Psalm Eleven

1~~{Title} To the one who excels . . . to David.
I have confidence
  {chacah - a grace orientation verb - faith in the sense of having
  a strong form of confidence}
in the Jehovah/God.
How can you all say/'make comments'
  {David's 'human viewpoint' advisors telling David to run and hide} to my soul {referring to the intellect of the soul here},
"retreat/flee as a bird to your mountain?"

{Note: The psalms often begin 'to the chief musician'. But here, RBT says natsach in the piel stem means to the 'one who excels' meaning David himself. He is not boasting - this is the confidence of David. Instead he is recognizing the fact that he has bible doctrine in his soul. The country is in a mess and David knows he is the man for the job of fixing it all up!}

{Note: Chacah was the Hebrew word used to describe the situation where a rabbit would run into a crack in a rock to get out of the reach of the fox! It means to protect from danger. God is David's rock.}

{Note: At this point in time, David's advisors are now rich men. They don't want to risk losing it to Saul or even dying now that they are rich! They advise David to run and hide when David knows now is the time to stand and fight!}

2~~For, behold, the wicked ones {the Philistines}
prepare/bend their bow,
they sight their arrow upon the string,
to shoot in the darkness
at the True of heart/'right lobe'
  {referring to the Jews with doctrine in their right lobes} .

3~~Because the pillars
  {Jewish government under the reversionism of Saul}
are in the process of being torn down,
what can the righteous do
  {how can mature believers 'stand in the gap'?}?

4~~Jehovah/God {the Son} . . . {is} in the Palace
of His 'Holy Place/Abode.
Jehovah/God {the Father} . . . {is} in the heavens . . .
{is} Royal throne.
His eyes 'see and understand' {chazah}
  {what is going on with mankind},
His eyelids keep on testing
  {idiom: like when you pinch your eyes together to concentrate},
the 'human race'/'children of men'.

{Contrast Between SuperGrace Believer and Reversionist}
5~~Jehovah/God tests {for reality/purity}
a righteous/vindicated person {tsaddiyq - SuperGrace believer}
  {means by the fire of national catastrophe}.
But the wicked/impious/anti-God {rasha`} . . .
even the one who keeps loving 'illegal violence'
  {chamac - referring to King Saul here},
His {God's} soul
  {nephesh - here referring to the divine essence of God}
'has righteous indignation'/'has hated' {sane'}.

6~~ He {God} will cause to rain
on the wicked/reversionist
'deadly snares' {pach - snares that destroys whatever they catch -
  in this snare, you die},
fire {refers to national disaster here},
brimstone {gophriyth - refers to the chemical destruction of Saul
  here - poor health},
and a burning wind
  {refers to the result to the civilians for losing the battle of Gilboa
  (sp) - 95% of the population are killed, raped, enslaved} . . .
the portion of their cup.

{Note: This is where you set a snare for someone but the prey gets out and YOU are killed instead.}

{Principal of Survival of SuperGrace Believer}
7~~Because the Jehovah/God is righteous/'perfect in His essence'.
He {God} loves 'grace vindication {of the righteous}' { ts@daqah}.
A righteous person/'SuperGrace believer'
shall see His face {principal of occupation with Christ}.

{Note: God only vindicates what comes from God - His viewpoint in your soul! Doctrine resident in your soul.}