Chapter 11


            In the first nine verses we have a very important section. Here is the story of internationalism. This event is given for one reason. It actually precedes chronologically Genesis 10 where we have many languages. In Genesis 11:1-9 we have one language. God gave the command to scatter throughout the earth and form many nations. In Genesis 11:1 and following we have the disobedience to the divine command and Satan who is the ruler of the world attempting to destroy the divine order.

            Verse 1—“And the whole earth was of one language, and of one speech.” Immediately this seems to be a very good idea. There is a great deal of modern emphasis on the importance of communication and how wonderful it would be if we all spoke the same language. There have been many attempts to get everyone to speak the same language. This is not God’s viewpoint this is not desirous at all. He has divided the human race for the purpose of giving everyone in the human race maximum freedom, but you cannot have maximum freedom if you have one world government of any type. The old sin nature cannot stand world rulership. The ego is always too great, the power lust is inherent in the old sin nature, and ego plus power lust makes any form of internationalism impossible. Plus one other factor: Satan is the ruler of this world. Whenever you have any one-worldism of any kind it simply means that Satan controls. And whatever the one-world system teaches and propagates as its doctrines and as its objectives, these are the objectives of Satan and it is the attempt of Satan to rule the world.

            In 1 John 3:8; John 8:44 Satan is said to be a liar. This means that any propaganda Satan puts forth may have a lot of good sprinkled in it, a lot of wonderful phrases connected with brotherhood and the greatest good for the greatest number. And it may declare that man by man’s efforts will produce a golden age and perfect world, and so on. This always sounds good to the one who is not on the lookout and the one who has no understanding of scripture. But behind it all is Satan’s power lust and his attempt to overthrow God by the experiment of the human race. Satan is a liar and he will often mix truth with a lie, but if truth has a lie in it then it is no longer truth. Truth must be truth all of the way through to remain truth.

Satan is always looking for some way to gain the entire human race and to bring all into his fold and consequently he has developed certain strategies and systems. Religion is the primary system. Satan is the father of all religious systems. He is said to be the author of religion, according to 2 Corinthians 4:3,4. In Matthew 23 Jesus Christ condemns religion as Satanic in nature.

Satan is also the author of war and strife, according to Revelation 20:2, 7, 8.

As far as believers are concerned he has two campaigns, smear and fear. In his smear campaign he seeks to accuse believers before God the Father, and in his fear campaign he tries to get believers to be in a perpetual state of worry.

But the thing we are interested in is Satan’s great system of internationalism. Internationalism is any attempt to break down the barriers of nationalism, any attempt to control the world from one point by one government, by one system. Internationalism is mentioned in many passages of scripture. In many of these passages Satan is said to be deceiving the nations—Revelation 12:9,10; Isaiah 14—“I will ascend to the sides of the north”—the five “I will” of verses 14-19; Revelation 20:8; 2 Thessalonians 2:9,10. The reason for this is because Satan does rule the world.

4.                          Satan is said to be the god of this world—2 Corinthians 4:3,4. As the god of this world he is the father of religion. All religion has a common origin: Satan. Religion must be distinguished from Christianity. Christianity is not a religion—both because of origin and because of doctrine.

5.                          Satan is said to be the prince of this world in John 12:31; 14:30.

6.                          He is called the prince of the power of the air, which means that Satan not only rules the world but he also rules a certain segment of the angelic race—all fallen angels. Ephesians 2:2.

7.                          Satan is said to be the ruler of this world in Job 1:7; 2:2. “He walks to and fro, and up and down”—two idiomatic phrases to indicate rulership. 


Matthew 4:3—it is impossible for any member of the human race to be tempted as Jesus Christ was tempted in Matthew chapter four.

Verses 8 & 9—“all the kingdoms of the world.” When the devil took Jesus to the high mountain he showed Him every kingdom. At that point Satan had never

succeeded in breaking down divine institution #4. Nationalism was still the rule of the day, the world was still divided into kingdoms and that is why the world still existed. Without the world divided into kingdoms there would be no human race. One-worldism eventuates in the destruction of the human race. “All these things will I give thee, if thou wilt fall down and worship me.” Satan made a bona fide offer, he was the ruler of this world. This has tremendous implications. Satan was trying to bypass the cross. This must be bypassed as far as Satan is concerned because the cross is where Jesus Christ won the victory over Satan. So Satan’s philosophy is, Take the kingdom without the cross. Jesus Christ would have ruled the world without going to the cross but He would have bowed the knee to Satan who would still be the ruler.

            If we put all of these things together we have something. Satan is the ruler of this world and is seeking today through many types of activity to gain control of the world that he rules. Satan’s problem is that he does not have control of his own domain, the reason being that the gospel is proclaimed and that even at this time nationalism still exists, though internationalism is being formed by many Satanic devices.

            The whole earth being of one language turned out to be a curse because the system of communication resulted in the rise of internationalism. Having one international language does not solve the world’s problems through so-called mutual understanding. Even if everyone in the world today spoke the same language there still would not be world peace because man still possesses and old sin nature and neither environment nor law nor cultural exchange can solve man’s problems. The answer to man’s problems today and until Jesus comes is always personal and individual. The Bible stresses the importance of the individual. Even though socialism has a façade, the importance of the individual, it always merges the individual into a mass, and in the mass the greater good is accomplished. But the Bible is the only book that takes the individual out of the mass and makes him a real person through regeneration.

