Psalm Thirty

{Written and Sung by David - Related to II Samuel Chapter 5}
{Title of the Psalm}
1~~A Psalm {mizmowr} and a Song {shiyr}.
The consecration of the house
for David {fortress of Zion - a grace palace}.
"I will 'raise you up'/'build you up {in my soul}' {ruwm},
O Jehovah/God {Jesus Christ}
  {David never forgets the source of His prosperity}.
For You have built me up,
and have not permitted my enemies
to rejoice over me."

{Note: A mizmowr is translated a 'psalm'. It is music/singing accompanied by musical instrument. A shiyr is translated a 'song'. But it means when music is sung without instruments when you are very very happy. David had just conquered the hill fort on Zion that was held by the Jebusites. It remained unconquerable for 500 years - since the time of Joshua (see II Samuel 5:7). He changed it into a castle called Zion and built the 'Tower of David' on one end. This is David's first permanent home. David was a strong student of the Word. He knew he was nothing. All he had came from the source of God. He never forgot this and always built the Lord up in his soul - bible doctrine resident in his soul.}

{Note: Ruwm means to 'raise up'. David just built a beautiful palace on top of Mount Zion. So he uses a construction word when describing what he will do to the Name of the Lord. Jehovah is the Hebrew word for God that was never spoken (they said Adoni instead). It can refer to any One member of the Godhead. We find out in the New Testament, that Jesus Christ was the creator of the universe and all in it. When the Old Testament refers to the member of the Godhead/Elohiym Who was seen or heard, it was Jesus Christ.}

2~~ "O Jehovah/God
my Elohiym/Godhead,
I shouted {for help in reversionism} to You,
and You have healed me."

3~~"O Jehovah/God
You have brought back my soul {nephesh}
from the grave {David was under the sin unto death and recovered}.
You have kept me alive,
that I should not go down
to the pit {dying under reversionism}."

{Rebound Verse}
4~~"Make music to Jehovah/God,
O you men of grace,
and confess freely {rebound}
at the memory of His Holiness.

{Note: David is telling the serious students of God's Word, to make music to the Lord when you are in fellowship. When you get out of fellowship, confess your sins to God and get back into fellowship, and make more music!}

{Misery of Reversion and Happiness of SuperGrace Living}
5~~"For His anger . . . {lasts} but a moment . . .
His grace . . . {lasts} a life/lifetime!
Weeping {hard times} will pass the night for an evening
  {carnality then rebound},
but celebrating happiness . . . {will come} in the morning."

{Note: God's 'anger' is an anthropopathism of the discipline the Father gives to all His children when they are out of line. It's purpose is to help them become better children. When you confess your sins, He forgives you and discipline turns to blessing. No matter what though, you ARE His son and His grace lasts all your life in time and in eternity!}

6~~"And in my prosperity I {David} said,
'I will never be unstable {consistent intake of doctrine}'."

7~~"Jehovah/God {Jesus Christ},
by means of Your grace benefit {ratsown}
You have caused my mountain to stand powerful.
{Before this in reversionism}
You 'disregarded me' {idem: literally - 'covered Your face'},
and {while disregarded by God}
I became neutralized with trouble and fear.

{Note: Ratsown is stronger then just 'grace'. It refers to David's SuperGrace blessings now. But in I Samuel Chapter 21 David was in reversionism and the Lord withheld His grace benefits. Now David has confessed his sins and in back in fellowship and actually still in SuperGrace status with all the tremendous grace benefits that status brings.}

{Turning Point for David}
8~~"I shouted to You, O Jehovah/God.
And unto you, Jehovah/God,
I {personally} sought your grace {repentance}."

9~~"What advantage {to the Lord} is there in killing me (?)
  {idem - literally: what profit is there in my blood?},
when I go down to the pit {sin unto death in reversionism}.
Shall the dust be caused to praise You?
Shall it declare Your doctrine?

{Note: There is no glory brought to the Lord when anyone dies the sin unto death in reversionism. Only a SuperGrace Believer dying under dying grace benefits brings glory to the Lord.}

10~~"Listen to me, O Jehovah/God,
and be gracious/'have mercy' upon me
O Jehovah/God,
be my helper {help David to start recovering when in reversionism}."

{From the Pit to the Heights of Doctrine Resident in Your Soul}
11~~"You {Jesus Christ}
have converted my mourning {reversionistic discipline}
into dancing {SuperGrace benefits} for me {David}.
You have torn off my sackcloth
  {David's humble situation - misery of living in reversionism},
and have clothed me with happiness."

12~~"To the end
for the purpose that my honor {SuperGrace living}
might make music for You {Jesus Christ},
and not be silent.
O Jehovah/God
my Elohiym/Godhead,
I will be caused to praise You forever."