Psalm One Hundred and Twenty-Six

{not complete - ~~ is RBT translation}
1-2>>{Title} A Song of Ascents.
When Jehovah/God
'returns from captivity'/'restores the fortunes of' Zion,
 - we see it as in a dream - 2>>
our mouths shall be filled with laughter,
and our tongues, with songs of joy.
They shall say among the Nations/Gentiles,
'The Jehovah/God has manufactured from His grace {'asah}
great things for us.'

3~~Jehovah/God has 'manufactured out of His grace {'asah} for us.
We are full of joy {+ Happiness}.

4~~Turn again our captivity
  {cause us to recall the disastrous moments},
O Jehovah/God,
as the streams in the south.

{SuperGrace Believer that Recovers from Reversionism - See also Psalm 56:8 - Tears in the Bottle}
5~~They that sow in tears shall reap in joy.

{Note: We grow from applying doctrine to life's situations}

{Also see I Samuel 21 - David leaving Gath - Feigning Madness - Jesus Gives him Doctrine}
6~~He that goes forth weeping,
bears precious seed
  {the seed bearing produce here is the Bible doctrine Jesus gave
  David as he was cast out of Gath},
shall doubtless come again with rejoicing,
bringing his sheaves {produce from the seeds} with him.

{Note: 'Bringing in the sheaves' means you come to the Lord with nothing and HE provides everything.}