Psalm Seventy

{A Psalm about the Persecution of David by King Saul}
1~~{Title} To the 'Chief Musician'/'Choir Director' {natsach}
{a Psalm} of David . . .
to stimulate memory/remembrance {zakar}.

O 'Elohiym/Godhead . . . to rescue me . . .
O Jehovah/God . . . to help me . . .
hurry up {chuwsh}.

{David's Imprecatory Prayer - SuperGrace Believer Only - Be Careful Using - Puts In the Hands of the Lord to Administer Justice}
2~~Let them
  {Saul and the men of Keilah and the Ziphites who will betray him
blush/'be ashamed' {buwsh}
and be humiliated {chapher} . . .
who seek after my soul {to kill David}.
Let them be driven back
and be dishonored {kalam} . . .
who delight {chaphets}
in my disaster
  {ra' - evil coming to someone means a disaster}.

{David Prays that All Who Gloating Over His Distress Have it Boomerang Back on Them}
3~~Let them be turned back {shuwb}
because of their shame
who say, 'Achhhhh Achhhhh '
{heach heach - doubling is strong: idiom: ana-poetic words today for gloating. Like children taunting with naa naa na naaa naaa - referring to people who scorn others - gloating - exultation over a fallen enemy}.

{Always Like a Doctrine with an Imprecatory Prayer}
4~~Let all those
who intensively seek { baqash - Piel Stem} You
  {Those who seek after God today are those who study Him via His
keep on 'having great overt happiness'/rejoicing {suws}
and celebrate { samach }in You.
Furthermore, let those who keep on loving Your deliverance
say constantly, "Let 'Elohiym/Godhead be magnified."

{Note: Those in reversionism are antagonistic to those who love the Word. When reversionists who plot against the SuperGrace believer are put down by God, then doctrinal believers can celebrate in their deliverance from danger by God. They leave all in the hands of the Lord.}

5~~I {David} am afflicted/needy { `aniy}
and helpless { 'ebyown}
Hurry up , O 'Elohiym/Godhead.
You are my helper {`ezer}
and my deliverer {palat}.
O Jehovah/God . . . do not delay.