Psalm One Hundred and One

{Note: David learned from his Keilah experience. It would be six years before his SuperGrace blessings kick in yet he sings his praises to the Lord.}

1~~{Title} A psalm of David.
I will 'sing with happiness' {shiyr} of grace {checed}
and {I will sing of} judgment {discipline on reversionists}.
To you, O Jehovah/God,
will I 'make music of praise'/
'sing accompanied with musical instruments' {zamar}.

{Note: People sing when they are on the winning side of things. There are three Hebrew words for singing - the blues, happiness (shiyr) and with musical instruments (zamar).}

2~~I will become wise
in my completed pattern/way of life that is fulfilling.
O when will You {God} come unto me {with SuperGrace blessings}?
I will have 'a way of life'/'walk around in prosperity'
with reference to my heart/'right lobe'
in the confines of my castle.

3~~I {David} will not adhere to the doctrine {dabar} of Belial.
  {idiom: literally 'set before my eyes'}
I have hated the 'work'/production
of the ones who 'turn aside' {from the Way of the Lord}.
It {the reversionists and their works}
shall not 'keep on clinging'/'keep on being glued' to me.

{Note: The 'sons of Belial' are reversionists. Belial means wickedness or reversionism. They are mentioned throughout the Old Testament - Deuteronomy 13:13, Judges 19:22, I Samuel 1:16 etc. It means to Not Walk in the Way of the Lord by instead 'by human viewpoint' or 'operate in the energy of the flesh'.}

{Note: People in reversionism will sap your strength. They will reduce the 'rewards in time' that you would receive without them around - inner happiness, harmony. If they were given 'grace by association' with you, then they would boast and 'take the credit' from the Lord. Positive believers walking in the Way of the Lord together support each other and God can give them maximum blessings and rewards - and the credit will properly be given to Him.}

4~~A deceitful heart/'right lobe'
  {lebab - the thinking of the men of Keilah}
shall 'turn away' {cuwr} from me.
 I will not acknowledge {yada` - 'know'}
the 'evil person'/reversionist.

{A Sign of Reversionism - Two-Faced}
5~~The one 'flattering to the face but slandering behind your back',
  {idiom: literally 'one slandering in secret his lover (rea`)'}
that one I will keep on causing his 'cutting off'/extermination
  {tsamath - Hiphil stem}!
The one who is overtly arrogant
  {idiom: literally 'has proud eyes - eyes are the gateway to the
and an {inordinately} ambitious heart/'right lobe'
  {in view is ambition beyond abilities - if God does not promote you,
  you are not promoted - so is inordinate ambition. People who are
  arrogance and those who are inordinately ambitious tend to
  migrate to each other and attack the mature believer} . . .
that one, I will not endure.

{Note: Rea` is used for two things. It is first used for the right man or right woman of your opposite sex. Secondly, for a real or supposed right friend.}

{Note: The Hiphil stem is the causative stem. Tsamath is also in the imperfect tense of 'to cut'. So David will do this over and over again whenever he occurs two-faced people. So, in context, David will separate himself from the reversionists around him. In his case, when he becomes king, this might even be permanent removal!}

6~~My eyes . . . {shall be} upon
'the faithful {to God} of the land'/'the ones receiving doctrine'
  {in contrast to those walking OUTSIDE the Way of the Lord, these
  take in doctrine and faithfully walk in the Way of the Lord}
These are the ones having social life { yashab} with me
  {idiom: yashab means to dwell in prosperity. It can be used
  meaning to have social life.}
He whose 'way of life is in accord with Truth/Doctrine'/
'Walks in the Way of the Lord' . . .
they shall serve me.

7~~The one manufacturing {'asah - out of negative volition} deceit
shall not 'dwell in prosperity'/'have social life' {yashab} in my castle.
The one that habitually tells/'communicates categorically' {dabar} lies
  {this person would rather lie than tell the truth}
will 'have no place in my administration'
  {idiom: literally 'not be established before my eyes'.

{Note: David continues in his theme. He will separate from the reversionists. They can not be trusted and he will not have them in his administration. Because of his policy, Judea will have 40 years of excellent rule under his Kingship and another 40 years under Solomon. ONE arrogant/inordinately ambitious'/two-faced/'habitual liar' in your organization can destroy your entire organization.}

{Part of David's Daily 'To-Do' List}
8~~ Morning by morning, I will 'root out and eliminate' {tsamath}
all the wicked/reversionists in the land
  {arrogant, inordinately ambitious, two-faced, and or liars in
That I may cut off the doers of vanity/
wickedness/reversionism {'aven}
from the city of Jehovah/God {Jerusalem will be David's capital}.