Psalm 84


The promotion of supergrace —This psalm actually talks about a temple, and there was no temple. This is a psalm written by the sons of Korah and there was no temple when the sons of Korah were doing their writing.

            Verse 1 — “How lovely are thy dwelling places, O Lord of hosts!” His dwelling places are the places where supergrace believers live; high ground. And where else is a dwelling place? On the golden bridge, how long it takes you to die. And where else is a dwelling place? On the other side in eternity where you have SG3, surpassing grace. So the dwelling places are SG2 and SG3. They are not “lovely”. The word for lovely in the Hebrews means the utmost beauty, the beauty which charms, a beauty which enhances, a beauty which gets into your soul and you think about it and remember it. “O Lord of hosts!” is referring to the fact that God is the God of the armies of heaven as well as earth.

            Verse 2 — “My soul longs” — positive volition toward doctrine; “even yearns” — intensifying the intake of doctrine; “for the courts of the Lord” — the court is where the Word is taught. So the temple or the dwelling places are where the victories are won, but the victories are won by spending a lot of time in the courts. In a sense the local church is a court; “my right lobe and my flesh [my human ability to sing] sing with +H to the living God.”

            Verse 3 — “The bird also has found a home [doctrine]” — the bird is a wanderer. In other words, where doctrine is that is the place where home is; “and the swallow a nest” — the swallow is a bird that migrates from place to place and regularly comes back to the same place; “for herself where she may lay her young, even thine altars, O Lord of hosts, my King and my God.” The altar always takes us back to the initiation of grace which is salvation grace.

            Verse 4 — “Blessings to those who dwell in thy house” — persistence in doctrine; “they are ever praising thee. Selah [think about that].”

            Verse 5 — “Blessed is the man whose strength is in thee” — resident Bible doctrine, getting to the high ground; “in whose right lobe are the highways to glory” — supergrace, dying grace, surpassing grace.

            Verse 6 — “Who passing through the valley of Baca [valley of tears]” — and crying so much they “make a spring; however the early rain [doctrine] also covers it with blessing” — doctrine in the soul in time of great tragedy in your life. You can be in the valley of Baca and have great blessing. So even in the greatest tragedies and heartaches of your life doctrine will take you through the valley of Baca just as doctrine takes you to the high ground of supergrace.

            Verse 7 — “They go from strength to strength” — the first strength is the high ground, SG2, and you have your SG2 paragraph and everything that God has for you, and you seize and you hold. That is strength. What is coming up next? Death is coming up next. Death is considered something related to weakness, but you’re going from SG2 to strength, and this is a golden bridge over the chasm from time to eternity and that is dying grace, and therefore another strength. You don’t die in weakness, you die in strength under dying grace. And as you cross the bridge you come over now to your next paragraph, surpassing grace. So you go from strength to strength to strength.

            “every one of them” — not found in the original. It should be “they go from strength to strength appearing before God in Zion.” In other words, the whole principle here is that when you go from strength to strength you come face to face with God. You may be in time and you can’t see God, but when you get on the high ground you see the invisible. “We look not at the things which are seen, but at the things which are not seen; for the things which are seen are temporal, but the things which are not seen are eternal” — 2 Corinthians 4:18. When you get on the high ground you can look over and see what was invisible before. This is the fantastic blessing that goes with occupation with Christ.

            Verse 8 — “O Lord God of hosts, hear my prayer; give ear, O God of Jacob. Selah.”

            Verse 9 — “Behold, our shield O God” — the shield is an item of military equipment used in advancing. No army ever carried them while retreating. The whole concept of a shield is advance; “and look upon the face of your anointed one” — that is David speaking. In other words, ‘Look God, I’m moving toward you, look on my face.’

            Verse 10 — Here is how you advance, get back to those courts, wherever your right pastor and local church is. “For a day in class [Bible class, learning doctrine] is better than a thousand [out raising hell]. I would rather stand at the entrance of Bible class than to dwell in the tents of wickedness.”

            Verse 11 — “For the Lord God is a light and a shield” — in other words the glory road is light ahead of us, all we do is follow, and He is a shield, He protects us on the flanks and to the rear as we move forward — “the Lord gives grace and glory” — saving grace, living grace, supergrace, dying grace, surpassing grace. And the last three are glory. And when you get to the high ground of supergrace you have one paragraph, SG2, and you have the assurance of the second paragraph, SG3, and this is what it says: “No good thing does he withhold from those who walk uprightly [with integrity]” — integrity here means doctrine. He does not hold any good thing from those who walk in the Word.





Psalm Eighty-Four

{David wrote this Psalm about moving to spiritual maturity}
1~~How loved are your dwelling places,
O Jehovah/God of the armies!

{Note: the dwelling places here refer to places where the Word of Elohiym/Godhead is taught.}

2~~My soul longed {intensive love}
and even yearned
  {motivation word - positive volition}
for the courts of Jehovah/God {place of doctrinal instruction}.
My right lobe {soul - the real YOU - the place of mental activity}
and my flesh {body}
rejoice over the Living Elohiym/Godhead.

the sparrow {the most helpless of birds - analogy to believers}
also has found a house {represents security}.
And the swallow a nest for herself,
where she may lay her young.
Even your altars,
O Jehovah/God of the armies/hosts,
my King {emphasis on the humanity of Christ}
and my Elohiym/Godhead
  {emphasis on the deity of Christ - together is the hypostatic union
  of Christ}.

4~~Happinesses {+H} to those who dwell in Your house!
  {consistent function of GAP, take in doctrine daily}
They {mature believers} are ever praising You.
Selah {technical musical word, the choir stops but the musical
  instruments play on!}.

5~~Happinesses to the man {mature believer}
whose power is vested in You
  {doctrine resident in the soul of the mature believer}.
In whose right lobe are the highways to maturity {Zion}!

6~~Passing through the valley of tears
  {Baca -after you crack the maturity barrier it is a difficult phase -
  intensive testing for spiritual advancement},
they make it to the well {ultra- super-grace}.
The early rain also covers it with blessings.

7~~They advance from power {super-grace A and super-grace B}
to power {ultra-super-grace},
Every one of them is seem in Zion
by Elohiym/Godhead {means they receive the support of God}.

8~~O Jehovah/God . . . Elohiym/Godhead of the army,
hear my prayer!
Listen, O Elohiym/Godhead of Jacob! Selah.

9~~Behold our shield,
O Elohiym/Godhead {doctrine resident in the soul},
and therefore guard with respect your appointed ones.

10~~For a day in Your courts {in bible class}
is better than a thousand outside {in revisionism}.
I would rather be at the threshold
of the house of my Elohiym/Godhead
  {a doorman at the house of Jehovah/God},
than dwell in the tents of evil.

11~~For Jehovah/God . . . Elohiym/Godhead
is a sun {a blessing in context - warm and energy}
and shield {security provision of logistical grace}.
Jehovah/God gives grace and promotion.
He will NOT hold back good from those who walk with HONOR.

12~~O Jehovah/God of the army,
happinesses to the man who depends on YOU!

{Note: This Psalm is the Psalm of growing to maturity. It is a good prelude to Philippians Chapter 3, and we continue to grow in grace, through no matter what happens in this life.}