional phrase — “wounded as unto death,” we have a nation bleeding to death.

The Visigoths, under their king Alaric, decided to take all of their plunder and go to Africa by way of Sicily, but he died on his way. He was succeeded by his brother Adolf who married the sister of the emperor Honorius who was still hiding. He then went over to Spain which was held by the Vandals and conquered it. There he set up a famous Gothic kingdom. Many of the Spaniards of today are Germanic, descended from the Goths. The Gothic kingdom lasted for three hundred years until it was finally overrun by Islam, but until that time a very stable government existed when the rest of the world was going mad. Meanwhile two other German tribes, the Bergundians and the Franks broke into the continental empire, while the Angles, the Saxons, and the Jutes, entered England in 408 when the Roman legions were withdrawing. Other races began to break through the barriers of the empire who were not even Germans. So great was the Hun invasion that Rome had to assemble an army of Visigoths, Franks and Bergundians. There were no Romans left to fight, they were too decadent. They faced the famous Hun leader who came in at this time called Attila and the two armies met in 451. It was called the battle of the nations. Aetus, the Roman commander, was German. He had spent his youth among the Huns and he knew how to fight Attila. He was successful in that great battle. While Attila was defeated he began to move east but decided to move south toward Rome. In the meantime the army of Aetus was on the other side of him. He retreated toward Rome.

At this time a lot of myths were established. Pope Leo I went to Attila’s camp and persuaded him to move on. That was the great story but there is no truth in it at all. The empire was bleeding to death and Leo didn’t have any influence on Attila at all. The real true story is that Attila was now approximately eighty years old and he found a beautiful young girl who was about his 55th wife, and on the night of the honeymoon, as it proceeded, he died of a heart attack.

The perfect passive participle of sfazw indicates that Rome began to bleed internally around 410 but did not terminate until 476. It took 66 years for the empire to die. It generally takes about two generations once the bleeding becomes serious.

Now Aetus who had saved the Roman empire from Attila was assassinated by the Roman emperor Valentinian III who was now on the throne in Rome. Valentinian was just a petty, jealous, arrogant, decadent Roman person and he in turn was murdered by a senator named Maximus whose wife he had raped. Valentinian said: “I am the emperor. All women must worship me, send your wife in here.” When Maximus got back in town and found out about it he just went and killed the emperor. Maximus then seized the throne and compelled Eudocia, the widow of Valentinian, to become his Queen. Eudocia got her revenge by hiring one of the German generals just back from the war to come and rescue her. The Vandals then came in and captured Rome and killed Maximus. After the Vandal raid they took all of the great wealth that was accumulated but not moved by the Goths and they decided to take it back to their headquarters in North Africa. On the way over a fleet of some seventy ships got caught in a Mediterranean storm and the wealth of the ancient world is somewhere at the bottom of the Mediterranean between Sicily and Hippo in Carthage.

After the Vandal raid the power of Italy fell to another German general who had just come back with his divisions, Count Ricimer. Then another German general came back after him and said no, I am the ruler, so he killed Ricimer and put his son, Romulus Augustus the Little on the throne. However, he was murdered by Odovacar and Romulus Augustus the Little, who was just a little boy, was pensioned off by Odovacar. Odovacar then came to power and decided that he would rule them but that he would not be emperor, there would be no more emperors. On the day that Romulus Augustus the Little was pensioned off that was officially the end of the empire. No one ever again took the title of emperor though Odovacar tried to reconcile his Roman and German subjects and build up a new nation.

Meanwhile the death of Attila had liberated the Ostragoths or the east Goths who now invaded the empire. They had a genius king by the name of Theodoric who defeated Odovacar and established a Gothic kingdom in Italy. So there was a Gothic kingdom in Spain, a Gothic kingdom in Italy, the Goths who were originally German barbarians became much more civilised than the Romans and without their degeneracy. They were non-degenerate and therefore for awhile there was a very pleasant place to live in Italy and in Spain and even in southern France. Theodoric the Goth caused everyone to live in harmony and eventually the Visigoths moved out of Italy and the Lombards moved in and the darkness began to cover that land which had once been the home of the greatest empire of all time probably, even to this day. From 476 onward in history there was no longer a Roman empire. The Teutonic peoples of western Europe began to struggle and this culminated in the rise of the Frankish empire for which France is named. The Franks were German, not French. The Frankish empire included what is now Germany and France and it reached its peak under Charlemagne who became the ruler of the next Gentile client nation to God.

Other dates of interest deal with the roots of SPQR but not the official end of the empire: the coronation of Charlemagne in 800, the fall of Constantinople to the Ottoman Turks in 1453, and finally, Napoleon after the famous Battle of Austerlitze caused Francis II who was the emperor of Austria to declare the holy Roman empire officially dead, though it never was holy, it never was Roman, and it really never was an empire.

We are going to make a distinction between the historical Roman empire of the past and the prophetical Roman empire of the future in the Tribulation. We will give the historical Roman empire a beginning date of BC 31 with the reign of Augustus and terminating in 476 AD with the dethronement of Romulus Augustus the Little. That we will call the historical Roman empire for from where we stand it is past history. At the time that John wrote its greatest glories were ahead. Then we note the prophetical Roman empire which begins with the Tribulation, the rise of the Roman dictator of Revelation 13:1-10, and terminating with his judgment at the second advent — Revelation 19:20. We have seen both from Daniel and from Revelation how the Roman empire started and how it fell, and then how we have the rise of the prophetical empire, the one in the future.

We notice next in Revelation 13:3 the connective conjunction kai emphasising a noteworthy fact and translated “nevertheless.” “Then I saw one of his heads as it had been wounded to the point of death, nevertheless.” Then we have the statement of the fall of the historical Roman empire: “nevertheless,” and then we have a nominative singular subject from plhgh, meaning a blow, a blow which causes death. With it we have a descriptive genitive from qanatoj, meaning death, and then the inevitable possessive genitive of a)utoj, “his” or “its” death. We will translate it, “nevertheless his mortal wound,” even though it means literally, “his death stroke.” It is simply an idiom meaning “his mortal wound,” that is, the destruction of the historical Roman empire in 476.

Then we have the aorist passive indicative of the verb qerapeuw which means to heal. “Nevertheless his mortal wound [his death stroke in 476] was healed.” That is the revived Roman empire in the Tribulation. 476 is when he died; 410 is when the internal bleeding began. By 476 the Roman empire was destroyed and the Teutonic struggle for western Europe began. All of this is in the Church Age. There have been attempts to revive the Roman concept. Mussolini tried it in our century. Even Napoleon tried it in his day and he named his son by the Austrian princes the King of Rome. But there is no Roman empire and we move on to today and the resurrection or the Rapture could occur today, tomorrow, or a thousand years from now. No man knows the day or the hour when the Rapture is going to occur, but when it does there will be no longer any client nations to God. We have one of the great disaster periods of history, Daniel’s seventieth week, which we call the Tribulation. The resurrection of the Church means the end of client nations to God but not the end of nations or spheres of influence or power blocs. One of the great power blocs at the start, the ten-nation confederation, eventuating in the middle of the Tribulation in being a seven-nation confederation ruled by the dictator, is the prophetic Roman empire. It will be very much like the old Roman empire with three ingredients: a system of government ruled by a dictator; a system of ecumenical religion; there will be believers in that empire in the future. And so we have the healing. The healing takes place in the Tribulation, it is the revival of the old Roman empire.

The constative aorist tense contemplates the action of the verb in its entirety: the revival of the prophetic Roman empire in the Tribulation. The passive voice: the prophetic Roman empire receives the action of the verb. The indicative mood is declarative for the future reality of the revival of SPQR in the Tribulation, “nevertheless his mortal wound [the destruction of the Roman empire in 476] was healed.” This is the revival of the prophetic Roman empire.

There is a more expanded concept found in Daniel 9:24-27. Remember the principle that comes out of this: All nations destroy themselves by the volition of the people in that nation.

Verse 24, reference to the restoration of Israel as it relates to this Roman empire. “Four hundred and ninety years have been decreed for your people [Israel].” Israel has in history two separate periods of four hundred and ninety years and in between we have the seventy years of the Babylonian captivity because the Jews in the first 490 years of their history as a land refused to observe their Sabbatical years, so God gave them their Sabbatical years all at one time, 70 of them in slavery. After the termination of the 5th cycle of discipline in BC 516 and the completion of the walls of Jerusalem in 445 the Jews have 490 more years. The Bible must be interpreted in the time in which it was written, hence these are 490 lunar years, not calendar years as we know them today. A lunar year has 360 days. 516 BC is the year that the temple was completed under the ministry of Zerubbabel and Joshua the high priest and under the prophetic ministry of Haggai and Zechariah.

“and your holy city [Jerusalem],” a reference to BC 445 when Nehemiah returned to rebuild the walls. 586 BC was when the 5th cycle of discipline was administered by Nebuchadnezzar and the Chaldeans. Fifty years later in BC 536 we have the remnant returning to build the temple. In 516 the temple was completed. In 458 Ezra returned because they still didn’t understand that you have to have doctrine to go with it, and he taught Bible doctrine. In 445 Nehemiah returned to rebuild the walls because Jerusalem needed protection. In 445 when the walls were rebuilt is the time when the clock starts for the second 490 years.

Seventy years of captivity ended in 516 but that did not begin their time factor because first of all they had to have doctrine and they had to have a military establishment before they could be a nation again — the two necessary ingredients for the establishment of a nation, and you must have both of them. Under the ministry of Zechariah, Haggai, Ezra, Nehemiah, they finally got into gear and once the walls were completed and Nehemiah had organised their military system then time began again. But that second 490 years stopped at the cross and fifty days later the Church Age, the dispensation of the royal family of God, began with our Lord’s resurrection, ascension and session. But the Age of Israel stopped at 483 years and those last 7 years will be picked up in the Tribulation after the Church is removed. God never mixes Israel and the Church. Israel can come into the Church by personal faith in Jesus Christ.

Verse 24 continues with six items which will be accomplished by God at the end of the second 490 years. The last seven years of the Jewish Age is terminated with the second advent of Christ. The first 490 years was terminated with the fall of Jerusalem and the administration of the fifth cycle of discipline; the last 490 terminates with the second advent of Christ, and when He returns He is going to do six things:

a. He is going to finish the transgression, the second advent termination of the fifth cycle of discipline of client nation Israel. He will finish their punishment.

b. He will make an end to sin — the baptism of fire which eliminates Jewish unbelievers of the Tribulation from participating in the blessings of the Millennium.

c. He will make a propitiatory covering over iniquity — the regathering of believing Jews at the second advent to become the client nation to God in the Millennium. This is taught in Isaiah 5:26,30; 10:19-23; 11:11-16; 14:1-3; Joel 2:15ff; Zechariah 10:6-12. This regathering terminates the fifth cycle of discipline for Israel.

d. To bring in everlasting righteousness — the resurrection of the Old Testament believers and the Tribulational martyrs at the second advent.

e. To seal up the vision and the prophecy — this is when we have the fulfilment of the unconditional covenants to Israel.

f. To anoint the holy of holies — the dedication of the Millennial temple. The modus operandi of the Millennial temple is described in Ezekiel chapters 40-48. All six of these items are fulfilled at the second advent of Christ and are a part of our Lord’s tactical victory.

The question arises: How does this passage relate to what we are studying in Revelation 13:3? This is found in verses 25 and 26.


Daniel 9:25, the chronology between the administrations of the fifth cycle of discipline. This is the prophecy of the period between BC 445 and AD 30.

 In 536 BC Cyrus the Great decreed the return of the remnant to rebuild the temple — Ezra chapter one. In BC 516 the temple is completed. In 458 BC the decree of Artaxerxes caused the return of Ezra and the great doctrinal revival recorded in Ezra chapter seven. In BC 445 the decree of Artaxerxes caused the return of the military genius Nehemiah to build the walls, Nehemiah 2:1-3, and in 445 the time clock again begins. Israel is now once again a client nation to God.

“Then you must know and understand,” first of all you have to know the doctrine and then you have to apply it. This is addressed primarily to Jews who had to understand the eschatology and make application of it, “that from the issuing of the decree to restore and rebuild Jerusalem until Messiah the Prince [the first advent of Jesus Christ] there will be seven plus sixty-two weeks [483 lunar years, not calendar years],” there is an interval, the Church Age, between the 69th and the 70th week. That brings us to 30 AD, the crucifixion of our Lord.

Continuing in verse 25, “it [Jerusalem] will be built again, with streets [literal streets but referring to commerce, social life, spiritual life, normal business activity] and moat [the military establishment], even in times of distress,” in times of distress people still went to Bible class. There was business as usual.

The first increment of 49 years takes us to BC 396, just four years after the completion of the Old Testament canon. Therefore the first 49 years are separated from the others because in that period of time the canon of scripture was completed and circulated. Malachi was completed around 400 BC.

The two great events at the end of the 483 years are given in verse 26, “Then after the sixty-two weeks,” i.e.. the 49 years and then we have 434 years after that, and that brings us down again to our AD 30, “the Messiah will be cut off and have no one,” the idiom means, but not for Himself. He is to be judged on the cross but not for Himself. This is a reference to the saving work of Christ on the cross, “and the people,” the Romans of the historical Roman empire who will destroy Jerusalem in AD 70 and administer the 5th cycle of discipline, “of the prince who is to come,” they are the people of the prince who is to come, and that is what we have been studying, the dictator of the revived Roman empire of the Tribulation. Now, “the People” is the subject and the verb is “will destroy the city.” The Roman people will destroy the city, Jerusalem, in AD 70, “and the sanctuary [the temple]. And its end [end of client nation Israel in AD 70] will come with a flood; furthermore to the end [of the Jewish Age, the end of the 490 years] wars and desolations are decreed.”

In AD 30 our Lord was crucified; the Church Age, the dispensation of the royal family, began. During the period of forty years from AD 30 to AD 70 the Jews were to have their last warning, which they ignored. One of the warnings was the gift of tongues. Israel was a client nation to God during the first forty years of the Church Age and their job was to communicate doctrine to the Gentiles. Their warning [Isaiah 28] was that Gentiles would communicate the gospel to the Jews in foreign languages, and the Jews would be evangelised by the gift of tongues which is getting the gospel in a foreign language. From AD 70 to the Rapture of the Church is the period of Gentile client nations to God. There are no client nations in the period we are studying, the Tribulation, the pivot has been removed. With the removal of the pivot and no client nation status all military organisations get out of line. There is no more honour in the military later on in Israel and we start having wars and desolations which will terminate with the Armageddon campaign. The “wars and desolations” of Daniel 9:26 have no more meaning for one simple reason: no client nation to defend, no pivot to defend, until we get down to a principle: Satan at the end of the Tribulation seeks to destroy all Israel and there will arise another Nehemiah, another David, another Joshua, another great general, and that general will be a believer who will get together a military organisation which will be fighting against hopeless odds but will be delivered at the second advent.

Verse 27, “And he” [ the dictator of the revived Roman empire] will make a covenant [or treaty] with the many [a technical word used for Israel in the Tribulation] for one week.” This explains the dictator in the first half of the Tribulation being pro-Semitic. In the middle of the Tribulation he becomes anti-Semitic, “but in the middle of the week [of the Tribulation] he will put a stop to the sacrifice and the food offering,” he has allowed Israel to continue the practice of Judaism as a part of the treaty, “and under the aegis of the abomination [ecumenical religion of the Roman dictator] there comes one who causes desolation [the Roman dictator] until the end [of the Tribulation], then what is decreed shall be poured out on this desolator,” Revelation 19:20.

In the last part of Revelation 13:4 we see the admiration of the masses for the revived Roman empire of the future in the Tribulation. We have the connective conjunction kai, “and,” the nominative feminine singular adjective o(loj, which means here “entire,” and with it the nominative feminine singular subject gh, “the entire earth [world].” Then we have the verb, the aorist passive indicative of qaumazw, which means to be amazed, astonished, to be in total admiration. The culminative aorist tense views the astonishment, the admiration, in its entirety but it regards it from the viewpoint of existing results, the spread of ecumenical religion. The dictator is the religious leader of a world movement (ecumenical religion) in the Tribulation. The passive voice: the entire world receives the action of the verb, minus those who have some doctrine and discernment, and this is our first point: in the Tribulation, as even now, only those who have a maximum amount of doctrine have the ability to discern both the trends of history and to avoid being carried away by super amazement or total admiration. The indicative mood is declarative for the reality of the total admiration of the masses, the people of the world, for ecumenical religion.

Next we have an improper preposition, o)pisw plus the genitive of qhrion, the prepositional phrase is an idiom which means following — “and the entire world was amazed and followed the beast.” It means to follow the beast dictator in their admiration. The entire world was impressed, amazed. This is the second principle: People are impressed by power. The beast dictator of the revived Roman empire certainly impresses the masses. The greatest power in the world is Bible doctrine but these people have rejected Bible doctrine. What impresses them? Political power, but the power that impresses the masses will be destroyed at the second advent of Christ. This means that people should be impressed with truth rather than power. There is more power in doctrine than in all of the political power of the world. However negative volition is impressed with various categories of power rather than Bible doctrine because with Bible doctrine you have to think, you have to apply it in your own life, whereas with political power someone else thinks for you. These people are impressed by this beast dictator because he is a religious leader and a political leader; he thinks for them in the religious area, he thinks for them in the political area. When people are impressed with the truth they follow the Lord through His system and Bible doctrine, but when people are impressed by power they follow some arrogant dictator like the beast dictator of the prophetic and revived Roman empire.

Verse 4, the worship of power in the Tribulation. We have a connective conjunction kai, translated “Furthermore,” followed by the aorist active indicative of proskunew which means to worship. Here we have people worshipping a creature. The first creature they worship is Satan himself who is called the dragon, then they worship the power and the person to whom he gives that power. So they worship an invisible creature to them but they are aware of him and they know him through their residence in the cosmic system.

The principle that we are going to see that is so important is that they worship power in human beings. The problem is that is a misdirection of worship for the true basis for worship must be truth, Bible doctrine. When you worship power instead of truth then you are in trouble.

“Furthermore they worshipped,” the constative aorist tense contemplates the action of the verb in its entirety. The active voice: the masses of people throughout the world who admire the dictator of the revived Roman empire produce the action of the verb, and they do this through ecumenical religion in the last half of the Tribulation. For ecumenical religion gives them the opportunity of, first of all, expressing their worship toward a person they can see, a human being who is the dictator of the revived Roman empire; and the one who gave him power who is a creature they cannot see, Satan as the ruler of this world. First of all they see the power, they learn something about the power, they learn the religious system, and they direct their worship toward the visible and then toward the invisible. That is a sign that they do not have virtue, impersonal love toward all mankind and personal love for God. Why? Because with their very own volition they have rejected truth and have gone positive toward power. Positive volition toward truth is Christianity; negative volition toward truth is religion. Remember that Christianity is not a religion. The indicative mood is declarative for the reality of Satan’s ecumenical religion in the Tribulation.

With this we have the dative singular indirect object from the noun drakwn, transliterated “dragon.” This refers to Satan as the ruler of the world, so in effect this is devil or demon worship which becomes an integral part of ecumenical religion in the last half of the Tribulation, during the time of the eschatology of the devil’s desperation. That is the greatest period of religious activity in all of history. We have seen it as the greatest period of evangelism in history but simultaneously there is the great counterattack, the great evangelism on the part of Satan.

Now religion and Christianity are not the same. Religion has been invented by Satan to counterfeit the plan of God and to fulfil Satan’s objective to be like the Most High God, one of the five objectives he stated in Isaiah in the prehistoric angelic conflict. In Christianity man seeks and finds God through personal faith in Jesus Christ which is, of course, tantamount to God seeking man. In other words, in Christianity God seeks man through Christ; in religion man seeks to gain the approbation of God through his own works. Religion emphasises the evil genius, then, of Satan; Christianity represents the perfect integrity and grace of God.

Since religion is the counterfeit of Christianity the Bible mentions at least nine of these counterfeits which are used to deceive.

1.  Satan has a counterfeit gospel, some system of works, 2 Corinthians 4:3,4.

2.  Satan has counterfeit ministers, 2 Corinthians 11:13-15.

3.  Satan has a counterfeit doctrine, 2 Timothy 4:1.

4.  Satan has a counterfeit communion table, 2 Corinthians 10:19-21.

5.  Satan has a counterfeit righteousness, motivated by arrogance — Matthew 19:16-28.

6.  Satan has a counterfeit spirituality, the legalism mentioned in Galatians 3:2,3.

7.  Satan has a counterfeit modus vivendi, Matthew 23:13-26.

8.  Satan has a counterfeit power, 2 Thessalonians 2:8-10.

9.  Religion has a counterfeit god, 2 Thessalonians 2:3,4.


Ecumenical religion in the Tribulation must have, therefore, its own false teaching. Therefore we note some of the characteristics of these false teachers or false prophets who will exist in a very real way in the future, just as they do today and just as they have in the past.

First of all, false teachers practice hypocrisy from the base of arrogance, gate 1, cosmic 1. They use often a phoney facade of piety, whatever it takes to impress you. If you are impressed by piety they are pious, if you are impressed by zeal they are zealous, if you are impressed by inflexibility they are dogmatic and inflexible with you, though they do not agree. So false teachers practice hypocrisy using a phoney facade — Matthew 7:15; Romans 16:18.

Secondly, false teachers function under human public relations modus operandi. They use the legalism of some form or sometimes the phallic cult, but they use some system to court their victim. They do not evangelise in reality, they court, they give you attention. They do not give you truth, they do not give you doctrine and let the chips fall where they may, they find out what you want to hear and they let you hear it. Legalism is used as a system of courting in Galatians 4:17,18; 2 Timothy 3:5-7.

There are always some people who are really impressed with self-sacrifice, and when you take self-sacrifice to the ultimate this really impresses people. Therefore you find in the 2 Timothy passage, for example, “forbidding to marry”. They are going into the ultimate of asceticism. Asceticism impresses people, and Satan uses asceticism in order to gain converts just as often as he uses the phallic cult.

Thirdly, false teachers appeal to human arrogance and pride by giving you personal attention. People need truth, not personal attention, but religion reverses it and says people want attention, we will give it to them. People need truth, not a friendly organisation. Churches where truth is taught are not designed to be lonely hearts clubs, though you will find some of the greatest friendships in the church where truth is taught for the greatest foundation for rapport among believers is the mutual acceptance of Bible doctrine.

Fourthly, false teachers promote idolatry as the devil’s communion table.

Fifthly, false teachers are the promoters of arrogant self-righteousness and all forms of legalism, 1 Timothy 1:6,7.

Finally, false teachers not only exist in every generation of the Church Age but they intensify their efforts during the Tribulation.

One of Satan’s major objectives is to siphon off worship from God and direct it toward himself, and all religions do this one way or another. Furthermore idolatry in religion becomes the worship of the invisible creatures, the demons themselves, 1 Corinthians 10:20.



The powerful dictator

One of the greatest traps in the world is public opinion. Public opinion is, of course, one of those vacillating things oscillating between approbation and disapprobation, and when people become involved in the cosmic system they become extremely sensitive to what other people think of them. In personal love that is a normal thing but when one wants the approbation of the general public he is trapped. No one was ever more trapped than the man who will live in the future, the dictator we are studying. More than anyone else he is going to lust for the approbation of the public. One of the easiest ways to do this is probably to gain power.

There are many businesses that depend upon public opinion and there are many normal functions in economic life and social life where public opinion and the approbation of the public is a desirable factor. But when you desire it personally and associate it with your own glory then you are really trapped. As a believer in the Lord Jesus Christ you will never be trapped in the sense of the dictator we are studying because his lust for power and his desire for maximum approbation from the public is going to cause him to end up in the lake of fire. This is impossible for the believer but what is very possible when one is involved in cosmic one is the fact that misery is self-induced if we are interested in gaining the approbation of the crowd. Obviously, again, there are certain kinds of businesses and certain kinds of function in life where crowd approbation is involved, but when you want it for yourself and when you associate it with your own personal happiness you can count on it that you will never be happy.

If we were to interview our dictator right now, although prophetically he is not on the scene as yet, we could ask him how it feels to be the most powerful man in the history of the world. This man we are studying reaches the very peak of success in every possible field. He is the epitome of greatness politically in his day, a future day in the Tribulation. He will be great from the standpoint of religion and will be the religious leader of the world. He will receive greater religious approbation than any other human being in all of history. He will also have phenomenal success as a military man, so in at least three professions, and perhaps more, he will reach the peak among his contemporaries in the Tribulational period. He will also have power, influence and approbation that far exceeds anything we know at the present time.

