Psalm One Hundred and Eighteen


{Explanation of Palm Branches and Analogy to Christ}

{Israel's Old 'National Anthem' - and by extension any Client Nation's}

{This Psalm is always sung at the Passover and the Feast of the Tabernacle - Half Relates to the 1st Advent and the other half to the 2nd Advent}
1~~Give thanks to Jehovah/God . . .
for He is absolute good {divine integrity} . . .
for His grace is eternal.

2~~Oh let Israel say,
'His grace is eternal.'

{Note: This is the attitude of a mature believer. Understand eternity and apply that doctrine to time. Nothing in time can harm you. Believers already have eternal life!}

3~~Oh let the house of Aaron say,
"His grace is eternal."

4~~Oh let those who 'are in awe'/'have respect for'
Jehovah/God say, "His grace is eternal."

{Note: All true love BEGINS with RESPECT.}

5^^ In distress I called on Jah {short for Jehovah}
Jah answered me and brought me relief.

6^^ Jehovah/God . . . {is} on my side,
I have no fear;
what can man do {'asah - manufacture something out of something}
to me?

7^^ With Jehovah/God on my side as my helper
I will see the downfall of my foes.

8~~It is better take refuge in Jehovah/God . . .
than to trust in man.

9~~It is better to take refuge in Jehovah/God . . .
than to put your trust in politicians/princes.

{Note: No politician or even statesman EVER solved our problems. The greater the mature pivot, the more blessings God will pour out to the nation.}

10^^ All nations have beset me;
by the name of Jehovah/God
I will surely cut them down.

11^^ They beset me, they surround me;
by the name of Jehovah/God I will surely cut them down.

12^^ They surround me like bees;
they shall be extinguished like burning thorns;
by the name of Jehovah/God I will surely cut them down.

13^^You pressed me hard,
I nearly fell;
But Jehovah/God helped me.

{Verses 14-26 relate to the palm branches in Revelation 7:9}
{Recognition of Israel's Future - Lyrics of a song}
14~~Jeh {short for Jehovah}
is my power and my song {logistical grace} . . .
and He has become my salvation/deliverance {phase I - salvation}.

{The 2 Advents of Christ - 2nd Advent Mentioned First}
15~~The sound of joyful shouting . . .
therefore deliverance/salvation
is in the tents of the righteous
  {reference to the Feasts of the Tabernacles -
  denotes 2nd Advent and Millennial reign
  of Jesus Christ - share God's righteousness}.
The 'right hand of the Jehovah/God' {a title for Jesus Christ}
has accomplished integrity.

16~~The 'right hand of Jehovah/God' {Jesus Christ} is exalted.
The 'right hand of Jehovah/God' {Jesus Christ}
has accomplished integrity.

17~~ I {Jesus} shall not die . . . but live . . .
therefore I will declare/narrate
the works of Jeh {Jehovah/God - God the Father here}.

{Note: This verse refers to 3 subjects:
  1) David - the human writer - in reversion recovery (was under the sin unto death but David will survive),

  2) Nation Israel anticipation their regeneration (will go under but will be revived), and

  3) Jesus Christ in resurrection}

18~~ Jeh {Jehovah/God} has disciplined me {David/Israel/Jesus} severely . . . but He has not turned me over to death.

{Note: Reference to:

  1) David - referring to the 'Sin that terminates in Death',

  2 Israel dead now under the 5th cycle of discipline until 2nd Advent of Christ, and

  3) Jesus Christ on the cross received the discipline of the Lord for all our sins imputed to Him.}

{On the Feast of the Tabernacle, they Sang these verses as they entered the Tabernacle V 19-21}
19~~Open to me the gates of righteousness . . .
I shall enter through them . . .
and I will give thanks to Jeh {Adoni- 'Jehovah' - Meaning the Lord}.

20~~ This is the gate of Jehovah/God.
The righteous {imputed righteousness of the Lord}
will enter through it.

{Note: The gate is the cross. You enter by Faith in Christ. Accepting His work on the cross as a substitute for you.}

21~~ I shall give thanks to You . . .
for You have hear/answered me . . .
because You {Jesus Christ} have become my salvation/deliverance.

{Verses 22-23 - 1st Advent of Christ}
22~~ The Stone {Christ} . . .
{which/Who} the builders {client nation Israel} rejected
has become the Head {Headstone} of the Corner
  {place where the two walls come together -
  Head of both Israel and the Church}.

{Note: Quoted in Acts 4:11-12 ; I Peter 2:4 and Mark 12:10.}

23~~THIS {Christ becoming the Head of Israel and the Church}
is from Jehovah/God {God the Father resurrected the Lord}.
It is marvelous in our eyes.

{Verses 24-26 - 2nd Advent of Christ}
24~~ This . . . {is} the day the Lord has made {'asah} . . .
we will rejoice and be glad in it.

{Note: This is a reference to fulfillment of God's covenants to Israel. At the 2nd Advent of Christ.}

{Will be sung by the Jews on the Day of the Lord -
  Sung prophetically in the Feast of the Tabernacles}
25~~ I request now {anna} Jehovah/God . . .
Jehovah/God, save/deliver us now please.
I request now {anna} Jehovah/God, send us prosperity please.

{In Mark 11:9 this verse was quoted but the Hebrew was transliterated and messed up. H OOO SHEEE AAA NNN AAA - Hosina! It means 'I beseech now'.}

26~~ Blessed . . . {is} He {Jesus Christ}
Who enters in the name of Jehovah/God {God the Father}.
We have blessed you
from the 'house of Jehovah/God' {the Millennial Temple}.

27^^El/God . . . {is} Jehovah/God
He has shown us light.
bind the festal offering to the horns of the altar with cords.
28^^You . . . {are} El/God,
and I will praise You.
You are Elohiym/Godhead,
I will extol You.

29^^Praise Jehovah/God for He is good,
His 'grace in action'/'steadfast love'/mercy is eternal.