Psalm Twenty-Four

{Jesus Christ is the Creator of Earth and All Creatures}
1~~A Psalm of David.
 The earth belongs to the Jehovah/God,
and the fullness thereof {everything in it} . . .
the world, and they that dwell therein.

{Restoration of the Earth in Genesis 1}
2~~For He has founded it upon the seas,
and established it upon water beneath the earth.

3~~Who shall ascend into the hill of Jehovah/God?
Or who shall stand in His Holy Place {His Command Post}?

4~~He who has clean hands {rebound},
and a pure heart/'right lobe'
  {divine viewpoint in soul from bible doctrine}
Who has not lifted up his soul {nephesh}
unto vanity/meaninglessness
  {emotion controls the intellect in emotional revolt of the soul
nor sworn deceitfully {ERS expressing itself in lies}.

5~~He shall receive the blessing from Jehovah/God,
and righteousness from the Elohiym/Godhead of his salvation.

{The 'How' of Verse 5 - Positive Volition}
6~~This is the generation of them Who seek Him
  {positive toward doctrine},
Who seek Your face
  {positive volition and daily function of GAP,
  Occupation with Christ},
O Jacob {referring to the Jewish Race}. Selah {musical rest}.

7-8~~ Lift up your heads O you gates {Wake up! Concentrate},
And be lifted up, O everlasting doors.
That the King of Glory may come in. 8~~
Who is the King of glory?
Jehovah/God {Jesus Christ - see Rev 3},
powerful and a might warrior,
a mighty warrior in battle.

9~~ Lift up your heads O you gates {Wake up! Concentrate},
And be lifted up, O everlasting doors.
That the King of Glory may come in.

10~~ Who is this King of glory?
Jehovah/God of the armies/hosts
  {Commander and Chief of the Jewish Army - Jesus Christ},
He is the King of glory. Selah {musical rest}.