So great and so powerful is this man that he is studied from at least three different viewpoints in the scripture. He is seen as a great military leader in Daniel; he is seen as a great political leader in our passage; he is seen as a person who more than anyone else in history learned the secret of surrendering himself to Satan and gaining more power from Satan than anyone ever had in the past. He has the power to work miracles or to delve into extra natural phenomena and impress people with it — not the ability to impress people by the genius of his own mentality or personality but by the use of extra natural power. We see the same thing in religious realms in cults today where people are impressed with so-called divine healers, or those involved in the tongues movement, or those who appear to have some supernatural experience and to demonstrate some supernatural power. It has been a way of life in other parts of the world such as India and Africa.

2 Thessalonians 2:1, “Moreover, brethren [royal family of God], with reference to the presence of our Lord Jesus Christ [the Rapture of the Church], and our gathering together to him.”

Every now and then we have an appeal made in the scripture on the basis of the application of our eternal future, the resurrection. There is a time coming when all of us will have a permanent body that will serve us magnificently throughout all eternity. Every now and then it is a good idea to take a look ahead and see what is coming up for all of us. We will never spend one second in the lake of fire and there is, therefore, this marvellous future prospect. There is a legitimate anticipation which is a part of happiness. Happiness doesn’t mean that you have to be thoroughly satisfied with your circumstances at the moment. They may be very adverse and therefore you can anticipate better circumstances and better times ahead. That is what is means when it says, “we urge you”. Now we have you in a happy frame of mind, says Paul, and the reason he wants the Thessalonians to be in a happy frame if mind is because the Thessalonians have been suckers for human approbation. They have become involved in cosmic one and they have this lust that they associate with happiness.

Verse 2, “that you be not easily shaken in mind,” the mind should be strong because of doctrine; it should be strong because of the plan of God rationale, “nor disturbed, neither by a personality.” One thing that often bothers people and causes them to be unhappy all the time is personalities in their vicinity. How are you going to keep from being shaken by personalities? By having doctrine in your soul, “nor by an evil policy,” that could be an evil policy in business, or a policy of any category in life, “neither by a false doctrine,” false doctrine, of course, always shakes the mind, “nor by a bad motive,” it is easy to read other people’s motives and therefore to become disturbed, “nor through a forged epistle,” the Thessalonians had received a forged epistle. It did not come from Paul. There was a nearby cult which had sent this out as an epistle from Paul, “as from us, alleging that the day of the Lord had come.” In other words, there were some people who said the day of the Lord had already come. Hard times had come and when things get bad people say, “We are in the Tribulation.” There was a Tribulationist cult and they said they were living in the Tribulation and that the Rapture would not come until the end of the Tribulation, or the middle of the Tribulation. Paul is going to refute this by bringing in our subject: the dictator of the revived Roman empire.

Verse 3, “Do not let anyone deceive you in any way, since the day of the Lord [the Tribulation and second advent] cannot come unless the departure [Rapture of the Church, the resurrection of all royal family] has come first, and [after that Rapture] the man who is lawless [antiestablishment], the one doomed to destruction, shall be revealed.”

It is interesting that Paul would say at the end of verse three that the most powerful man in all of history as a political dictator, as a religious leader, as a military genius, and as a miracle-maker, would be doomed to destruction; but before he is he has to be revealed.

Verse 4, the description of the dictator:  “who opposes [the Lord Jesus Christ. He is anti-Christ] and exalts himself above every so-called god or object of worship, so that he is installed in the temple of God [the Jewish temple of the Tribulation], proclaiming himself to be God.”

Verse 5, “Do you not remember when I was still face to face with you [Paul taught the Thessalonians face to face and then moved on], I constantly taught you these things?” Paul constantly taught the Thessalonian believers eschatology. He repeated again and again.

Verse 6, “And so you know the one [the Holy Spirit] who restrains [Paul taught them the system, gate one: the filling of the Holy Spirit, etc.] … ”

It is God the Holy Spirit who acts as a restrainer on total disaster in history. And how does God the Holy Spirit perform this? He does it by those in the system, the divine dynasphere. Every decision you make within the system: to recover the system through rebound, to live at gate two through the function of the faith-rest drill, to have basic virtue, humility, teachability, to learn daily Bible doctrine, advancing to maturity at gate eight and, therefore, being recruited for the pivot for God the Holy Spirit works through the pivot. There is a restraint on degeneracy, a restraint on evil, but the restraint comes through the formation of the pivot.

“ … so that he [the dictator of the revived Roman empire] may be revealed [in his own dispensation].”

This dictator would probably have come before. Other dictators have made deals with Satan before. There are ways in which people can make a deal with Satan and other people have done it but they have never succeeded as this man succeeds. The reason is because even though it may be very small the very existence of the pivot in this world guarantees a certain restraint upon degeneracy and barbarity in history. It doesn’t mean that certain areas will not be degenerate and barbarous but it does mean that there is not the unrestrained evil that will exist in the Tribulation. The reason is that in every generation there are always just a few who advance to maturity, a few who grow in grace and reach gate eight. Those few act as the restrainer. God the Holy Spirit works through them.

Verse 7, “For the mystery of lawlessness is already operational,” right now we have the mystery of lawlessness. There are people right now in this world who have made a deal with Satan and in whatever area they have chosen they are Satan’s own hand-picked shock troops. They are periodically demon-possessed but, more than that, periodically they are Satan-possessed. There are people right now who have the same power that this future dictator will have but the existence of the pivot acts as a restrainer. Your existence as a mature believer acts as a restrainer in history. There may not be many believers who have reached gate eight in our generation but the ones who have act as a restrainer. Lawlessness is already here but it is in its mystery form, it has not been revealed in its form and cannot be so revealed until the Tribulation, “only he who now restrains [God the Holy Spirit] will continue that ministry through the system until he is taken out of the way.”

When the Rapture of the Church occurs the system goes with it, and gate one as the power system goes with it, and we return to the Old Testament form of the ministry of God the Holy Spirit which is quite different from that today. The Church Age is the only dispensation in which God the Holy Spirit indwells every believer and you can be filled with the Spirit. That never existed before and it will never exist in the Tribulation.

Verse 8, At that time [the Tribulation] the lawless one [the Roman dictator] shall be revealed,” he will go farther with Satan’s power than any human being in history because there is no pivot of mature believers, “whom the Lord shall destroy with the breath of his mouth,” when he is destroyed he is destroyed by, as it were, the least power of God which is greater than any power of a creature. God’s power is infinitely greater than any power that any creature has or any power that any creature possess and delegates or bestows on another, “in fact he shall neutralise him by the very appearance of his coming [the second advent];

Verse 9, “whose presence [the dictator] in history shall be according to the modus operandi of Satan [Satan gives him his power], with all power,” Satan has never been able to delegate such great power and have it turn out successfully for him. That is because of the pivot. The very moment the Rapture takes place there are no believers left on the earth, and with no believers you have no pivot. That means unrestrained evil for the first time in history and that is when this man who made a deal with Satan is brought by Satan to the forefront. He becomes the great dictator “and by means of miracles.” Why miracles? Because when it comes to seeing a miracle that is where you get the masses and approbation from the crowd. That is exactly what this man did. While he has all of these great abilities in all of these realms it is the miracle that does it; “even wonder of miracles of the lie,” Satan has miracle ability and he gives this power to this one man.

Verse 10, “and by means of all deception of unrighteousness to those who are being led astray,” if you are negative toward the truth you are a sucker for a miracle. If you reject Bible doctrine then you are open for a life of unhappiness self-made, “deprived, destroyed, because they do not receive the love of the truth,” there is the issue: Bible doctrine. If you reject the truth you are never going to have happiness in life, “in order that they might be delivered,” they have rejected truth by which they might be delivered from this delusion.

Verse 11, “And so for this reason God sends them the modus operandi of delusion and error, a deluding influence, so that they believe the lie [the miracle],

Verse 12 — “in order that they all might be condemned because they do not believe the doctrine, because they have taken pleasure in unrighteousness.” What kind of unrighteousness? The lie.

Verse 13, “But we are always obligated to give thanks to God concerning you,” there is a pivot of mature believers in Thessalonica, royal family, “having been loved by the Lord, because God has elected you [royal family] from eternity past to salvation by means of sanctification from the Spirit [the system] and by means of belief in doctrine.”

This gives us a little profile of the person we are studying and we are ready for Revelation 13:4 again. “Furthermore they worshipped the dragon [Satan] because he gave absolute power [and authority] to the beast [the dictator of the revived Roman empire].”

Why did they worship the beast? O(ti, the word “because,” “he [Satan] gave,” aorist active indicative of didomi. Satan can only give power to someone who has gone through a complete system of discipleship to him, someone who has achieved more in the cosmic system than anyone before him, a totally evil human being. That is exactly what we have, “because he [Satan] gave.” The constative aorist tense contemplates the action of the verb in its entirety. The dictator of the revived Roman empire, this genius, receives something from Satan. At a time when there is not restraint he receives the power to perform these miracles.

The dictator of the revived Roman empire of the Tribulation receives two things and they are all gathered into one, the accusative singular direct object from ecousia, which means both power and authority, but here it combines them, “because he gave absolute power to the beast.” The active voice: Satan produces the action of the verb in giving authority and power to this dictator. The indicative mood is declarative for the future reality of this beast dictator receiving authority and great power from Satan. Then we have the dative singular indirect object from qhrion, the beast [dictator].

Note that the beast dictator of the revived Roman empire of the Tribulation is a political ruler over the prophetic Roman empire and he is a religious leader over ecumenical religion in the Tribulation. Behind all religion Satan lurks as the source of religion and the object of worship in religion. Furthermore religion produces every category of violence in warfare.

There is nothing worse than any member of the human race being worshipped by other members of the human race. It means two things: firstly, those who do the worshipping are arrogant and have no capacity for life or love or happiness or blessing; secondly, the one who receives this abnormal adulation is also very arrogant and has no capacity for life, for love, for happiness or blessing. But more than the fact that a group of people worship some man is the fact that it has an adverse effect historically and it is always the development of a hurricane, a great tragedy, a great disaster in history. As we study the great dictator of the revived Roman empire in the Tribulation we note the great unhappiness of this man, the terrible end of this man. We have seen that he was a genius in four different fields and more than any person who ever lives Satan could use this man. He sold out to Satan at a time when there was no restraint on the activity of Satan’s man. He became Satan’s man in the Tribulation when all restraint had been removed and he became the leader of ecumenical religion.

Once you get into religion it is inevitable that you are going to get into the worship of some human being. No human being is worthy of worship. Respect, love, appreciation, friendship, but not worship. So we have the adjunctive use of the conjunction kai, “also,” followed by the aorist active indicative of the verb proskunew, “also they worshipped.” The aorist tense is a constative aorist, it contemplates the action of the verb in its entirety, it actually suggests there is a pattern: people who worship a person do so from the arrogance of their souls. They find that they cannot compete with the power of the dictator so they succumb to it emotionally and they worship the dictator as a part of the modus operandi of ecumenical religion. The word we are using for worship here is the word for the worship of God, which is legitimate and normal for those who have Bible doctrine, but this does not mean that we should worship man. Idolatry was the means worshipping Satan in the past, and still is. Satan, like God, is invisible. Satan is a creature; God is the creator.

Once a person gets into Satan worship there are no restraints inside that person’s own soul. They become very emotional and they think the most important thing in life is to be happy, to have a good time. This is anything but innocent when they get into such things as the phallic cult. That is exactly what happens in this case and it is all linked up to religion which makes it legitimate. It makes it a part of worship and sooner or later, once idolatry and Satan worship begins in any form, it is inevitable that people look for a person of power to worship — a phenomenon that occurs in the Tribulation. It is a phenomenon that brings great disaster to people — crime, for example.

This ecumenical religious system will spawn the greatest violence of all time in the history of the world. This dictator is called “the beast” because he is under the control of the ruler of this world, Satan, and has absolutely no restraint of any kind because of compassion. In the Tribulation there is no normal compassion in life, people do not feel sorry for people unless they are believers with Bible doctrine. There is no client nation in the Tribulation, there is a very small pivot because it is constantly being martyred by the beast dictator. Therefore restraints that we have today will not exist and that means an outbreak of violence such as the world has never seen. The only protection comes from this beast dictator. People respect his power, get under his organisation, have an ID card, so that they are in some measure at least for part of the Tribulation protected from this violence.  

This aorist tense suggests a process whereby Satan finally gets a religion that sets aside every standard of category #1 truth, the laws of divine establishment. Violence is the order of the day and there is no compassion, and there is no kindness to strangers. The aorist tense also explains the idol or the statue of the dictator, called the abomination of desolation. The active voice: those involved in the ecumenical religion of the Tribulation will engage in idolatry of worshipping the statue of this dictator. This dictator can only be in one place in one time so people worship a statue of him. So we combine worshipping man with worshipping fallen angels all in one category of religion. The indicative mood is declarative for the historical reality of this situation. The dative singular indirect object of qhrion follows, and again we have the word “beast” referring to a human being — “they also worshipped the beast dictator.”

Principle: This is a trend which has existed to a limited extent since the beginning of human history, and what it really amounts to is not so much man worshipping man as man worshipping power and the person who has that power. It is tantamount to a worship of power and worship of power always goes with arrogance. Those who worship power will never appreciate freedom. Their whole life is characterised by false motivation. They are ambitious for more power, they want to succeed in some field, they want approbation. Once a person begins to worship power they desire approbation: the two go together.

The rationale of ecumenical religion is given very briefly in one phrase. We have the present active participle of legw. Legw means to speak but legw also means to reveal logoj. Logoj means thought and so they are speaking their thoughts. This could even be translated “to think,” “and they thought.” They are now expressing thought. This is a present active participle. The circumstantial participle is translated by the finite verb and preceded by the conjunction “and.” This is a legitimate into-English translation of the circumstantial participle. The futuristic present tense denotes an event which has not yet occurred but is regarded as so certain that in thought it is contemplated as already occurring. This is something that will be thought in the future. The active voice: the religious disciples of Satan’s ecumenical religious system produce this action.

Then we have the interrogative pronoun tij which introduces the first of several admiring questions, “who.” The ellipsis demands the verb to be. When people are thinking they do not necessarily think in full and complete sentences, so we have “who is,” and then the comparative adverb o(moioj. They are making comparisons, and this is important because truth comes in absolute form. Truth is not relative. The application of truth is only relative because we apply doctrine to different situations. The different situations are relative but the truth is absolute. Here we note immediately, by o(moioj, “Who is like,” that this is a relative thing, this is a matter of comparison, “who can compare with.” They said, “who is like,” and as soon as they put the word “like” in they are showing that they cannot think in terms of absolutes. If all a person can do is think in terms of relative concepts they have no happiness, no truth, no stability, no life, no capacity for anything. A soul must have absolute norms and standards from absolute truth to have capacity for love, life, and happiness.

“And they said, Who is like,” and then the dative of comparison, qhrion, “who is like the beast?” This is the expression of their thinking while they are worshipping. People are impressed with power and people who are impressed with power will never be impressed with freedom and will never have capacity for happiness or life. And when power becomes religion then you are dealing with evil. When power becomes religion also there are multitudes of converts and Satan’s whole system of false doctrine is always in terms of relatives. He gains his converts through miracles and people who are impressed with miracles are always a sucker for this system. So it boils down to this: when people do not have truth or doctrine they are impressed with the wrong thing.

Then it goes on to ask a second question. The connective kai tells us that this is the second one. We have the interrogative pronoun tij again, “and who.” This shows what they are worshipping, “who is able,” the present active indicative of dunamai. Their whole life is saying, “Who is able?” In other words, who at this moment can do the most for us?

Now what are they worshipping? The negative volition population are obviously kow-towing to someone. The question comes up and it is completed in the aorist active infinitive of verb polemew which means to make war, to fight. So we translate it: “Who is able to fight against him?” And “against him” is meta plus the genitive of the intensive pronoun a)utoj. There is a declaration of power. The dramatic aorist of polemew is for a state which has just been realised. It is an idiom which is used as a device for emphasis. The active voice describes the subject as producing the action of the verb or representing the state expressed in the verbal idea, and we have a conceived result in this second question. “Who is able to fight against him?” These two questions may be the liturgy for the ecumenical religion which is nothing more than a demon cult.

“They worshipped the dragon because he gave absolute power to the beast dictator: they also worshipped the dictator, and they thought, Who is like the beast? who is able to fight against him.”

There is, of course, in this type of liturgy a fear. Religion inspires fear; doctrine inspires honour, integrity, virtue, good motivation, a sense of destiny, control of one’s life and thousands of decisions made from a position of strength. Remember, the great temptation that Satan offered Christ, the kingdoms of this world in Matthew 4:8,9 — “The devil took him to a very high mountain, and showed him all the kingdoms of this world, and their glory [glamour]; and he said to him, ‘All these things will I give to you, if you will fall down and worship me’.”

Satan has always had this power. He has only offered this much power, all the kingdoms of the world, twice. He offered it to Christ when He was on earth and he will offer it in the future to this great dictator. What our Lord rejected this dictator of the revived Roman empire will accept, and through the medium of the beast dictator Satan becomes the object of worship in ecumenical religion of the Tribulation. This dictator is Satan’s puppet to simulate the devil’s arrogance, worship and admiration from the masses.

The passage we are studying forms a kind of composite of all of the dictators of all time. We have seen in this great dictator of the future, the dictator of the revived Roman empire, all of those characteristics which are related to his total dedication to Satan, Satan’s system, and everything that he expected to get from it. As we go along we see the various functions of power which come from his dictatorship, his religious power, for example; he is the ruler of ecumenical religion in the Tribulation. One of the things that has limited the power of some of the great dictators in our own day has been their antagonism toward religion as we know it. Hitler, for example, even though he was demon-possessed, was very anti-religious. The same thing could be said for Joe Stalin and all of the rulers in the Russian communist empire. One of the many self-limiting systems of power with many of these dictators is the fact that they have not explored the possibility of controlling people through religion, for religion is designed to do exactly that. Dictators generally, in our day at least, emphasise the political power and as a result they often lose opportunities for greater enslavement and control of people. We have, for example, Mussolini and his whole concept was to revive the glories of Rome. In so doing he inspired the Italian people to things that ordinarily they would not have accomplished. He did. of course, clean up Italy in a most remarkable way but his problem was that he used culture as the system for gaining power. He was out of his league when he hooked up with Adolf Hitler because Hitler knew how to control Mussolini through political power and the use of the military. As a result Mussolini lost out as a dictator.

There never has been in history and there never will be anyone comparable to the dictator we are studying because he combines everything. Some dictators use the economic approach, some the cultural approach, some the military approach, some the political approach and some the religious approach. But like most people in the day in which we live when people have a tendency to major in some specific area, or to emphasise only one aspect of a situation and become an expert in a limited field, these dictators all miss something. The other factor is, as we noted in 2 Thessalonians chapter two, these dictators are all under some restraint. In the Church Age we have a pivot. It may be small, it may be large, but whether it is small or large it does act as something of a restrainer. The pivot will be removed, of course, at the Rapture of the Church so that all restraint is removed.

But the biggest problem with dictators throughout history is that they have a tendency to see only one side of a situation in the acquiring of power. All of the leaders in Islam, for example, emphasise religion almost to the exclusion of everything else. It is very difficult, and this is true of people in general, to see all sides of a situation or to develop a balanced concept of a situation. Many of the dictators and people who have the tyrant power and absolute rulership are often quite on the stupid side and there is some system that is carrying them or they have majored in one area and know it well. We are looking in our passage at the total dictator. There have been men who have had dictatorial powers in the past who were men of genius and the men of genius are the ones who come the closest to really understanding all aspect of what it is to be a dictator. For example, Frederick the Great of Prussia probably more than anyone else was a man of great genius, but he also had the composite concept. A dictatorship is not necessarily a bad thing provided it is related to virtue, honour and integrity; but when it is related to the cosmic system then it becomes a great power for evil. Only humility uses power and authority properly.

In verse 5 we note the arrogance and the power of the dictator of the revived Roman empire in the Tribulation. We have a new type of power coming up. We have seen his political power, we have seen his religious power, we have seen his power to grab the masses through miracles. Now we are going to see another aspect of his power in this passage and we are also going to see his failure to use his authority properly because of arrogance. Satan is the greatest genius creature that ever lived and yet with all of his genius he was never able to use authority properly. Arrogance destroys the proper use of authority.

We have the connective kai emphasising a fact as surprising and unexpected, translated here “Furthermore.” Next we have the aorist passive indicative of the verb didomi, which means to give or to delegate. The constative aorist tense contemplates the action of the verb in its entirety, hence a fact or action extended over the last half of the Tribulation, the time of the devil’s desperation. The passive voice: the Roman dictator of the prophetical Roman empire receives the action of the verb. This is a declarative indicative representing the verbal action from the viewpoint of eschatological reality. With this is a dative singular indirect object from the intensive pronoun, used as a personal pronoun, a)utoj, “to him.” Satan gives to the dictator this great power. This man has power in all of these areas and they are all brought together under something that is absolutely necessary in order to gain and control and keep all of this power together, and this is the ability to communicate. Some people are always promoted beyond their ability to handle the power because their capacity for power is limited by their ability to communicate. One of the most important things in the world are not the communications systems that we have established in this age of scientific miracles but the ability of the human being to communicate. We are talking now about the basis of life itself, the ability to communicate. The individual, if he is going to utilise power properly, must have the ability to communicate and to be understood. And that means that first of all he must have the ability to think. One’s communication can never exceed one’s thinking for communication expresses your thoughts through your mouth. You can take all kinds of courses in public speaking but you will never advance in most of the areas of life unless you have the ability to communicate lucidly what you think.

Communication is used for many things. Our dictator whom we are studying uses communication to sell himself. That is his job: to make himself appealing to the maximum number of people with different views of life.

We have then accusative singular direct object from the noun stoma, “mouth.” People have been great in many fields of public life simply because they had great speaking ability and were able to form thoughts and were able to communicate those thoughts. This man would never have been a success if he had not learned to communicate his ideas. His ideas were evil but, after all, he is dealing with the devil, the origin of evil. Apparently he did not have the ability to communicate at first but the devil gave him this ability because he is representing Satan himself — “Furthermore there was given to him [the dictator of the revived Roman empire] a mouth,” eloquence. He is said in the present active participle of lalew to communicate, he is speaking. Unfortunately, what follows indicates that he was on the evil side of the fence. The pictorial present tense depicts a future event in the process of occurrence. The active voice: the dictator who has greater power for evil than any human being almost who has ever lived produces the action of the verb. The participle is circumstantial.

With it we have the accusative direct object made up of several words. The first is an adjective used as a noun, megaj, meaning arrogant words here. Arrogant words express an arrogant mind. We are talking about evil and systems of evil, and when these are presented then you have the whole story. Arrogant words are not necessarily bragging about yourself; arrogant words are the statements of principles that are false. And why are they arrogant words? Because this man speaks what is false. He gives false principles but he gives them eloquently and persuasively. They sound good because he is such a great speaker.

Then we have another word. Evil comes in many forms and blasphemy is always any statement made about God. We have the conjunction kai and the accusative plural direct object from blasqemia, “and blasphemies,” speaking against God. Megaj refers to speaking that which is wrong, giving that which is false about human life; blasfemia is giving that which is false about God. Anyone who is going to be a dictator has to sell himself to a maximum number of people. He has to have the ability to speak and to express thoughts and to communicate evil in a persuasive way. That is what we have at this point: the dictator speaking in the power and the arrogance of the cosmic system with its demon influence and demon possession offers the world a man-made Millennium if the world will simply turn to Satan. But neither the genius of Satan nor the combined efforts of man can duplicate the perfect environment of the coming Millennial reign of Christ.

It is fascinating that if any man can stand up and offer perfect environment people will vote for him. It is an offer that the ruler of this world can fulfil on a limited basis and so people always buy it, but when the Word of God and its magnificent eschatology says that in the future there will be one thousand years of perfect environment born again theologians in many denominations reject it. People who have the ability to understand it reject it.

