Psalm Thirty-Four

1~~{Title}{An Acrostic Psalm} of David
(when he had changed his behavior before
  {RBT says this is what David was thinking when,
  in I Samuel 21:13 and following, he pretended madness
  before Achish, the king/Abimelech of the Philistines.
  This verse now adds that Achish ordered David driven from
  the city like an animal.}
who drove him away and he departed).

{'Aleph File- the ox - means prosperity}
I will adore/'love to the maximum' {barak}
Jehovah/God at all times.
His 'praise from knowledge' {t@hillah - you can not sing praises if you
  do not know first}
shall continually be in my mouth.

{Note: When barak is used towards man, it means to bless or prosper. Man can not prosper God! When it is used toward God, it means to 'love to the maximum' or adore Him or be occupied with Him in your soul.}

{Note: Acrostic means each letter of the Hebrew alphabet is related to each verse in the Psalm. RBT calls them the x file - as in 'Aleph file for the first letter of the Hebrew alphabet.}

{Beth File}
2^~My soul shall celebrate {halal}
in Jehovah/God.
the 'grace oriented in their souls'/humble {`anav}
shall 'hear, listen, and obey'
  {shama' - refers to the study, concentration on and application of
  God's Mind - the Word}
 thereof, and rejoice/party {samach}.

{Note: David is using a play on words here. Halal here is in the Hithpael stem. That means to be very happy. In I Samuel 21:13 we had halal in the Hithpoel stem - which means to be mad. And, many people who are very, very happy appear to be mad! Haha but this is a play on words.}

{Note: `anav is often translated 'humble' in the KJV. But, this is not a phony type of thing. This word is used for a person who understands that God is the issue. We are nothing when compared with him. He is great. We are small. When you are oriented to the fact that God provides everything, then you are 'anav. SideNote: The name 'Peter' was given to Simon by Jesus and it means 'little chip'. The name 'Paul' taken by Saul of Tarsus means 'little'. Both LEARNED to be 'anav. Many people teach that the Lord must be first in your life. This is true but incomplete. To be 'anav, the Lord is EVERYTHING in your life. No, this does not mean to be stupid and neglect your life - that is misusing doctrine. Instead, when you understand this concept, you will be on your way to being 'anav. Until then, keep God first - and take in doctrine today, tomorrow and every day.}

{Gimel File- Camel - Denotes Extensive Knowledge of a Subject}
3~~O 'assign to greatness' {gadal} . . . with me . . . Jehovah/God, and let us 'lift up'/'Build an Edification Complex of the Soul'/
Exalt {ruwm} His Name together.

{Daleth File - the Door - Refers to Entering the Plan of God or a Place of Blessing or Cursing}
4~~ I {David} 'beat a path to {the door of the doctrine of}' Jehovah/God, and He answered me,
and delivered me from all my fears.

{He File the Window - Refers to the Perspective of Life}
5~~They were caused to look {with anticipation}
unto Him {God} {positive volition},
and shined/'were lightened'/'cheered up inwardly' {nahar}
  {made it to SuperGrace through the study of the Word}.
And their faces/presence 'were not ashamed'/'was no reproach'.

{Zayin File - Nail or Peg - Something you can Hang things on - Doctrine is something you can hang things on}
6~~This wretched/reversionistic {`aniy} man cried/yelled out
  {from the title we know this is David in Gad pretending madness in
  his fear}
and Jehovah/God heard him,
and delivered him out of all his afflictions {of reversionism}.

{Note: Here indicates the reversion recovery of David. Now the Lord hears and brings him out of his reversionism and misery. So this takes place between I Samuel 21 and I Samuel 22.}

{Heth file}
{David at His Lowest Ebb is Visited by Jesus Christ as the Angel of Jehovah}
7~~The angel of Jehovah/God bivouacked
  {God was his place of safety and rest - Jesus taught David doctrine
  directly and brought him back to SuperGrace status}
around those {David and others positive to God and His Word}
who 'respect authority of'/fear/'are in awe of' Him,
and delivered them
  {means the Lord delivered David and others also - not just David}.

