Psalm Seven

{David's Psalm about Saul the Reversionist}
{It was written in the period between I Samuel 26 and the opening
  of I Samuel 27}
1~~{Title} A 'dithyramb of madness' {shiggayown} by David
which he composed to the Jehovah/God
concerning the {false} doctrines
of 'Kush the Benjamite' {referring to King Saul}.

O Jehovah/God my Elohiym/Godhead,
in You I {David} have taken refuge.
Cause me to be delivered
from all them that pursue and/or persecute {radaph} me,
also cause me to be rescued/snatch from danger {natsal}.

{Note: The name David means 'lover' not 'lover boy! Haha David will ask God to judge the case between him and Saul. Side Note: God will judge for David, but the judgment is delayed for a year when David goes into reversionism himself after marrying a second wife. With so much activity going on, David neglected doctrine and that causes reversionism - but that is discussed later not here.}

{Note: Shiggayown means to wander around or to go mad in a psychotic condition. RBT says a good meaning for its use here is a 'dithyramb of madness'. A dithyramb is from the Greek. It means an unusually short poem in an inspired wild irregular strain or a statement or writing in an exalted or enthusiastic vein.}

{Note: King Saul was from the tribe of Benjamin. Per RBT Saul was a believer who went negative to the Lord and His doctrine. In doing so, he allows doctrines of demons to enter his soul causing a 'black heart' or 'darkness of the soul'. This could be why David used 'Kush' here which literally means an Ethiopian, black, and terror. It probably refers to the black darkness in the soul of Saul in reversionism.}

{David is Tired of Running - He envisions Saul Ripping up his Very Soul}
2~~Lest he {King Saul} tear into little pieces my soul {nephesh}
like a lion attacking with great violence,
and there is no one rescuing/snatching me from danger.

{Soul Fatigue Yet Innocence of David}
3-4~~O Jehovah/God my Elohiym/Godhead,
if I have 'manufactured this'/'caused this persecution'
  {'asah - make something out of something else} . . .
if 'I am guilty'
  {idiom: literally 'if iniquity clings to my hands'} . . . 4~~
if I have repaid evil to the one {Saul}
being at peace with me . . .
or if, I have plundered him {Saul} without a cause . . .
the one {Saul} who is my enemy
  {'but I have not done these things' - equivalent to Greek's 2nd
  class condition}, 5~~
  {if they are true - but they are not - then}
let 'the one always hating me to the point of vindictiveness/
implacability' pursue/persecute {radaph} my soul and overtake it!
  {if they are true - but they are not - then}
let him {Saul} 'trample down' into the ground my life
  {like it were nothing},
and cause my honor to dwell in the dust. Selah/'musical rest'.

{Note: Saul in reversionism had 'advisors around him slandering David. They made up lies about David and Saul believed them. So, he continually pursued and persecuted David. If any of these things were true, they might justify Saul persecuting David - but David declares that none are true.}

{Note: This is the end of the 1st strophe (a strophe is a dividing line in poetry).}

{Note: A dithyramb is the name for the poetry that has wild and irregular strains. It has two kinds of meter indicating intoxication, instability, or madness. Here is paints a picture of the mental attitude of Saul.}

{Note: This psalm has two types of poetic meter:
a) Iambic meter (a metrical foot consisting of one short syllable followed by one long syllable or of one unstressed syllable followed by one stressed syllable). Iambic meter is used for 'satire' so David is using sanctified sarcasm.

b) Anapestic meter (a metrical foot consisting of three syllables: two short syllables followed by one long syllable or of two unstressed syllables followed by one stressed syllable).}

{Courtroom Scene with God as the 'Supreme Court'}
6~~Arise/'Get up on your judgment seat' {quwm}, O Jehovah/God,
in Your righteous indignation {toward the guilty - Saul here}.
Be lifted up against the arrogance of my enemies {Saul}.
'Arouse Yourself in my behalf'
You have ordained 'the principal of justice'.

{Note: David knows that Saul is God's anointed King and refused twice to remove him. But, he also knows that God is the ultimate judge and is appealing to Him to judge who is in the right between him and Saul. David rightly claims that Saul's persecution arises from Saul's wounded pride. The people sang 'Thousands has Saul killed, but ten- thousands has David killed'. In his arrogance, Saul was easy to be convinced by slander to move against David.}

{The Jury is the Nation of Israel}
7~~ When the assembly of the peoples {all the tribes of Israel}
have gather around You {God},
then You, above them {in heaven},
return on Your High Place
  {means on the High Court's Judgment Seat - You make the

8~~Jehovah/God will 'judge, decide,
punish when needed, and rule' the people
  {diyn - fully means - 'try the case, decide, punish, and rule'}.
Administer justice to me, O Jehovah/God,
according to my righteousness
  {tsedeq - and here is Super-Grace David's righteousness},
and according to my 'fullness' in me
  {Doctrine in His soul here – Super-Grace Status} {tom}.