So here is an arrogant eloquence, a dynamic person, communicating the doctrines of Satan as per 1 Timothy 4:1, “But that same [Holy] Spirit explicitly communicates [reports] that in letter periods of time [the time between the first and the second advents] some [believers] will become apostate [depart from the doctrine], paying attention to deceitful spirits and concentrating on doctrine from demons,” doctrines of demons will be communicated in the Tribulation through such demon-possessed and demon-influenced personalities as the dictator of the revived Roman empire and the dictator of Israel.

The general summary of this dictator’s message is found in Daniel 7:25 — “And he will speak false doctrine against the Most High God and he will oppress the saints of the Highest One [believers in the Tribulation]; furthermore, he will try to change the times and the law; and they [believers] will be under his power for three and a half years [the time of the eschatology of the devil’s desperation].”

The modus operandi of this dictator is patterned after the various gates of the cosmic system. His converts will live and degenerate in the cosmic system.

            We now note the power of the dictator in the second half of verse 5. We start out with a connective conjunction kai, meaning “and,” followed by the aorist passive indicative of the verb didomi which means to give or bestow, sometimes it even means to delegate, “and there was given.” The aorist tense is a constative aorist, it contemplates the action of the verb in its entirety. It takes the last half of the Tribulation and gathers it up into a single whole. The passive voice: the dictator of the revived Roman empire of the Tribulation receives the action of the verb from the power of Satan as the ruler of this world. The indicative mood is declarative for a future reality of the authority of the Roman dictator.

Next we have e)cousia again, the accusative singular direct object. It means really in this passage absolute power. With this we have the aorist active infinitive of poiew which means here to function. He was given power or authority to function. The culminative aorist tense views the function of this dictator in its entirety but regards it from the viewpoint of existing results, the evangelism for Satan which occurs in the last half of the Tribulation. With this we have an active voice in which the dictator produces the action and the infinitive is intended result, the fulfilment of a deliberate objective, therefore the blending of purpose and result, “and there was given to him authority to function,” and then the time is given as forty-two months, the last three and a half years of the Tribulation.

At this point there is a fantastic principle hidden away in this phrase. This man is a genius and he surrenders himself in such a way to Satan as to have the greatest power of anyone of any dictatorship that ever existed. He combines military genius, political genius, and with this in a most unusual way a religious genius, and in these three categories he manages to accumulate fantastic power, not only over the ten-nation confederation of the revived Roman empire but at the same time a great portion of the population of the earth, through ecumenical religion. The reason for this is given in the fourth part of his profile which has to do with his ability to perform miracles. As we have seen miracles appeal to emotion and a large portion of the world at any time in history is always very emotional, and therefore very up or very down because instead of being rational, instead of looking at history from the viewpoint of Bible doctrine people look at it from the standpoint of emotion. People respond to their circumstances. Whether they are local circumstances or whether it is world history they respond emotionally unless they have doctrine to do otherwise. This man’s genius gives him the power to rule, the power to control, but that doesn’t make him popular. What makes him popular is the emotional approach, and we have his power to perform miracles. We have also noted a fifth category and that is the power of communication, eloquence in public speaking which is a part of his public image.

But with all of this power, with all of this ability, with all of this talent, like so many people before him there is always an absolute truth that captures him. That absolute truth comes in relative increments; that absolute truth is time. Time limitation is the sixth and final part of the profile of this great dictator. There is a time limitation on human power. Human power is terminated by that absolute doctrine called death, and all of the great dictators with all of their ability, with the tremendous use or abuse of their power, have finally been overtaken by time. There is a time limitation on any form of human power or human success or human greatness. The time limitation on human power can be one of two things: death or some form of divine judgment apart from death. This dictator, like all of the great dictators of the past, is going to lose out because of time. That is mentioned at the end of the verse. And so that last phrase, “to function for forty-two months” refers to the time limit.

Translation of verse 5 — “Furthermore there was given to him [the Gentile dictator of the revived Roman empire of the Tribulation] a mouth [eloquence] speaking arrogant doctrines and blasphemies; also there was given to him authority to function forty-two months [the last three and a half years of the Tribulation].”

  Principle: Those who reject or divorce themselves from truth seek arrogance. They may speak arrogance with power, they may speak arrogance from degeneracy, but the content of their speech is inevitably arrogance. Arrogance, of course, is motivating evil as well as functional evil. Life in the cosmic system is always divorced from the truth. That is why we are constantly warned as believers to rebound, to name our sins, to function under the privacy of our priesthood, to recover the divine system and to function in the divine dynasphere.

Without truth there is not a way to have a relationship with God. Truth must be a part of our thinking. It is truth by which we are saved, it is truth by which we must live, it is Bible doctrine which we must use to make daily application to life. Truth is the greatest antidote to the Satanic system, to his genius for lies and, as far as evil is concerned, to avoid it. Without truth we have no place to go, no understanding of the present, no hope for the future and no way to profit from the past. In other words, without truth [Bible doctrine] we are nothing. Only truth in three categories can make life meaningful and wonderful and give us the capacity for happiness.

That brings us now to verses 6-8 where we see the policy of this dictator. We begin by noting the anti-Christ policy in verse 6. This dictator is now seen as the Antichrist.

We begin as usual with the connective conjunction kai, followed by the aorist active indicative of a)noigw which means to open, “And he opened.” With it is the accusative singular direct object of stoma, “And he opened his mouth.” We have just seen under the fifth part of his profile that he has tremendous public speaking ability. Now he is going to use it. The aorist tense is a constative aorist, it contemplates the action of the verb in its entirety, the hundreds of speeches that this man made in a short time by which he was able to superimpose his thinking, his policy, his politics, his religion, his blasphemous concepts on the people of the world. He will have a world-wide public speaking ministry. The active voice: the dictator of the revived Roman empire produces the action of the verb. The indicative mood is declarative representing the verbal idea from the viewpoint of reality.

The purpose of it all is given in a prepositional phrase: e)ij plus the noun blasfemia. Blasphemies has a very definite connotation. Blasfemia means first of all to malign your neighbour, to run down someone you can’t stand. It means that you are arrogant: the subject is always arrogant, always vain, and he functions at gate one of cosmic one. That means he has arrogance or jealously. People run down other people, they malign and judge, because they are jealous, because they are not getting enough attention, not being recognised often enough. They are hypersensitive, they are bitter because of some frustration, they have not received the perpetuation of attention and love that they think they deserve. They are vindictive or implacable or full of self-pity. Whatever the reason may be blasfemia means to malign the object of antagonism. When one is preoccupied with himself, living of course inside of cosmic one, and does not receive the attention he thinks he deserves, the alternative is very simple: malign, judge, run down, seek revenge, destroy the object of hatred in any possible way.

Sometimes it is directed toward a group of individuals, the “I’ll show you” attitude, and one’s life becomes motivated just to prove to that group how stupid they were not to accept you and give you proper recognition and honour. It also is used against anything where people disagree. It can be used against a political party. So blasphemy has to do first with maligning people or groups of people or organisations that involve people or places where you have been rejected.

Our passage goes on to show us that in this case we are not talking about public speaking about people, we are talking about public speaking to meld people into an attitude against God. We have the preposition pros plus the accusative of qeoj, “against God.” This is why one of his titles is Antichrist, because the word “anti” means against. It also means “instead of” but he is obviously against our Lord Jesus Christ, and so he opposes our Lord and used his great eloquence to speak against our Lord. It means “against” as a title for the Roman dictator in 1 John 2:18 and in our passage, Revelation 13:6. It means instead of or in place of for the Jewish dictator whom we will study next. He comes in place of Messiah in Matthew 23:23,24 and in Revelation 13:11,13,14. Through the Roman dictator Satan attacks the essence of God and the essence of God rationale.

This man is a military genius and we have already seen in our dispensation that a client nation to God cannot exist without a pivot. There must be a pivot of mature believers. The larger the pivot the greater the prosperity of the nation. There must also be one other factor and that is the military establishment. This man is not only a military genius but he is out to conquer the world. He is limited in his time and will not quite succeed. In conquering the world, how do you destroy opposition? Not necessarily by using his military genius but by using his religious genius. The greatest world peace movement of all time will come from his anti-God speeches. He is not only anti-God but he will use religion to conquer great portions of the world. He will talk about disarming, nuclear freezes, about all of the things that communist propaganda has thrown successfully into the western world and shaped the thinking of so many people — people who are not communist but just stupid. We are going to have a situation where there will be anti-God blasphemies being spoken, a religious system to actually bring in great world peace, the announcement that Satan will bring in the Millennium before the second advent can occur. This is why the period is called the time of the devil’s desperation. He has only three and a half years to try to put into operation control and conquest of the world. The blasphemies therefore will include every doctrine related to the future of Israel including the regathering of Israel at the second advent, the fulfilment of their unconditional covenants. The ecumenical religion therefore sponsored by the Roman dictator will also be used in the modus operandi of blasphemy for religion is the devil’s ace trump in any generation of history. Actually, there are three targets in this great public speaking attack, one of the greatest propaganda attacks of all time.

We have noted that in this verse the dictator opened his mouth in blasphemies against God. Now we have the three targets for his blasphemy. The first is the person of God. We have seen that blasphemy refers to slandering of individuals and that it is motivated by arrogance. Now we have the verb, the aorist active infinitive of blasfemew, and it first of all means to slander, and when it is directed toward people that is the way it should be translated rather than to transliterate it. The transliteration really deals with God. “And he opened his mouth in blasphemies against God, to blaspheme his person,” the accusative singular direct object of the word o)noma means person as well as name. The culminative aorist tense views slander in its entirety but regards it from the viewpoint of existing results. The existing results are obvious from the relationship between the constative and the culminative aorist. The dictator has great public speaking ability. He is a great communicator and his eloquence results in the invigoration of the people of the day to hate. He is on a hate God program. His eloquence results in the invigoration of an ecumenical religious system in the last half of the Tribulation and the whole objective of this religion is to hate God and hate those people who have any relationship with God. The religion is anti-essence of God, anti-Trinitarian, and anti-Christ. The active voice: the dictator of the revived Roman empire produces the action of the verb. This is an infinitive of intended result. The result indicates the fulfilment of a deliberate objective and therefore the blending of purpose and result. By slandering the person of God each member of the Trinity is attacked in relationship to their respective areas of faithfulness to mankind. God the Father is the author of the divine plan. He is under attack. God the Son is the executor of the divine plan, emphasising salvation through faith in Christ. He is under attack. God the Holy Spirit is the revealer of the divine plan. He is under attack. The attack upon Christ, in effect, is an attack upon all three members of the Trinity.

Secondly, there is an attack against the tabernacle of God. We find the connective kai followed by the accusative singular direct object of the noun skhnh, and it means “tabernacle.” With this is the possessive genitive of a)utoj, “and his tabernacle.” This is actually the tabernacle of the testimony, the tabernacle of Exodus 27:21; 29:4; Numbers 1:1, which had to be perfectly constructed to scale in heaven as a heavenly memorial to the person and the work of Christ during the first advent. So when it says, “and his tabernacle,” we are talking about a tabernacle in heaven that follows the exact scale of the tabernacle of Israel. The tabernacle of Israel was designed to teach eschatology to them for the coming of Christ was future to the people of Israel at the time of the tabernacle. In order for people to understand Christology in their day there was constructed to scale this tabernacle. Every part of the tabernacle became the doctrine of Christology and the doctrine of soteriology. This tabernacle is now moved to heaven and in heaven there is a tabernacle which is constructed to the same scale with the same connotation, the only difference being that now that Jesus Christ has come in the flesh. Now that the first advent has occurred and we have the strategic victory of our Lord in the angelic conflict the tabernacle in heaven does exactly the same thing as the communion table on earth. The tabernacle in heaven is a memorial to the strategic victory of Christ on the cross.

Salvation by grace through faith in Christ is slandered in every generation but Satan makes a concerted effort to destroy this truth in the last half of the Tribulation, and this is the second category of attack, the tabernacle of God. It must be remembered that the tabernacle and its furniture was actually used by the Levitical priests to teach every aspect of the person and the work of Christ and the tabernacle is very meaningful therefore in Jewish evangelism of the Tribulation. Therefore it was maligned by Satan. Thirdly, the sons of Israel are under attack. The Jew is a walking testimony to the faithfulness of God. Whether he is a believer or an unbeliever is not the issue. The fact that the Jew lives on planet earth during the rest of history, all the way through the Tribulation, indicates the faithfulness of God.

Next in the text we have a pun, the articular present active participle of the verb skhnow. Skhnh and skhnow form the paronomasia: one is the noun, the other is the verb. The verb means to live in a tent, “and those who tabernacle.” To illustrate the paronomasia: “And he opened his mouth in blasphemies against God, to blaspheme His person, and His tabernacle, and those who tabernacle in heaven”. The last phrase is the preposition e)n plus the locative of o)uranoj.

It always bothers Satan when he is kicked out of heaven that heaven is filled with Jews who are saved. There are Gentiles too but here, of course, it is talking especially about the Jewish believer. The definite article is used as a personal pronoun and a relative pronoun. The present tense is a perfective present tense, it refers to what has come to be in the past, Jewish believers going to heaven after physical death, and it is emphasised as a present reality to Satan. During the last half of the Tribulation we have the eschatology of the devil’s desperation when he is confined to the earth. He cannot go to heaven any more and heaven is filled with those people he despises and has sought to destroy in every generation. There was never a generation of human history in which Satan has not tried to destroy all Jews on the face of the earth. So obviously Satan does not laugh at this paronomasia. What really bothers him are all of these Jews he has tried to destroy and the fact that many of them, because they have personally believed in Christ and have responded to the message of the tabernacle, are now in heaven.

Translation: “And he opened his mouth in blasphemies against God, to slander his person, and his tabernacle [the memorial in heaven to the person and the work of Christ], and those [Jewish believers] who tabernacle in heaven.”

In the first advent of Christ, Christ tabernacled on earth: John 1:14, “The Word [the living Word] became flesh [hypostatic union, the first advent where Satan was strategically defeated] and tabernacled [skhnow] among us.” He didn’t dwell among us. To dwell would mean to stay down here permanently. He only came for a short time to totally defeat Satan and provide for each one of us eternal salvation, and so the word “tabernacle.” He just came for a bivouac, to pitch a tent. He is the tent, the tabernacle, “and we beheld his glory, glory as of the uniquely-born one [virgin birth] from the source of the Father, full of grace and full of doctrine.”

Because our Lord tabernacled on earth, says John, a lot of members of the human race are going to tabernacle in heaven. Because Christ tabernacled on earth you as a believer will tabernacle in heaven forever. Tabernacling in heaven means residence in the interim body, and what is so wonderful about this and what really angers Satan is that even the worst Christian loser that ever lived will reside in heaven and be very happy as he awaits the resurrection and the resurrection body, while at the same time Satan is confined to the earth and can no longer go to heaven.

We have noted that Satan gave the dictator of the revived Roman empire the greatest power the world has ever known, but no matter how much power he was given he is no stringer than time, and time runs out and the power is gone. Sic transit gloria munde: “the glory of the world passes away.”

What is it that Satan can’t stand more than anything else. He knows his time is short, and that bothers him. Satan, as one of the greatest creatures of all time, cannot stand to be laughed at and this paronomasia is really laughing at Satan. All people who are arrogant take themselves seriously, so seriously that they can never stand to be laughed at. This is exactly what John 1:14 and Revelation 13:6 does: we have Satan laughed at. The death of a believer has great dignity, great blessing, great power, and Satan has never been able to cancel it, even though he has the power of death, as we are told by the Word, and often is permitted to take believers out of the world in a painful way as discipline. Once the believer dies Satan has lost control of that believer now matter how great a loser, no matter how long he lived in the cosmic system. Satan with all of his power and all of his ability has lost control.

Verse 7, the dictator has a domestic policy. Why? Because all violence, all degeneracy, all disorganised evil is eliminated by even the worst dictators. Why do these people always eliminate these things? Because since Satan has been the ruler of this world since the fall of man he has tried to produce the Millennium. it isn’t that Satan doesn’t want to produce good, but it is impossible. He doesn’t have the power or the ability because of arrogance, because of innate evil, cosmic one: his prehistoric attitude and policy by which he swept one third of the angelic hosts into his system. Satan wants to produce good and when Satan uses dictators like Hitler and Stalin one of the things they do is try to eliminate private violence. They go for organised evil. Remember that organised evil always tries to produce good and actually uses a facade of pseudo good: “Look what we are doing for you.” Therefore it tries to become a substitute for regeneration and by becoming a substitute for regeneration it inevitably produces, among other things, religion. But it also produces a domestic policy, and what is the one thing that challenges this facade: the dictator with the facade of good produced under the principle of organised evil? He knocks out the crime, the criminal, you no longer find petty crime on the streets or private or public violence. All violence is now in the hands of the government.

But there is always a challenge to this because the man who does this, the dictator, always takes away freedom. And who is it that stands up for freedom? The born-again believer who knows Bible doctrine (not the born-again believer in the cosmic system). The born again believer with doctrine in his soul becomes the enemy, so we have the persecution of the believer. Why does the dictator persecute the believer? Not because he wants to persecute the believer, the dictator wants to avoid that as much as possible, but because the believer with doctrine is the great challenge to his system of organised evil.

In verse 7 we notice the dictator’s policy of persecution in the first part of the verse and then his tremendous power in the last. We begin with the connective conjunction kai which now advances the argument, and is translated “Furthermore.” The aorist passive indicative of the verb didomi follows and it means to give, “Furthermore there was delegated,” “to him,” the dative singular direct object from a)utoj, the intensive pronoun used as a personal pronoun and referring to the dictator of the revived Roman empire. So this is Satan giving something else to his dictator, his man. The aorist tense is a constative aorist, it contemplates the action of the verb in its entirety, hence a fact or action extended over the last half of the Tribulation, the time of the devil’s desperation. The passive voice: the dictator receives the action of the verb; he receives power. The indicative mood is declarative representing the verbal action from the viewpoint of reality, reminding us once again that while there are many forms of evil power and many forms of illegitimate power on this earth, because Satan is the ruler of this world and Satan uses people, there is one person that Satan can never touch — the believer with doctrine resident in his soul. The power of doctrine is greater than any human power of any kind on this earth, religious or political, or any power that represents evil.

“Furthermore it was given to him,” and, of course, what is given to him is power, “to make war against the saints.” “To make” is the aorist active infinitive of the verb poiew. The aorist tense is a culminative aorist, it views the persecution of believers in its entirety but regards it from the viewpoint of existing results, namely the testing of Tribulational believers with great historical disaster.

Strangely enough, Satan’s man takes over government after government. Government is designed by God to be a power for good, Romans 13, but government is only a power for good when category one truth, the laws of divine establishment, are found in its constitution and carried out properly by those in a position of leadership. Government has the responsibility of providing a military establishment to defend the freedom of people. A military establishment would be, of course, a system of law courts and a police system protecting from crime within and the military establishment to protect from the criminals without, i.e. the nations who would attack. The rest is all pivot. But when you have a nation with no pivot, which is all too often in history, and you have no law courts to define freedom and protect the rights of individuals then inevitably you will have crime — private violence, public violence, and from those two, degeneracy. It is degeneracy that is used by the dictator. Germany was in a state of degeneracy when Adolf Hitler came to power; communist Russia was in a state of degeneracy when Lenin came to power. This is always the way.

Two things can happen when a nation is in a state of degeneracy: God can destroy it or He can give it a living discipline rather than a dying discipline. The fifth cycle of discipline would be the dying discipline; the dictatorship would be the living discipline — the strong man comes to the front: things are so bad we must have a strong man to solve everything and along comes the dictator.

The dictator of the revived Roman empire has only one thing to stamp out: the truth. Evil in an organised form cannot exist with truth. Truth and degeneracy can coexist. It coexisted in Sodom. Degeneracy is disorganised evil but organised evil, dictatorship, must stamp out the truth. This has been a procedure followed in communist China, in communist Russia, in Cuba, and wherever the communists have gone this has been the procedure. So that when the strong man comes he always makes war against those who have the truth, and therefore the accusative singular direct object of poiew, polemoj, which can be used for warfare or for battle. We translate it, “to make war,” and then we have the preposition meta plus the genitive plural from a(gioj. A(gioj means to be set apart. What sets apart certain people? Their knowledge of doctrine; doctrine resident in the soul. These are the people that organised evil must destroy. Organised evil gets rid of crime, of degeneracy, but with it they always take away freedom.

In cosmic one self-righteous arrogance is morality, very strict morality, a morality that any unbeliever can follow. But when you have morality in the cosmic system — arrogance can produce great morality — there is one thing missing: the virtue of the Christian way of life. Morality minus virtue is self-righteous arrogance and a part of evil. There is nothing wrong with being moral but morality doesn’t have any power. Morality is for believers and unbelievers to live side by side and respect the rights and the privacy and the freedom of each other, but there is no power in strict morality. The Christian way of life is not a system of morality, it is a divine system of virtue. Virtue is far greater than morality. This dictator rises to power by using morality: “I’m going to stop all the crime.” Hitler stopped all the crime too, the Government was committing all the crime. That is organised evil.

We have a connective kai which tells us that this power means to overcome, physically here. This power meant that many believers with doctrine were tortured and killed. Power was given to take their life but even though the dictator had the power to torture and kill he did not have the power to cause them to renounce Christianity and become a part of the system. Doctrine in the soul is far more powerful than the greatest evil in the world. Even though this power was given, God permitted this, the aorist active infinitive of nikaw, to overcome, to conquer. The constative aorist is for a fact or action extending over that period of time known as the eschatology of the devil’s desperation, the last half of the Tribulation. The active voice: the dictator of the revived Roman empire had this power. He didn’t use his system of government, he didn’t use his political system in order to wipe out the saints, he used ecumenical religion. Religion always produces zealots. Religion appeals to arrogance and religious people in their arrogance are zealous to kill believers with truth. That is the system the dictator uses to overcome them, to get rid of them, to conquer them; but they do not renounce the truth. This emphasises the evil nature and the great evil of religion. Remember that true Christianity is not a religion but a relationship with God through faith in our Lord Jesus Christ. Religion as a principle represents the evil genius of Satan. Basically religion was originated by Satan to counterfeit the plan of God and to draw worship to himself and away from our Lord Jesus Christ.

Verse 7, “Furthermore power was given to him [the dictator of the revived Roman empire] to make war against the saints, and to overcome them.” Nikaw is the verb to “overcome,” the aorist active infinitive here.

We have noticed in this principle that there are two kinds of evil: organised evil and disorganised evil. Disorganised evil is called basically degeneracy, and there is always coexistence between degeneracy and believers advancing to maturity, believers with a high spiritual content to their lives. So in disorganised evil degeneracy and spiritual advance coexist, even though they are antithetical. The principle is that it is very difficult for truth to continue, for doctrine to be taught, and for believers to grow when there is organised evil. Disorganised evil and doctrinal believers coexist. Here we have a statement, then. To overcome has to do with the fact that disorganised evil no longer exists in the revived Roman empire. They were conquered, “to make war against the saints and to conquer them.” The aorist tense, again, is a constative aorist for a fact or action extended over that period of time known as the devil’s desperation, the last half of the Tribulation. The dictator produces the action of the verb through ecumenical religion which is one of the great systems of organised evil. This emphasises that organised evil has a great system for persecuting the truth.

The ecumenical religion of the revived Roman empire is spread through false teachers. Satan doesn’t like to use unbelievers as false teachers because there is no rapport between the unbeliever and the believer. As a result the more unbelievers that are pulled into the cosmic system and get into this concept of morality without virtue, this function in the cosmic system, this zeal without knowledge — the implacability and inflexibility concept — the more they become eloquent evangelists for the Satanic system. So to be successful any Satanic evangelist must practice hypocrisy, and the hypocrisy is the natural result of being moral without virtue: arrogant self-righteousness plus crusader arrogance.

One of the other factors that is inevitable: in order to cover up your own inconsistencies you must develop a pleasing public relations personality. There is nothing wrong with a pleasing personality. In fact the genuine pleasing personality is the flexible personality, where you hear something that is false and you don’t challenge everything that is not true but you are tolerant and you listen and you relax. You wait until the Lord gives you some wisdom or the right opportunity and therefore you are not a zealot.

