Psalm Thirty-Six

{Verses 1-4: An Evaluation of the Men of Keilah - See I Samuel 23}
1~~ {Title} To the Chief Musician {a Psalm} of David
a slave/servant of Jehovah/God . . .
a Divine Word within my heart/'right lobe'
concerning the defection {pesha` - rebellion or defection}
of the 'wicked ones'/'reversionistic ones'
  {men of Keilah} {rasha` - adjective}
who have no fear/ respect {for the authority of} Elohiym/Godhead
  {means no Occupation for Christ - or His gift to us - His Mind - bible
before His {God's} eyes.

{Note: RBT says that David wrote this psalm about the men of Keilah. David and his men saved them from the Philistines. They promised their 'undying love to David' but then immediately turned right around and betrayed him to Saul. If you have no respect for God, you have no respect for yourself or anyone else.}

2~~For he flatters {chalaq} himself in his own eyes
  {God's gift to woman type of thinking},
until his 'self-overconfidence'/megalomania
  {`avon - mental attitude sins related to the ego}
to find {his sin} . . . is to hate {his sin}.

{Note: Chalaq 'describes the thinking of the person who decides for himself that he is so great that he must be God's gift to woman! This person does not wait for anyone else to tell him he is great he thinks it already himself! It never occurs to them that God might disagree! If he ever recognized this sin in himself, even he would hate it - as do most people who have doctrine in their souls and recognize this as sin. But in his reversionism, he does not 'find' or see his own fault - as being a fault.}

{Instability of the Reversionist}
3~~The words {dabar} of his mouth . . .
{are} vanity/nothingness {'aven}
  {without doctrine and integrity - his word is not his bond and is
and deceit {mirmah - nice meaningless misleading statements of a
He has ceased {chadal} being wise {sakal}
  {means at one time they had doctrine - in or near SuperGrace -
  then fell back in reversionism},
and to be pleasing {yatab} {to God}.

{Note: Did you believe the first time someone of the opposite sex said 'I love you' . . . 'I will never love anyone else'. If there was no doctrine in the soul of the person saying it, then the words were flattering . . . and empty . . . and very misleading - if you believed what was said!}

4~~He 'plots {to hurt}' {chashab}
vanity/nothingness {'aven}
in his bed
  {the bed is for peaceful rest - but this describes the reversionist
  who goes to bed and can not sleep because he is thinking of ways
  to 'hurt' someone - this is to 'plot nothinglessnesses' and is very
  evil thinking}.
He takes a stand {yatsab} in a way that is not good
  {nice to your face, cursing you behind your back}.
He does not reject evil.

{Verses 5-10: Description of the Celebrity of Jesus Christ - SuperGrace Viewpoint}
5-6~~O Jehovah/God, in the heavens . . .
Your grace {checed} . . .
Your faithfulness {'emuwnah} . . .
as long as the sky {has no limit}. 6~~
Your righteousness {ts@daqah} . . .
like the mountains of God {'El}
  {representing maximum stability}.
Your 'just decrees' {mishpat} . . .
as deep as the ocean { rab t@howm}.
You have caused to deliver man and beast {b@hemah} . . .
  {God knows what He is doing and that applies in the animal
  kingdom also}
O Jehovah/God.

7~~How precious/rare/'more valuable then anything else'
{yaqar} . . .
your grace { checed},
O 'Elohiym/Godhead!
Therefore the children of men {ben 'adam}
find refuge {chacah}
under the shadow of Your wings {God's Divine Protection}
  {refers to the protection of the SuperGrace believer by God -
  perfect security only dependent upon your relationship with God}.

8~~They {SuperGrace Believers under the protection of God}
shall be completely satisfied {ravah}
with the prosperity/abundance/fatness
  {deshen - abundance to maximum prosperity}
of 'Your house'/'Your doctrine'/'Your divine viewpoint'
  {SuperGrace Status - meaning His Doctrine or divine viewpoint - the
  temple was where God's divine viewpoint was taught - God's
  prosperity come from Him and the study of His Word gives one
  the capacity to be happy regardless the circumstances - what
  most people do not understand is happiness in prosperity is a
  HARDER test then to be happiness in poverty}.
Therefore, You shall cause them to drink
of the river of Your pleasures {`eden}

{Note: `Eden - plural - The 'Garden of Eden' was literally the Garden of Pleasures. To drink of the river of 'Eden means to have the capacity from doctrine to share the Happiness which belongs to God - any or all of : monetary wealth, power, promotion, political success, completely satisfying social life, completely satisfying sexual life, completely satisfying business life, completely satisfying family life . . . on and on there is no limit to the happiness in time and eternity God 'causes' to occur to those with His divine viewpoint in their norms and standards}.

9~~{For with you is} . . .
the fountain {maqowr} of lives/'living waters' {chay}.
In Your Light/Doctrine/'Divine Viewpoint'
  {Jesus Christ is the light of the World and doctrine is the Mind of
we, ourselves, keep on seeing Light
  {divine viewpoint - what is 'right' as opposed to what the 'world'
  deceives you into thinking is correct - that is human viewpoint}.

10~~Scatter/spread your grace {checed}
to the ones knowing/understanding {yada'} You
  {you only know the Father through the Son and His Word -
  Doctrine. All humans are under the grace of God. This is more
  grace or greater grace - SuperGrace on those who understand
  the Mind of God - bible doctrine in their own right lobes}
And Your righteousness { ts@daqah - +R - divine righteousness}
to the upright in heart/'right lobe'
  {ECS - divine viewpoint in the soul - SuperGrace believers}.

11~~Let not the 'foot of pride'
  {referring to reversionistic King Saul chasing after David in his
  jealousy of David - (the people sang "Saul killed his thousands -
  David his ten-thousands")}
to overtake me {David},
and let not the hand of the wicked/reversionists
  {here RBT says the men of Keilah were rescued by David and they
  are saying nice things to his face, but plotting to turn him over to
  King Saul}
remove me.

{David's Curse on the Men of Keilah}
12~~The workers {pa'al} of vanity/nothingness {'aven}
have fallen.
They are cast down,
and shall not be able to rise.