Psalm Thirteen

{Note: RBT says this Psalm explains what happened to David between I Samuel Chapters 29 and 30 - (Reversionism, Rebound, Back in Fellowship)}
{Verses 1-2: 1st Strophe - 1st 5 lines - David Reaps what David Sows}

1~~{Title} To the Chief Musician
A Psalm of David.

'Until when'/'How long'
  {Av A-naaa (sp) - a lamentation in Hebrew poetry}
will You 'forget me'/'not remember me', O Jehovah/God?

Forever ?
  {David was appointed the Body Guard of Achish forever . . .}

'Until when'/'How long'
  {Av A-naaa (sp) - a lamentation in Hebrew poetry}
will You be caused to hide your face from me?
  {meaning 'caused to be in great displeasure with me'}

{Note: David has been in Philistia under the protection of Achish, kind of Philistia. David has been lying to Achish and killing Philistines while under the protection of Achish. Now the Philistines are going up against King Saul. But the other Philistine city-state rulers did not want David and his men to fight with the Philistines against the Jews and David is sent back as the battle is about to happen.}

2~~'Until when'/'How long' {Av A-naaa (sp)}
shall I 'line up worries' {shiyth `etsah}
in my soul (?) . . .
  {Constant worry and anxiety was part of his self-induced misery in
  reversionism - he sowed lies and the murder of Arab women and
  children - and he reaped worry}

having 'maximum misery' {yagown}
in my 'right lobe'/heart . . .
day by day . . .

'Until when'/'How long' {Av A-naaa (sp)}
will my enemy {Saul} be exalted over me {David}?

{Verses 3-4: Next Strophe - 4 lines of Hebrew Poetry
  David Repents and Back under God's Grace}
3~~'Have regard for me'/'Have respect for me'
  {nabat - Hiphil imperative - commanding that God have respect for
  him! is now back in God's plan and claiming a promise of God to
  forgive him}
and 'listen to me'/'answer me' {`anah},
O Jehovah/God my 'Elohiym/Godhead.

Cause to enlighten my eyes
  {means 'cause me to understand doctrine'},
lest I sleep the sleep of death
  {die the sin unto death in reversionism} . . .

4~~Lest my enemy {Saul} keep on saying,
"I have overcome/'prevailed against' {yakol} him."

"Lest those hostile to me
celebrate/'dance around in a circle'/'party at my expense' {giyl}
when I am tottering/unstable {mowt}."

{Verses 5-6: 3rd Strophe: Grace Deliverance: David Reaps what God Sows}
5~~But in Your grace {checed}
I have trusted
  {batach - non-meritorious repentance - also verb for faith rest}
  {now on I want to reap what YOU sow Lord}.

My heart/'right lobe'
will celebrate/'dance around in a circle' {giyl}
Your deliverance {yashuw`ah}.

6~~I will 'sing in celebration' {shiyr}
unto Jehovah/God.

Because He has compensated me
in grace {gamal - reaping what God sows, back in fellowship}.