The Tribulational martyrs simply have to take a stand for the truth. In fact they are forced to the place where they must publicly renounce Christ, or they must state that they refuse to do so and that is when they are martyred. But we are talking about the believers now who become the evangelists for Satan. They must have either a good public relations personality or a flirtatious personality to court others for religion. Religion courts; Christianity evangelises. In representing Satan they appeal to the arrogance of others and they always approach with the idea that you must improve your life. Religion always talks about improving one’s life and performing good works, and working one’s way into a relationship with God. Generally the converts of evangelists for the cosmic system become arrogant like himself.

The infinitive is the infinitive of intended result when the result fulfils the deliberate objective of getting Tribulational saints involved in the cosmic system. This is accomplished through ecumenical religion. The objective is often fulfilled in the relationship to believers by some form of inculcation of arrogance, one of the twelve gates. With this we have the accusative plural direct object from a)utoj, an intensive pronoun used as the personal pronoun.  

We have two antithetical categories of believers who were conquered in this war against the saints. When the saints are being conquered they are being conquered in two ways. There are two kinds of believers here: the believers who are negative toward doctrine and the believers who are positive toward doctrine. Category #1, believers who were negative toward doctrine were punished by God through this dictator and his system of organised evil for their cosmic involvement. They will die the sin unto death in the last half of the Tribulation. But then we have the believers who were positive toward doctrine, and they glorify God by remaining faithful to the Word. Their life was not as important as doctrine. For these believers their life was Bible doctrine and they demonstrated the fact that Bible doctrine resident in the soul is much more powerful than the greatest power of the greatest dictator in history, the dictator we are studying. There is a far greater power in your soul as a believer when you have doctrine than any human system of power that has ever existed.

A specific area has to be involved in organised evil so in the remaining part of verse seven we have the evil dynamics of ecumenical religion in the Tribulation. The connective conjunction kai, translated here “and,” is followed by the subject in the nominative singular. The subject is the noun e)cousia, meaning power or authority, “and authority.” Then we have the aorist passive indicative of didomi which means to give or to delegate, “was delegated.” The constative aorist contemplates the action of the verb in its entirety. The passive voice: the power or the authority receives the action of the verb: it is delegated. The indicative mood is declarative representing the verbal action from the viewpoint of prophetical or eschatological reality. We have a dative singular indirect object of a)utoj, “to him,” the dictator of the revived Roman empire. Translation: “and authority was given to him.”

Next we have the preposition e)pi plus the accusative, where it is translated “over,” “authority was given over.” And then we have the adjective paj, and paj is going to cover four different categories, “over every,” and then there are four categories. Each of the four categories is a noun in the accusative singular. The first is fulh and it is correctly translated “tribe” and it is a reference to Jews, both in Israel and throughout the world. That is the first category. The second one is the accusative singular from the noun laoj which means “people.” The third is the accusative singular from the noun glossa, and it means “languages,” but it is mistranslated throughout the New Testament “tongues.” It is in the singular and with paj it comprehends all languages. Finally we have the accusative singular from the noun e)qnoj, used here for nations. Now we have a corrected translation of the entire verse but we note the last half of it: “to make war against the saints, to conquer them: and authority was given to him [the Roman dictator] over every tribe [the Jews], and people [citizens of the revived Roman empire], and languages [foreigners living outside the revived Roman empire], and nations [Gentile nations in contrast to the Jewish nation].”

Note the four categories over which ecumenical religion has power and authority because it penetrates into areas where it has no legitimate authority. It penetrates into nations where it has no legitimate authority under the principle of separation of religion and state. It penetrates into areas of a foreign language where it has no authority because it does not think in the same language. It penetrates into areas of citizens of the revived Roman empire and destroys their freedom of choice. It also penetrates into the Jewish area and therefore runs across the boundaries of the cultural background of the Jews as well as their concept in religion.

The leader of ecumenical religion who is the dictator of the revived Roman empire is politically only a dictator of a great empire but religiously, as a religious leader, he has influence way beyond the boundaries of his great empire. And the principle is always the same: religion extends its evil influence where political power cannot penetrate. Hence, through political and religious power the revived Roman empire of the Tribulation accomplishes what the historical Roman empire and the holy Roman empire were never able to accomplish: to actually conquer the world through religion.

While the Roman dictator has universal control of people of the world through ecumenical religion it does not bring world peace which has always been one of the front motives of ecumenical religion. In fact religion cannot bring peace to the world; religion is the source of many wars. As a matter of fact religion is going to be the source of war in the last half of the Tribulation. Historically, prophetically and biblically religion starts wars. Only the pivot of mature believers and only orthodox Christianity can provide any interlude of peace, as illustrated by the Antonine Caesars from 96-192 AD.

Verse 8, the dictator’s foreign policy. His alliance with Israel is that part of the foreign policy that God the Holy Spirit sees fit to advise us.

The ecumenical religion of the Tribulation is mentioned first. We have the emphatic use of the conjunction kai, translated “in fact,” and the nominative plural of paj, the adjective used as a substantive, “all.” It refers to Jews living in Palestine during the Tribulation, to the nation Israel in existence in the Tribulation. With this we have the articular present active participle from the verb katoikew which means to dwell or to live. The definite article is a nominative plural used as a relative pronoun. Its antecedent is a nominative plural o(I, “who.” Then we have the customary present tense denoting what habitually occurs among Jews who live in Israel during the last half of the Tribulation, the time of the eschatology of the devil’s desperation. The active voice: Jews living in Israel during the last half of the Tribulation are going to produce the action of the verb. The participle is circumstantial and we have a prepositional phrase to amplify the participle: the preposition e)pi plus the genitive of the noun gh, “in fact all who live in the land.” Then we have the main verb, the future active indicative of the verb proskunew which means to worship, “will worship.” These are unbelieving Jews. The believing Jews in the middle of the Tribulation all flee. They leave the land. Then there is evangelism in the last half of the Tribulation, so “all” does not include those Jews who are evangelised in the last half of the Tribulation.

The accusative singular direct object of a)utoj is translated “him,” and it refers to the dictator of the revived Roman empire as the ruler of ecumenical religion. The worship part is ecumenical religion. And notice that one of the categories of the previous verse has been taken. The category was fulh, “tribes,” Israel. Outside of the revived Roman empire of the Tribulation is Israel and all of a sudden Jews in Israel are worshipping the dictator. They are in Jerusalem; he is in Rome. This is ecumenical religion. He has no political influence at this point, that will come as a result of religion. It is religion which penetrates the strong culture of the Jews. No matter how strong the culture may be, no matter how strong the Jews may feel, if they reject the truth and they reject the One who is the truth, Jesus Christ, their Messiah, their culture is not strong enough, their truth in category #1 is not strong enough, and religion will penetrate this most powerful of all cultures and will convert the Jews and bring them into line politically in every possible way. As the converts grow in Palestine, in the land of Israel, they put political pressure on their dictator who is then forced to make a deal.

The future tense of proskunew is a gnomic future, it is for a statement of fact or performance which may be rightfully expected to occur when the Roman dictator is able to start converting through ecumenical religion Jews in the land of Israel. The active voice: unbelieving Jews in Israel will produce the action of the verb, they will be converted by their rejection of the gospel. This creates the vacuum, and into that vacuum goes the false teaching of ecumenical religion. The indicative mood is declarative for the eschatology of the situation. We have eschatological reality of a treaty between the revived Roman empire with its ecumenical religious system, and the Jews with Judaism minus doctrine. This becomes a great issue for whenever anyone, no matter how strong a people may be, rejects the truth the vacuum is opened and through that vacuum goes into the soul these concepts. These false concepts are accepted, they get into the cosmic system, and once these Jews are in the cosmic system they put the pressure on their own dictator and he, therefore, is forced to make a treaty. And, by the way, it is a minority that does the job.

And that is the way it is in history. Majorities never influence history, it is the minorities that are organised, minorities with a system, minorities with motivation. And minorities often take away from the majority freedoms they enjoy simply because they have a strong system. It is that old principle: “the wheel that squeaks the loudest gets the grease,” and you can amplify that right into the principle of historical trends.

The entire world will not worship the beast since there are two areas developing and will develop by the middle of the Tribulation. There is first of all the king of the north. There are also the kings of the east, the king of the south, the Arabs stay with Islam. These three blocs are the only places where there is no penetration of ecumenical religion. The religion of Islam rejects the ecumenical religion of the revived Roman empire. The oriental system will consolidate under whatever there may be at that time to reject it, and the northern country is isolated. But the revived Roman empire will penetrate everywhere else, including the western hemisphere.

Minorities run the world, and when a nation is prosperous it is because a minority of born-again believers in a national entity have advanced from gate four to gate eight. The majority is never right and the majority never has any influence in history. The majority is just a great big slob mob waiting to be influenced by an organised minority. No majority in history has ever had any influence. The impact of history is always with the organised minority. And, as a matter of fact, the principle is true even where there is good instead of evil, for it is a small pivot of mature believers who provide the prosperity for all when we have it. It was also a pivot of believers, a small percentage of the population in the Roman empire that were the basis for the most fantastic prosperity the world has ever known during the time of the Antonine Caesars. It is always the minority that is organised and has a system that has the influence.

It was no problem for the unbelieving Jews in Israel to hook up with the revived Roman empire. The treaty is described in Matthew 24:15 and Daniel 11:44 briefly. But brevity does not keep us from understanding in detail exactly what happened.



1. There is no real power in public opinion. Public opinion caters to the viewpoint of the majority and majorities have no power or control in history. It is always the minority which controls or influences history. Sometimes it is a good minority, like a pivot of mature believers in a client nation to God. Frequently, however, it is a minority for evil which controls the historical trend. Organised minorities produce dictators. Public opinion reacts to these minorities but public opinion has no organisation and no power. What is public opinion? Public opinion is today’s news, and tomorrow it is gone. Public opinion can bully the weak but public opinion has no power. Public opinion can flatter the successful but, again, it has absolutely no power. Public opinion only has clout with arrogant and stupid people, but it has no power even as stupid people have no power. Stupid people are lemmings, pawns in the game. The only way that you and I keep from being pawns in the game is by maximum perception of Bible doctrine. Public opinion is all too often only a system of self-righteousness, arrogance and mass hysteria which assumes that their condemnation has power or influence in history. It has none. People often operate on the false premise that public opinion has influence over evil, while in reality evil cares nothing for public opinion.

2. We have noted that in the first half of the Tribulation this dictator was pro-Semitic. It suited him to be pro-Semitic. We have also noted that organised evil, whenever organised evil meets a goat, a sacrifice, something to advance its own power, it always picks something and becomes anti-something. This explains why we begin to see a very strong minority in our day who are involved in anti-Semitism. It is one of the signs that out of degeneracy organised minorities are beginning to function. We might ask how this man, the dictator of the revived Roman empire, could be pro-Semitic for three and a half years and then turn around and become anti-Semitic. He is organised evil, he is working for Satan his master, it is no problem at all for organised evil to reverse its policy, e.g. the attitude of the Chinese communists when they took over in China and used Christians in coming to power but once they were in they said, “Out.” Power grab is the name of the game.

Verse 8, “In fact all [Jewish unbelievers in the last half of the Tribulation] who live in the land shall worship him.”

These are unbelievers who are religious. Religion is always on the side of organised evil. In the treaty between Israel and the dictator of the revived Roman empire Israel needs help. She is caught between four great power blocs. Israel has an affinity for organised evil because they have already been contacted by its religion. So there is going to be a great treaty between Israel in the Tribulation and the revived Roman empire, and part of that treaty is the fact that all of Israel must accept systematic evil in its most powerful form: religion. In the temple in Jerusalem an actual statue of the dictator of the revived Roman empire will be put up and worshipped.

Israel faces a problem. The Jews are always going to have problems as a nation. Israel right now is debating whether they are going to have to make a deal with Russia or China. They always have to make a deal with someone because they are surrounded by Arabs — envious people. After the Rapture in the middle of the Tribulation they will be debating that same issue again, and in the Tribulation there will be a power that does not presently exist as such: the revived Roman empire, a united states of western Europe. In the future the dictator of Israel will turn to the dictator of the revived Roman empire and make a deal. He has to make a deal to survive. That is the problem that Israel has today; that is the problem that Israel is going to have in the Tribulation.

Principle: Weak or weakened people can only survive by compromise. That is true of individuals and it is true of nations.

Israel is a strong nation but they are in a weak position. They are going to be in that position in the middle of the Tribulation. They will select the revived Roman empire, and in making a deal with the revived Roman empire ecumenical religion becomes a part of it. They have to accept the religion of the revived Roman empire and are compelled to put an image up in the Jewish temple, the abomination of desolation. They will “worship him,” the dictator of the revived Roman empire, that is the point of the treaty: the revived Roman empire agrees to protect Israel in return for certain economic considerations and religion.

Next we have a very strange Greek development in this verse. We have, for example, o(u ou. O(u is a relative pronoun and it is in the genitive singular from the relative pronoun o(j. It is a descriptive genitive singular whose antecedent is the genitive paj.

“Whose name” is what comes up next because we have o(u ou gegraptai to o)noma, so we go from o(u over to o)noma. O)noma means person, name, and sometimes it means personality. So we will start this phrase, “by whose name.” It is necessary to have something to show in the English what the idiom is going to be, so we will translate it, “this means, of course, everyone whose name.” The “everyone” comes from paj, “in fact all.” Then we have the phrase, “has not been written in the book of life.” This “whose name has not been written in the book of life” becomes a qualifying factor to show that there are those who will not compromise in Israel in those days because they are believers, and why they will not compromise, and how far flexibility can take you, flexibility can never take you to the compromise of doctrine. You must be flexible when you are in a position of weakness but your flexibility must never include the compromise of the Word of God.

The word o)noma means “name,” and while the King James version translates it “names” (plural) it is name in the singular in the Greek, indicating that salvation is a private matter between an individual and God. Privacy, wherever you find it, is a very important thing. Privacy means freedom. Disorganised evil certainly believes in privacy, it wants privacy to go out and raise hell! Organised evil says you can’t have your privacy, it wants you on a computer, it wants to know all of your business. When you are on a computer and you have a social security number you have lost part of your freedom. And why are those social security lists so important? Why is it important to get your name on a computer? So that organised evil can control you when a dictator comes. That is organised evil, the kind of problem we have in the last half of the Tribulation. Privacy is so important to freedom.

Degeneracy likes privacy too. The only thing is that when degeneracy is crime then the criminals have no right to privacy and the criminal’s privacy is surrendered because he is committing crime. He must be apprehended and properly punished and removed from a free society. He has no rights of a free society. In a general state of degeneracy only the criminals must be eliminated but that does not hinder the freedom of degenerates who are not criminals and it doesn’t hinder the freedom of believers and law-abiding citizens of all kinds. So privacy becomes a major issue and organised evil wipes out privacy.

“Everyone whose name has not been written.” There is a book where you do want your name written. Then the verb itself should be noted, it is the perfect passive participle of grafw which means to write, “which has not been written.” The perfect tense is a perfect of existing state, i.e. an intensive perfect where the action of negative volition toward the gospel means that you are not in the book of life. Everyone has two chances to have eternal salvation and get their name recorded in the book of life. The first chance is at God-consciousness, the next is at gospel hearing. The perfect tense is an emphatic method in the Greek of presenting a fact or condition. It is a strong way of saying that a thing is. All believers have their names in the book of life. The passive voice: the Jews of the last half of the Tribulation who reject Christ as saviour receive the action of the verb. This is a circumstantial participle.

What is this book of life? We have the preposition e)n plus the locative of biblion plus the descriptive genitive singular of zwh, “the book of life,” “everyone whose name has not been written in the book of life.” The book of life is a registry of everyone who believes in the Lord Jesus Christ during phase two of their lifetime on earth. That is the way the book of life will appear in heaven: it will have the names of everyone who has personally believed in the Lord Jesus Christ; it will not have the names of unbelievers as a registry book in heaven. When people are born into this world apparently their names are in the book of life but when they reject Christ as saviour their names are blotted out of the book of life. So, first of all, the book of life is a roster of all born-again believers. It is so described in Philippians 4:3; Revelation 3:5; 13:8; 17:8; 20:12,15; 21:7.

By imputation of human life at birth all members of the human race have the same chance and are put in that book. That imputation is made by God. Life is imputed after birth and the very fact that God imputes life to the soul means that that person is in the book of life. Their name is not blotted out of the book of life until they depart from this earth without accepting Christ as saviour. As long as they live on this earth they have a chance to be saved but when they die, if they have not believed in Christ then their name is blotted out of the book of life and they are in another book, the book of works. The book of works is used as the indictment to send people to the lake of fire forever and ever.

We are dealing with unbelievers, those who are not registered in the book of life. In this context we are talking specifically about Jewish unbelievers living in the state of Israel in the last half of the Tribulation. The owner of the book of life is mentioned next. He is mentioned in the phrase tou a)rniou, referring to the Lamb. This is the possessive genitive of the noun a)rnoion and it means actually “belonging to the Lamb,” “the book of life belonging to the Lamb.” The Lamb emphasises the saving work of Christ on the cross; it relates the animal sacrifices, the Levitical sacrifices, with their actual fulfilment when our Lord was on the cross between heaven and earth and being judged for our sins.

Next we have the articular perfect passive participle from an Attic verb sfattw, which is sfazw in the Koine Greek. The translation is “belonging to the Lamb who has been slain.” The definite article is used as a relative pronoun referring to Christ as the Lamb of God who takes away the sin of the world. The dramatic perfect tense of sfazw presents a completed action with emphasis on existing results from that completed action. The Lamb was slain so that we can have eternal life. The passive voice: Christ receives the action of the verb on the cross. The participle is circumstantial.

Then we have a prepositional phrase, a)po plus the locative singular from the noun katabolh, “from the foundation.” With this we have the descriptive genitive of kosmoj, referring here to the world system, Satan’s world system, “of the world.” The Lamb didn’t have to become slain until Satan became the ruler of the world, so we don’t have the usual word. In talking about the planet we have the word gh, but we are talking about the world system came into existence after man sinned, after man lost the rulership of the world. The plan of God for our salvation was designed in eternity past before the foundation of the world but it became necessary to put it into operation when man sinned. The work of Christ was entered into the computer of divine decrees billions of years ago. The omniscience of God the Father entered the work of Christ into the computer and, of course, we know the printout, our so great salvation. Remember that salvation came before sin in the plan of God.

Translation of verse 8 — “In fact all Jewish unbelievers of the last half of the Tribulation who live in the land [the nation Israel in the last half of the Tribulation] will worship him [the dictator of the revived Roman empire, the religious leader of ecumenical religion in the Tribulation]; this means, of course, everyone whose name has not been written in the book of life belonging to the Lamb who has been slain from the foundation of the world.”

The King James translation of verse 9 is: “If any man has an ear, let him hear.” What is left out is important. We have had this phrase seven times before in chapters two and three but on those occasions there was added the phrase, “what the Spirit saith to the churches.” That was the Church Age where we studied the historical trends of the Church Age, the only dispensation in which there is no prophetical historical trend. All trends are historical in the Church Age but once the Church is removed, the resurrection or the Rapture of the Church, the completion of the royal family of God, then we go into the Tribulation and historical trends are based entirely on prophecy. In Revelation chapters two and three we read, “what the Spirit saith to the Churches.” The Church is gone in the Tribulation.

The first word in verse 9 is the conditional particle e)i, it introduces the protasis of a first class condition. That means an assumption or supposition from the viewpoint of reality. The reality in this case is assumed to be true. If this had been in a second class condition then the assumption would be that some people do not have ears and therefore can’t hear. If it had been a third class condition then you could choose as to whether you have ears or not. If it had been a fourth class condition it would express a wish that you had said something you shouldn’t and you wish that people didn’t have ears. “If” means “If and it is true,” it is an assumption of truth.

Next we have the nominative singular of the indefinite pronoun tij. An indefinite pronoun takes people in general and takes a chunk out and says that this category is different from the rest. This is a category of people and they are distinguished from other people by such and such and so and so. The Greeks had a word for it, tij. So the indefinite pronoun represents a category and in this case it represents believers in the last half of the Tribulation. That is the time of the devil’s desperation, the last three and a half years before the second advent. And he says, “If anyone,” and “anyone,” being the indefinite pronoun tij, indicates that out of all the people alive on the earth there is a special category, those who have believed in the Lord Jesus Christ, and they are in view here.

Next we have the verb, the present active indicative of e)xw, “if anyone has.” The static present represents a circumstance which is assumed as perpetually existing, people have ears. The point is: everyone has an ear. Everyone, therefore, has the ability to understand, to comprehend, to learn. When it says, “If anyone has an ear,” it means a lot more than just having ears, it means having the ability to learn. There is no excuse for any member of the human race not understanding what is going on historically. The problem is that just because we have the apparatus for learning doesn’t mean that we are going to learn. Volition is the problem. Some people are unteachable, they don’t want to learn. Having ears means having the potential to learn and one of the worst things that can happen to anyone in life is to not be curious about anything.

“If anyone has an ear.” The active voice: believers in the Tribulation produce the action in this case. The indicative mood is declarative for the reality of the assumed premise.

With it we have the accusative singular direct object from the noun ouj, the word for ear. As an organ of hearing the ear represents the principle of perception and, of course, inasmuch as no one earns or deserves the right to have an ear the ear represents non-meritorious perspicacity. Much of the learning at the time of writing of the book of Revelation depended upon hearing and concentrating on what was being taught. Therefore the possession of ears is analogous to the function of GAP, the perception of Bible doctrine through a grace system. Part of logistical grace is the divine provision for the believer to learn doctrine. The assumption, then, of the protasis is that any believer in the last half of the Tribulation has received as a part of logistical grace the opportunity to learn doctrine by which he can make right decisions from a position of strength in time of historical disaster. Furthermore he can maintain control of his life and he can have a personal sense of destiny by which he advances to maturity and glorifies the Lord Jesus Christ in whatever is left of his life in time. None of this is possible apart from the consistent and intensified perception of Bible doctrine.

Principle:  Momentum meets the exigencies of life. A learner will be a doer, a learner will be a person making right decisions and right orientation to life.

Something that should be emphasised in our study of historical trends is the fact that historical crisis and historical disaster always provides an opportunity for people who would otherwise never be known in history. They rise to the front. Any believer in the last half of the Tribulation who after salvation has made right decisions on a daily basis are going to be the men of the hour. Right decisions from a position of strength prepares one for historical disaster. Our right decisions have to do with momentum in the system. Our relationship to Bible doctrine in the system, Gate four, determines our relationship to the Lord because the one thing that the Lord uses in promotion is virtue.

All virtue begins at gate four: enforced and genuine humility. Humility is always directed toward authority. It is the basis of all virtue. Humility is never directed toward freedom. Virtues do not begin with freedom, freedom is merely the environment for expressing them. Humility is always directed toward authority: authority that is unfair, unjust, or authority that is fair and just; antithetical systems of authority but authority nevertheless. Some of the greatest testings in life come from the fact that people cannot handle authority, and if you can’t handle authority you can’t handle freedom because whether we use freedom properly or not is determined by our attitude toward authority. Authority isn’t always fair and many of the authority tests come from authority that isn’t fair. We cannot learn unless we have a respect for authority and understand authority as a principle, not as a person or persons with whom we have contact, and often unfavourable contact. Authority is not a person. People often hate police officers. That is because they have rejected authority and therefore they have no virtue. The police officer represents authority and therefore they hate the police officer. When a nation is overtaken by a crisis or historical disaster, if that nation is generally anti-authority the nation is destroyed. If that nation is pro-authority they are pulled together and they survive.

It is true of us as individuals. We are greater for recognition of authority than we are for using freedom. The utilisation of freedom in itself is nothing, it is the basis by which we approach that freedom that is important. You cannot learn Bible doctrine unless you have an ear. The ear is the perceptive system, but it is more than that. The ear indicates that there must first of all be a recognition of authority, the most basic virtue in life.

Remember: momentum meets the exigencies of life. Loss of momentum from doctrinal perception means failure in historical disaster. The believers who are losers in the last half of the Tribulation are going to be overwhelmed by their circumstances. They do not have confidence in God because the only believers who have confidence in God are those who are consistent in the perception of doctrine. Consistency is the important factor.