{Note: Tom means integrity, 'prosperity of soul', and 'completeness and fullness'. Here is means the 'fullness of David's cup'. He is said to be a man after the 'right lobe'/heart of God because of the great amount of doctrine in David's soul - divine viewpoint.}

9~~Please let the evil {the reverse process reversionism}
of the wicked/reversionist be terminated.
But let the righteous
  {the Super-Grace believer with doctrine in his soul}
be established.
For the One {God} . . .
testing the right lobes {doctrine/divine viewpoint flowing in your soul}
  {libbah: idiom: literally means 'hearts' - but is used for the
  mentality because of the thoughts that flow through it like blood}
and the emotions
  {kilyah: idiom: literally means the kidneys or reins. Just as we
  say 'butterflies in my stomach' when we are nervous, the Jews
  used 'stomach' and 'kidneys' when describing the emotions} . . .

is 'Elohiym of righteousness'/'Godhead of righteousness'
  {righteousness is one half of the integrity of God - the other half is
  His perfect justice}.

{Note: Both David and Saul are believers so the issue David is bringing up is not the imputed righteousness of God - both have that. But what David has done is study God's Word after salvation and has advanced to be a SuperGrace believer with much divine viewpoint in his soul. Saul on the other hand went negative toward God and His Word. So, he 'reverted' back to the human viewpoint of an unbeliever. He is still saved, but in reversionism - no divine viewpoint.}

{Reversionism Verses SuperGrace Status}
10~~My shield {magen} . . . {is} upon Elohiym/Godhead
 The One causing to deliver the integrity {yashar}
of my 'right lobe'/heart.

{Note: Magen does means 'shield'. A shield is a type of defense, but is one that you carry with you for protection. The doctrine resident in his soul goes everywhere with David. Operating under divine viewpoint and divine standards is David's protection in life.}

11~~Elohiym/Godhead . . .
{is} the One judging {shaphat} the righteous.
And El/God is indignant every day towards the wicked/reversionist.

{Note: Shaphat means to render a judicial decision based on correct and absolute evidence - He knows all the facts.}

{Note: God scourges with a whip His sons - this is the harsh treatment he gives to reversionists to get them to turn back to him. And, He does chasten all sons. This is for growing believers who are disciplined for advancement or for a small step out of line. Turning your back on God as an unbeliever is the big mistake. After salvation, turning your back on Him and His Word, is as big a mistake for you 'in time' - but once saved always saved. So you risk dying horribly under the sin unto death, but then it is off to heaven for your soul and spirit for eternity.}

12~~If he {the reversionist} does not repent/'change his mind'
  {about God and His Word}
He will 'sharpen His sword'
  {idiom meaning prepare him for the sin unto death}.
He has bent His bow {warning and intensive discipline},
and prepared it {the arrows - referring to God's discipline in time}.

13~~He has appointed for him {the reversionist}
the instruments of death
  {plural - each dying will die differently but none will be pleasant}.
He {God} shapes his arrows . . . the burning ones.

{Note: In this day, arrows were shaped specifically for each bow. Therefore each reversionists discipline will be different but burning is a picture of great pain.}

{Verses 14-16: Next Strophe: the Profile of a Reversionist}
14~~Behold {a word that calls the reader to attention -
he {a reversionist} is in birth labor {chabal piel stem}
of vanity {perpetuation of emotional revolt and frantic search for
  { 'aven - this is the production of reversionism and its sins -
  gossip, slandering on and on - after all that pain,
  there is nothing good produced},
because he has become pregnant with sin
  {through a frantic search for happiness}
  {`amal - mental attitude sins, sins of the tongue or overt sins of
  vengeance - trying to build your happiness on someone else's
and has given birth to a life of deceit
  {sheqer - reverse process reversionism in view}.

{Note: The analogy of a painful and continuing pregnancy giving birth to nothing . . . is a very good picture of reversionism. You have to be pregnant first! Negative to doctrine. David thinks he is writing about Saul, but he is about to enter reversionism himself (but he will recover) so he actually is writing about himself and all reversionists.}

15~~He {the reversionist} dug a pit,
and explored it
  {getting involved with all sorts of things in the frantic search for
and is fallen into the pit
which he himself has manufactured.

7:16~~His evil/trouble {`amal - things practiced in reversionism}
shall return upon his own head {self-induced misery},
and 'that which is obtained by violence' {chamac}
shall come down upon his own 'crown of his head' {qodqod}.

{Note: Interesting that David said this would come down on the reversionists 'crown of his head' because of his coming reversionism, his wearing of the crown would be delayed one year! The reversionist reaps what he sows. The SuperGrace believer reaps what God sows!}

17~~I will be caused to praise Jehovah/God
according to His righteousness
  {not according to MINE but according to His!}!
And I will sing in celebration
to the Person of Jehovah/God {occupation with Christ}
Most High {'elyown}.

{Note: You cannot sow from your own activities and reap Super-Grace blessing (God's sowing).}