Psalm One Hundred and Twelve


{An Acrostic Psalm of SuperGrace Blessing
  (verses begin with Hebrew letters of their Alphabet)
  David's Psalm of Prosperity after the Ziklag Incident -
  See I Samuel 30}
1~~{Title} Praise You . . . Jahh/God.

{'Aleph File - the Ox - Represents Prosperity}
Happinesses . . . {to} the man
who 'respects {the authority of} Jehovah/God'
'is occupied with God'.

{Beth File - 'House file' - Represents Where Doctrine is studied}
In His categories of doctrine,
he {the SuperGrace believer} delights insatiably/'to the maximum'.

{Gimel File- Camel - Denotes Travel, Trade and in some cases to mean Extensive Knowledge of a Subject}
2~~Valent {gibbowr - mighty warriors} in the land
shall become his seed/progeny
  {in context here is the great David dynasty in view}.

{Daleth File - the Door - Here Refers to the New Generation walking through the door into SuperGrace Blessings by Association}
A generation of righteous/noble/upright ones {yashar}
shall be blessed.

{He File - The Window - Refers to the Perspective of Life - Viewpoint on Life}
  {hown - here meaning the spiritual riches of the soul}
and riches
  {`osher - here we have the details of life - they also can be
  great if God pours} . . .
{shall be} in his {SuperGrace believer's} house.

{Waw File - A Nail or Peg - Something you can Hang things on -
  Doctrine is something you can hang things on}
And His {God's} righteousness {ts@daqah} endures forever.

{Note: God does NOT want the mature believer to always suffer. God's objective is to make you wealthy and prosperous IN TIME (and then also for eternity future).}

  {Zayin file - A Weapon - Hebrews 4:12 The Bible is a Sword}
4~~There arises in the darkness a Light
  {'owr - doctrine in the heart, frame of reference and norms and
unto the upright/noble ones
  {believers moving toward SuperGrace}.

{Heth file - A Fence or Enclosure}
Gracious {channuwn},
and merciful/'full of compassion' {rachuwm},
and righteous {tsaddiyq} . . .
  {are the characteristics of the one with light in his soul}.

{Teth File - Roll Together - and stands for Relationship or Association}
5~~A good {towb} man {SuperGrace believer}
keeps on being gracious {chanan}
and 'clings' {lavah}
  {to the Lord, Spouse, and Friends - capacity for love}.

{Yodh File - A Hand - Represents the Alternative to Previous Line}
He {God} will sustain
His words concerning judgment
  {means when you slip into reversionism, God keeps His word and will
  discipline even the SuperGrace believer}.

{Kaph File - Means the Palm of the Hand - Believers Stability in Doctrine}
6~~For forever,
he 'will not be shaken'/'will not be unstable'.

{Lamedh File - Ox Goad - (Keeps the Ox Moving)}
In {God's} remembrance forever,
shall be the righteous ones.

{Mem file - Represents Water}
7~~From bad news,
he shall not be afraid
  {when God pours adversity, there is still blessing - the topic of
  undeserved suffering is in Romans 8:25-27}.

{Nun File - A Fish Tail - Refers to Divine Provision from Bible Doctrine}
Being stabilized in his 'right lobe'/heart,
he will be constantly confident in Jehovah/God.

  {Samekh File (S) - a Fulcrum/Lever (Leverage)}
8~~His 'right lobe'/heart
being stabilized/sustained/supported {camak},
he shall not worry/'be afraid' {yare'} . . .

{'Ayin File (I) - Fountain With Water Coming Out}
until he sees 'the conquest of'/;victory against' his enemies
  {idiom: literally 'against his enemies'}.

{What David Did when He Got Back to Ziklag}
{Pe File (P) - Mouth}
9~~He {David} has distributes graciously/'without strings'
  {Pazar - David shared the booty taken from the Amalekites without
  strings - I Samuel 30}.

He {David} has given to the distressed
  {David shared equally with the 200 stragglers in I Samuel 30}.

{Cadhe file - A Reaping Hook}
His {God's} righteousness {ts@daqah}
keeps standing forever.

{Qoph file - The 'Back of the Head'/Sub-consciousness}
His {God's} power/ability
  {qeren - idiom: literally 'horn'}
shall be continuously exalted with honor.

{Note: Means God is glorified when He is able to bless you in time or eternity.}

{Res file (R) - Frontal Lobe (of the reversionist here)}
10~~The reversionist/wicked {rasha`}
shall observe
  {the mature believer being blessed by God pouring blessings},
and be 'irritated and frustrated' {ka`ac}.

{Sin file - A Tooth}
He {the reverisionist}
shall grind/gnash {charaq} his teeth,
and become discouraged
  {by seeing God bless a mature believer instead of him}.

{Taw file (T) - Signature -(Closes it out)}
The 'frantic search for happiness'/lust {ta'avah}
of the reversionist/wicked shall perish.

{Note: God blessing the person with a cup in their soul - doctrines built upon doctrines. When the reversionist sees the mature believer being blessed by God, it irritates him and he constantly tries to work, work, work so he can be blessed by God also. A good example of this was documented by Solomon in the book of Ecclesiastes. Solomon tries all sorts of activities to find happiness. But later in life realizes that you must have the cup in your soul first.

Now here, the reversionist in view is King Saul who is so bitter about David and jealous that he continually seeks to kill David. Soon after David writes this, King Saul will himself fade away - he will be killed within 24 hours at Gilboa.}