We note next the aorist active imperative of the verb a)kouw which means to hear, and it is used for perception of doctrine, daily perception of doctrine. It means perception under normal times, perception under difficult times preparing for historical disaster. “If any man has an ear, let him hear.” Why? Because your daily perception of doctrine is your biggest asset because it produces motivational virtue. Motivational virtue is confidence in God. For example, if you are getting a raw deal from a boss, or if someone maltreats you, someone is unfair and unjust; if you have confidence in God, so what! If your confidence is in God from your daily perception of doctrine and you are getting a raw deal you have to go back to a basic principle in your life: God has a plan for your life, there are no accidents in the Christian life, and if you have confidence in God there is no such thing as unfairness because God isn’t unfair and He uses the unfairness of man to promote His people. Right decisions from a position of strength in our daily normal lives is the only preparation for the crisis and you don’t get that way by an occasional visit to church or an occasional flicking of the button of a tape recorder.

The constative aorist tense is for a fact or action extended over a period of time, the last half of the Tribulation. It takes positive volition toward doctrine and gathers it up into a single whole. It takes every day under all circumstances no matter what is happening to prepare for the crisis.

The third person suffix of the verb refers to the believer living in the time of the eschatology of the devil’s desperation, the last half of the Tribulation. It applies to believers of all dispensations, that is why it is in the Bible. By interpretation this is eschatology; by application it belongs to you and to me today. The imperative mood expresses and appeal to the volition of the believer living in the last half of the Tribulation but it is there for our study as an appeal to us. This is an imperative of command, it is a divine mandate to the believer that living in time every moment is a challenge. Life is a challenge, the ups and downs of life are a challenge.

The omission of the phrase found in chapters two and three, “what the Spirit saith to the churches”, is another confirmation of that eschatological doctrine that the church does not go through the Tribulation but is resurrected prior to Daniel’s seventieth week. God never confuses or mixes His plan, He always keeps Israel and the Church separate. God’s plan for the royal family or Church Age believers always includes born-again Jews but God’s plan for Israel does not include born-again Gentiles.

So once the royal family is completed and resurrected under the title of the Rapture of the Church “let him hear” is the mandate. Such a mandate we have in the Church Age for without Bible doctrine we are never going to make it and without Bible doctrine we cannot approach historical disaster with a personal sense of destiny.

Verse 10 in the King James version doesn’t even sound as though it belongs here. It is confusing and is not what the Greek says. In verse 9 we saw the mandate: gate four, keep on doctrine, every day, momentum, momentum, momentum. Make good decisions from a position of strength, have control of your life, and as a result have personal sense of destiny. Now what happens if you fail to do this? This is the story we have in this passage. First of all we have the loss of a personal sense of destiny through the function of violence, violence in the sense of evil.

We begin with the conditional particle e)I, “If” (and this is introducing a first class condition), an assumption or a premise from the viewpoint of reality. With this we have the nominative singular subject from the indefinite pronoun tij (without an accent. With an accent on it it means who, what, or why) which defines a specific category. The category is terrorists, war lords, criminals, mercenaries and gangsters. All of those in the last half of the Tribulation who throw off the harness of establishment and civilisation and practice violence apart from the authority of establishment are included. The authority of establishment includes the police officer and the soldier representing his country in combat but it does not include the mercenary who fights for profit and plunder. Tij represents the category: those who resort to unlawful use of violence become the victims of violence.

Violence never solves problems. Instead it results in loss of control of one’s life plus a loss of a personal sense of destiny. Mercenaries use violence not as a representative of their own nation but for profit or plunder, for the sheer love of killing. Hence, this is not dealing with the military service for one’s country or the function of the police officer in line of duty, it is dealing with lawless people who use violence for pleasure, for profit, for plunder. The use of the word “pleasure” here speaks of that form of arrogance which derives pleasure from the use of violence to bully, to intimidate, to control others apart from establishment authority.

Next we have the preposition e)ij plus the accusative of the noun a)ixmalosia which means captivity, “into captivity.” The absence of a verb here means that this is an obvious ellipsis and the question arises: what verb denotes the true meaning of the passage. Suggested translation: “If anyone leads others into captivity.” That seems to be the best verb to use for this particular ellipsis. Ellipsis always demands the insertion of a verb to complete the idea. The unlawful use of violence deprives of freedom, privacy and property, three things to which you have a God-given right.

The next phrase starts out with the preposition e)ij plus the accusative singular of a)ichmalosia, the same thing again. It includes any form of violence, criminal action, which enslaves, imprisons, destroys the freedom, the property, the life of others. This can be construed as enslavement, false imprisonment, being held as hostages by terrorist groups. It can include religious or political groups who seize for the exploitation of their political or religious activities, whatever their objective happens to be. It also is to seize for the exploitation in the field of prostitution. This is the first conditional clause that observes the use of violence to deprive people of their freedom, their property and their life. The people who do this always have a purpose. They do this to advance themselves but they have made bad decisions from a position of weakness, they have lost control of their own lives, they have no personal sense of destiny, no confidence in God, no courage toward man and circumstances.

The second conditional clause: we have e)i again, and while the first conditional clause deprives others of freedom and property the second conditional clause uses violence to deprive people of their lives. Note the word “deprive” in contrast to the word “defend” in this passage. We do have the right to defend our freedom, our property and our lives. The principle: violence deprives, freedom defends. This is why we have both law enforcement and the military establishment to defend our freedom from both domestic and foreign violence. So we have the conditional particle e)i introducing a protasis of a first class condition, an assumption or premise from the viewpoint of reality, if and it is true.

Next we have the nominative singular of tij again, the indefinite pronoun which represents a category, the same category: criminals, gangsters, mercenaries, terrorists, and paramilitary groups, religious and political. These are the ones who throw off the harness of establishment and establishment authority and wallow in the cosmic system where they use violence to deprive others of freedoms, rights, property, lives. Again we translate it, “if anyone”. Beyond this the Greek text must be used to correct the translation of the King James version.

Next we have the prepositional phrase e)n plus the instrumental from the noun maxaira. The maxaira is the famous Roman short sword. We translate: “with the sword,” “if anyone with the sword.” Next is the future active indicative of the verb a)pokteinw which means to kill, “if anyone shall kill with the sword.” The predictive future tense anticipates what is expected to occur in the last half of the Tribulation: violence and more violence. The active voice: criminals, gangsters, terrorists, etc. produce the action of the verb in the last half of the Tribulation. The indicative mood is used for the reality of the assumption or premise of the first class condition, hence declarative for the reality of future violence in the last half of the Tribulation. This is not the use of weapons legitimately.

Then we have the impersonal verb of compulsion or unavoidable fate, dei, and it is translated “must.” Next comes the accusative singular of general reference from the intensive pronoun a)utoj, translated “he,” “he must,” followed by the aorist passive infinitive of a)pokteinw, “he must be killed.” The constative aorist tense contemplates the action of the verb in its entirety. The passive voice: the subject receives the action of the verb under the principle of living by violence resulting in dying by violence. The infinitive is the infinitive of result. In other words, those who function under the principle of unlawful terror are going to be killed by unlawful terror. Next comes the preposition e)n plus the instrumental singular of maxaira again, meaning “by the sword,” “must be killed by the sword.”  

 The divine policy regarding the use of unlawful violence goes all the way back to Genesis 9:5,6, “Most emphatically I will require your lifeblood; I will require an accounting from every animal [who murders] and every man [who murders], from the hand of every man his brother I will demand the life of man.”

That is capital punishment going through judicial procedure, not through a mob taking the law into its own hands.

“Whoever sheds man’s blood, by man his blood will be shed,” that is the judicial modus operandi resulting in the establishment of guilt and the administration of capital punishment. When there is no capital punishment crime is motivated to continue using violence. The only way to stop criminals is to put their own lives on the line.

Matthew 26:52, Peter has just done the dumb thing, he has tried to stop our Lord from going to the cross and dying for our sins. The Lord has explained it all to him but he never caught on. He is going to defend the Lord. When the temple guard came out to take our Lord in then garden out came the sword. He is brave and stupid. He cut of an ear, using violence to solve a problem, but what he was really doing was slowing down the plan.

 “Then Jesus said to him [Peter], Return your sword to its scabbard; for all who draw the sword [the unlawful use of violence, crime],” Peter is not a soldier, he is not in law enforcement, and he is not defending his personal property, “will die by the sword,” either capital punishment from a system of justice or the inevitable result of God’s law: those who live by violence will inevitably die by violence. Romans 13:3,4 adds to this. Exodus 21:12 adds — “He who strikes a man so that he dies shall definitely be put to death.” Numbers 35:30 — “If anyone murders a person, the murderer shall be put to death on the evidence of witnesses (plural), however no person shall be put to death on the evidence of one person.” The court of final appeal is found in Romans 12:19 — “Never take your own revenge, instead give place to punishment from the justice of God, for it stands written, ‘Punishment belongs to me, I will repay, says the Lord.’ That, of course, is to cool us down when we get hot-headed.

The last phrase of verse 10 becomes extremely important to us because this is the only way we are ever going to put it together. It should be translated, “In these circumstances” or “under these circumstances.” It is the adverb of place, w(de, and it is an adverb used as an idiom. It means “under these circumstances.” Under the historical circumstances in which we find ourselves. Next we have the verb, the present active indicative of e)imi, the verb to be, “in these circumstances a personal sense of destiny is,” present linear aktionsart, is and always will be. What is a personal sense of destiny in the time of the devil’s desperation, the last half of the Tribulation? What is a personal sense of destiny in the time that we are facing in the near future, historical disaster? In these circumstances a personal sense of destiny is. And then we have the predicate nominative u(pomonh. The personal sense of destiny, the active voice of e)imi, produces the action of the verb. The indicative mood is a declarative for the reality of a fact: in the most adverse circumstances of life, in the worst circumstances of life, whether it is a personal disaster, a national disaster, a global disaster, you can have a personal sense of destiny, you can have confidence in God, you can have courage toward man and circumstances. You don’t have to fall apart, become emotional, become irrational, or have a nervous breakdown. You can face up, and that is what we have in the last part of this verse. What is u(pomonh? It means endurance, fortitude, steadfastness, perseverance. This is a technical reference to the function of the three stages of the faith-rest drill.

Then we have the connective conjunction kai and the predicate nominative from the noun pistij. Ordinarily pistij means faith. Actually it has three meanings. In the active sense means trust, confidence, faith. In the attributive sense it means that which causes faith or trust — faithfulness or reliability. In the passive sense it means what is believed, hence it means doctrine, the body of faith. Number three is the one that is used here. The possessive genitive of a(gioj follows, “the doctrine of [belonging to] the saints [believers].”

“under these circumstances, a personal sense of destiny, is [the function of the faith-rest drill] the steadfastness, the constant courage, and the doctrine belonging to the saints.”

There is your personal sense of destiny: the doctrine you have learned. The only way to approach the coming disaster is to take in doctrine consistently every day. That is the only answer; that is the only hope.

Translation: “If anyone [those who use unlawful violence] leads others into captivity he will go into captivity: if anyone [those who use unlawful violence] shall kill with the sword he must be killed with the sword. In these circumstances a personal sense of destiny is the fortitude, the steadfastness, and the doctrine belonging to the saints.”

We are now about to study a Jewish dictator who is contemporary with the dictator of the revived Roman empire. The Jewish dictator is not a military genius but he is, however, a political genius and a religious leader passing himself off as Messiah. Like the first dictator we have studied there is a time limitation on this man’s power, the last three and a half years of the Tribulation.

We begin verse 11 with the conjunction kai in the Greek. Here it is the sequential use of the conjunction and is correctly translated “then” instead of “and.” With this we have the aorist active indicative of the verb o(raw which means to see, “Then I saw.” And with this we have the accusative neuter singular direct object from several words, first of all the adjective a)lloj, meaning another of the same kind of dictator. He is not different from the first. There are some minor differences: the first dictator we studied, the dictator of the revived Roman empire is a Gentile; this dictator is a Jew. Outside of that he has the same profile that we have noted in the first dictator. The noun is the same that describes this dictator as the last one, qhrion, which means beast dictator, someone who has no true morality, no honour, no integrity, no sense of responsibility, no virtue, functioning as a dictator.

The verb o(raw in the constative aorist represents an additional vision. The active voice: it is the apostle John who produces the action of the verb. “Then I saw another beast dictator.” This is Satan’s slave, the Jewish dictator of the nation Israel in the last half of the Tribulation, the time of the devil’s desperation.

Next we have a present active participle from the verb a)nabainw which means to come up, to rise to power actually, “Then I saw another beats dictator who rises to power.” The pictorial present tense brings into focus a picture of the events in the process of occurrence. This is an eschatological passage but it is used in the grammatical sense of the pictorial present. The active voice: the Jewish dictator of the last half of the Tribulation produces the action. The participle is circumstantial.

We have with this a prepositional phrase which is mistranslated, e)k plus the ablative of source from the noun gh, “out from the land,” the land of Israel. This Jewish dictator in the last half of the Tribulation reaches the peak of his power during the eschatology of the devil’s desperation. His modus operandi is recorded in greater detail in Daniel 11:36-39.

“Then the king [the Jewish dictator] will do according to his own will [this is an absolute dictatorship], and he will both exalt and glorify himself above every god [this is the character of the dictator as the false prophet Revelation 16:13; 19:20], furthermore he will speak blasphemous things against the God of gods [Jesus Christ as the God of Israel]; consequently he will be successful until the Tribulation has been completed, for what has been decreed [in eternity past] will be accomplished [in time].

“Furthermore he will not understand the God of his fathers [he will not understand the Lord Jesus Christ], nor does he have any desire for women, nor does he recognise any god [he is an atheist]; for he will glorify himself above all.

“Nevertheless he will give honour [a treaty recognition] to the god of fortified cities [the dictator of the revived Roman empire] …

“Furthermore he will construct a system of defensive fortification with the help of this foreign god [the dictator of the revived Roman empire]; to those who acknowledge him [the worship of the Jewish dictator as Messiah] he will enrich them with great wealth, and he will cause them to rule over the many [the Jews], and he will distribute the land for a profit [price].”

The Messiah when He comes is going to distribute the land according to tribes. The false Messiah distributes the land according to price — whoever pays him the most.

In Revelation 13:11 he is called “another beast dictator.” “Then I saw another beast dictator who rises to power from the land [Israel].” The first thing we notice about this man is not his military genius but the fact that he, too, is a religious genius. Remember that religion is the devil’s ace trump and that religion is the source of all evil. Religion is one of the ways in which Satan rules and administers the rulership of his world. So we have again the connective conjunction kai, translated “and,” plus the perfect active indicative of the verb e)xw, “and he had.”

Then we have the accusative plural direct object from the noun keraj with the adjective numeral duw, “two horns.” Then the accusative neuter plural from o(moioj sets up a comparison, “like,” plus the dative of person or thing, a)rnion, “like the Lamb,” a)rnion referring to our Lord Jesus Christ. In Revelation 5:6 we noted that Jesus as the Messiah is the Lamb of God who takes away the sin of the world, and He is said to have seven horns. We noted there that the Lamb was the Lord Jesus Christ controlling history. The lamb with two horns is a dictator controlling a very simple empire in the Tribulation. Since the horn symbolises human power and authority the two horns of the lamb represent the civil and the religious power of this Jewish dictator. He is the lamb with two horns. He is said to rise to power from the lamb, “and he had to horns like a lamb.” In Revelation 5:6 in contrast Jesus Christ, the true Messiah is said to have been killed as a sacrifice and He is now said to be standing in the middle of the throne with the four angelic heralds, and in the middle of the angelic staff He had seven horns. These seven horns include, first of all Jesus Christ controlling history. He controlled history in seven ways: the age of positive volition in the garden of Eden; the age of negative volition, from the fall of man to the fall of Babylon, the first United Nations; the dispensation of nationalism, the period of Gentile nations; the dispensation of Israel; the Church Age; the Tribulation; the Millennium. That adds up to His seven horns; Jesus Christ controls history.

The two horns of the Jewish dictator, again, represent his function as false Messiah over Judaism and as dictator over Israel. Translation: “Then I saw another beast dictator who rises to power from the land; and he had two horns like a lamb.” In passing himself off as Messiah to Israel this dictator is able to explain to us several passage of scripture.

Genesis 49:16, Why doesn’t Dan have representation among Jewish evangelists in the Tribulation? “Dan shall rule his people,” the dictator of Israel in the Tribulation is from the tribe of Dan. Dan is very apostate during this period, “as one of the tribes of Israel,” this explains why Dan is omitted from the list of Revelation chapter seven. Dan is also omitted from the genealogy of 1 Chronicles chapters 2-10. Dan was the first tribe to become involved in idolatry — Judges 18:30, and the last tribe to recover their inheritance in Joshua 19:47-49. So Dan is famous for apostasy and out of the tribe of Dan comes the dictator we are studying.

Verse 17, “Dan shall be a serpent on the road, a viper along the path, that strikes the horse’s heels,” the horse is Israel in the Tribulation, “so that the rider tumbles backwards,” the rider is Jewish believers living in Israel during the last half of the Tribulation.

Verse 18 is the cry of Jewish believers living in Israel during the last half of the Tribulation, “O Lord, I wait for your deliverance.” That will be their constant prayer.

The Jewish dictator, then, comes from the tribe of Dan which is famous for its apostasy in the past and infamous for its apostasy in the Tribulation. Religion is always the worst persecutor of true believers. Satan, the author of religion, uses this instrument in the hands of this dictator to neutralise and destroy Jewish believers in the Tribulation.

Matthew 24:21, one horn is the political power of Dan as we have noted in Genesis, the other horn of the dictator is here in verses 21-27.

“For at that time [the last half of the Tribulation] there will be great tribulation, such as has not occurred since the beginning of human history [the kosmoj], nor ever will occur. And unless those days [the time of the devil’s desperation] had been cut short, no human life would have been delivered; but for the sake of the elect to privilege [Jews who are believers and alive at the second advent] those days shall be cut short. At that time [after the born-again Jews have reached the high desert country in the middle of the Tribulation] if anyone says to you [during the last half of the Tribulation], ‘Behold, here is the Messiah,’ [believers have to come to the point in time of disaster where they can distinguish between what is true and what is false] or ‘There is the Messiah’, do not believe that person.”

In other words, people who teach what is false must not be believed. How can you tell the difference? Maximum perception of Bible doctrine gives the ability to distinguish the true from the false. Those who fail to learn doctrine will be deceived. How can these people tell that Messiah has not come? They know all of the signs of the second advent, including the fact that the entire earth will be covered with a great light, “Behold, every eye shall see Him.” That is one of seven biblical concepts by which they can tell. Failure to understand that particular point of eschatology means that they will be martyred for their stupidity.

“For many false Christs and also false prophets will appear and will show great miracles and extra-natural phenomena.” If there is anything that impresses the believer who is negative toward doctrine it is a miracle. It is something he can’t explain and he is always impressed by something he can’t explain instead of being impressed by what is easy to understand in Bible doctrine. So there will be very emotional people and they will be impressed by the miracles, “to deceive, even the elected to privilege [Jewish believers living in that place of refuge in the mountains of Edom, Moab, and Ammon], if that were possible,” third class condition: whether it is possible or not depends entirely on whether the believers have enough doctrine or not.

“Behold, I have told you in advance.” In other words, they are to understand the eschatology because eschatology prepares for future events.

“Consequently, if they shall say to you, ‘Behold, there he is out in the desert,’ do not go [do not leave your place of refuge], or ‘Behold, here he is in one of the inner rooms,’ do not believe that propaganda.” Why? You will know when Christ returns.

“For just as lightning comes from the east, and flashes to the west, so the coming of the Son of Man will be.”

 Just as lightning can be seen by all, so also everyone will see the second advent — Revelation 1:7. Furthermore, the second advent, like lightning, will occur quickly, according to Revelation 22:7, 12. In other words, there is no excuse for believers who are saved in the first part of the Tribulation and who have used the faith-rest drill to be lured out by propaganda. This dictator has two horns. One horn is his great civil ability, his other horn is his great religious leadership. In historical crisis God has always provided a way of escape. In the first half of the Tribulation believers have escaped to Edom, Moab, and Ammon; they are up there in the high ground and they are there because they have utilised the three stages of the faith-rest drill. In the third stage they have made the proper conclusion. But being there for another three and a half years people have a tendency to become bored once they have succeeded in the crisis, and they fail to realise that you must keep going with doctrine and that you are going to be tested. So these people become a little lazy about doctrine, a little indifferent, and they get bored. Along comes someone who says that Christ has returned, and that they should come down. If they come down they will be captured and martyred, and so in order to avoid that they are warned: ‘Learn to distinguish what is true [Bible doctrine] from what is false.’ And you can’t do it unless you are prepared by day-by-day-by-day perception of Bible doctrine. You never know what portion of the Word of God is going to be important to you. One slip into the cosmic system and believers will succumb to the propaganda of the Jewish dictator, and these are the ones who are martyred in the last half of the Tribulation.

The principle that must be emphasised: No believer can think or discern beyond the inventory of his ideas. Therefore the daily perception of doctrine will provide for us the necessary inventory of ideas so that we can be winners both in personal and in historical disaster. We are limited in the application of doctrine: we cannot apply what we do not know. People think in terms of their inventory of ideas, therefore the importance of Bible doctrine resident in the soul to provide the right inventory and to fill up all of those shelves with application for every situation and circumstance in life, whether prosperity or disaster.

At the end of verse 11 we have Satan getting into the picture because this servant of the devil, this dictator, has the rhetoric of Satan. We have the conjunction kai which has an adversative connotation here. Therefore we translate it “but” instead of the usual “and.” With this we have the imperfect active indicative of the verb lalew. It means to speak in a flowing manner and is used here for the connotation of eloquence. Ordinarily the imperfect tense denotes linear aktionsart in past time. The imperfect differs from the aorist in representing a process rather than a simple event. The imperfect differs also from the perfect tense in that it represents a process but has no connotation of the completion of that process. The imperfect fails to imply the attainment of the end to which the progress is made. This is therefore called an inceptive imperfect, denoting the beginning of the process or, as in the case of eschatology, an action on the point of occurring. The active voice: the dictator of the Jewish nation is another one of those great public speakers of the Tribulation. Along with the first dictator he has tremendous skill in the field of communication of ideas. The indicative mood is declarative for the reality of the dictator’s Satanic rhetoric in the future.

With this we have the comparative particle o(j, translated “like,” and with it the appositional nominative from drakwn, “dragon,” and dragon refers to Satan. Translation: “but he kept speaking like the dragon.” Total cosmic involvement gave this Jewish dictator the genius of Satan in communicating his ideas. His ideas are false, he is locked into the cosmic system. As an unbeliever this Jewish dictator is the recipient of both demon influence and demon possession in the cosmic system, therefore he is a brilliant salesman of the Satanic plan.

Again, the principle that we want to remember is that no one can think beyond the inventory of his ideas. Only the daily perception of doctrine will provide the necessary inventory of ideas to cope with both personal and historical disaster. Therefore the importance of Bible doctrine to provide that inventory so that we can be winners in time of historical disaster.


Principle: no believer can think beyond the inventory of his ideas

This is true of people in general. When people are working in a certain kind of business, in a certain kind of profession, in any kind of an organisation, no one has the capacity to think beyond the inventory of his ideas. If the idea isn’t there, the thought is not there; if the thought is not there, the ability is not there. This is why we see people get promoted beyond their capacity. But we want to apply the principle specifically to the believer.

1. When the believer is faced with personal or historical disaster he must be able to cope with the problem or problems from his own personal inventory. No believer should be dependant on others when it comes to personal or historical disaster. This does not mean he will not receive encouragement from others but the point is that in disaster you yourself as an individual are isolated. When the believer has faithfully taken in doctrine and added to his inventory and passed all of his tests he has a full inventory when he moves into disaster; and there is nothing that he cannot handle, he is totally and completely spiritually self-sustaining. He has prepared himself by good decisions from a position of strength.

2. No one solves his problems by relying on the inventory of someone else’s ideas. You may take some good advice and have an immediate solution because you took that advice, but it was someone else’s advice, it was not your application of doctrine. Therefore you did not gain any strength from it, only the person who gave you good advice. Of course, if the person gives you bad advice then they are in trouble with you.

3. Therefore the necessity for maintaining a large personal inventory of doctrinal principles, categories and rationales for every situation in life — including happiness.

4. Only the daily perception of doctrine will accumulate the necessary inventory of ideas by which we can cope with personal and historical disaster.

5. The winner in disaster can make the right application of doctrine to his circumstances. That is because in time of prosperity he has been consistent in the accumulation of a large inventory of Bible doctrine. Therefore he makes right decisions from a position of strength, he maintains control of his own life in disaster, and even in the worst of historical disasters he has a personal sense of destiny.


