Psalm Twenty-Six

{A SuperGrace Vindication Psalm}
1~~{a Psalm} of David.
Vindicate {shaphat} me, O Jehovah/God
for I have walked 'in SuperGrace'/'without blame'/'in integrity' {tom}.
Likewise, I have trusted in Jehovah/God
without vacillation/ faltering {ma`ad}.

{Note: From I Samuel Chapter 31, the battle of Mount Gilboa has just finished. David knows he is a mature believer that God is going to use. David is in the south and David is ready to serve the Lord and therefore serve his country.}

2~~Examine me {other way of saying test me - I want MORE Grace},
O Jehovah/God, and test/prove me.
Test/prove my emotions {kilyah - idiom: literally means kidneys}
and my 'right lobe'/heart {leb}.

{Note: David is saying he is ready for full capacity to enjoy life! Please give me even more grace! He has doctrine in his soul and 'his cup runnith over'. This is for our benefit - God always knew this!}

3~~For your 'grace in action'/lovingkindness {checed} . . . {is}
before my eyes
  {meaning your grace is my constant perspective} . . .
because I myself have walked in Your Doctrine/Truth {'emeth}!

{Note: Doctrine in your soul is the only way you can respond to God's love for you! You are not rewarded because you have doctrine. You are only rewarded WHEN you have the capacity to enjoy what God wants to give to you as His grace gift - you never earn it or deserve it! It is a grace operation all the way!}

4~~I do not sit/consort/'have social life'/
'dwell in prosperity' {yashab}
with scoundrels/'men of evil'/reversionistic believers
  {shav' math - idiom: literally 'empty of content in their speech'
and I do not go with phony hypocrites {`alam}.

5~~I have detested/hated the company/assembly
of those who plot and execute evil,
furthermore, I will not sit/consort/'have social life'/
'dwell in prosperity' {yashab}
with the wicked ones {rasha`}.

6~~I will wash my hands in purity/innocence {niqqayown}.
and, O Jehovah/God
I will surround {with rebound offerings} Your altar.

7~~That I might proclaim
with a voice of praise/thanksgiving.
That I might recount
all of your 'extraordinary grace provisions' { pala'}

8~~Oh Jehovah/God, I love the refuge of Your House . . .
even the place of the habitation of Your glory.

9-10~~Do not take away my soul { nephesh} along with sinners,
nor . . . {snuff out}my life {chay}
with 'men of bloods' {murderers} 10~~ . . .
in whose hands is rape {zimmah},
and their right hand has been filled of bribes.

11~~But as for me, I will walk 'in my SuperGrace status'/
'without blame'/'in integrity' {tom}.
Preserve me and be gracious to me!

12~~My foot stands in a level place.
In the public convocations,
I will celebrate {Who and What} Jehovah/God {is}.