Psalm One Hundred and Thirty-Three

{Note: In I Samuel 23:18 and surrounding verses, we see that David and Saul's son Jonathan were great Category III friends. But in II Samuel 1:23 Jonathan is killed in battle alongside his father Saul. RBT says David wrote this Psalm in memory of his friend.}

1^^{Title} A Lyrical Song of stories/degrees/'stairs up' {ma`alah}
of David.

~~Behold, how good
  {towb - here the good fragrance of memories of a good friend}
and how delightful {na`iym}
 it is for brethren {good friends - Jonathan and David}
to dwell in prosperity
  {David stayed in the forest and dwelled in the place of blessing -
  but Jonathan emoted and went back to his father in the castle
  and died with him}
together even as one {in harmony and rapport}
  { yachad yachad - very strong in the Hebrew}!

2~~ It is like the good anointing oil on the head,
flowing down upon the beard
 - the beard of Aaron {referring to the High Priest's beard} -
that went down to the hem of his robes.

{Note: Here David is saying his cup of blessings is running over, but some 'oil' is missing. He is thinking back on his good friend Jonathan who should be with him as his second in command when David is king - but he is dead. When the High Priest was anointed in oil, he smelled so good that people shoved to get close to smell him.}

3~~As the dew of {Mount} Hermon
  {mountain in the North - represents the Northern tribes of Israel},
and as the dew that descended upon the mountains of Zion
  {represents the southern tribes of Israel} . . .
for there {in Zion}
Jehovah/God divinely decreed
prosperity blessing
  {God has set Jerusalem as the capital city of Israel} . . .
plus life evermore.

{Note: This verse is idiomatic for the unity of the 12 tribes of Israel. Had Jonathan lived, David is thinking that the civil war would not have had to happen and all Israel would have been united in prosperity and blessings forever and ever.}