Psalm Fifty-Four

{David's prayer when the Ziphites betrayed him to Saul - see I Samuel 23:19}
{Title is the First Two Sentences}
1^^{Title} To the chief Musician
'the harmony from a number
of stringed instruments' {n@giynah } . . .
a 'song of instruction'/'a song to make you wise' {maskiyl}.

{The Subject of Psalm}
A Psalm of David when the Ziphites came to Saul
and said, "Does not David hide himself with us?"

O 'Elohiym/Godhead, by Your Name/Character/Essence
deliver me.
And vindicate me
  {diyn - here means to act as David's defense attorney}
by Your Strength/Omnipotence.

{Note: Appeal to grace. Do not deliver me based on who and what I (David) am, but instead based on Who and What YOU are O God. And, this is in the imperative mood - it is an order. David knows as a SuperGrace believer that his request in no way compromises the Character of God in any way - so he can confidently 'claim a promise of God'.}

2~~'Hear and concentrate on'
  {shama' - hear, concentrate on and obey}
my prayer, O 'Elohiym/Godhead.
'Give ear'/'listen carefully' {'azan}
to the words of my mouth {these words come up from his soul}
  {concept here is you have to be rational and in your right mind to
  pray consistently and effectively - prayer is not 'emotionalism' it is
  an intellectual activity}.

3~~For 'the ones who will always be an enemy' {zuwr}
  {means the Ziphites here - they have sold themselves to Saul for
  supposed advancement - spiritual whores}
'are in revolt'/'risen up' {against me (David)}
  {indicates that they have had allegiance to David in the past and
  also revolting against tribal loyalties - all to advance themselves
  by helping Saul}
and violent men {`ariyts}
intensively seek to destroy my soul {idiom for physical death}.
They have not set 'Elohiym/Godhead before them
  {means to put God first in your life - Occupation with Christ}. Selah
  {Selah means singers rest and instruments play on - it is a picture
  of you resting while the Grace of God continues on}.

{Note: Zuwr has a number of related meanings. Its most common meaning is a stranger if is masculine. If it is female it is used for prostitute. And, that is a good description of a believer in reversionism. They do not care for you at all. You are a stranger to them and they just want to use you for money or some other perceived gain.}

{David's Occupation with Christ}
4^~Behold, 'Elohiym/Godhead . . .
{is} the One helping/assisting/aiding me.
My 'Adonay/'The Lord' . . .
{is} the One always supporting {camak} my soul.

{Imprecatory Prayer for Operation Boomerang}
5~~Let Him {God} return {shuwb}
 'the evil'
  {ha'ra - meaning the reversionistic treachery of the Ziphites here}
unto mine enemies.
In/by your Faithfulness {'emeth},
cause them to be destroyed {tsamath}.

{Note: Here is a great principal. David is not going to seek out revenge against the Ziphites personally. He does not even want to be the agent in God's discipline. Instead, he prays to God for God to take care of the problem. If divine discipline is warranted, then it is God who will judge and punish. Here David prays for operation boomerang - that their treachery will turn around and bite them instead.}

6~~From my free will, I {David} will sacrifice {zabach} to You
  {instead of using a dull knife on the Ziphites, David will sacrifice an
  animal - to praise the Lord - with a sharp knife}.
I will be caused to praise {jadah}
Your Name/Reputation {shem},
O Jehovah/God . . .
for it is perfect/good {towb - here used for absolute good}.

{Note: The name of David's tribe is Judah - meaning 'praise'. David uses jadah as 'caused to be praised when praying an imprecatory prayer against fellow tribesmen. Interesting.}

7~~For He has 'snatched me from danger'/'rescued me' {natsal}
from all of my great pressures.
And my eyes have observed
His vindication upon my enemies.

{Note: RBT says that this is before the action actually happened. David in SuperGrace is absolutely confident that God will answer his prayer for deliverance. He understands that he must live to fulfill the promises that God has made concerning him.}