{Note: The Angel of the Lord is revealed to BE Jehovah in Genesis 16:7-13, 31:11-13 and many other passages. Yet He is also said to be distant from Jehovah. This is because Jehovah is a title for God and there are more than one member of the Godhead Who individually are called Jehovah. The revealed/manifest member of the Godhead is always said to be Jesus Christ - see John 1:18. SideNote: When Jesus Christ comes incarnate, the angel of Jehovah is never mentioned again.}

{Teth File - Roll Together - and stands for Relationship}
8~~O taste {eat the Bread of Life - doctrine}
and see that Jehovah/God . . . {is} good
  {occupation with Christ after reversion recovery}.
Happinesses { 'esher - plural} . . .
{to} the hero { geber - meaning a SuperGrace Believer}
who 'takes refuge {in doctrine}' { chacah } in Him.

{Note: Chacah is the word to describe protection in the sense of an animal running for protection in a crack in the rock of a mountain.}

{Yodh File - hand}
9~~O respect {the authority of}/fear Jehovah/God,
you his 'hilarious ones'.
For there is no want to them
who respect {the authority of} Him.

{Kaph File - means the Palm of the hand -
10~~The 'young lions'
  {k@phiyr - referring to humanly strong men - those with great
  human abilities}
do lack and suffer hunger.
But they who constantly seek Jehovah/God
  {positive volition to God and His Word}
shall never lack of any good {thing}.

{Lamedh File - Ox Goad - (keeps the ox moving)}
11~~Come, you children, {positive volition of the young}
'hear, listen, concentrate and obey' {shama'} unto me.
I will teach you
  {via repetition - over and over and over to inculcation}
the respect {for the authority} of Jehovah/God.

{Mem File }
{Verses 12-13: Special blessing for avoiding the sins of the tongue}
12~~Who is the man
who 'wants to enjoy lives'/'who desires lives'
  {chay - in the plural - means capacity to enjoy all categories of
  happiness in life - social, sexual, spiritual, material, business,
  scholarship, on and on}
and loves long life? {idiom - ' literally 'loves days'},
that he may see good
  {means to see good in the Lord and all He provides - you see good
  when unusually good blessings come your way}?

{Nun File}
13~~Keep/'stand guard on'/'walk a post on'
your tongue from evil
  {an order! No sins of the tongue!},
and your lips from 'speaking deceit'/slandering {dabar mirmah}.

{Samekh File}
14~~Turn from {cuwr} evil/reversionism {ra}',
and manufacture {'asah - out of doctrine in your soul} good.
Search for prosperity/peace {shalowm},
and pursue it.

{'Ayin File}
15~~The eyes of Jehovah/God
are upon the righteous/'SuperGrace Believer { tsaddiyq}
  {anthropomorphism - He watches like a parent - to protect us},
and His ears are open unto their cry
  {a parent hearing the cry of their baby}.

{Pe File}
16~~The face of Jehovah/God is against them that do evil,
to cause to cut off
the remembrance of them
from the earth
  {people like Saul and Doeg - no one will remember them kindly}.

{Cadhe File}
17~~I cry and Jehovah/God hears!
and delivers them out of all their troubles/'adversities of reversionism'.

{Qoph File}
18~~Jehovah/God is near unto them
that are of a heart/'right lobe'
shattered in pieces {while in reversionism} {shabar}.
And causes to be delivered
such as be of a bruised spirit {dakka' ruwach}.

{Note: This is a picture of the status of a reversionist. He has the doctrine in his soul, but he can not access it while out of fellowship - his spirit is damaged and his thinking broken up.}

{Res File}
19~~Many . . .
{are} the afflictions/problems/adversities/'evil occurrences' {ra'}
of the righteous.
But Jehovah/God delivers {him out of them all}.

{Sin File}
20~~He keeps all his bones.
Not one of them is broken.

{Note: This is also a prophetic reference to the Lord Jesus Christ on the Cross. Usually the victim of the crucification has his legs broken to die faster. But, Jesus would not have his legs broken during the crucification.}

{Note: This also means that David will be protected from this kind of problem in battle. Most men in battle died after bones were broken.}

{Taw File}
21~~Evil/reversionism shall destroy the wicked/reversionist
  {sin unto death}.
And they {reversionists}
who hate the righteous/'SuperGrace believer'
shall be desolate/'in great agony' {'asham -self-induced misery}.

22~~Jehovah/God redeems/'ransoms' the soul of His servants
  {many come to David to be protected, but they stay to be saved!
  Jesus Christ's work on the cross redeemed all believers from the
  slave market of sin}.
And none of them that 'takes refuge {in doctrine}' {chacah}
shall be desolate/'in great agony' {'asham - self-induced misery}.