Psalm Fifty-Six

{David's Recovery from Reversionism
  described in I Samuel Chapter 21}
1-2~~To the chief Musician/director of music:
upon the silent dove among the strangers . . .
a golden psalm {miktam} of David
when the Philistines violently seized him at Gath:

Be gracious/merciful unto me, O Elohiym/Godhead
  {David rebounds/repents while imprisoned by the Philistines}
For a weak man 'swallows me'/'seeks to destroy me'
  {a wild animal eating prey};
all day, constantly fighting he puts pressure on me. 2~~
My enemies {Philistines} would daily swallow me up.
  {trying to break David down}
For they are many with pride who fight against me
  {put pressure on David in prison - challenge him like he did Goliath}.

{Note: David wrote this when he was in Gath. The 'silent dove' describes David as a fugitive in Gath - see Chapter 55 verses 6-7 - David is the dove and the strangers are the Philistines. Miktam means a permanent writing of great value so 'a golden psalm' is a good translation.}

{Verses 3-4: Solution to the Pressure - Intake of Doctrine and Trust the Lord}
3-4~~The day that I am afraid, I will trust in You. 4~~
In Elohiym/Godhead I will praise {halal} His Doctrine/Word.
In Elohiym/Godhead I have put my Trust.
I will not fear what flesh {man here} shall do {'asah} to me.

{Note: Halal in the piel stem means to praise. In the Hithpoel stem, the same verb - halal - means to feign madness. It was used for David at this time in prison when he feigned madness in I Samuel Chapter 21:13.}

{Note: 'Asah means to manufacture something out of something else.}

{Knocking Discipline To Get David to Rebound}
5~~ All the day they are distorting my words.
All of their thoughts are against me for evil.

{Note: This means when you are under 'knocking discipline' of God. To get you to turn back to Him, your enemies will be jealous of you, hate you, be bitter, vindictive, implacable, and have all the other mental attitude sins toward you. Opening the door is reversion recovery. Jesus is knocking on the door and inviting you to come out of reversionism.}

6~~They incite a mob against me.
They seek to ambush me.
They dog my footsteps
  {violate his privacy and stalk him when he was still free}
 When they wait to kill me {idem - literally 'wait for my soul'}.

{David Prays and Imprecatory Prayer}
7~~Because of nothingness/reversionism {David's condition},
there is no deliverance for them.
In anger cast down the peoples {Philistines}, O Elohiym/Godhead.

{Note: When you are in reversionism, you are not a blessing by association to those around you. So here, there is no deliverance for the Philistines by their intake of doctrine or by grace by association with David.}

8-9~~My fugitive life, you have written
  {David in reversionism - his flight from Saul}.
My tears are being put in Your bottle.
Are they not in Your book? 9~~
Then my enemies will fall back,
in the day that I {David} call!
This I have confidence/know!
For Elohiym/Godhead is for me.

{Note: It was the custom of the day, that when someone died, you put your tears in a bottle and put the bottle on the grave. The analogy here is that David's failures (tears) are put in a bottle (Word of God) and shown to future generations as a warning to recover from reversionism. See also Psalm 126:5.}

{Reversion Recovery - Intake of Doctrine}
10~~In Elohiym/Godhead {occupation with the Trinity}
will I praise His Doctrine.
In Jehovah/God {occupation with Christ} I will praise His Doctrine.

11~~In Elohiym/Godhead have I put my trust
  {Daily intake of doctrine - GAPing it}.
 I will not fear what man will do to me.

{Verses 12-13: David's Reversion Recovery}
12-13~~Your pledge/vows are upon me
  {David's promise to daily take in the Word},
O Elohiym/Godhead,
I will perform confessions {rebound} to You. 13~~
For You have delivered {snatched from danger}
my soul {nephesh}
from {the sin unto} death . . .
- not just my feet from falling {carnality} -
for the purpose that I, myself, may walk before Elohiym/Godhead
in the light {Jesus Christ and His Word} of the living.