Verse 12, the forum and religious policies of this Jewish dictator. We have the emphatic use of the conjunction kai translated “In fact.” With this we have the present active indicative of the verb poiew, which we will translate here “exercises.” The reason for that translation is the accusative singular direct object of e)cousia, he “exercises authority.” The present tense is a perfective present, it denotes a continuation of existing results from the treaty between the revived Roman empire and the state of Israel in the last half of the Tribulation. Here it denotes a fact which has come to be in the past but is emphasised as a present reality. The active voice: the dictator of Israel in the Tribulation produces the action. The indicative mood is declarative for the future eschatological reality of the exercise of great power on the part of the Jewish dictator as the result of his treaty with the revived Roman empire.

The dictator now feels strong. Before he was very weak because he realised the four spheres of influence were about to destroy him, he couldn’t hold out against them. But as soon as he has a treaty he feels strong, he has depended upon the help of a foreign power.

Next we have a possessive genitive from three Greek words: the definite article tou, followed by prwtoj, followed by qhrion, “the first beast dictator,” the Gentile dictator of the revived Roman empire. one adjective comes next in the Greek that modifies e)cousia, and that is paj, “all.”

 “in fact he [the Jewish dictator] exercises all the authority of the first beast dictator,” which means that in the last half of the Tribulation there is a definite treaty between the state of Israel and the revived Roman empire.

Then there is another phrase, an improper preposition, e)nwpion plus the intensive pronoun a)utoj, “in place of him” or “on his behalf.” This indicates an alliance between the Gentile dictator of the revived Roman empire and the Jewish dictator of the state of Israel during the time of the devil’s desperation.

In his foreign policy, then, the Jewish dictator makes an alliance with this prophetical Roman empire and he exercise all of the authority [religious] of the Roman dictator in the function of that large and great ecumenical religious system. The basis of the treaty, then, between this revived Roman empire and the state of Israel is religion, the ecumenical religious system, and under the provision of the treaty the state of Israel adopts ecumenical religion as its system. That means that traditional Judaism in Jerusalem has to be set aside and there in the temple in Jerusalem the great statue of the dictator is set up that is called the abomination of desolation — the signal for believers of the first half of the Tribulation to get out and into the mountains of Edom, Moab and Ammon where they will be safe unless they listen to some of the propaganda. The Jews who have a good inventory of doctrinal concepts obey the command. There will also be some emotional believers who will decide to stay and fight. All Jewish believers who disobey this command will be killed. Again you see the principle: you must have a good inventory of ideas; you must have doctrine and you must be able to rightly divide the Word of truth. That stability, therefore, becomes one of the great characteristics of the believer who has a maximum inventory of ideas through the daily intake of doctrine.

The cosmic system is also designed to make the believer fanatical. This is one of the greatest problems with believers, they become totally and completely fanatical and in this way they ape every characteristic of dictatorship that we are studying. The fanatical believer is only different from the evil dictator in degree, otherwise there is no difference between a fanatical arrogant believer and any dictator that has ever lived. Fanaticism is defined as zeal without knowledge, no inventory of ideas. The believer cannot think, again, beyond his inventory. Fanaticism by-passes or ignores the principle of virtue-first. The fanatic has no virtue, only arrogance. Hence, fanaticism is irresponsible arrogance without even the motivational virtue of gate 5 or the functional virtue of gate 6 in the divine system. Fanaticism is arrogant obsession with self minus doctrinal inculcation, so that cosmic fanaticism and total obsession of self seems to characterise not only the two dictators we are studying in this chapter but also believers living in cosmic one.

We have noted the profile of the beast dictator. The first beast dictator and the second beast dictator have a similar profile with several exceptions. The first beast dictator, the dictator of the revived Roman empire, is a military genius and he gains control of the revived Roman empire in the last half of the Tribulation. He is also a political genius and a religious genius. He also has the ability to appeal to the stupid. The stupid are always impressed by miracles. The lower your inventory of truth the more you are impressed by Satanic miracles and, of course, Satan is in the miracle business. He communicates this function to his servants, special servants who are in the public eye. Of course this is the appeal to emotionalism in the masses.

We have noted that the majority of people never control anything; we have noted that public opinion is almost totally meaningless and can only bully the weak. But this also means that public opinion is always impressed by what they cannot understand since they have no inventory of truth. Miracles were performed in the Old Testament in times of apostasy, like the apostate generation of the Exodus. Miracles were performed by our Lord in a time of apostasy, the apostasy of Israel during the first advent of Christ. Miracles are not a sign of power except in the function of our Lord’s fourteen miracles which were given as a sign of His Messiahship. People are always impressed by miracles because they are stupid, because they are emotional, and therefore they have no inventory of Bible doctrine. Today there is no gift of miracles, and yet we find many people in our generation alleging to have the power of miracles. These people are making an allegation which is not true and they are being used by Satan in the cosmic system. They do perform acts of Satanic function and they are all designed with one thing in mind: to keep you as a believer from having an inventory of Bible doctrine in your soul. Those who worship power and idolise evil will never appreciate freedom or have any capacity for happiness, and this not only includes the dictators who rule countries today but it includes the dictator in the pew, the arrogant born-again believer living in the cosmic system. When people do not have truth or doctrine they are always impressed with the wrong things and they always distort the truth.

We noted that the dictator of the revived Roman empire had a dynamic in the field of verbal communication. So does our second dictator. The ability to communicate, of course, is one of the most important functions in life and the ability to communicate may mean the ability to communicate truth or what is false — to be persuasive in either case. As far as these dictators are concerned they communicate what is false to further eliminate any inventory of Bible doctrine in the soul. Of course, one nice thing about all human power is that it has a time limitation.

We have noted in the past that there is no power in public opinion. Public opinion caters to the viewpoint of the majority and the majority have no power or control in history. A careful study of history indicates that it is always a well-organised minority that controls. Illustration: The French revolution; the communist minority in the Russian revolution; the Nazis were a minority in Germany. Public opinion always reacts to these minorities but public opinion has no organisation, no power; public opinion is news today and gone tomorrow. Public opinion has no power against organised minorities and their depredation. Public opinion, therefore, can only bully the weak and flatter the successful; it has no power with the communists, for example, who ignore it.

One thing we have not brought together in the profile of the dictators we are studying is the fact that the power of the dictator prevents him from thinking beyond the inventory of his own ideas. The corrupting influence of power not only erases the norms of divine establishment and supersedes the standards of category #1 truth, the laws of divine establishment, with some terrible use of power but it hinders the cosmic dictator actually utilising any previous inventory of honourable principles that he may have possessed in his lifetime. This is explains the conflict between organised evil as represented in the dictatorship and disorganised evil of free enterprise represented by crime, homosexuality and crusader arrogance. While disorganised evil and degeneracy coexist together with Christianity organised evil cannot tolerate Christianity even as organised evil does not tolerate degeneracy. A careful study of history will see that this is often the case. Remember also that morality can be just as much a part of degeneracy as immorality. The key to degeneracy is the study of arrogance we have made, the twelve gates of cosmic one.

We note in verse 12 that “he [the Jewish dictator exercises all the authority [temporal and religious in Israel] of the first beast dictator on his behalf, and he forces the land ...” He is going to force upon them a new religious system. The basis for the treaty between the revived Roman empire and the state of Israel in the last half of the Tribulation is really ecumenical religion, and under the provision of the treaty the state of Israel adopts this ecumenical system of the revived Roman empire.

At this time we must turn to Daniel chapter 12 to see something of the repercussions of accepting this ecumenical religion.

Daniel 12:11, “And from the time [the middle of the Tribulation] that the regular sacrifice is abolished.” One of the first things that the dictator must do is to order the abolishing of the sacrifices where the five categories of Levitical sacrifices are offered, speaking of the doctrines of propitiation, unlimited atonement, the various categories of soteriology and the basis for the rebound technique. Those sacrifices are offered in the Tribulation once the temple is reconstructed. Then the dictator suddenly decides that no longer will animal sacrifices be offered. Animal sacrifices. of course, were merely a way of teaching the doctrines of Christology and soteriology before the completion of the canon of scripture, “and the abomination of desolation [a statue of the dictator of the revived Roman empire] is set up, there will be then 1,290 days [the last three and a half years of the Tribulation, the same as the 42 months of Revelation 13:5].”

The first 45 days of the Millennium are now brought into focus in Daniel 12:12 — “How blessed [happy] is he [the Jewish believer in the last half of the Tribulation who keeps waiting, the dynamic function of the three stages of the faith-rest drill] and therefore attains [still lives] during the 1,335 days!” The difference between the 1,335 days and the 1,290 days of the last half of the Tribulation is 45 days, so these are the 45 days into the Millennium. At that time the Jewish believers will observe the first feast of the Tabernacles which portrays the Millennium.

This celebration is actually described in Zechariah 14:16 — “Then it will come to pass that everyone who is left of all the nations that went up against Jerusalem [certain armies that attacked Jerusalem in the Armageddon campaign] will go from year to year to worship the King, the Lord of the armies, and to celebrate the feast of the Tabernacles.” (The feast of the Tabernacles is described in Leviticus 23:33-43) While this verse emphasises Gentile believers who survive the Tribulation and the baptism of fire of Matthew 25 there are also Jewish believers who survive and they are mentioned in Ezekiel 20:34-38. They are the ones who enjoy those extra 45 days which were mentioned in Daniel 12:12.

Returning to Revelation 13:12 we note the religious policy of the dictator of the revived Roman empire. So far in our passage: “In fact he [the Jewish dictator] exercises all the authority [both temporal and religious in Israel] of the first dictator on his behalf ...”

We resume with a connective conjunction kai, translated “and” or “then.” Next is the present active indicative of the verb poiew. Generally poiew means to do, to make, to manufacture. Here it means to force. The present tense is a perfective present, it denotes the continuation of existing results. It denotes the abuse of this power. Dictators generally are non-enlightened, they abuse their power. Very few men in history have had that much power without abusing it. The active voice is a causative active voice and that it where we get the translation “he forces.” The indicative mood is potential indicating a status or condition.

Next we have the accusative singular direct object from the noun gh, referring here to the land of Israel in the last half of the Tribulation, “and he forces the land.” This is part of the double accusative direct object of personal and impersonal object. Next is an articular present active participle from the verb katoikew which means to reside or to be a citizen, referring to the citizens of the land, “then he forces the land and those who reside in it.” The definite article in the accusative plural is used as a direct object and as a demonstrative pronoun. It refers to the citizens living in the future in the state of Israel. The descriptive present tense is for the citizenship now performing an action, they are being acted upon by the abuse of power. The active voice: the Jews living in Israel are going to be the subject of the action. They produce the action of being citizens in a dictatorship and citizens in a dictatorship have restricted freedom or no freedom, depending upon their compliance to the policies of the dictator. In other words, the dictator is using and abusing his power with regard to the citizens of the state of Israel in the future. The participle is circumstantial. With this we have a prepositional phrase, en plus the locative of a)utoj, “in it,” “and those who reside in it [the state of Israel].”

Next we have the purpose clause. We have the conjunction i(na to introduce a semi-final purpose clause. A semi-final purpose clause denotes the direction of the action in the main verb to a given result which is sought for or anticipated. It is sought for in this case. The dictator is trying to use his power to force people to worship in the ecumenical religious system of the revived Roman empire.

There is a principle here: No one can force you to worship apart from your own free will. The key to worship is volition, free will. You have the right to accept or reject what is taught, you have the right to worship or not to worship, you have the right to choose to serve under the Lord’s divine system [the divine dynasphere] or not. You must have, of course, privacy for all of this. The major principle is your personal freedom. If you are ever going to be spiritually self-sustaining you must make your own decisions from a position of strength. You must have a personal control of your life and a personal sense of destiny, and you cannot do that unless you have your privacy.

This beast dictator comes along and he says that all religions in the state of Israel are wiped out. That would include the cultural religion which is Judaism. Today Judaism is a cultural religion. Why? Because they have ritual without reality. There will also be certain Jews who have personally accepted Christ as saviour, they are evangelised as we have seen in Revelation chapter seven and we will get additional information in chapter fourteen. And then there are a certain number of other religions. There is a religious tolerance until this treaty with the dictator of the revived Roman empire when everyone must then conform to the ecumenical religious system of the dictator. Everyone will come in and bow down in the temple to what the Bible calls “the abomination of desolation.”

And so the subject then, “and that they should worship”, the future active indicative of the verb proskunew. Notice that worship follows force. Any time that any church, any group, any organisation, demands that you must believe this or else is out of line. The truth must be communicated but you have the option of accepting or rejecting that truth. No one has the right to force you and when people are forced to accept the truth then you have organised evil, you no longer have the function of freedom. The whole purpose of Christianity is to foster freedom and Christianity actually says a person can accept or reject Christ and that it is a person’s personal business. If a person accepts Christ he must always keep his doctrine straight and never confuse Christianity with the state. The state must always be separate from Christianity. Therefore Christians have no right to enter into civil disobedience, “Render unto Caesar the things that are Caesar’s and unto God the things that are God’s.” It must be recognised that everyone has a right to be wrong and everyone has a right to be right; everyone has a right to choose for themselves, in fact they must choose for themselves. We are studying dictatorship in terms that say no, you cannot. Occasionally, there are enlightened dictators who are different, like Frederick the Great who even set up an officer’s code for the army which demanded that cognisance be given to the claims of Christ on the life and that all virtue in the military must be directly related to the principles of Bible doctrine in the scriptures. He didn’t demand that his officers accept Christ as saviour but this was the standard. He also despised socialism in any form. Frederick the Great understood freedom and said it was the motivation for everything in life.

Now we have anti-freedom with these two dictators in this purpose clause, “In fact he [the Jewish dictator] exercises all the authority of the first dictator on his behalf, then he forces the land [Israel] and those who reside in it to worship the first beast dictator.” This is the accusative singular direct object of the adjective prwtoj and the noun qhrion.

Then we have Israel becoming a centre of ecumenical religion. We have a descriptive genitive singular from two words: the relative pronoun o(j and a)utoj, “who of him,” but translated correctly into English by combining these words to read “whose.” Then we have the nominative singular subject plhgh, which is not a wound as such although it can be translated “a mortal wound”; it means a death stroke, a fatal wound. The stroke of death, qanatoj, is a part of the noun and the word formation and it is literally the stroke of death but it means the fatal wound. It is an idiom and is a reference to the historical destruction of the old Roman empire in 476 AD, the administration of the fifth cycle of discipline to Rome as the first Gentile nation to God. And then we have the aorist passive indicative of the noun qerapeuw which means to heal, “the fatal wound was healed.” The constative aorist tense views the revival of the Roman empire in the Tribulation in its entirety. The passive voice: the historical Roman empire of the past receives the action of the verb as a prophetic empire in the future. The indicative mood is declarative for the historical trend of the Tribulation presented in the form of eschatological doctrine.

Translation of verse 12 — “In fact he [the dictator of the Jewish state in the Tribulation] exercises all of the authority of the first dictator [the Gentile dictator of the revived Roman empire] on his behalf, then he [the Jewish dictator] forces the land [Israel] and those who reside in it to worship the first beast dictator whose fatal wound [fall of the historical Roman empire] was healed [the revival of the Roman empire in the Tribulation].”

Once you begin to learn Bible doctrine you begin to develop an inventory of ideas, and the sooner you do the sooner you will mature and have the ability to discern, to be spiritually self-sustaining. When the average person sees a miracle or what appears to be a miracle he immediately is terribly impressed and immediately assumes some great ability to the one who performs it, and he even adheres to and believes anything that the one who performs the miracle has to say. This has been the system for religion throughout the centuries. The reason that people are impressed by the superficial, the stupid, and the idiotic is because they have no inventory of ideas and cannot think in terms of principle. No inventory means that you are going to be very emotional, very stupid, very unhappy, and you will never be able to understand what is going on and will be a loser all of your life. That is exactly what is going to happen to a lot of believers and unbelievers in the Tribulation.

In verse 13 we have the amplification of the religious modus operandi of the Jewish dictator and the function of miracles is the title of the verse. In the King James version is says, “And he doeth great wonders, so that he maketh fire come down from heaven on the earth in the sight of men.”

This evil man, this dictator, this representative of Satan, is performing extra-natural phenomena, miracles, and a lot of people are impressed. With unbelievers you would expect it; with believers you wonder why. Just because someone performs a miracle it doesn’t mean that it has anything to do with the truth. The sooner you are able to think in terms of truth, the sooner you have an inventory of ideas related to truth, i.e. doctrine, the sooner you will be spiritually self-sustaining, discerning, and have the ability to see that a miracle in itself is utterly and totally meaningless. It is an amazing fact that while the Jews have always been smart and some of the greatest geniuses of all time, yet “the Jews seek a sign [miracle], the Greeks seek wisdom.” Here are the smartest people in the world and they are always looking for a miracle. They are seeking miracles; they are impressed with miracles. If there is anything that neutralises inherent smartness and high IQ it is to look for miracles rather than explanations related to truth and to Bible doctrine. In every age of human history there are always a large number of suckers, idiots, imbeciles, stupid people, born with high IQs but are taken in by miracles. A miracle means nothing unless it is related to the truth. Our Lord performed miracles for one reason: to demonstrate His Messiahship. It was a demonstration of who and what He was and the purpose of our Lord’s miracles was to gain a hearing for His message so that people would hear the truth. It is an amazing thing that every nitwit in the world who comes up with a miracle always gets a gathering. The first principle we note in verse 13 is that people are more impressed by what they see than by what they think.

We start with the adjunctive use of the conjunction kai, translated “Furthermore.” Then the present active indicative of poiew which means here to perform, “Furthermore he [the Jewish dictator] performs.” With this we have the accusative neuter plural direct object from two words: an adjective megaj and with that, shmeion, “great miracles.” These miracles are performed through the power and the manipulation of Satan as the ruler of this world so that the masses of people living in Israel and Jews throughout the world will actually believe that this is the Messiah. To make a false Messiah appear like a real Messiah requires miracles to deceive the people. People are always deceived by miracles, even someone who promises them miracles — like politicians. Satan produces the miracles to palm off the false prophet, the dictator of Israel, as the false Messiah.

Then we have an illustration of his miracles. We start with the conjunction i(na, generally used for a purpose clause, but this is a most unusual use of a conjunction. It is used here as a substitute for the explanatory infinitive. The infinitive cannot be used without a demonstrative, therefore i(na is substituted and it should be translated, “for example he even.”

Now we have our present active subjunctive in poiew meaning to cause, “he even causes.” The tendencial present tense is used for an action which is purposed or attempted though it is not actually taking place at the moment. It is eschatological, in other words. We have the causative active voice for an action through an intermediary means. Satan is the source; the dictator of Israel as the false Messiah is the means. The subjunctive mood is potential implying a future reference, therefore we are looking at an eschatological picture. Then we have the accusative singular direct object from the noun pur, the word for fire, “for example he may even cause [it doesn’t say that he will] fire.”

Here is where why we have i(na with the exegetical infinitive, the present active infinitive of katabainw, “to come down.” This is a pictorial present. The active voice: the dictator, passing himself of as the Messiah, in other words deceiving people, produces the action of the verb. He does it in the last half of the Tribulation when dupes are needed and being enlisted by Satan. The infinitive is the infinitive of intended result, it blends a purpose and a result, and since the result fulfils a deliberate objective to deceive the people into thinking that the dictator is the Messiah it means it is accomplished, there is one born every minute. Then the fire is said to come down from heaven, from the sky, e)k plus the ablative of o)uranoj. This is one time it doesn’t mean heaven, it just means from the direction of the sky. Then there is one more preposition, e)ij plus the accusative of gh, “to the land” or “to the earth.”

One other thing is necessary to complete the concept of the miracle. We have three prepositional phrases in a row: the improper preposition [an improper preposition is really an adverb used as a preposition] e)nwpion plus a)nqrwpoj. A.T. Robertson, a famous Greek exegete in his day, said that Elijah had called down fire from heaven, James and John had once even urged Jesus to do this miracle in Luke 9, the idea being that this is an imitation of that concept. This was obviously an attempt to use a little one-upmanship against the two witnesses, Moses and Elijah. We studied this in Revelation 11:5 where it says that fire shoots out of their mouth and it destroys their enemies. Obviously, here, there is no attempt to portray the truth, only to put down the truth. When the truth is being portrayed it is a legitimate function and the whole objective is not to perform the miracle but to get a hearing for the truth. Here it simply to destroy any hearing of the truth.

The corrected translation: “Furthermore, he [the Jewish dictator] performs great miracles, for example he may even cause fire to come down from heaven to the earth in the presence of the people.”

Miracles minus doctrine are meaningless. Even worse, they are deceptive. Miracles often manifest divine power but very infrequently in the time in which we live. All too often they manifest the power of Satan working through people involved in the cosmic system. And the principle that must always be remembered: God never performs miracles to relieve suffering or pain, otherwise God would provide miracles in every case of suffering or pain and there would be no suffering or pain. Any miracle from God usually alleviates suffering, but that isn’t its purpose. Jesus didn’t come to the earth to alleviate suffering otherwise all the time He was on the earth no one would have had any pain or suffering. Yet people came to Him suffering and in pain. So it is obvious that our Lord did not perform miracles to alleviate suffering, He performed miracles to call attention to His person and His message. So God performed miracles in the past to give accreditation and hearing to both the Old Testament prophets, the heralds of the first advent, our Lord Jesus Christ, the apostles and prophets prior to the completion of the canon of scripture. We do not live in the age of miracles. People looking for miracles do not understand truth. Often they are merely emotional about their own problems but not rational. Miracles today are being used by Satan himself.   



1. Miracles without truth are meaningless. They are deceptive.

2. Miracles often manifest divine power. They were so used in the past to accredit Moses as God’s messenger. (Satan was in the court that day too, and he performed miracles through the Egyptian priests)

3. God never performs miracles to relieve suffering or pain. His miracles do alleviate suffering but if He does it for you, why not for thousands of others.

4. God performed miracles in the past for one reason: accreditation. He performed miracles so that people would recognise “this prophet is from God”. Elijah performed seven miracles; Elisha performed fourteen because he asked for a double portion. Why did God permit Elijah to perform miracles? So that people would listen to his message. It isn’t the miracle, it is the message. Miracles do not form an inventory of ideas in your soul. It is doctrine, it is the message that performs the inventory of ideas. Our Lord, on one occasion, even delegated the seventy disciples, gave them the power of miracles and said to them that if the people would not hear their message (they will see the miracle) that they were to pick up their sandal, fill it full of dust, shake it out and leave town. Why? Because they wouldn’t hear the message. They would sit around all day and see the miracles. It is the message that is important.

5. The purpose of these miracles in the past and miracles in the Tribulation was so that a message could be given, to give Bible doctrine a hearing, and to keep believers functioning in the plan of God. God assumes that once you have it in writing, the Word of God, you are ready for the fact that instead of miracles God intends for you to use your volition today, tomorrow, the next day, the next day, because the whole purpose of life and the secret to life is what you have in your soul: truth. We start out minus truth in the frontal lobes of the soul and the purpose it to get that truth.

6. Satan performs miracles to distract people; our Lord performed miracles to attract people to the doctrine. Satan performs miracles to distract people from doctrine and to hinder the believer from executing the plan of God. In other words, Satan performs miracles to evangelise for the cosmic system. He doesn’t perform them directly, he performs them through cosmic evangelists, believers and unbelievers in the cosmic system.

7. Hence, it is not the miracle performed but the content of the message that accompanies the miracle. If the message is Bible doctrine the miracle is genuine but if the message promotes false doctrine or evangelisation for the cosmic system the miracle is a distraction from Satan. 


This leads us to the overall conclusion regarding verse 13: People are more impressed by what they see than by what they know.

In verse 14 we have the resultant function of the deception. We have the connective conjunction kai again, “and.” With that we have i(na again plus the subjunctive, the present active subjunctive of planaw, the key to miracles, the purpose of miracles as far as Satan is concerned. It means to deceive. That is the purpose for miracles. And who would be deceived by miracles? Someone who had a very low inventory of ideas, someone who had no inventory of doctrine, no inventory of truth. The customary present tense denotes what habitually occurs when Satan begins to perform miracles through some human being. The active voice: the human being in this case is the dictator of Israel in the last half of the Tribulation; he produces the action; he produces the miracle. The subjunctive mood is potential implying again an eschatological reference. The articular present active participle of katoikew follows and it means those who reside in the land. Here is a perfect case of where the participle is used as a noun rather than as a verb. We translate it: “and so that he [the Jewish dictator] might deceive the residence of the land. We have the preposition e)pi plus gh again and it refers to the land of Israel. The residence of the land would be Jews living in the land of Israel in the last half of the Tribulation.

