Psalm Forty

{Verses 1-10: David's message after the Deliverance by God}
1^^ {Title} To the Chief musician . . .
A psalm of David.

~~Being confident
  {a SuperGrace function only possible with lots of bible doctrine in
  your soul} . . .
I had confidence
  {qavah qavah - doubling of verb is very strong in Hebrew -
  confidence in God is a result of the bible doctrine in your soul}
in Jehovah/God.
For He 'extended His hand to rescue' {natah} me,
and kept on 'hearing, listening/concentrating, and obeying' {shama}
my cry {for help - see verses 11-17}.

{Note: RBT says this is the prayer of David after the Ziphites betrayed him to King Saul in I Samuel Chapter 23:26. Saul is racing David's group (men women and children) to a pass between two mountains. Saul is winning the race and David prays for divine intervention.}

{David got Himself into the Jam, God Got Him Out}
2~~He {God} caused me to be lifted up
out of a pit of destruction {Saul's trap},
out of the 'uncertain footing'/'middle of a trap'
  {idiom: literally 'miry of a swamp' but there were no literal swamps
  where David was at this time},
and 'set my feet upon a rock'
  {meaning 'certain footing' on a solid base},
therefore, making my footsteps firm/secure.

{Note: This idioms refer to being based in human viewpoint or divine viewpoint. Human viewpoint is uncertain footing. Divine viewpoint is solid footing.}

He {God} has given to my mouth a new song . . .
praise unto our 'Elohiym/Godhead.
  {SuperGrace is association with God - so this is blessing by
Many shall see {God's deliverance},
and respect
  {yare' - respect the power of God to deliver from adversity},
Therefore, they shall keep on trusting {batach}
in Jehovah/God.

4~~Happinesses {'esher - plural} . . .
{to the} soldier/warrior {geber}
  {refers to all categories of happiness - spiritual, sexual, health,
  financial, social on and on}
who appoints/considers/establishes {suwm} Jehovah/God
as his confidence {mibtach},
who has not defected to the proud
  {the proud are leaders in reversionism - here the Ziphites turning to
 nor adhere to 'psychopathic liars' {kazab}
  {referring this time to electing to office politicians who habitually lie
  to the people}.

{Note: David is saying here when you have reversionistic rulers, the military men will be in trouble when they place their trust in them instead of God. The Ziphites knew that Samuel had prophesied that David would be the next king of Judea. But they turned to Saul instead of placing their confidence in God and His Word.}

5~~Many things
  {rabah - adjective in the feminine plural - in the bible, God is
  referred to as 'the husband' and believers are those who respond
  to Him - the 'wife'. In a good marriage, it is the husband who is
  the initiator and the woman responds to his actions. So here we
  are looking at blessing to those who respond to God - blessings
  to the SuperGrace Believers},
you have manufactured {'asah - out of grace},
O Jehovah/God my 'Elohiym/Godhead . . .
Your extraordinary things/functions
and Your Plans/thoughts toward us.
Nothing can be arrayed in battle {`arak} against You.
against You
Or, I would declare and speak of them.
They {the blessings of SuperGrace}
are to numerous {`atsam} to be written {caphar}.

{Verses 6:8: See also Hebrews 10:5-10 Where it was Quoted -
  Christ as a baby in the cradle says this}
6-8~~'Animal/Blood offerings/sacrifices'
  {zebach - a slaughtering - 4 ritualistic blood sacrifice - 'work' of
  Christ on the cross
  a) burnt offerings - propitiation of God - picture of Christ on cross
  b) peace offerings - reconciliation of man to God- again thru Christ
  c) sin offerings - rebound (naming of sins to God)
  d) trespass offering}
and 'food offering'/minchah
  {minchah - Leviticus Chapter 2 - propitiation with emphasis of the
  person of Christ on the cross - impeccability of the humanity of
You {God the Father} did not 'delight in' {chaphets}
  {these rituals were required but David is saying God did not delight
  in them - they were shadows that pointed toward the reality -
  Jesus' singular work on the cross}.
You have pierced {karah} My {Jesus'} ears
  {see Exodus 21:6 and Deuteronomy 15:17 - this was a method of
  voluntarily becoming someone's slave - this is a prophecy of the
  Deity of Jesus - Who from His own free - chose to become the
  Father's 'slave' (meaning to follow His Plan)}.
" 'Going up'/Burnt offerings"
  {`olah - 'going up' offering - emphases rebound of the known
and sin offerings
  {chata'ah - rebound - this word emphases the unknown sins}
You {God the Father} have not asked/requested. 7~~
Then, at that time I {David/Jesus} have said,
"Behold, I have come {first incarnation - See Hebrews 10:5-9}
in the written scroll {m@gillah cepher},
being written {kathab} concerning Me
  {not finished action - still being written - some passages on David
  but the entire Old Testament brings to light/understanding Jesus
  Christ}, 8~~
I {David/Jesus} 'take great pleasure'/delight
  {chaphets - here in making a command decision with delight}
to manufacture/do {'asah - something out of something}
Your will, O My 'Elohiym/Godhead
  {means the members of the Godhead agreed}
because your 'bible doctrine'/law/Torah {towrah}
is in the midst of My 'inward parts'/bowels/emotions {me`ah}
  {David and Jesus have right lobes so filled with doctrine that
  doctrine overflows to the emotions in their souls. The True fun
  only begins after the heart is filled with doctrine and it saturates
  the soul. Then it overflows to your emotions.}."

