Psalm Sixty-Two

{See Also I Samuel 23:13. This Psalm was written as David departed from the Reversionistic men of Keilah. David saved the city from the Philistines. They were praising David to his face and plotting to turn him over to King Saul behind his back.}
1^^{Title} To the Chief Musician
- to Jeduthun {name means "praising"}
A Psalm of David.

~~Only/dogmatically {ak}
toward 'Elohiym/Godhead . . .
  {recover from reversionism}
my soul is 'perfectly resigned'/'silently resolved' {duwmiyah} . . .
to Him . . .
{He is} my deliverance.

{Note: As David is fleeing the trap of Saul at Keilah, David turns to the men of Keilah and tells them to not come 'toward' or after HIM but instead turn toward God! Recover from reversionism. David's soul is under the protection of God and he worries about nothing (well at this point of his life anyway - he is very much in SuperGrace here).}

2~~Only/ dogmatically {Ak}
He {God} . . . my rock
and my deliverance/salvation {y@shuw`ah}.
He {God} . . . my security {misgab}.
I shall not be greatly shaken/tottered
  {SuperGrace believers - while in SuperGrace - do not get shaken

{David's Message to the Men of Keilah Continues}
3~~How long will you 'attack a man unjustly'? {hathath' 'iysh}
You shall be violently killed . . .
  {sin unto death for reversionists - reversionists are vulnerable to
  death at all times}
all of you.
You are as a bulging wall
  {a bulging wall is destroyed by its own weight.
  A reversionist is destroyed by his own sins}
and as a tottering/'pushed in' fence
  {David is saying a little more pressure and the men of Keilah are

{Operation Two-Faced Men of Keilah - and All Reversionists}
4~~Only/ dogmatically {ak}
from his {David's} exalted status
  {his honor in SuperGrace status},
they {the men of Keilah} plot/consult together
to overthrow him.
They take great pleasure in 'lying'/'saying deceptive things' {kazab}
  {Operation Strap-on}.
They bless {David} with their mouth {say nicey nice to his face},
but they curse/revile {him} inwardly
  {plot to betray him over to King Saul behind his back}.
  {Selah means singers rest and instruments play on - it is a picture
  of you resting while the Grace of God continues on}.

{2nd Strophe in this Psalm}
5~~Only/ dogmatically {ak}
to 'Elohiym/Godhead be silent {damam} my soul
  {means to 'wait quietly on God}.
For my confidence {tiqvah} is from Him!

{Note: The SuperGrace believer understands grace. His life, his blessings, all that he is or has all comes from God. His confidence then in everything and anything is in and from God. This pertains to blessings in time and blessings forever - no 'hope' or 'expectation' but ABSOLUTE CONFIDENCE that what God promises in His Word, He will provide. When you have absolute confidence that God delivers, you are well on your way to being a mature believer.}

{David Spitting in the Eyes of the Men of Keilah -
  they can not hurt Him While God want Him Alive}
6~~Only/ dogmatically {ak}
He {God} . . . {is} my rock
  {a rock is used as a place of security when in danger}
and my deliverance/salvation {y@shuw`ah}.
He {God} . . . my security {misgab}.
I shall not 'be shaken'/totter
  {SuperGrace believers - while in SuperGrace - do not get shaken

{David Tells the Men of Keilah He Relies on God not Them}
7~~On 'Elohiym/Godhead depends my deliverance/salvation {yesha'}
and my glory/'SuperGrace Status' {kabowd}.
The rock of my strength,
and my refuge/'shelter from the storm' {machaceh},
is in Elohiym/Godhead.

8~~Trust/'Faith Rest Technique'/GAP {batach}
  {batach is the word meaning to put your trust in Him - take in
  doctrine daily and rely on God to lead your life}
in Him {God} at all times You people {men of Keilah},
'pour out {your problems in}'/'cast
  {your cares in the mentality of}' . . .
your 'right lobe'/heart
  {problems are in the form of 'worry' here - thoughts in the
before Him
  {means to give your problems to God for Him to handle - and have
  faith that He will deal with them perfectly! YOU may not like His
  resolution - but know it is the right solution}.
'Elohiym/Godhead is a 'refuge from the storm' {machaceh} for us.
  {Selah means singers rest and instruments play on -
  it is a picture of you resting while the Grace of God continues on}.

{3rd and Last Strophe}
9~~Only/dogmatically {ak}
'men of low degree'/'trashy people'
are empty/emptiness {hebel} . . .
and 'men of high degree'/aristocrats are a lie.
In the balances/scales,
they go up from empty/emptiness {hebel}

{Note: David gets the 'high minded' upper classes going by saying the lower classes are meaningless/emptiness . . . then hits them with that they are liars! That is setting someone up for a fall. On the scales, all men regardless of social status all start out the same way - as emptiness. In ourselves we all are nothing. It is ONLY Who and What God is that matters!}

10~~Trust/'Faith Rest Technique'/GAP {batach}
not in oppression/violence/'extracting liberty out of life (by a tyrant)'
  {`osheq - Saul represents oppression - the men of Keilah just
  plotted to betrayed David over to King Saul -
  principal: treachery always forfeits freedom},
and become not emptiness/vaporous/foolishness {habal}
in plunder {gazel}
  {gazel - can mean plunder and or rape - here David captured the
  Philistines supply train and the men of Keilah apparently shared in
  the plunder}.
If wealth/prosperity {chayil} increase,
"do not place that wealth first in the thinking/'norms and standards'
of your right lobe"
  {idiom: literally: 'set not your 'right lobe'/heart upon them' -
  this is the principal of getting your eyes on your wealth instead of
  God - 'worshiping the almighty dollar' - NO! God must be first!
  Keep your eyes on the source of your wealth - God. Don't center
  your happiness on the wealth - you must have the capacity for
  happiness first - that comes from doctrine in your soul.}.

{David Leaves with the Men of Keilah - Two doctrines to Ponder}
11-12~~One thing/'doctrine communicated categorically' {dabar}
Elohiym/Godhead has spoken.
Twice I {David} have heard/
'listened, concentrated, and obeyed' {shama'}.
Namely {1st of 2 doctrines},
that power { `oz - Omnipotence when talking about God}
belongs to Elohiym/Godhead. 12~~
Also unto You {2nd point of doctrine},
O 'Adonay/Lord,
belongs grace {checed - grace in action or 'mercy'}.
For You {God} have prospered every man
according to his occupation
  {ma`aseh - meaning on what he 'concentrates' here}.

{Note: This verse is telling the men of Keilah that God prospers humans based on who or what do you 'are occupied with'. Do you concentrate on men and what they can do for you? Do you concentrate on your wealth or the wealth that someone can give you or take from you? Or do you concentrate on the true source of all 'good of intrinsic value'? All real value is from the source of God. Concentrate on Him not on the details of life.}