Then we have another prepositional phrase, dia plus the accusative of shmeion which means miracles or signs, “because of the miracles,” and then the accusative neuter plural from the relative pronoun o(j, “which.” Another verb follows, the aorist passive indicative of didomi which means to give or to delegate, “which were given.” The constative aorist tense contemplates the action of the verb in its entirety. The passive voice: the dictator of the state of Israel receives the action of the verb, the power to perform miracles. The indicative mood is declarative, a statement of the origin or source of the miracles as the sign. Then we have the dative singular indirect object from a)utoj, used as a personal pronoun, “to him.” In other words, he was given this power to perform these miracles. Then, again, the aorist active infinitive of poiew, meaning to perform. And. again, the improper prepositional phrase e)nwpion plus qhrion, “in the presence of the beast dictator.” In other words, the beast dictator of Israel performs these miracles in the presence of the dictator of the revived Roman empire, which means that sometime in the last half of the Tribulation after the signing of the treaty the dictator of the revived Roman empire will travel to Jerusalem for the opening of the new religion, the ecumenical system. When he does the dictator of Israel will perform these miracles in his presence. Apparently there will be opening ceremonies for suckers!

Translation: “And that he [the Jewish dictator] might deceive the residence of the land [the purpose of miracles] because of these miracles which were given to him in the presence of the beast dictator [of the revived Roman empire].”

So in order to destroy Israel in the last half of the Tribulation the Jews must be deceived by the two dictators: the dictator of Israel through the performance of miracles is able to deceive many Jews as the false prophet and the false Messiah; the dictator of the revived Roman empire deceives the Jews through bringing ecumenical religion to the land. The principle is: A deceived people are a fallen people; a deceived people are a degenerate people. Remember that degeneracy has two categories — a moral degeneracy and an immoral degeneracy — but whatever the category of degeneracy may be a deceived nation is a fallen nation, a deceived nation is a degenerate nation. Only truth or Bible doctrine can protect people as individuals or nations from nations from self-destructive deception. Please notice that the deception is really self-destructive. They stand there and watch the miracles; they go to see the miracles; they are positive toward the miracles.

The greatest system of deception, therefore, is religion: religion of cosmic two and the arrogance of cosmic one. When people reject the truth or Bible doctrine they are vulnerable to deception. First they get into cosmic one where they are preoccupied.

Problem: How are you going to get the Jews to abandon their traditional Judaism? These are unbelieving Jews who are in ritual without reality, and by the thousands in the middle east at that time their traditional religion is Judaism, except for those who have personally accepted Christ as saviour. The answer to that is found in 1 Corinthians where it says that the Jews seek a miracle, the Greeks seek wisdom. It would take a miracle in order to actually get them to abandon their traditional religious attitude of Judaism, and that is exactly what happens. Satan empowers the dictator in Jerusalem to start performing miracles and they are done in the name of this dictator and in this way the Jews amalgamate their traditional Judaism with ecumenical religion. Remember that the dictator in the revived Roman empire is the head of ecumenical religion, so in order to destroy Israel in the last half of the Tribulation the Jews must be deceived by both the Jewish and the Gentile dictators. The dictator of Israel through the performance of these miracles is able to deceive the Jews and cause them to abandon their traditional Judaism.

 The mandate of deception is given in the last part of verse 14, starting with the word “saying,” the present active participle of the verb legw. However, it is not going to be translated as in the King James version, “saying,” because the circumstantial participle is best rendered into the English by the conjunction “and” plus the finite verb, and we are going to translate it, “and he kept saying.” The progressive present tense signifies action in the state of persistence, present linear aktionsart. The active voice: the dictator of Israel in the last half of the Tribulation passing himself off as the Messiah, known also as the false prophet or Antichrist, produces the action of the verb.

Next we have an articular present active participle from the verb katoikew. This is a participle used as a noun or a substantive, and it is a participle in the dative plural, therefore the indirect object, “and he kept saying to the residents.” And then we have e)pi plus gh, “upon the land” literally, but we translate it in better English, “of the land [Israel].” We have next an aorist active infinitive from the verb poiew which means here to manufacture, “he kept urging the residents of the land to manufacture.” The aorist infinitive denotes that which is eventual or particular in contrast to the present infinitive, so it gathers into one entirety the many speeches that the dictator made. This dictator is very successful because he can communicate. Then we have the accusative plural direct object from e)ikon, referring to an idol. Then the dative of reference from qhrion, “to manufacture an idol to the beast dictator.”

“and he [the beast dictator] kept urging [mandating] the residents of the land to manufacture an idol to the beast dictator.”

The mandate to Israel from the beast dictator who is both the false prophet and the false Messiah is therefore related to idolatry which is constantly prohibited by the Word of God. The mandate related to this idolatry exposes the Jewish dictator not as the true Messiah but as a false Messiah. This brings us, then, to the concept of idolatry in the future even as we have noted it in the past.

Throughout the history of Israel as a client nation to God they were constantly warned against idolatry. Idolatry is always related to religion and idolatrous religion is always related to demon possession of the unbeliever and demon influence of the believer. As stated in the next verse, verse 15, idolatry is contact with demons, demon worship, and therefore it is Satan worship. Idolatry is the subject of the first two commandments in the decalogue. The first commandment prohibited mental idolatry, as illustrated in Deuteronomy 5:6-7; the second commandment prohibited overt idolatry as per Deuteronomy 5:8-10. Because idolatry involves life in the cosmic system, reversionism, scar tissue of the soul, all of the evils of the phallic cult, and it is often called spiritual adultery. The analogy to idolatry and spiritual adultery is found in Jeremiah 3:8-10; Ezekiel 16:23-43; 23:24-30; Revelation 17:1-5. Idolatry, then, is the basis for becoming involved with demons. For the unbeliever it is demon possession and demon influence; for the believer it is demon influence only. This is why idolatry is called the devil’s communion table in 1 Corinthians 10:19-21. Furthermore, idolatry is related to the phallic cult in Ezekiel 22:3-18; 23:37-39.

The greatest motivation to evil in all of history is religion. Religion motivates evil. Remember that Christianity is not a religion. Religion also results, therefore, in great functional evil. We have studied before the phallic cult and noted that the phallic cult produces both idolatry and from that idolatry immorality. Immorality destroys freedom.

The ten commandments are not dealing with sin as such, they are dealing with the principle of freedom. For example, the phallic cult produced great immorality in Leviticus 18:3-25. Immorality is an attack upon freedom, an attack upon the privacy of property, the rights of individuals, the sacredness of human life. Immorality attacks every aspect of freedom. Freedom and immorality simply cannot coexist. Furthermore, as we have studied both organised and disorganised evil, when you have freedom you have disorganised evil in two categories: immoral degeneracy and moral degeneracy. Moral degeneracy is perhaps the most subtle of the two, it is self-righteous arrogance, but both categories are involved in degeneracy. Degeneracy as a system of evil always coexists with Christianity and whereas there may be attacks on Christianity from time to time they are limited, it is not an overall system of persecution. Christianity goes over into degeneracy and evangelises; degeneracy under the cosmic system goes over to Christianity and does some evangelising and born-again believers become involved in some form of moral or immoral degeneracy. But all that is because of the existence of freedom.

Now, degeneracy and evil does something else. Degeneracy finally becomes overpowering if you have too small a pivot in any given generation when the pivot shrinks, and the expansion of degeneracy with the immoral phase destroys freedom. The moral phase attacks freedom too. Self-righteous people say you have to do it their way and they persecute you if you do not. But eventually it knocks out freedom and inevitably on this structure of degeneracy, both moral and immoral, comes the real enemy of Christianity: organised evil. As long as you have disorganised evil you are free to say, I accept it” or “I reject it.” Disorganised evil is something in which you do not have to get involved, you still have the right to say yes or no. But once you have organised evil all of that changes, you have no option. They are gone.

Degeneracy in the form of disorganised evil eventually opens the door for the rise of a dictatorship, but in the meantime as long as you have status quo of a client nation Christianity and disorganised evil coexist and continue to coexist under the principle of freedom. It is organised evil that will not tolerate either Christianity or degeneracy in either of its forms. Organised evil always has its own facade of self-righteousness and that facade will not tolerate the truth, in our case Christianity; in the future, born-again believers, and it will not tolerate degeneracy. One form of degeneracy is crime, and organised evil wipes out crime, but it has its own crime. It doesn’t like competition. The Government murders people as in Russia and in China, and other places; the Government commits all the crime. That is organised evil and organised evil systematically destroys anything that has a system of toleration related to it.

The phallic cult always includes immorality. It includes demonism, Leviticus 20:6; it includes human sacrifice, Leviticus 20:1-5; it rejects establishment authority, Leviticus 20:9; it produces degeneracy, Leviticus 20-10-23; it is related to idolatry and demonism and the phallic cult, of course, promotes homosexuality, bestiality, incest, Deuteronomy 12:9-31. So there is a tremendous breakdown. In other words, when the Jews came into the land for the first time and took over the land, the greatest warning was against idolatry. Why idolatry? Because idolatry is a system that amalgamates moral degeneracy with immoral degeneracy and once it amalgamates the two then it establishes a dictatorship called organised evil. It takes over disorganised evil and converts it to organised evil and at the same time maintains a close contact with demonism. This is what destroyed the Canaanites. The land of Canaan was once a great nation but it had been destroyed and the final punishment of Canaan was the fact that the Jews came in and took over the land. There were several exceptions. For example, the Philistines who were Greeks came into that particular area and were left there as a test, as were the Phoenicians. The Jews had a generation that failed the test and they took over the same customs as the Canaanites, as the Phoenicians, as the Philistines, and the result, of course, was devastating to them. Idolatry and the phallic cult helped, then, to destroy Israel as a client nation to God and resulted in the fifth cycle of discipline. This is the subject of many passages in Isaiah, Jeremiah and Ezekiel.

This is what we have, then, so far in our passage: “and that he [the Jewish dictator] might deceive the residents of the land [the state of Israel in the last half of the Tribulation] because of the miracles,” the Jews with all of their natural brilliance are impressed by miracles, “which were given to him [Satan gives the power of miracles to this dictator] in the presence of the beast dictator.” In other words, Satan honours the Gentile dictator of the revived Roman empire as the leader of ecumenical religion, “and he [the Jewish dictator] kept urging the residents of the land to manufacture and idol to that beast dictator.”

That brings us now to our relative clause which presents the historical and prophetic Roman empire. Once again we see the historical Roman empire which is introduced by the nominative singular of the relative pronoun o)j, and it will be translated “who.” This introduces the historical Roman empire.

With this relative pronoun we have the present active indicative of the verb e)xw. It is the historical present, it views the past event with the vividness of a present occurrence. The active voice: the historical Roman empire, the first Gentile client nation, produces the action of the verb. This is a declarative indicative for the fall of the historical Roman empire in AD 476. The accusative singular direct object of plhgh gives us the word that is going to be used to indicate the fall of the Roman empire, and that is the death stroke or the mortal wound, and then the descriptive genitive of the noun maxaira, “of the sword.” This is the Roman sword. The Romans destroyed themselves. If the Barbarians had destroyed them then God the Holy Spirit would not have permitted this vocabulary, maxaira. Instead we would have had r(omfaia, the Barbarian sword. The Romans destroyed themselves, and it brings up the principle again: No nation is ever destroyed by an outside nation, they merely come in and finish the job. A nation always destroys itself by its own bad decisions.

While many tribes and Barbarians had been admitted into the Roman empire as allies and had proved faithful defenders of the frontiers it was the Visigoths who really started the ball rolling. By this time the Romans had departed from category #1 truth, the laws of divine establishment, and there was not a very large pivot of mature believers. And so the Visigoths appeared on the Danube. When a client nation breaks up the repercussions are terrible throughout the world and in the case of the Roman empire there were terrible repercussions from the break-up of the client nation to God. Masses of non-Germanic Barbarians began to invade the empire, some of the wildest people in the world — the Slavs, the Huns, the Tartars, and others.

So this is the death stroke of the sword, “who had the stroke of the sword.” This dictator is said to be related to the historical Roman empire, “and has revived,” the aorist active indicative of the verb zaw, which means to live, and “has come to life” would be a good translation. The culminative aorist tense views the revival of the Roman empire in the Tribulation in its entirety but regards it from the viewpoint of existing results, namely the basis for Satan’s decisions of desperation in the last half of the Tribulation. The active voice: the revived Roman empire of the Tribulation produces the action. The indicative mood is declarative for the reality of this eschatological event in the Tribulation. The revived Roman empire in the Tribulation will be composed of ten nations which were formerly a part of the historical Roman empire. We will not be here to see it because the Church will be removed by the Rapture. The Roman dictator conquers three of the ten nations before the remaining seven surrender to his power. The Roman dictator is also the religious leader of ecumenical religion in the Tribulation and therefore the aorist active indicative refers to the revived Roman empire.

Corrected translation of verses 13,14:

Verse 13, “Furthermore he [the Jewish dictator of the state of Israel] performs great miracles. For example, he may even cause fire to come down from heaven to the earth in the presence of the people [the Jewish people in the state of Israel].

Verse 14, “And so that he [the Jewish dictator] might deceive the residents of the land [the Jews living in Israel in the Tribulation] because of the miracles which were given to him in the presence of the beast dictator [the dictator of the revived Roman empire]: and the [the Jewish dictator] keeps urging the residents of the land to manufacture an idol [the abomination of desolation] to the beast dictator, who [the historical Roman empire] had the stroke of death [the fall of the historical Roman empire], and has revived [come to life, the revival of the Roman empire in the Tribulation].”

In verse 15 we note first of all that the image is related to demons and therefore a sign of demon power. We begin with the sequential use of the conjunction kai, translated “Then,” followed by the aorist passive indicative of the verb didomi, which means to give, to bestow, or to delegate. The constative aorist tense contemplates the action of the verb in its entirety. The passive voice: the Jewish dictator of the state of Israel receives the action of the verb, the ability to perform a trick with the statue known as the abomination of desolation, the statue of the dictator of the revived Roman empire. The dative singular indirect object of a)utoj follows, an intensive pronoun used as a personal pronoun, third person, because the personal pronoun from the Attic Greek was not brought over. It is translated “to him,” referring to the Jewish dictator of Israel. The ellipsis demands some word like e)cousia or dunamij, some word for power or authority, “Then it was given to him [the Jewish dictator] the power.”

Next we have an aorist active infinitive of didomi again, same word repeated. It means here to provide. The culminative aorist tense contemplates the action of the verb in its entirety but regards it from the viewpoint of existing results: the deception of the people. People who are negative to truth are easily deceived. The active voice: the dictator of Israel during the Tribulation produces the action of the verb. To sustain his false claim to Messiahship and to provide worship for the Roman dictator he must, of course perform something that will deceive the people. The infinitive of actual result is here and with this we have the accusative singular direct object from pneuma, meaning a spirit, not the Holy Spirit. Pneuma has a number of interesting meanings. It originally meant “breath,” then it came to mean “spirit.” Sometimes it is used for the Holy Spirit; sometime it is used for life, since life and breathing are generally related in some way. Also it is used here for a certain type of demon: it means an evil spirit, a demon. It also refers to a ventriloquist type demon who controls the vocal cords of unbelievers when they are demon possessed and this is the type we have in this passage.

This ventriloquist demon is first found in the Old Testament under the Hebrew noun Ov (long “O”). The ventriloquist demon could work in two ways, according to the Old Testament scriptures. The voice could be thrown from out of the ground as though the dead were speaking from their burial place, or the voice could be thrown from the mouth of some individual who was demon-possessed. The Greeks had a word for it and this same demon is called e)ggastrimuqoj, pronounced engasthrimuthos. So the ventriloquist demon is designated pneuma or spirit. The noun pneuma does not always refer to demons but it does in Matthew 8:16; Mark 1:27; 6:7; 3:11; 5:13; Acts 5:16; 8:7; 1 Timothy 4:1.

 The ventriloquist demon is also associated with the gift of tongues. There is a legitimate speaking in tongues on the part of unbelievers who are demon-possessed by the e)ggastrimuqoj demon. When born-again believers are speaking in tongues allegedly, they are faking it all the way. When unbelievers are speaking in tongues there is no fakery there at all, the demon is actually there and using the vocal cords of the unbeliever he possesses. But whether it is a believer or unbeliever speaking in tongues it all adds up to the same thing: no one has legitimately used the gift since August of AD 70.

In Revelation 16:13, 14 we read, “And I saw from the mouth of the dragon [Satan during the time of his desperation] and from the mouth of the beast dictator [from his eloquent speech], and from the mouth [eloquent speech} of the false prophet [the Jewish dictator], three unclean spirits [ventriloquists, or e)ggastrimuqoj demons who control human vocal cords] like frogs. For they [the demons] are the spirits of demons performing miracles, who go out [as Satan’s ambassadors] to the kings of the entire world [earth], to assemble them for that final war of the great day of God the Almighty one.”

The Koine Greek however merely refers to the demon as pneuma. “And it was given to him [the Jewish dictator] the power to provide a spirit [ventriloquist demon]”. In this case the spirit or demon is given to the idol known as the abomination of desolation and mentioned in Daniel 11:31; 12:11; Matthew 24:15; Mark 13:15. The idol is the image of the dictator of the revived Roman empire in the Tribulation. The original and historical idol known as the abomination was the statue of Antiochus Epiphanes put up in the temple in the time of the famous Maccabaean war in BC 167 on the 25th of December. Up to that time 25 December did not have too much significance.

With this we have the dative of reference of the noun e)ikon, used for an idol or an image (the abomination of desolation) and then a descriptive genitive from qhrion, the beast dictator. So we have the beginning of a translation: “Then it was given to him [the Jewish dictator of the state of Israel] the power to provide a demon spirit [ventriloquist demon] for the idol of the beast dictator ...”

Mark 13:1, “And as he [our Lord Jesus Christ] was leaving the temple, one of his disciples said to him, ‘Teacher, what massive stones and what wonderful buildings!’ ”

Verse 2, “Then Jesus replied to him, ‘Do you see all of these great buildings? Not one stone shall be left on top of another which will not be torn down’.” The doctrine He has taught inside of that building is permanent but the building itself is not. They were emphasising that which is not going to last. This was fulfilled in August of AD 70.

Verse 3, “Later as he was sitting on the Mount of Olives opposite the temple, Peter and James and John and Andrew questioned him privately,

Verse 4, “Tell us, when will these things happen [the question is actually answered in Luke 21:20-24], and what will be the sign when all of these things are going to be fulfilled?” The sign will be the destruction of the temple, just as in 586 BC when Nebuchadnezzar destroyed the temple, the sign of the fifth cycle of discipline. The disciples are still interested in signs, not in doctrine. All of that will change, however.

Verse 5, “The Jesus began to teach them [He warns them first], ‘Beware that no one misleads you’.”

Verse 6, “ ‘Many will come in my name, alleging, “I am he [Messiah]!” and will deceive many more’.” In other words, there is a sucker born every minute and people who reject truth are always deceived. In the Tribulation they will be deceived because there will be a statue in the temple which will start talking. The nitwits will believe it.

Verse 7, “ ‘And when you hear of wars and rumours of wars, do not be frightened; for these things [historical trends] must occur; but that is not the end [“end” is a technical word for the Tribulation]’.”

Verse 8, begins the historical trends of the Church Age:  “ ‘For nation will rise up against nation, and kingdom against kingdom; there will be earthquakes in various places; also famines. These things are the beginning of birth pangs [the holocaust pregnancy, historical disaster]’.”

  Verse 9, the Tribulation begins: “ ‘But you must be on your guard [when the Tribulation begins]; for they will deliver you over to the Sanhedrin [the Jewish courts of the Tribulation], and you [Jewish believers] will be flogged in the synagogues, and you will stand before governors and kings for my sake, as a testimony to them’.”

Verse 10, “ ‘And the gospel must first be preached to all nations [grace before judgment, the evangelism of the Tribulation]’.”

Verse 11, “ ‘And when they arrest you and bring you to trial, do not worry ahead of time about what you will say, but communicate whatever is given to you in that hour; for it is not what you say but the Holy Spirit [who teaches what you say extemporaneously]’.”

Verse 12, “ ‘And brother betray brother to death, and a father his child; and children will rebel against their parents and cause them to be executed’.”

Verse 13, “ ‘And because of me you will be hated, but he who stands fast to the end [of the Tribulation] will be delivered [by the second advent]’.”

 Verse 14, the middle of the Tribulation: “ ‘And when you see the abomination of desolation standing where it should not be [in the holy of holies of the temple in Jerusalem] (let the student understand)’.” Being a student is more than learning, being a student demands application of what you learn, “ ‘then let those who are in Judea [the first segment of believers saved in the first three and a half years of the Tribulation] flee to the mountains [Edom, Moab and Ammon]’.”

Verse 15, “ ‘Furthermore let him who is on the roof of his house not go down, or enter in [to his house], to get anything out of it;”

Verse 16, “and let him who is in the field not turn back to get his coat.”

Verse 17, “But woe to those who are pregnant and those who are nursing babies in those days!”

Verse 18, “But pray that it will not occur in the winter,” extreme weather.

Verse 19, “For those days [the last half of the Tribulation] will be tribulation [historical disaster and holocaust] such as has not occurred since the beginning of creation which God created, until now, and never shall be.”

Verse 20, “And unless the Lord [Jesus Christ who controls history] had shortened those days [the last half of the Tribulation] no person would have been delivered; but for the sake of the elected to privilege whom he has chosen, he shortened those days [so that believers will be alive at the second advent].”

Next: Warning to the Jewish believers of the first half of the Tribulation who have fled to the high desert country is now apropos. So beginning in verse 21, what about those who fled?

Verse 21, “And at that time [the last half of the Tribulation] if anyone says to you, ‘Behold, here is the Messiah’; or ‘Behold, he there’; do not believe him;

Verse 22, “for false Christs and false prophets will appear on the scene, and will perform signs and miracles, to deceive the elect, if that were possible” — third class condition meaning some will be deceived. That means that once they hit the high desert country they cannot neglect their doctrine. It must be kept current for application.

Verse 23, “But be alert; behold, I have told you everything in advance,” no excuse.

Verse 24, “But in those days, after that tribulation, the sun will be darkened, and the moon will not give its light,

Verse 25, “and the stars will be falling from heaven, and the powers that are in the heavens will be shaken.”

Verse 26, “And then they shall see the Son of Man coming in clouds with great power and glory.”

Verse 27, the regathering of Israel: “And then he will send forth the angels, and will gather together his elect to privilege [born-again Jews] from the four winds of heaven [the four weather areas], from the farthest end of the earth to the farthest end of heaven,” the farthest end of the earth: living Jews will be regathered; the farthest end of heaven: the resurrection of Old Testament Jews who have believed in Christ.

That brings us now to the demon function of the image in Revelation 13:15. It begins with the conjunction i(na introducing a final purpose clause which expresses a distinct objective or purpose conceived of as the aim or action indicated in the main verb. The objective is stated in two verbs, speaking and manipulating through an apparent miracle to gain control of human volition — tantamount, of course, to Satan worship through ecumenical religion. We translate it “so that”.

Next comes the conjunction kai, translated “even,” “so that even.” Then the subject in the nominative case, e)ikon, “the image,” followed by the possessive genitive of the beast dictator and the aorist active subjunctive of lalew, another communication verb which means here to speak, “so that the image might even speak.” The constative verb contemplates the action of the verb in its entirety, the function of the ventriloquist demon in making the image appear to speak. The active voice: the ventriloquist demon produces the action. The subjunctive mood is the potential subjunctive for a final clause with a future reference.

Then we have a connective conjunction kai, “and,” followed by the aorist active subjunctive of poiew translated here “cause.” The culminative aorist views the apparent miracle in its entirety but regards it from the viewpoint of existing results, the assassination or execution of those who refuse to worship the idol. And, again, i(na plus the subjunctive is for the final clause.

