Psalm Twenty-One

{A Psalm of the Promotion of David
  (and All Believers in Spiritual Maturity)}
{Verses 1-7: 1st Strophe - Emphasis on God}
1~~{Title} 1~~ To the chief musician {natsach} . . .
the psalm {mizmowr} of David
O Jehovah/God . . . in Your omnipotence {`oz}
the King {David} will express his happiness
  {based on having capacity from doctrine resident in his soul}.
And, in Your victory/deliverance
  {y@shuw`ah - can mean salvation,
  but here deliverance is better}
how greatly shall he 'overtly rejoice'
  {giyl - outer expression of Joy - dancing in a circle}!

{Note: This psalm was written by David after his first victory over the Philistines at Bal-por-a-zeen sp. You are not promoted unless the Lord promotes you. David has been promoted and knows that the Lord is due all the credit/glory. After about 47 years, the Jewish Nation is again united under King David. David is not thinking about the greatness of his part in the victory - but he has the right perspective - the victory is the Lords!}

{Note: The psalms often begin 'to the chief musician'. But, in Chapter 11, RBT says natsach in the piel stem means to the 'one who excels' meaning David himself. He is not boasting - this is the confidence of David. Instead he is recognizing the fact that he has bible doctrine in his soul. The country is in a mess and David knows he is the man for the job of fixing it all up!}

2~~You {God} have given him {David}
the desire {ta'avah} of his 'right lobe'/heart {blessings in time},
and You have not held back {mana`}
the request of his lips {all David's prayer requests were answered}.
Selah/'orchestra plays on, voices rest'.

{Note: the Lord did not preserve the melody of the psalms. We only have the Words. Selah was included in the psalms because it meant the singers rested but the musicians played on. This is a constant reminder that while WE rest (the singers) , God in His grace continues (the instruments play on and on and on).}

3~~For You {God} have proceeded him {David}
with the blessings { B@rakah - plural} of the {divine} good { towb}
  {blessings in time - SG2 blessings}.
You {God} have placed on his head a crown of pure/fine gold
  {God provided the crown to David - the Glory is the Lord's}.

{Note: This is the word from which Berachah Church took its name. B@rakah means blessings. And this is plural so it is not just one request for a blessing. David desired all sorts of categories of blessings and received them all - spiritual blessings, leadership blessings, wealth, power, wisdom, sexual prosperity, social prosperity - on and on - nothing was withheld by God.}

4~~He has asked for 'prosperity' of You
  {chay idiom: literally 'lives' but refers to the categories of
  blessings in time},
and You have given it to him {David} . . .
extension/length { 'orek} of days
  {referring to long life to enjoy the blessings in time} . . .
{prosperity} forever and ever
  {referring to blessings in eternity future also}.

{Note: The tree of life is the capacity to enjoy life. This capacity comes from bible doctrine resident in your soul. Saying that David asked for 'lives' means that David prayed for a number of blessings in time and the time to enjoy the blessings. Then he ends with his desire for blessings in time and blessings in eternity.}

5~~Great . . . {is} His {God's} glory
in your {David's} victory/deliverance.
Honor { howd - referring to David's ability from doctrine
  to handle his promotion to King - It is harder to handle a
  prosperity test then tests of depravation. David handled both
and majesty { hadar}
have You {God} laid/bestowed upon him {David}.

6~~For You {God} will appoint him {David} . . .
blessings {B@rakah - plural - many many categories of blessings} forever.
You have made him intensively happy {chadah - Piel intensive stem}
with happinesses {simchah}
of Your Face/Countenance/Presence
  {paniym - technical for +H - sharing the happiness which belongs to

7~~For the king {melek - referring to David}
'keeps trusting in/'claims the promises of'
  {batach - used in 'bodying slamming someone to the ground -
  means to 'slam your cares on the Lord' and therefore came to
  mean to 'claim the promises from God}
and because of the grace {checed}
of the Most High {'elyown}
he {David} shall not waiver/totter
  {mowt - means perfect stability - refers to David's attitude toward
  doctrine. He relies on the Lord and His Word. And, from doctrine
  in the soul in produced a stable Way of life}.

{Verses 8-13: 2nd Strophe - Attention Centers on David}
8~~Your {David's} hand/G2/CIA
  {yad - refers to David's intelligence gathering branches of his
  administration - here like the CIA for the foreign countries}
shall discover { matsa' - used for intelligence gathering services}
all your enemies {foreign foes}.
Your 'right hand'/FBI
  {yamiyn - intelligence gathering service within the country}
shall discover {matsa'} the ones hating you
  {sane' - refers to domestic enemies - includes Absalom
  and another of his sons}.

9~~You {David} shall make them {David's enemies}
as a fiery oven {complete and total annihilation}
in the time of your face/presence {paniym}.
Jehovah/God shall 'destroy them'/'swallow them up' {bala'}
in His anger,
and the fire {of God's righteous judgment}
shall devour them.

{Cleansing of the Human Race}
10~~Their fruit/progeny/offspring {p@riy},
You shall scatter and destroy { 'abad} from the earth {'erets},
and their seed/children from among the children of men.

{Note: Why is God 'destroying these people and all their descendents? To PROTECT the human race's very existence! If evil is allowed to remain, then the entire human race would be destroyed by that evil. So, evil is 'restrained' by God - and He will continue to do so, until the Tribulation. The 'Why' is stated in the next verse.}

11~~For they 'stretched out upon you {natah} evil {ra'}.
They devised {chashab} a conspiracy {m@zimmah}.
They are not able {to carry out the conspiracy}.

12~~For you shall make/appoint them
  {David's archers turning on the enemy to show them a shoulder}
the shoulder {sh@kem}
 {left shoulder forward, right shoulder back - picture of archers being
  ready to shoot - used for military preparedness},
when you {archers} shall prepare/'make ready'
your arrows {loaded and ready}
upon your strings
against the presence/face {paniym} of them
  {foreign foes (Philistines) advancing and military is ready for them}.

13~~Be exalted, Jehovah/God,
in Your Omnipotence {`oz}.
We will keep singing
and celebrating
  {zamar - idiom - literally to 'strum the strings of an instrument'}
Your powerful {military} victories {g@buwrah}.