            Verse 2 – when they began to spread out, “they found a plain in the land of Shinar [Chaldea]; and they dwelt there.” So we have the migration of the human race from the Mount of Ararat and moved to the south east to the Tigris-Euphrates Valley. Man’s descent from the mountains was not only physical but it was moral as well.

            Verses 3 & 4, the philosophy of internationalism.

            Verse 3 – “And they said one to another, Go to, let us make brick, and burn them thoroughly. And they had brick for stone, and slime had they for mortar.”

            Verse 4 – “And they said, Go to, let us build us a city and a tower, whose top may reach unto heaven; and let us make us a name, lest we be scattered abroad upon the face of the whole earth.”


Seven points in these two verses by which internationalism gets rolling

1.       Idealism rebellion against God—“they said one to another.” The common language led to a mutual defiance of God. God commanded then to spread abroad, Genesis 9:1, 7. But instead of spreading abroad they built up. This is significant. In the Noahic covenant God promised that He would never again destroy the world by water, and therefore He said they could spread out, never having to be afraid. But what did they do? They all congregated in one spot and built upward because they did not believe God’s Word, they rejected the Noahic covenant. They decided that next time God tried something like that they would build something that would be above the waterline. This tells us something: they were familiar with the Word of God. But they defied the Word of God and set an antithetical idealism.

2.       Volitional rebellion against God—“let us,” collective, man in mass. But the cure is not found in internationalism, the cure is personal rather than collective. God says “whosoever,” individual, personal.

3.       Governmental rebellion against God—“let us build a city.” This city was built in defiance of God. There is nothing wrong with cities but the principle was that this was to be a city without any concept of nationalism.

4.       Physical revolt against God—“and a tower,” a gigantic mountain of bricks, the concept of trying to build a flood-proof shelter, defying God. They didn’t believe what God said—“We’ll show you God, we’ll build something that will be high and try the next time you try that!”

5.       Spirit rebellion—“a tower to reach to heaven.” Us plus the word heaven gives us the spiritual rebellion against God. Here is international brotherhood at work—one great brotherhood, man working his way to heaven by something he builds. This is man’s work getting him to heaven in contrast to God’s work getting him to heaven. This is grace versus legalism.

6.       Personal revolt, the cult of egoism—“let us make a name,” let us have a reputation. They were going to make a reputation for themselves—self-exaltation. Under the principle of regeneration Christ receives the glory; under the cult of egoism man receives the glory, man exalts self. Man is stimulated by self-exaltation.

7.       Structural revolt—“lest we be scattered abroad.” In other words, they refused the divine edict and divine institution.


Verses 5-8, the divine attitude.

Verse 5—“And the Lord came down.” This is an anthropomorphism.

Verse 6 – “Behold, the people one [internationalism] and they have all one language; and this they begin to do.” This was just the beginning of their


            “and now nothing will restrain them from which they have imagined to do.” Connect this with Romans 1:18ff where the imagination of men’s minds

leads to their own degeneration; they develop it and perpetuate it in every way.

            Verse 7 – “Come, let us [the Trinity] go down, and there confound their language, that they may not understand one another’s speech.”

            Verse 8 – the Lord scattered them and they stopped building the city.

            Verse 9 – “Therefore is the name called Babel.” This is Babylon.

            “because the Lord did there confound the language of all the earth … upon all the face of the earth.” So God’s attitude toward internationalism is negative. Now, Genesis chapter 10 is the story of how nationalism was developed, and that is the primary purpose of Genesis 10.

On of the forms of internationalism that has emerged in history was the Illuminati, begun in 1776. It had six principles:

1. It advocated the elimination of national governments and world government to take over.

2. The abolition of private property (which also destroys human enterprise).

3. The abolition of inheritance.

4.       The abolition of marriage and family life. In other words, the state owns all babies and takes responsibility for their education from the cradle to the grave. They educate and place them in slots without regard to the individual’s volition.

5.       The abolition of Bible Christianity.

6.       The abolition of patriotism. Any form of patriotism is a great enemy of internationalism.


These were the six things that had to be abolished for the Illuminati to take over.


In 1932, when Joe Stalin wrote his thesis on how to conquer the United States of America without firing a shot, he took developed six points for conquest.

1. Use philosophy, mysticism and cults in order to discredit Christian doctrine.

            2. The destruction of marriage and the advancement of theoretical racial practices—marriage between black and white, and so on.

            3. In the realm of the cultural and the aesthetic cultivate the ugly, the futuristic, the abhorrent in art, literature, drama and music.

4. Create unrest, suspicion and revolt among working classes. Promote class warfare.

5. Standardise the cheap and the shoddy, advocate state ownership of property and

business, exchange all foreign currency at slight discount for US gold and gradually withdraw all gold from circulation.

7.       Set up the idea of thinking internationally so as to undermine all national

patriotism. Undermine all preparation for defence and ridicule all patriotic effort.


            Internationalism is a trend which we shall have right down to the Second Advent of Christ, and internationalism will only be destroyed by the Second Advent of Christ. So the Bible warns from cover to cover, from Genesis to Revelation, against internationalism and makes it very clear that to destroy nationalism is an attempt to destroy evangelism. It is an attack against the Word of God and, above all, is an attempt to keep people from finding Jesus Christ as saviour. For the god of this world is Satan, and the god of this world blinds the minds of those who believe not, let the light of the glorious gospel of Christ, who is the image of God, should shine unto them.