Psalm Thirty-Three

{Describes the Situation of National Deliverance
 As when David Defeated Goliath}
1~~Rejoice/'Shout in victory' {an order} in Jehovah/God,
O you righteous/'SuperGrace Believer'
  {tsaddiyq - David in view here}.
For praise is beautiful/suitable {na'veh}
for the upright/'SuperGrace Hero'.

{Singing Accompanied with Musical Instrument - to the Grace of God}
2~~Praise/'Acknowledge the Grace/benevolence of' Jehovah/God with a harp
  {picture of David playing his harp in his tent with the head of
  Goliath after slaying him}.
Sing unto Him with the zither,
and an instrument of ten strings.

3~~Sing unto Him a new song.
Play skillfully with a loud noise.

4~~For the Word/doctrine {dabar}
of Jehovah/God is straight/correct/upright {yashar}
  {and bible doctrine leads to straight thinking -people will let you
  down, but bible doctrine will keep you straight}.
And all His works/'divine good production' . . .
{are done} in doctrine/truth {'emuwnah}.

5~~He{ God} keeps on loving righteousness
 {Who has the righteousness that God loves? David! A SuperGrace
  Believer Operating on Divine viewpoint - 'a heart/right lobe after His
  own heart/right lobe'}
and judgment.
The land is full of the grace {checed} of Jehovah/God
  {in the case of Goliath, the people have been delivered by God
  through His SuperGrace representative}.

{Basis of David's Victory over Goliath - Doctrine in His Soul}
{Illustrations of the Omnipotence of God}
6-7~~By the word/doctrine {dabar}
of Jehovah/God were the heavens manufactured {'asah}.
And all the hosts/armies of them . . . {were made}
by the breath/spirit { ruwach} from His mouth. 7~~
He gathered the waters of the sea together in their boundaries.
He laid up the depth in storehouses {all creation is orderly}.

8~~Let all the earth respect/fear { yare'} Jehovah/God.
Let all the inhabitants of the land
'operate in a sphere of grace'/
'keep on standing in awe' {guwr}of Him.

9~~For He spoke/decreed . . . and it was.
He commanded . . . and it was established.

{God Controls History}
10~~Jehovah/God causes to frustrates
the plan of the heathen to no effect
  {note David says God did it NOT himself}.
He blocks the divisiveness of antagonistic people.

11~~ The plan {`etsah} of Jehovah/God stands forever,
the purpose/thoughts/'bible doctrine' {machashabah}
of His 'right lobe'/heart . . . to all generations.

12~~Happinesses {'esher - plural} . . . the nation/'national entity'
whose Elohiym/Godhead . . . {is} Jehovah/God.
And, the people whom He has chosen
for His own inheritance/portion {salt of the earth principal}.

13~~Jehovah /God observes from heaven.
He has seen {from eternity past} all the sons of men.

14~~From the place of His habitation {headquarters in heaven}
He 'views from a higher place' {shagach}
upon all the inhabitants of the earth.

15~~He knows their hearts/'right lobes' {leb} alike
  {the thinking of SuperGrace Believers is 'divine viewpoint acquired
  from the study of the Word}.
He discerns {biyn}
all their works/production/'divine good production' {ma`aseh}.

{Only the Lord Delivers}
16-17~~There is no king
is delivered by the multitude of an army/host.
  {King Saul in view here - for 40 days the army was humiliated by
  Goliath's challenge that went unheeded}
A mighty man is not delivered by great strength. 17~~
An horse . . . {is} an empty thing for safety.
Neither shall any escape from danger by his great strength
  {ask Goliath}.

18-19~~Behold, the eye of Jehovah /God is upon them
who respect/fear Him
upon them that 'trust under pressure' {yachal}
in His grace checed}19~~
to 'snatch from danger' {natsal}
their soul from death {God protects from military disaster},
and to keep them alive in famine
  {God also protects from economic disaster}.

20~~Our soul 'waits with confidence and desire' {chakah}
on Jehovah /God.
He . . . {is} our help {`ezer}
and our shield
  {magen - David did not take Saul's shield! The Lord was his shield}.

21~~For our 'right lobe'/heart
shall have 'inner happiness'/+H {samach} in Him,
because we have trusted/'faith rested' {batach}
in His Holy Name.

22~~Let your grace {checed},
O Jehovah/God, be upon us,
according as we 'have perfect confidence in pressure' {yachal}
in You.