The second use of i(na introduces a sub-final clause which denotes the direction of the action which is sought or anticipated, translated “that.” What is sought or anticipated is the death of those who will get into the ecumenical religious system. They are described by the nominative plural of the correlative relative pronoun o(soj, “as many as.” And then the conjunction e)an plus the negative mh, meaning “if not,” “and cause that as many as do not,” this is an idiom. Then we have the aorist active subjunctive of proskunew, meaning to worship, “as many as do not worship.” The ingressive aorist tense contemplates the action of the verb in its beginning. In other words, do not get down and worship. The active voice: believers who are positive toward doctrine in the land of Israel in the Tribulation will refuse to worship the image in the temple. The subjunctive mood is potential, having the element of contingency.

With this is the dative singular indirect object of e)ikon, the “image,” and then what happens to them: the aorist passive subjunctive of a)pokteinw, and it means “should be put to death.” The constative aorist means that they will be executed instantly. The passive voice: those who refuse to worship the image receive the action of the verb, martyrdom. And, again, i(na plus the subjunctive expresses a semi-final clause. The principle: Frustrated religion always resorts to violence to get its way. The use of violence to coerce volition reveals the Satanic nature of volition both now and in that future day.

Translation: “Then it was given to him [the Jewish dictator of the state of Israel] to provide a demon spirit [ventriloquist demon] for the idol of the beast dictator, so that the image of the beast dictator might even speak, and cause that as many as do not worship the image of the beast dictator would be put to death [executed].”

In verses 16 and 17 we see the economic policy of the Jewish dictator. The first thing we notice is the computerised system of persecution which begins the doctrine of computerised tyranny. What we have here is the principle that “high-tech” has got an evil application, like most 20th century developments. It really isn’t the scientific development, it is the people who use it and apply it and, of course, we have an evil application of high technology in the last half of the Tribulation.

Verse 16, We notice the adjunctive use of the conjunction kai which is translated, “Furthermore,” followed by the present active indicative of poiew. Poiew is a very common verb and generally it is translated “to do, to make, to manufacture.” It actually has another meaning, “he causes.” The present tense is a pictorial present, it presents to the mind a picture of events in the process of occurrence. Here we have eschatological events. The active voice is the causative active voice in which the subject is related to the action of the verb through an intermediary means. The indicative mood is declarative for the reality of a future policy, not too different from policies of the past. With this we have the accusative plural from the adjective paj, translated “all.”

Then we have some appositional accusatives, and with them we have to translate it, “Furthermore he causes everyone.” And then we have five appositional accusatives, each one is in the plural. The first one is the adjective mikrw, a word used of persons to indicate stature, or age, but not here. It is used here in the connotation of influence or power and it means the least, those who really do not have any power at all. Too many people without power always want power whether they are qualified or not. Generally their very desire and lust for power means their disqualification.

With this we have another adjective megaj which is translated “great” and means those who have some power or influence. Megaj is also an interesting adjective because it is one of the few that always has the accent on the first syllable. So we have the small and the great, referring to those who have power and influence and those who do not. Often those who have the power and the influence are under a greater power, the concept of dictatorship.

The third and fourth categories take into contrast: first of all we have the accusative plural plousioj, “rich.” No matter how bad the times someone always uses bad times to their own advantage. There are those who become rich in bad times because they either have courage or ability to utilise bad times to their own advantage. But the next one is typical and one that should be called to the attention of all countries that practice socialism: ptoxoj, “the poor.” Jesus said: “The poor you have with always.” Poverty will never be eradicated. You can alleviate suffering through some form of charity but there will always be poor people just as there will always be rich people, illustrating the principle that there is no such thing as equality in the human race. There is ability used; ability not used. There is lack of ability, lack of courage, lack of aggressiveness, many explanations for the contrast, but inevitably there will always be the rich and there will always be the poor. There will always be the free and there will always be the slave. The word e)leuqeroj presents us with the free. It does not mean freedom in the sense we understand it but having made good decisions, having the ability for more decisions. Good decisions produce more and more options for great decisions. The principle is that a consistent life of good decisions will open up options for greater decisions. The accusative plural of douloj which is translated “slave” means people who by bad decisions limit their decisions, loss of freedom because their options were not opened. So we have six appositional accusatives, they are divided into three couplets and therefore we have three categories. The first category would be the achievement category. It means the successful and the unsuccessful. The second category is economic: the rich and the poor. The third category is social: the free and the slave.

So the word “all” is described in terms of these appositional accusatives. “Furthermore he forces everyone, the small and the great, both the rich and the poor, the slave and the free.” Of course, this is dictatorship. Dictatorship superimposes power and authority over everyone, usually erroneously but not always. The result is that we have an achievement category where even the achievers have lost their influence, the successful have lost their influence, and social success is also included here.

Note that in the greatest period of historical disaster in all of human history, the time of the devil’s desperation, the last half of the Tribulation, that Jews living in the middle east both fail and succeed. The real surprise is that during historical disaster people distinguish themselves from their peers in three categories. Category #1, achievement in many areas of professional and government function; category #2, economic success. There will be a certain type of entrepreneur who will take risks in adverse times and become very wealthy; category #3 is social achievement or success which also occurs in times of historical disaster. In past history nearly every great royal family became prominent in a time of historical disaster when the crisis ability paid off in the rise to social prominence. All past greatness usually comes from this system. Note also that in time of historical disaster there are always those who are going to be losers and those who fail. Hence the obvious existence of the small who have failed in disaster, the poor who have failed economically, the slave whose survival in historical disaster depends on the charity and the ability of someone else. Historical disaster, then, is designed to bring to the top those who have some form of ability, some form of courage, some very strong drive in the field of strength in time of adversity. Historical disaster therefore is a producer of opportunity and greatness, it does not mean bad times for those who have a good mental attitude, who have made good decisions from a position of strength, have control of their lives and a personal sense of destiny. The principle then is that historical disaster is an opportunity for greatness. Latent ability goes unnoticed in times of historical prosperity but historical disaster provides the opportunity for greatness, the achievement on the part of those who would lack opportunity in normal times.

Historical disaster is necessary for the survival of a nation and is just as important to the strength of a nation as times of prosperity. Historical disaster is not only necessary for the survival of a nation but at the same time it reveals latent ability and provides future leadership and greatness through the promotion of the crisis personality. Prolonged and extensive prosperity in a nation guarantees the ascendancy of mediocrity and if the nation is to continue there must be historical disaster so that the mediocrity is eliminated. In time of extensive historical prosperity the opportunity for those who have real potential in greatness is not there. So disaster is a good thing for a nation. Periodic disaster is a healthy thing for a nation to provide opportunity for those who have the ability and it washes out the mediocrity which has destroyed the nation. The ascendancy of mediocrity denies opportunity to those who have real potential of greatness. The historical disaster must provide opportunity for talent and potential greatness to express itself if the nation is to survive. Therefore we should look upon historical disaster as believers with three applications: a. Historical disaster indicates the fact that the pivot of mature believers has shrunk and that you and I as believers have failed in our responsibility to God; b. All things work together for good; c. Divine discipline is needed to perpetuate the human race. All three of those applications are positive applications. Disaster renews the nation.

The categories here give us one more principle: National disaster also emphasises the true doctrine of man’s inequality. God has provided and given us life not because we are equal but because we have equal opportunity. The only thing that all people have in common where equality exists is that part of the soul called volition. You are free to choose to make a good decision or a bad decision. Salvation is a decision. When Christ died on the cross He died for all. He was judged for the sins of the entire human race and therefore whosoever believes in Him has everlasting life. It doesn’t matter whether a person is rich or poor, an achiever or a failure, a winner or a loser. Christ was judged for everyone on the cross. But notice that the decision of salvation is “whosoever believeth,” and that is a positive decision. Furthermore, it is a non-meritorious decision as many other decisions in life happen to be. But you make one decision and you have eternal life. Volition is the only equality in the human race.

Once you start using your volition there is inequality. Some people use their volition and make constant good decisions to become winners in life. Others use their volition in a negative way and they become losers in life. Therefore you have great inequality, and the greater the freedom the greater the inequality that exists. Freedom guarantees inequality in life so national disaster always emphasises the true doctrine of man’s inequality.

All of mankind are the products of their own decisions. Man apart from God and Bible doctrine uses prosperity to attempt the impossible — the equality of man. Man in his arrogance, in his crusader arrogance, in his self-righteous arrogance, influenced by Satan himself — that is Satan’s favourite line: all men are equal. No they are not. The only equality that God has provided is to give everyone the same start in life, you have volition. Man is not born equal and does not live in a state of equality with others. Equality is a myth, the deception of Satan as the chief evangelist for the cosmic system. Equality is also the greatest form of human hypocrisy. The fact that man has free will and self-determination guarantees the fact that equality will never exist in the human race. And many races talk about being downtrodden, but there are always people in that race who use their volition to rise to the top. It is true in every race. There is no such thing as a deprived race, that is only the crying of the losers in that group. Always you are going to find people saying that but race is not an issue. It is a false issue. Neither is economic status an issue. The fact that man has free will is the issue.

All forms of socialism are the expressions of arrogance, the opportunity for the demagogues to seize power by false promises. Man cannot make man equal with other men. What is impossible for man is only possible with God, and God has done it for us. And where did he do it for us? At the point of salvation every believer receives 36 things. Every believer has tremendous opportunities. Every believer enters into union with Christ. “In Christ” is a great phrase. It doesn’t make any difference what your race is, what your economic status is, whether you are rich or poor, whatever your status may be all believers are entered into union with Christ. So all believers with their volition and the wonderful system that God has provided with its eight gates gives you the opportunity. In that system God will take you to the top and you will be a winner, but if you make a decision to get into the cosmic system you are going to be a loser all of the way. The very existence of the divine dynasphere versus the cosmic system tells us that there is no such thing as equality. The believer in the divine dynasphere is infinitely superior to the believer in the cosmic system.

Volition is the divider of people. Inequality is based on the function of freedom and using one’s volition to make either good or bad decisions, for man is the product of his own decisions. Prosperity provides limited opportunity for success and gives rise to the dominance of mediocrity, but historical disaster and crisis provides the opportunity for greatness.

That brings us now to the system of computerised tyranny. It should be noted that high technology is no better than the people that use it. Evil people using high technology come up with evil applications. High technology in the Tribulation is going to be the master system of enslaving most of the world. Most of the world are going t be slaves because they are under computerised tyranny. The system which will be described in the next two verses is tantamount to computer control of the people of the world. Hence, we are about to study the principle of computer tyranny or the destruction of human privacy and the enslavement of the world in the Tribulation. Remember that freedom cannot exist without privacy. Privacy and freedom must coexist and every attack on privacy is an attack on human freedom. The computer and high technology have many wonderful applications but in this passage we are going to study computer tyranny, the answer to evil bureaucracy’s dreams. The potential dangers of high technology have nothing to do with advance in science but they have everything to do with the application. To have a computer record of criminals is a good thing for law enforcement but to have a computer record of law-abiding citizens eventuates in control of those law-abiding citizens, hence it destroys their freedom. The criminal, of course, has no right to his freedom but the law-abiding citizen has every right to freedom and privacy. Computer technology used to control people and privacy destroyed is what we will have in the Tribulation.

That brings us now to the conjunction i(na and the study of computerised tyranny, the eschatological aspects of high technology, computer control of people throughout the world and the principle of the destruction of human privacy through high technology. Remember that freedom cannot exist without privacy, the two must coexist. I(na is a conjunction introducing a final purpose clause which expresses the purpose of the main objective of the action of the main verb. With this we have the aorist active indicative of didomi, “that they should give.” The culminative aorist tense views the event in its entirety but regards it from the viewpoint of existing results: control of the people of the world through ecumenical religion. Ecumenical religion, however, works through a system of giant computers throughout the world, but especially there is one in Israel to control the people there. The active voice: the subject in the active voice produces the action of the verb and since the subject is taken from the third person plural suffix of the verb the question arises: who is the subject? And a plural subject indicates a system of bureaucracy based on high technology. So we have a plural subject because we are dealing with bureaucrats of the future, a computer system that has programmed away the privacy of the citizen in the hands of bureaucrats. This system is not only used in Israel, it is used throughout the entire revived Roman empire and most parts of the world in the last half of the Tribulation; every place where the state has accepted the ecumenical religious system of the beast dictator of the revived Roman empire. Those who adhere to the ecumenical religion are going to receive a card or its equivalent, an ID card. This permits them to buy and sell. In other words, to live and function in the economy of the world-wide religious system. Without this card or its equivalent, a computer mark on the hand or on the forehead, the people who reject the religion of Satan will be ostracised from society, persecuted and martyred. Hence, the subject is the tremendous number of bureaucrats in every country during the last half of the Tribulation who administer the system of computerised tyranny. The subjunctive mood goes with i(na to form a purpose clause. With this we have the dative plural indirect object from a)utoj, the intensive pronoun used as a personal pronoun, third person. It is translated “to them,” “that they should give to them.” This is used as the personal pronoun to identify the worshippers of the beast dictator of the revived Roman empire. Hence, the ID card or its equivalent, the mark of the beast, is necessary for survival. “That they should provide them” is the way we translate didomi.

Next we have the accusative singular direct object from the noun xaragma, “mark.” It means something engraved, something etched, something imprinted. The Bible must be interpreted in the time in which it was written and in the Attic or Classical Greek xaragma was used for the strike of a snake, it was used to mean an inscription, and for the branding of camels or slaves to denote ownership. It was used for a soldier in the Roman army when he enlisted: his serial number was branded on his hand. In effect then, this ID card of the ecumenical religious system of the revived Roman empire is some kind of a technical brand to relate to the key of the computer system. This mark or identification card is necessary for social activity, business activity, religious activity, and even survival at that time. And since the ID card is so important to avoid loss or counterfeit the card is printed or engraved or somehow marked on the body of the individual. Furthermore it is marked where it can be easily observed: on the right hand or on the forehead. Those who are great, rich and free will probably have the privilege of the ID card on the right hand; those who we noticed previously as small, poor or slaves will have the ID mark on the forehead — verse 16:

“Furthermore he causes [or forces] everyone, the small and the great, both the rich and the poor, both the slave and the free, that they [the bureaucracy of ecumenical religion] should provide them [those who come into the religious system] and ID card [a mark, a code, a number, a brand] on their right hand or on their forehead.”

This, then, is the system of computerised tyranny. 666 can be in the future a code number, an ID card, imprinted on the right hand or the forehead and related to the code system in the computer which has the names of all of those who are members of this ecumenical system of the future. This code number could be tied into the computer’s memory system which has a detailed information about each convert in the cosmic system. The fact that the ID card is not carried on one’s person in some plastic form indicates the advance in technology at that time. Apparently it may not even be visible except under a certain light. A plastic card, of course, can be lost or counterfeited but the code number 666 indelibly marked on the right hand or the forehead cannot be lost.

Verse 17, the policy of economic tyranny related to it. This time we combine the two words that we have started with in our Greek for the last several verses. We have the connective conjunction kai and with it the conjunction i(na plus the negative mh to introduce a negative purpose clause.

 Next comes the subject, the nominative singular subject of the indefinite pronoun tij. The most fascinating thing about the indefinite pronoun is that it is definite. It is used to represent a definite category. With the negative mh it is translated “no one,” “And that no one.” Then we have the present middle subjunctive of the verb dunamai which means to be able, “And that no one should be able.” The customary present tense denotes what habitually occurs under computerised tyranny of the ecumenical religious system of the future. The middle voice: this is a deponent verb, middle in form, active in meaning. The subjunctive mood is used with i(na to form a final purpose clause.

Then the aorist active indicative gives us the tyranny, a)gorazw which means to buy. The aorist tense is an ingressive aorist contemplating the action at the beginning. The active voice: people within the range of the power of ecumenical religion produce the action, the infinitive of actual result. This is followed by an aorist active infinitive of polew which means to sell. In other words, we are talking about business activity, “And that no one should be able to buy or to sell.”

Principle: We should remember that religion [Christianity is not a religion] is always cruel, it is always vindictive toward those who reject it. Ecumenical religion of the Tribulation is no exception, it carries the same inherent evil and cruelty found in world religions today, like Islam or Hinduism.

The World Council of Churches plus the National Council of Churches is a good illustration of the cruelty of religion. The National Council of Churches purports to be tolerant of everyone and take in everyone with different views, and they are always out in some form of social action. But the vindictiveness is seen in the fact that today the World Council of Churches and the National Council of Churches are supporting terrorism. In the case of ecumenical religion in the Tribulation the same trend is seen. It persecutes the nonconformist by starving him out. There is also, of course later on, martyrdom, persecution, torture, murder, but here we simply have the economic isolation of the nonconformist. There is no honour code in ecumenical religion, no virtue, no grace, no system of impersonal love toward all. Instead there is demonism, terrorism, persecution and economic ostracism. In short, everything which characterises religion, the use of force, violence, and the hypocrisy of human love on the other hand, produce arrogant self-righteousness as well as ascetic self-determinism. Next we have the threefold description of this ID card. It begins with an idiom, e)i mh, in the next phrase, literally it is “if not,” but it is an idiom meaning “except.” And with this we have the articular present active participle of the verb e)xw, “except he who has.” The present tense is a perfective present, it refers to a fact which has come to be in the past but is emphasised as a present reality. The active voice: the adherents and converts of ecumenical religion in the Tribulation produce the action. The participle is circumstantial.

Now we have the three ways in which the ID card is set up. First there is a general ID card in the accusative singular direct object of xaragma, translated “mark” and it a reference to the ID card for members of the religious system. Secondly, there is an ID card for the clergy in ecumenical religion. This is brought out with two words, the accusative singular direct object from o)noma which means sometimes “name,” sometimes “person,” sometimes “identities,” sometimes even “personalities.” Here it means “name.” With it is the descriptive genitive of the noun qhrion used for the beast dictator, the dictator of the revived Roman empire, “the name of the beast dictator.” This is a second ID card and this is a special card for leaders and clergymen in the ecumenical religious system of the Tribulation. So we have first of all the ID card called “the mark,” “except the one who has the mark [or brand], or the name of the beast dictator [a special leadership card with the name of the religious leader of ecumenical religion], or the number of his name.”

We have third identification: the code number. First there is disjunctive particle h, “or”, and then the accusative singular from the direct object of a)riqmoj, and with it a descriptive genitive of o)noma, the possessive genitive of a)utoj, “for the number of his name.”

Translation: “And that no one should be able to buy or sell, except the one who has the mark [the ID card], or the name of the beast dictator [special leadership card for religious leaders], or the number of his name [the code number related to the computer system].”

Principle:  Religion destroys the privacy of the individual. In that way, again, we see a contrast between religion and Christianity. Christianity recognises the privacy of the royal priesthood; religion is anti-privacy. To the extent that churches stick their nose into your business, to that extent they are religious instead of Christian. Religion is self-righteous and, of course, self-righteousness comes from arrogance. Self-righteous people always invade the privacy of others.

Verse 18, we start out with the adverb o(de. It is correctly translated “Here.” With it we have the present active indicative of e)imi, “Here is,” plus sofia, the predicate nominative singular translated “wisdom.” Here it means wisdom in the technical sense of application of Bible doctrine. Wisdom is the application of Bible doctrine, but you have to know Bible doctrine before you can apply it. Doctrinal application in this context refers to the interpretation of the historical trends from the eschatological revelation of this passage.

There are two ways of determining historical trends. The first is prophecy, which is pertinent in every dispensation except the Church Age. The second is the application of doctrine which is pertinent in every dispensation of human history but the only system for determining historical trends in the Church Age. The historical trend in view in this passage is computerised tyranny, the control of the economy through a programming system in high technology. It distinguishes between those who adhere to the ecumenical religious system and those who reject it. It is all on the computer. This verse gives the Tribulational believer the opportunity of making his decision before the pressure and before the persecution exists. This passage will be studied very carefully once the Tribulation begins and every believer throughout the world where ecumenical religion goes will definitely have to know about this and prepare his decision. It gives the opportunity to think about it before it happens. That is what wisdom is: the opportunity to have the information before the decision is made. This is a general principle as far as the Word of God is concerned: don’t go to press without the facts, always research the situation. Gather all the information before you make decision. God recognises this principle and gives a future generation of believers the opportunity of researching it, of knowing what is going to happen so when it happens they will have their answer, they will be able to say, “I refuse to become a part of this system.”

Next we have the articular present active participle of e)xw, “he who has,” and then we have the accusative singular direct object from nouj, which generally means the mind but it also means the faculty for thinking, and we are going to translate it, “he who has the ability to think.” The ability to think here is an idiom meaning “get the facts before you make your decision, do not go off half-cocked.”

Then we have the aorist active imperative of yhfizw which really means “let him compute.” “He who has the ability to think, let him compute.” In other words, it is a mechanical high-tech system, a computer system 666 versus your brain. Your brain is a computer, or should be. If you fill it up with doctrine it will compute. So you have human computer versus mechanical computer. The culminative aorist tense contemplates the action of the verb in its entirety but regards it from the viewpoint of existing results, the ability to know the facts first and make a decision on the basis of truth, Bible doctrine. The active voice: the believer who understands the pertinent eschatology produces the action of the verb. He has a human computer, a brain, that can outthink the mechanical system. This is the imperative of permission which recognises the fact that you may or you may not believe and you may not know and you may not obey. Then we have the accusative singular direct object from a)riqmoj again, “let him compute the number of qerion, the beast dictator.”

“Here is wisdom [the application of pertinent doctrine to the historical trend]. He who has the ability to think [the believer functioning under the first two stages of GAP, reception and retention] let him compute [the function of the third stage of GAP, recall and the application of pertinent doctrine to the historical trend at that time] the code number of the beast dictator.”

Principle: The believer must be cognisant of doctrine and inculcated with it through the function of Gap in order to use his spiritual computer against the mechanical computer.

The ability to think comes through perception of Bible doctrine, perception of the truth, while the application of that doctrine forms the historical trend in the mind. In other words, understanding historical trends through the application of doctrine facilitates dealing with those trends. You anticipate the trend, you make your decision, and once you are under pressure you stand by your decision. The believer continues to have confidence in God, in God’s plan through the adverse or prosperous circumstances of history. As a matter of fact historical adversity does not affect the plan of God for the believer, nor does it hinder divine blessing in time of great historical disaster.

The explanation: We begin with the explanatory use of the post positive conjunctive particle gar, “for.” We are going to get an explanation. Then the present active indicative of e)imi, “for it is.” The static present tense represents a condition taken for granted as a fact. There is a computerised system in the future, there is a code number for this particular subject to draw out the memory of the computer with regard to who adheres to the ecumenical religious system. The active voice: the number 6 produces the action of the verb, since 6 is the number of man in the Bible. However, the code number is 6 tripled, hence the deifying of man through the cosmic system. Six tripled is simply the deifying of man. There are three members of the Godhead: God the Father, God the Son, and God the Holy Spirit; each one has identical essence. Six represents man; 666 = man deified. It isn’t six hundred and sixty-six, it is simply 6 tripled.

Then we have the predicate nominative of a)riqmoj again plus the possessive genitive of a)nqrwpoj, “for it is the number of man.” The Bible explains what the number is before the number is given.

Satan’s approach to mankind in the garden of Eden was the appeal to the arrogance or deification of man. The ultimate in man’s arrogance is his own deification. Genesis 3:5 explains this phrase, “you will be like God,” the deification of man, 666, “knowing good and evil.” The tripling of the number of man is 666, hence the deification of man in Satan’s cosmic system. The deification of mankind is the function of the cosmic system of Satan.

It must be remembered that 666 is the code number in the computer and it designates all the members of the ecumenical religious system. The code number leads to a memory bank where all adherents to ecumenical religion are recorded plus all information concerning their personal life. The memory bank in the computer destroys both the privacy and the freedom of those who fall into this ecumenical system. Those people who are not in this memory bank of the computer are believers whose perception of doctrine has caused them to make a decision, and they reject this apostasy. Such believers will not have the ID card, 666. They will be persecuted, excommunicated from society, some will starve to death, others will be tortured. Many are going to survive and be preserved for the Millennial reign of Christ. This is a part, then, of historical disaster in the time of the devil’s desperation. Nevertheless, in the worst of all historical disasters in history God will preserve many thousands of born-again believers right under the nose of the dictator, in all of the danger spots, and they will be preserved until the second advent to form the cadre for the population explosion of the Millennium. If there is any significance in the number 666, apart from computerised tyranny, it is the deification of man inside the cosmic system.