{Note: In this age, if you wanted to be someone's slave for life - voluntarily, then the owner would ram something through your ear to the door of his house. That would be the sign of accepting him as your slave for life. Jesus Christ though equal with the Father voluntarily decided to 'humble' Himself to the point of taking on a human form and to the point of death on the cross (Philippians). He did this because of His love for the Father and for us.}

{Note: The 'ear' represents shama' - to hear, listen and concentrate and obey. So, this verse has two meanings. As a SuperGrace believer, David has from his free will decided to become a 'slave' to the Lord. And, in eternity past, the Lord agreed to be subordinate to the Plan of the Father so mankind might be delivered from the slave market of sin.}

{Note: In Hebrews 10:5-8 Jesus Christ quotes Psalms 40:6-8 except the phrase 'You have pierced {karah} My {Jesus'} ears' was replaced with 'but You {Father} have prepared/equipped for Me a human
body' . . . Why? Answer - the taking the human body WAS the 'piercing of the ears' of the deity of Jesus Christ. It was the sign of His being subordinate to the plan of the Father.}

{David's Message to Unbelievers - Salvation Message}
9~~I have 'intensively proclaimed the good news'
  {basar - Piel perfect}
of {imputed} righteousness {tsedeq}
in a great congregation
  {rab -wonderful people, not great in terms of numbers}.
Behold, I have not restrained my lips.
O Jehovah/God . . . You know/comprehend/understand {yada`} it!

{Note: This verse indicates there are still unbelievers in the army of David. So, David uses the deliverance of the Lord to address them with the good news of salvation - the imputation of the righteousness of God at the point that you believe in Him.}

{David Gives His Recognition to the Lord}
10~~I have not concealed {kacah}
Your righteousness
in the middle of my 'right lobe'/'heart'.
I have communicated Your doctrine {'emuwnah} {to believers} . . .
and Your salvation {to unbelievers}.
I have not kept back Your graciousness . . .
and Your faithfulness
from this great congregation.

{Verses 11-17: What David Prayed on the Mountain}
{Verses 11-13: David does Some Thinking}
11~~ You O Jehovah/God
will not hold back from me Your compassion
  {idiom: racham - means the 'womb' - but is used for compassion}.
Your grace {checed}
and Your doctrine/truth {'emeth}
continually guard {natsar}
me {David - with his army and civilians}.

{Saul's Trap is Closing in on David - Enemy pops up - a Guilt Complex in David}
12~~For evils beyond number/counting
have encircled/surrounded/enveloped me.
  { A Real Enemy Pops up - a Guilt Complex in David}
My 'sins {and their guilt}'
  {`avon - here more the guilt complex is the problem}
have over taken me,
with the result that I have not been able to 'see {the solution}'
  {ra'ah means to see. It is used as an idiom meaning 'no hope'
  - David sees no daylight - David is trapped by Saul
  and humanly speaking he should be taken for sure.}.
They {the army of Saul}
are more numerous than the hairs of my head.
therefore, my 'right lobe'/heart deserts/'goes AWOL on' me.

{Verses 13-17: David does Even Better then Thinking - He Prays}
13~~O Jehovah/God
  {prayer should be addressed to God the Father},
be gracious . . .
to rescue me.
 O Jehovah/God, 'hurry up now' {chuwsh}
to help me.

14~~Let them keep on being ashamed {buwsh}
and keep on being humiliated {chapher} together,
the ones searching to destroy {baqash} my soul.
Let them be turned back
  {prayer was answered with a Philistine invasion - Saul had to move
  out quickly}
and dishonored who delight in my disaster
  {principal - you can not build your happiness on someone else's
  unhappiness this pseudo-happiness is not happiness at all, but is a

15~~Let them be shocked/astonished {shamem}
because/'as a consequence' {`eqeb}
of their reversionism/shame {bosheth}
that say unto me, "heach heach"
  {doubling is very strong in the Hebrew - this is an expression of
  gloating. We might say 'Naaa Naaa Na Naaa Naaaa' - deriving
  happiness from someone else's unhappiness}.

{David Switches now to the Prayer of Blessings for Mature Believers}
16~~Let all 'positive believers'/
'those who are motivated to seek You'
  {suws - moves from pseudo-happiness to true happiness - sharing
  the Happiness of God}
and be 'truly happy' in You
  {samach - used for +H - having the happiness which belongs to
  God IN you!}.
Let those who love your deliverance/salvation
say constantly/continually,
"Jehovah/God be magnified".

{Note: Mature believers are positive to God and His Word. Doctrine in your right lobe develops the capacity for sharing the happiness that belongs to God. Therefore, mature believers can truly be happy and, as Paul said, 'I have learned to be content/happy regardless my circumstances'. 'Divine Happiness' is a learned trait.}

{David Closes with His Signature - I do Not Earn or Deserve this Deliverance from God}
17~~I . . . {am} afflicted/'in a hopeless situation' {`aniy}
and helpless {'ebyown}.
Yet 'Adonay/'The Lord' 'decrees a plan' {chashab}
for me {David}.
You {Lord} are my help
You {Lord} are my Deliverer.
Do not delay, O my Elohiym/Godhead.

{Note: David knows God will deliver him but he does not know how he will be delivered at this point. But, he knows God's plan for him in the future is to be king so he must survive. And, he does when the Philistines attack and Saul turns back to fight them.}